Author Topic: TrIDUpdate v1.00 - A quick way to keep the TRD definitions package current  (Read 37732 times)


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TrIDUpdate is a Python script for downloading the last TrIDDefs.TRD.
It first compare the MD5 digest of the current TRD file and the one available online, so if the file isn't changed it's very quick.

Code: [Select]

 MD5: 1bf1b5511092e5cbcf7bbde2da7ecf21
 Checking last version online...
 MD5: 6904c61a6e5701448c52b436bda3b95a
 Downloading new defs...
 Checking defs integrity...

 MD5: 6904c61a6e5701448c52b436bda3b95a
 Checking last version online...
 MD5: 6904c61a6e5701448c52b436bda3b95a
 Current defs are up-to-date.

Here's the link to download it:

N.B. Python 2.7.x required.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2012, 05:14:58 PM by Mark0 »