Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
$ | ZSoft Package format 2 | 41 | |
$00/$01/$02 | EDI Install archive | 66 | |
0 | Banyans VINES patch data | 822 | |
0 | Hacha multipart archive (block 0) | 4 | |
0/1/2/3 | My House floor data | 60 | |
00/01/02 | Uropa2 CObjects data | 15 | |
00/01/02 | Uropa2 droid data | 15 | |
000 | Afterlife game data | 4 | |
000/001/002 | Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut save game | 57 | |
000/001/002 | Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror save game | 57 | |
000 | Code-Name: Iceman saved game | 7 | |
000/RAW | Destruction Derby game data | 7 | |
000 | DoubleDisk compressed volume (v2.5) | 2 | |
000/001/002 | ECHO: Secrets of the Lost Cavern save game | 34 | |
000 | GNUboy savestate | 10 | |
000 | GeoWorks GEOS background | 23 | |
000 | GeoWorks GEOS help | 55 | |
000 | GeoWorks GEOS installation data | 4 | |
000 | GeoWorks GeoCalc spreadsheet | 7 | |
000 | GeoWorks GeoDraw drawing | 8 | |
000 | GeoWorks GeoFile database | 5 | |
000 | GeoWorks GeoWrite document | 30 | |
000 | GeoWorks Writer document | 24 | |
000 | GeoWorks Writer scrapbook | 6 | |
000 | GeoWorks data (generic) | 9 | |
000 | GeoWorks directory info | 34 | |
000/999 | Hard Disk Menu System menu | 2 | |
000 | Jazz Jackrabbit map | 50 | |
000 | PathMinder encrypted (v4.00) | 3 | |
000 | SCUMM room name list (v6) | 8 | |
000/001/999 | Sage Backup | 6 | |
000 | Sensible Golf game save (PC) | 4 | |
000 | Stacker compressed volume (generic) | 9 | |
000 | Stacker compressed volume (v1.x) | 4 | |
000 | Stacker compressed volume (v2.x) | 4 | |
000 | Stacker compressed volume (v3.x) | 5 | |
000 | Stacker compressed volume (v4.x) | 2 | |
000 | The Terminator: Future Shock saved game | 3 | |
000/VNM | Viacom New Media graphics | 2 | |
000 | Virtual CD image | 8 | Yamahapsr200 |
0000000001 | WiredTiger journal | 3 | |
0001/0002/0003 | Imagine 3D animation | 32 | |
001/002/999 | A Date in the Park save game | 9 | |
001 | CP Backup saved data (v7.x) | 7 | |
001/002/003 | Day of the Tentacle save game | 54 | |
001 | DoubleSpace compressed volume (v6.0) | 2 | |
001 | GLAMUS DOB-Structure | 3 | |
001/002/003 | Jules Verne: Journey to The Moon save game | 72 | |
001/002/003 | Metaphobia save game | 24 | |
001 | Norton Backup file | 2 | |
001/002/003 | Primordia save game (Win) | 78 | |
001 | SCUMM main data container (v6) | 4 | |
001/002/999 | The Terrible Old Man save game | 7 | |
001/002/003 | Veeco D3100 data (old) | 5 | |
078 | Game Doctor SF 3 saved game | 2 | |
078 | Game Doctor SF 7 saved game | 2 | |
0SC/0FN | Jazz Jackrabbit font/cutscene | 13 | |
1/2/3 | LocoScript PC installation data (v1.x) | 10 | |
1 | The Colony level map | 7 | |
123 | Lotus 123 Worksheet (V97) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
123 | Lotus 123 Worksheet (V98) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
123DX | Autodesk 123D 3D model design | 56 | |
1BK | 010 Editor bookmark | 3 | |
1CD | 1C Data Base | 4 | |
1DD | SMC-777 disk image | 5 | |
1DMBAK | 1DM Backup | 5 | |
1DR | 1dir+ directory Tree info | 3 | |
1SC | Bio-Rad Scan file | 26 | |
1TL | 010 Editor Template List | 3 | |
1TM | 1tracker Module | 75 | |
24/40/9 | TAG font | 21 | |
264 | ALRS H.264 DVR video | 2 | |
264/265/H264/H265 | HXV video (generic) | 55 | |
2BIT | 2BIT DNA sequences (LE) | 4 | |
2D | Mahalito 2D disk image | 2 | |
2D | VersaCAD 2D drawing (MS-DOS) | 14 | |
2DA | Infinity Engine 2-Dimensional Array (v1.0) | 852 | Sam. |
2DC | Cadwork 2D Catalog | 10 | |
2DD | Mahalito 2DD disk image | 2 | |
2DL | VersaCAD 2D Library (MS-DOS) | 4 | |
2DM | SMS 2D Mesh | 3 | |
2DO | 2Do data | 5 | |
2HD | Mahalito 2HD disk image | 3 | |
2MG/2IMG | 2IMG Universal Format disk image (Apple II) | 9 | |
2SFLIB | 2SF Nintendo DS Sound Format rip | 22 | |
3-D | 3-D Helicopter Simulator scenery | 8 | |
360 | 360desktop 360-degree Desktop image | 3 | |
386 | Human Machine Interfaces sound driver | 12 | |
386 | Windows Virtual Device Driver | 47 | |
3AD | 3D Construction Kit 2 Area | 5 | |
3BD | 3D Construction Kit Brushes data | 2 | |
3D | CAD-3D object | 14 | |
3D | Cadwork model (generic) | 14 | |
3D | Cadwork model (v29) | 6 | |
3D | Create+Shade 3D scene | 5 | |
3D | Polyfilm 3D model | 22 | |
3D | VersaCAD 3D drawing (MS-DOS) | 8 | |
3D | Vertex binary 3D object | 8 | |
3D | WGT 3D model | 3 | |
3D | XCar 3D model | 65 | |
3D2 | Cyber Studio CAD-3D v2 object | 13 | |
3DA | ArtCAM Assembly | 196 | |
3DB | 3DMark database | 4 | |
3DC/3DM | Cryo Interactive game data | 40 | |
3DD | 3D-Calc spreadsheet | 8 | |
3DD | Generic 3D Drafting drawing | 3 | |
3DEMON | 3-Demon project | 6 | |
3DF | 3DFX texture format (v1.x) | 42 | |
3DFONT | Wildfire 3D Font | 3 | |
3DL | Shaper LUT | 41 | |
3DL | Shaper LUT (with rem) | 3 | |
3DM | Cadent 3D Model | 5 | |
3DM | Rhinoceros 3D Model | 3 | |
3DMF/3DM | QuickDraw 3D Metafile (binary, BE) | 22 | |
3DMF/3DM | QuickDraw 3D Metafile (binary, LE) | 7 | |
3DMF | QuickDraw 3D Metafile (text) | 30 | |
3DMLW | 3D Markup Language for Web Model | 6 | |
3DN | Destan game data archive | 2 | |
3DOKU | 3Doku game | 2 | |
3DP | 3Digi Parameters | 6 | |
3DP | ArtCAM Project | 6 | |
3DP | Spin 3D model | 6 | |
3DR | 3DMark2003 Results | 4 | Dr.Ryo(TM) |
3DR | Cyclone 3DR project | 11 | |
3DS | 3D Studio mesh | 81 | |
3DSLASH | 3D Slash model | 5 | |
3DSX | Nintendo 3DS Homebrew relocatable and eXecutable binary | 9 | |
3DT | FoxGraph Data | 10 | |
3DV | Canoma scene (v1) | 28 | |
3DW | 3D World Studio model | 2 | |
3DXML | 3D XML files (unzipped) | 84 | Maggy Rond |
3DXML | 3D XML files (zipped) | 3 | |
3DZ | 3DZ QVox volume | 6 | |
3FD | 3D Construction Kit Font | 4 | |
3FR | Hasselblad 3F RAW image | 6 | |
3G2/3GPP2 | 3GPP2 multimedia audio/video | 39 | |
3G2 | KDDI 3GPP2 EZmovie video | 2 | |
3GA | Mobile phone audio | 12 | |
3GP/3GPP | 3GPP multimedia audio/video | 29 | |
3GP/3GPP | 3GPP/3GPP2 multimedia audio/video (generic) | 56 | |
3GR | FoxGraph Graph | 14 | |
3GX | Luma3DS plugin | 4 | |
3MF | 3D Manufacturing Format model | 39 | |
3MM/3TH/CHK/3CN | 3D Movie Maker (generic) | 63 | |
3OD | 3D Construction Kit 2 Object | 46 | |
3PJ | 3D Text Commander Project | 3 | |
3SD | 3D Construction Kit Shape data (v2.x) | 3 | |
3T4 | Util3 encoded | 3 | |
3WD | 3D Construction Kit World data | 4 | |
3X5 | 3by5 source | 2 | |
4BT | GoDot 4-bit graphics bitmap | 3 | |
4D | Aladdin 4D Drawing (generic) | 7 | |
4D | Aladdin 4D Drawing (v2.x) | 5 | |
4D | Aladdin 4D Drawing (v3.x) | 7 | |
4DB | 4th Dimension database | 2 | |
4DF/4DFF | Aladdin 4D Font | 14 | |
4DOSAV | 4DO Saved state | 13 | |
4DP | 4D Paint Project | 16 | |
4MU | Wikireader Forth program | 14 | |
4PK | Perfect Keyboard macro set | 11 | |
4PP/PHP | Photoparade Slideshow | 26 | |
4Q | Quartet ST module | 23 | |
4V | Quartet module | 9 | |
4WR | 4D Write document | 12 | |
4XM | 4X Movie video | 2 | |
545 | AIMutation skin | 13 | |
565 | OLPC 565 bitmap | 2 | |
5VW | 5View capture | 5 | |
602 | Text602 document (v1.x) | 4 | |
602 | Text602 document (v3.x) | 8 | |
64C | C64 8x8 font bitmap | 5 | |
64S | Hoxs64 state snapshot | 4 | |
669 | Composer 669 module | 169 | |
669 | Unis 669 module | 4 | |
6PACK/6PK | 6pack compressed data | 3 | |
777 | 777 compressed archive | 17 | Label |
7Z | 7-Zip compressed archive (gen) | 4 | |
7Z | 7-Zip compressed archive (v0.4) | 12 | |
8* | PhotoShop plug-in (generic) | 128 | |
86F | 86Box Floppy disk image | 4 | |
86F | 86Box Floppy disk image (compressed) | 2 | |
8BF | Photoshop filter plug-in | 271 | |
8SVX/IFF | Amiga IFF 8SVX audio | 110 | |
8XK | Texas Instruments TI-8x series Calculators Program | 37 | |
8XU | Texas Instruments TI-8x series Calculators OS Upgrade | 4 | |
92I | TI bitmap | 28 | |
94B | 94B sound bank | 10 | |
??_ | Stirling Technologies InstallShield compressed | 4 | |
@@@ | DOS 2.0-3.2 Backup control info | 31 | Joerg Jenderek |
@@@ | DOS 2.0-3.2 Backup control info (lastdisk) | 14 | Joerg Jenderek |
_01 | Compaq QRST disk image | 6 | |
_01 | Frontier: First Encounters saved commander | 49 | |
_FLAT | Omicron flat SPM data | 2 | |
_IM | IBM Audio Visual Connection (AVC) Still Video Image | 2 | |
{SA}PROJ | {smartassembly} project | 29 | Ryan Jones |
~I | AZZ Cardfile index | 25 | |