Author Topic: Tip: Integrate TrIDNet on Windows Explorer context menu  (Read 30426 times)


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Tip: Integrate TrIDNet on Windows Explorer context menu
« on: October 09, 2006, 01:51:31 PM »
TrIDNet could be very easily integrated on Explorer's file context menu.
It's just a matter of adding a couple of registry keys:

Here's the detail of the keys:
Code: (reg) [Select]

@="TrID Analyze!"

@="c:\\trid\\tridnet.exe \"%1\""

You can download a suitable registry data fragment/file for Windows XP here: tridnet_contextmenu_xp.reg (zip compressed)
N.B. That registry data assume you have installed TrIDNet on C:\TRID\
If needed you can both change the file before running it, or modify the data with RegEdit later.

« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 03:26:20 AM by Mark0 »