Author Topic: updated wdx.trid.xml for Total Commander Content plugin *.wdx + 64-bit variant  (Read 1723 times)


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Hello trid users,

some days ago just for interest i inspect efi executables starting with MZ
magic. Afterwards i look for other MZ-executables on my systems. Such
samples with WDX file name extension are Total Commander Content plugins.

Many are described correctly by wdx.trid.xml as "Total Commander Content
plugin". But 3 examples like ExeFormat.wdx, audioinfo.wdx and deb_wdx.wdx
are only by described by dll.trid.xml as "Win32 Dynamic Link Library
(generic)" (See appended output/trid-v-old.txt)

For comparison reasons i also run other identifying tools on such examples.
The file command identifies these examples as "PE32 executable (DLL)" and
"Intel 80386, for MS Windows" (see appended output/file-5.39.txt).

So i run tridscan on 3 undetected samples and i update a trid definition
file wcx.trid.xml.xml. All my samples still start with typical Windows
executable phrase that is also found in other trid definitions
exe-win*.trid.xml. That is expressed by XML pattern blocks like:

Afterwards in global string section one lines vanished. That line was:
Afterwards in global string section one long lines gets splitted. That line
Now i get 3 lines with key word parts like:
Last line is triggered by keyword TThreadList in audioinfo.wdx.
Furthermore example ExeFormat.wdx.wdx does not depend on library USER32.DLL,
but is does contains keyword GetUserObjectInformation. So the following
lines becomes short:
This now becomes like:

Because such WDX file format is extended from DOS MZ executable, the
file command use mime type "application/x-dosexec" (see appended
output/file-i-5.39.txt), but the Wikipedia page about Portable
Executable mention another mime type. That is expressed by line like:

With the updated definition the 3 unspecific described WDX files are
now described more precisely (see appended output/trid-v-new.txt).

When looking in trid definition, i see that only 32-bit variants are
described According to Portable Executable documentation the COFF header
starts with 4 byte signature "PE\0\0" and typically this signature is still
near the beginning. Afterwards comes 2 byte machine types in little endian
format. For Intel 386 this value is 0x014c. That gives in ASCII the Letter L
after 4 byte signature. That is recognized by line like:

So the 64-bit content plugin extensions for Total Commander are not
recognized by this trid definition. The file command identifies 10 examples
as "PE32+ executable (DLL)" and "x86-64, for MS Windows" (see appended

So i run tridscan on 17 undetected samples and i generate trid definition
file wdx-64.trid.xml. All my samples start with typical Windows executable
phrase that is also found in other trid definitions exe-win*.trid.xml. That
is expressed by XML pattern blocks like:
For Intel/AMD x64 CPU type the machine type values is 0x8664. Then we get
letter d after 4 byte signature. So this is expressed by line

Instead of WDX file name extension the 64-bit plugins for Total commander
use WDX64. Later i find 5 more plugins with WDX file name extension( see
appended x64/output/file-5.39.txt).
These Plugins are used by the 64-bit variant of the Double Commander.  There
the 64-bit plugins also have the WDX extension like in the 32-bit variant.
So i mention this fact in a remark line like:
 Extension WDX64 is used by Total Commander,
 whereas the Double Commander use WDX
So file name extension is shown by line like:

Afterwards i delete short null patterns probably trigger d by lucky
circumstances like:
And in global string section i delete obviously short garbage patterns like:
   <String>D$ H</String>

With the additional definition for 64-bit the Total commander content
plugins are now described more precisely. Also the 64-bit plugins for Double
commander are now described more precisely (see appended

Besides plugins for packed files there exist also other Total/Double
Commander plugins for other purposes the with other file name
extensions. I will try to handle these things in a future session.

TrID definition, some examples and output are stored in archive I
hope that my 2 XML files can be used in future version of triddefs.

With best wishes
Jörg Jenderek


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