Author Topic: pst-ulead.trid.xml for Ulead pattern image *.PST  (Read 756 times)


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pst-ulead.trid.xml for Ulead pattern image *.PST
« on: June 11, 2022, 01:40:40 AM »
Hello trid users,

some days ago handled some Microsoft Outlook Personal Folder which have the
file name extension PST. Just for interest i looked on my system for other
files with that suffix.

When running TrID on such hundreds examples get no reasonable output. The
examples are described wrong first by exe-xex.trid.xml as "Atari XE
Executable" and then as "MP3 audio" by audio-mp3.trid.xml. (See appended

Apparently my Ulead examples start with the same characteristic bytes. So
these are matched by XML constructs like:

So i run tridscan on my PST examples. The first four bytes seems to be
always the same. That is expressed by first XML construct like:

At offset 7 a string is stored that looks like:
So i mention this information in the remark line. That fact is expressed
inside global strings section by line like:

Before that always an upper capital letter C is stored and before that at
offset 4 the low string length (like n=18 21 24) is stored as 2 byte integer
in little endian format. That observations are expressed by XML construct
   <ASCII> . C</ASCII>

Unfortunately i found little information about such Ulead pattern images.
So i use as reference URL the site about Ulead on Wikipedia. That is
expressed by line like:

Instead of generic mime type application/octet-stream i choose an used
defined one. That is expressed by line like:

According to text on the internet this file format is used by different
products. Ulead was acquired by Corel. So my PST samples are part of
CorelDraw Essentials 3 version So i mention this fact in the
remark line. And a few PST examples in my suite like BrshIdx.pst apparently
use another file format. So maybe there exist different type depending on
file type version. I do not know.

With the new trid definition most of my Ulead PST examples are now described
( see appended output/trid-new-v.txt). TrID definitions, some examples and
output are stored in archive I hope that my XML file can be
used in future version of triddefs.

With best wishes
Jörg Jenderek