The .ca2 file is not in your directory. The .ca2 file is a zlib compressed file that contains various .xml files and other settings files for the xbox game Forza Motorsports. I will send it in so it may be listed.
As I have a program to decompress and extract them. I can only extract the files, I cannot recompress them. But with posting in here maybe someone can find a program or code their own program to recompress these files back into a .ca2 file (if you want to. But if you decide to do a good deed it doesn't have to be a gui program. just enough so we can run it in the command prompt. This is COMPLETELY optional. But you'll just be credited like a god if you find a way to compress them. lol). I have the source for the decompressor used. Just ask for it and I'll post a link or attach it.
If no one knows how to reverse the extract process and make it compress files back into a .ca2, Hopefully I can find a program (thanks to TrID with the help) which can decompress and compress these files.
I was amazed when TrID discovered that the file contains compressed .xml files. Good job on the work. This is where we have done a lot of research to opening and unpacking the forza files. Although we long for a .ca2 compressor.