Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
L01 | Encase Logical Evidence | 4 | Diego Marson |
L01 | Logical File eVidence disk image | 2 | |
L2R | Lineage II Replay | 4 | |
L2R | Lineage II data | 2 | |
L3 | Hitachi Basic Master Level 3 game | 4 | |
L30 | Bitmapped Signum!2 printer font (Laser/Inkjet) | 5 | |
L3K | BML3MK5 recorded keys | 4 | |
L3R | BML3MK5 snapshot | 3 | |
L4D | CINEMA 4D Layout | 2 | |
L4D | Maxon Cinema 4D Layout (rel.6) | 2 | |
L5K | Logix Designer project import/export format | 7 | |
L5K | Logix Designer project import/export format (UTF-8) | 12 | |
L5X | Logix Designer project import/export format (XML) (UTF-8) | 4 | |
L64 | 64LAN container | 15 | |
L6T | Line 6 Tone | 9 | |
L86 | CP/M-86 library | 14 | |
LA | La Lossless Audio compressed (generic) | 66 | |
LA | La Lossless Audio compressed (v0.2) | 13 | |
LA | La Lossless Audio compressed (v0.3) | 53 | |
LA | La Lossless Audio compressed (v0.4) | 53 | |
LA | libtool library control info | 81 | Joerg Jenderek |
LAA | LucasArts Ad Lib Audio module | 9 | |
LAB | Bar-One Lite label | 12 | |
LAB | LucasArts game data archive | 14 | |
LAB | Turbiscan raw results | 11 | |
LAD | Company Ladder diagram | 6 | |
LAD | JuggleKrazy Ladder diagram | 7 | |
LAM | LambChop fragment | 16 | |
LAN/GIS | ERDAS Image bitmap (v7.x) | 4 | |
LANG | GtkSourceView language definition | 23 | |
LAS | ASPRS Lidar Data Exchange Format | 15 | |
LAS | CWLS Log ASCII Standard | 34 | |
LAS | CWLS Log ASCII Standard (with rem) | 9 | |
LASX | LAS sidecar auxilliary data | 2 | |
LAT | MicroLathe object | 8 | |
LAUNCH | Eclipse Launch configuration | 30 | |
LAV | DNA Sequence Alignment | 8 | |
LAV | STE Limited Audio/Video (v2) | 4 | |
LAX | LaunchAnywhere configuration | 17 | |
LAY | Advanced Layouter project | 3 | |
LAY | Applause Layout data | 18 | |
LAY | MAME Layout | 10 | |
LAY | Magnetic Scrolls Collection Layout | 3 | |
LAY | PolyPlot Layer (v3.0) | 17 | |
LAY | Sprint Layout Printed Circuit Design (v6.0) | 5 | Abacom |
LAY | SuperKey keyboard Layout | 2 | |
LAY | Tecplot Layout | 19 | |
LAY6 | Sprint Layout 6 PCB Layout | 10 | |
LAYOUT | Code::Blocks Workspace Layout | 9 | |
LAYOUT | Free42 Layout / skin | 18 | |
LAZ | ASPRS Lidar Data Exchange Format (compressed) | 24 | |
LAZ | LiquidApps project | 6 | |
LB | Low Bitrate Packer compressed audio | 7 | |
LB2 | Princess Maker 2 installation compressed data | 45 | |
LB6/LBX | CODESYS Library | 25 | |
LBK | Jeppesen/Mentor FliteLog Log | 3 | |
LBL/CAT/DIM/MDM3/MOS/SLP | Detached PDS Label info (v3) | 440 | |
LBL | MapWindow Labels | 8 | |
LBL | PC-Label Label | 4 | |
LBL | ZebraDesigner project | 12 | |
LBL | dBASE IV Label design | 16 | |
LBO | dBASE compiled Label | 2 | |
LBP | vLabeler project | 11 | |
LBR | C64 LiBRary container | 2 | |
LBR | EAGLE Library | 86 | |
LBR | EAGLE Library (XML) | 49 | |
LBR | LU library | 2 | |
LBR | Micro Focus COBOL Library | 3 | |
LBR | Micro Focus VS Cobol library | 7 | |
LBR | MinerVGA sprites Library | 2 | |
LBRN | LightBurn project | 6 | |
LBS | Omnis Studio Library | 78 | |
LBT | P-touch Editor Lite Label | 4 | |
LBW | Laubwerk model | 4 | |
LBX | Brother P-touch Editor Label | 8 | |
LBX | SimTex LBX game data container | 2 | |
LBXLLS | Logos Libronix 3.0 data | 6 | |
LC | Laser Compact compressed screen | 2 | |
LCA | SimpleFormat Changeables Graphic | 58 | |
LCD | Lucid 3-D spreadsheet (v1.x) | 7 | |
LCD | Lucid 3-D spreadsheet (v2.x) | 4 | |
LCF | LICEcap Format lossless video | 2 | |
LCH | Footprint/IBM Works Chart data | 2 | |
LCH | LabChirp sound (v1.0x) | 26 | Luke Villalobos |
LCK | Paradox Lock | 3 | |
LCPL | Readium LCP DRM License Document | 12 | |
LCR | LabChirp preset (v1.0x) | 34 | Luke Villalobos |
LCR | PLBM Games game data | 48 | |
LD | Polycom SoundPoint IP firmware | 36 | |
LD2 | Lingoes Dictionary | 6 | |
LDB | Footprint/IBM Works Data Filer DataBase | 3 | |
LDB | RPG Maker 2000/2003 DataBase | 2 | |
LDBS | LDBS disk image (-v0.2) | 2 | |
LDBS | LDBS disk image (generic) | 13 | |
LDBS | LDBS disk image (v0.3) | 9 | |
LDBST | LDBS text format disk image | 2 | |
LDBST | LDBS text format disk image (UTF-8) | 2 | |
LDE | Footprint/IBM Works Data Filer Design | 5 | |
LDEFS | Ghidra Language Definitions | 43 | |
LDF | Footprint/IBM Works Data Filer Form | 5 | |
LDF | Lattice Diamond Project | 16 | |
LDF | LuraDocument Format bitmap | 21 | |
LDF | Lynx Disk Format | 9 | |
LDF | Microsoft SQL Server log (generic) | 17 | Andreas |
LDIF | LDAP Data Interchange Format | 17 | |
LDL | Actor Library Definition Language | 12 | |
LDM | Ludek Maker bitmap | 2 | |
LDP | Altium Designer Layer Pairs export data | 10 | |
LDR | GoDot C64 Image Processing - Loader | 24 | |
LDR | LDraw Model | 15 | |
LDR | Pioneer DJ MEP-7000 firmware (control unit) | 3 | |
LDR | Pioneer DJ MEP-7000 firmware (drive unit) | 3 | |
LDS | LD Linker Script | 10 | |
LDS | LD Linker Script (with rem) | 10 | |
LDS | Lingoes Dictionary | 3 | |
LDS | Liquid Digitized Sample Specification | 2 | |
LDS | Sentinel RMS generator license | 4 | |
LDW | Little Draw Drawing | 5 | |
LDW | Virtual Villagers data | 4 | |
LDX | Lingoes Dictionary | 12 | fengdaolong |
LDX | Liquid Executable bytecode | 142 | |
LEF | LEN Exchange Format | 9 | |
LEF | Lenex XML data | 8 | |
LEF | Library Exchange Format (v5.x) | 18 | |
LEF | Library Exchange Format (v5.x, with rem) | 18 | |
LEGOBATMAN2SAVEGAMEDATA | LEGO Batman 2 Saved Game | 6 | |
LEP | Lepton bitmap | 2 | |
LEP | Lepton bitmap (zlib compressed) | 2 | |
LES/CBT | Microsoft Lesson/tutorial | 8 | |
LET | CharlieWrite document | 6 | |
LEV | Assault Wing level | 15 | |
LEV | Big Red Racing Level | 26 | |
LEV | Crimson Fields Level data | 22 | |
LEV | Levelogger Software Data | 9 | |
LEV | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Level data | 6 | |
LEV | V-Wing Level game data | 11 | |
LEX | Polar SpellChecker dictionary | 13 | |
LEX/THS | Proximity Technology Lexicon/Thesaurus | 12 | |
LFD | Lucas Film Data - Panel | 7 | |
LFD | LucasFilm Data - LucasArts game resource | 58 | |
LFM | Lazarus Form | 13 | |
LFP | Lytro Light Field Picture web format | 28 | |
LFP/LFR | Lytro Raw image | 52 | |
LFP | Lytro image Stack info | 5 | |
LFR | Leapfrog Resource | 3 | |
LFT | 3D Studio Loft Object | 35 | Tyler Thorsted |
LFVIEW | Leapfrog Scene | 3 | |
LG | ARHANGEL compressed archive | 4 | |
LG | Leonard Guides compiled data | 2 | |
LG32 | GFA-BASIC 32 library | 58 | |
LGC/LGD | Windows application log | 3 | |
LGD | Radix Level Game Design | 3 | Robert Winkens |
LGF | Logomotion Graphic File | 3 | |
LGL | Caligari TrueSpace Light Library | 16 | |
LGM | Logitech MouseWare Web browser buttons Mapping | 12 | |
LGO | Modern ListGeo Output | 94 | |
LGO | Windows logo drawing code | 13 | |
LGP | Final Fantasy Game Archive | 2 | |
LGP | Logitech G15 keyboard Profile | 7 | |
LGR | MiAmiga Ledger data | 5 | |
LGS | Leica Geosystems universal digital reality project | 13 | Tyler Thorsted |
LGX | Logistix spreadsheet (generic) | 23 | |
LGX | Logistix spreadsheet (v2.x) | 11 | |
LGX | Logistix spreadsheet (v3.x) | 8 | |
LHA | Amiga WHDLoad package (lha compressed) | 19 | |
LHTS | The Movies Editor Text String Database | 3 | |
LHW | Lhwarp compressed disk image | 4 | |
LIA | Avatar Studio Animation | 21 | |
LIA | P-CAD ASCII Library | 2 | |
LIB/OBJ | Amiga Hunk library/object code | 15 | |
LIB | CIRCAD source library (v4.x) | 4 | |
LIB | CIRCAD source library (v5.x) | 12 | |
LIB | Central Point Software Library/overlay (v2) | 2 | |
LIB | Central Point Software Library/overlay (v3) | 2 | |
LIB | Chess Assistant Library | 6 | |
LIB | DipTrace Pattern Library | 53 | |
LIB | EEDraw Library | 16 | |
LIB | Electronic Arts LIB container | 2 | |
LIB | High Speed Pascal compiled Units Library | 5 | |
LIB | KiCad part Library | 5 | |
LIB | Maple V R4 Library | 2 | |
LIB | Maple V R5 Library | 2 | |
LIB | Maple V R6 Library | 2 | |
LIB | MegaPaint symbols Library | 2 | |
LIB | Microsoft Basic 7.x compiled library | 46 | |
LIB | Microsoft Basic compiled library (generic) | 52 | |
LIB | Microsoft VBDOS 1.00 compiled library | 26 | |
LIB | Microsoft Visual C Library | 109 | |
LIB | Mythos Software LIB game data container | 2 | |
LIB | OrCAD Library model | 8 | |
LIB | P-CAD binary Library | 912 | |
LIB | TML BASIC Library | 26 | |
LIB | The Office Publisher Library (v1.x) | 63 | |
LIB | TopSpeed Modula-2 Library | 23 | |
LIB | ULTIboard Library | 24 | |
LIB | ULTIcap Library | 40 | |
LIB4D | Cinema 4D Preset Library | 5 | |
LIBPKG | Altium Designer integrated Library Package | 23 | |
LIBPKG | Altium Designer integrated Library Package (UTF8) | 9 | |
LIBR | Music-X patch Library | 4 | |
LIBRARY | PageStream colors Library | 4 | |
LIBRARY-MS | Microsoft Windows library description | 5 | |
LIBZIP | Camtasia Studio Zipped Library | 5 | |
LIC | AKVIS License | 3 | |
LIC | ESET NOD32 Antivirus License data | 9 | |
LIC | MATLAB license passcode | 5 | |
LIC | MathWorks License | 9 | |
LIC | Menavrus License | 3 | |
LIC | Veeam Backup and Replication License | 10 | |
LID | InstallShield Language Identifier | 12 | |
LID | Lextek Language Identification Module | 4 | |
LID | Skunny Kart Library game data | 4 | |
LIF/HPI | HP Logical Interchange Format disk image | 9 | Joerg Jenderek |
LIF | LIF installer-archive format | 17 | |
LIF | LIFE 3000 status | 8 | |
LIF | Lego Digital Designer data | 5 | |
LIF | Leica Image File Format | 14 | |
LIF | Life cellular automata format | 6 | |
LIFT | Lexicon Interchange FormaT | 19 | |
LIGHT | Plotter3D Light | 7 | |
LIGHTHOUSE-PROJECT | Lighthouse Project | 12 | |
LIGHTS | Create+Shade Lights | 4 | |
LIGT | Caligari TrueSpace Light (v2.x) | 5 | |
LIM | Lernout and Hauspie data | 72 | |
LIM | Limit compressed archive | 17 | |
LIN/MAP | Electronic Arts interactive sequence | 3 | |
LIN | X-Plane Painted Line | 7 | |
LING | Linguae dictionary | 3 | |
LIO | Avatar Studio LIO | 289 | |
LION | Lionheart module | 10 | |
LIQ | Liquid Tracker module | 6 | |
LIS | ASEAM 2 Loads Input Screen/Data | 19 | |
LISAEM | LisaEm configuration | 2 | |
LISPM | Lisp Machine bitmap | 2 | |
LIST | JAR Index | 10 | |
LIST | iPhone contacts List | 10 | |
LIT | Fractal Design Painter Lighting Lib | 4 | |
LIT | Microsoft Reader eBook | 515 | |
LIT | Microsoft Reader eBook (no DRM) | 49 | |
LIT | Quake colored light data | 11 | |
LITEMOD | Minecraft LiteLoader Mod | 8 | |
LITTLE | Mozilla startupCache | 12 | Joerg Jenderek |
LIV | LiveMotion project | 27 | |
LIZ | Lizard compressed data | 10 | |
LI_ | Cornel Huth compressed library | 6 | |
LK12 | Liko-12 disk | 6 | |
LKD | Pioneer OEL screensaver | 13 | |
LL | Combit List and Label printer setup file | 15 | |
LLM | Linden binary Mesh | 7 | |
LLMESH | Linden Lab Mesh | 340 | |
LLSD | Linden Lab Structured Data | 6 | |
LM | Windows LM data | 2 | |
LMA | Learning Mobile Author (LMA) Project | 5 | |
LMD | Sony PictureGear Studio PrintStudio template | 143 | |
LME | Leggless Music Editor module | 7 | |
LMF | Quartus Library Mapping File | 6 | |
LMK | Sothink Logo Maker logo | 27 | |
LMP | Opticks Lamp | 9 | |
LMP | Sonic Robo Blast 2 replay/demo | 2 | |
LMS | LEGO Mindstorms EV3 bytecode Language | 12 | |
LMS | Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor code | 10 | |
LMS | Turbo Fractal Generator Lindenmayer-System | 9 | |
LMT | RPG Maker 2000/2003 Map Tree | 2 | |
LMU | RPG Maker 2000/2003 Map | 41 | |
LMU | Sony PictureGear Studio PrintStudio document | 4 | |
LMX | Lomax game data | 47 | |
LMX | Route 66 Landmarks | 6 | |
LN | Seal Link | 25 | |
LNARC | LucaNet archive (v2.0) | 2 | |
LND | 3D Landscape project (v1.0) | 8 | |
LNEMF | Lasernet print document | 4 | |
LNF | Look and Feel screen | 3 | |
LNG | Necromancer's Dos Navigator Language | 2 | |
LNG | OpenTTD Language data | 56 | |
LNG | OpenTTD Language strings | 131 | |
LNG | SourceEdit Language Definition | 29 | |
LNG | SvarDOS Language | 8 | |
LNG | VirtualBus Language | 6 | |
LNK | Windows Shortcut | 506 | |
LNR | Lenen video | 6 | |
LNX | Atari Lynx ROM | 23 | |
LNX | Lynx archive | 23 | |
LOADTEST | Visual Studio LoadTest project | 11 | |
LOC | Dr. Halo IV Locator driver | 6 | |
LOC | EA Localized Strings game data | 4 | |
LOC | The Touryst game data | 2 | |
LOC | Topografix's EasyGPS/TerraByte Location file | 13 | |
LOCAL | Borland user specific project options | 7 | |
LOCK | Cargo lock | 17 | |
LOCK | Conda Lock | 17 | |
LOCK | Ghidra project Lock | 6 | |
LOCK | WiredTiger Lock | 3 | |
LOCK | Yarn Lock | 9 | |
LOD | Logitech Modula-2 Loadable program (v1.x) | 11 | |
LOD | Logitech Modula-2 Loadable program (v2.x) | 10 | |
LOD | SPI Flash 32 firmware | 16 | |
LODS | DCS LODS info | 11 | |
LOF | Leica Object Format | 16 | |
LOG | AIBB results log | 3 | |
LOG | AMIDiag diagnostic report | 2 | |
LOG | BTSnoop capture format | 4 | |
LOG | Cabrillo Log (v2.0) | 9 | |
LOG | Cabrillo Log (v3.0) | 16 | |
LOG | Central Point Commute activity Log | 3 | |
LOG | CloudFront Log | 4 | |
LOG | DxWnd Log | 15 | |
LOG | HijackThis logfile | 3 | |
LOG | MEmuSVC log | 4 | |
LOG | Microsoft IIS log | 11 | |
LOG | Nmap scan results | 10 | |
LOG | Notator Logic project | 59 | |
LOG | OGW Log | 24 | |
LOG | Siemens ORSI Log | 2 | |
LOG/LOG1/LOG2 | Windows NT Registry Hive (transaction 1) | 4 | |
LOG/LOG1/LOG2 | Windows NT Registry Hive (transaction 2) | 4 | |
LOG/LOG1/LOG2 | Windows NT Registry Hive (transaction 6) | 4 | |
LOG | Wise Installer log | 14 | |
LOG | ddrescue mapfile/Logfile | 10 | |
LOGBOOK3 | SportTracks Log | 9 | |
LOGICDATA | Saleale Logic 1 capture format | 8 | |
LOGICX | Logic Pro X project | 5 | |
LOGONVISTA | LogonStudio Vista logon image | 4 | |
LOGONXP | LogonStudio theme | 9 | |
LOGOS4 | Logos 4 data | 12 | |
LOOK | SpeedGrade Look | 8 | |
LOP | VideoMaxe Layout Preset | 4 | |
LOT | InterBase Layout (v1.0) | 9 | |
LP | LaTeX-CAD drawing | 16 | |
LP | LibrePCB Project | 4 | |
LP | LibrePCB board | 2 | |
LP | LibrePCB board user settings | 2 | |
LP | LibrePCB boards list | 2 | |
LP | LibrePCB circuit | 2 | |
LP | LibrePCB component | 14 | |
LP | LibrePCB data (generic) | 2560 | |
LP | LibrePCB electrical rule check | 2 | |
LP | LibrePCB jobs list | 2 | |
LP | LibrePCB project metadata | 2 | |
LP | LibrePCB project settings | 2 | |
LP | LibrePCB schematic | 2 | |
LP | LibrePCB schematics list | 2 | |
LP | LibrePCB symbol | 20 | |
LP | Lightscape Preparatation | 6 | |
LPAQ | lpaq compressed data (generic) | 15 | |
LPAQ1 | lpaq1 compressed data | 2 | |
LPATCH | Lame Patcher Patch | 10 | |
LPD | Avery Label Pro label (v2-3.0) | 2 | |
LPD | Lecturnity Player file | 22 | Meigel |
LPI | Lazarus Project Information | 27 | |
LPI | LivePix project (v2.5) | 203 | |
LPK | Lazarus Package | 10 | |
LPK | Tecplot Layout Package | 6 | |
LPKG | Liferay Application | 6 | |
LPMD | LPMD Molecular Data | 4 | |
LPPZ | LibrePCB Project Zipped | 9 | |
LPS | Lazarus Project Session | 8 | |
LPU | Passolo Localization Project | 63 | fengdaolong |
LQM/JLQM | LG QuickMemo note | 6 | |
LQT | Liquid Audio | 4 | |
LRC | Lerc1 compressed bitmap | 2 | |
LRC | Lerc2 bitmap | 2 | |
LRC | Lyric file (with ID tags) | 8 | |
LRCAT | Adobe Lightroom Catalog | 37 | |
LRF | Lotus Raster Font | 61 | |
LRF | MagicScore Language Resource File | 17 | |
LRF | Unencrypted BBeB - BroadBand eBook | 8 | |
LRG | xRes multi-resolution bitmap | 19 | Tyler Thorsted |
LRPREV | Lightroom preview data | 2337 | |
LRS | Corel Language Resource | 4 | |
LRS | Lexar Encrypted file | 3 | |
LRTEMPLATE | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Template | 88 | |
LRZ | Long Range Zip compressed | 2 | |
LS | Lightscape Radiosity | 5 | |
LS3PROJ | Visual Studio LightSwitch (V3) Project | 6 | |
LSA | Domino Designer Agent | 9 | |
LSA | Xiaomi Gallery hidden photo | 10 | |
LSC | LOGO!Soft Comfort Circuit | 11 | |
LSD | ABBYY Lingvo dictionary | 55 | kif aka AC |
LSD | ASEAM 2 data screen | 49 | |
LSD | LInk System Application Data Format | 3 | |
LSD | LiveStage Pro project (v1) | 3 | |
LSD | LiveStage Pro project (v2-4) | 10 | |
LSD | PointCab LSD binary pointcloud data | 38 | |
LSD | RPG Maker 2000/2003 Save Data | 4 | |
LSDX | LabelShop Document | 6 | |
LSDX | PointCab Scan Project Description | 4 | |
LSE | PointCab project | 12 | |
LSET | Worm Wars Levelset | 3 | |
LSG | LimeSurvey Group structure | 3 | |
LSIM | LogicSim circuit (Java ver.) | 6 | |
LSL | LiveSplit Layout | 11 | |
LSL | SuperMap World GIS Line Style Library | 6 | Kieran O'Donnell |
LSM | Linux Software Map entry (gen) | 52 | |
LSM | Linux Software Map entry (v2) | 19 | |
LSM | Linux Software Map entry (v3) | 12 | |
LSM | Linux Software Map entry (v4) | 21 | |
LSM | Lotus Movie | 5 | |
LSMV | Lsnes movie capture | 10 | |
LSN | Liberty BASIC Lesson | 4 | |
LSO | Logic Song (generic) | 99 | |
LSO | Logic Song (v1) | 5 | |
LSO | Logic Song (v2) | 4 | |
LSO | Logic Song (v4) | 79 | |
LSP | AutoCAD Protected LISP code | 2 | |
LSPROJ | Visual Studio LightSwitch Project | 12 | |
LSS | Footprint/IBM Works SpreadSheet | 4 | |
LSS | Handy savestate (v2) | 2 | |
LSS | Handy savestate (v3) | 12 | |
LSS/16 | LSS16 SYSLINUX Splash image | 4 | |
LSS | Legato SpreadSheet | 14 | |
LSS | LimeSurvey Survey | 13 | |
LSS | LiveSplit Split | 4 | |
LSS | LiveSplit Split (UTF-8) | 8 | |
LST | Adobe FontList | 9 | |
LST | Brik checksums | 12 | |
LST | CUPL error Listing | 6 | |
LST | FailSafe Computer Guardian List | 2 | |
LST | HyperACCESS hosts password List (v2) | 2 | |
LST | IBM AntiVirus virus signatures | 5 | |
LST | IMS music List | 2 | |
LST | Kaspersky Lab black list file | 3 | |
LST | Microsoft Setup Toolkit for Windows files List | 7 | |
LST | SyncTERM dialing directory | 4 | |
LSV | Larian Studios save | 5 | |
LSXPROJ | Visual Studio LightSwitch Project | 8 | |
LSXTPROJ | Visual Studio LightSwitch project | 6 | |
LSZ | Litestep theme | 8 | |
LT | Student Writing Center Letter | 2 | |
LT/JN/NL/RP/SG/LTT/NLT/RPT/SGT | Student Writing Center document (generic) | 23 | |
LT2 | Poser Light set | 16 | |
LTA | Lead Technologies compressed Archive | 3 | |
LTD | LogTag Data | 2 | |
LTF | Frogans Short-cut | 8 | |
LTM | Lib TAS LTM capture (ungzipped) | 11 | |
LTM | Lotus Forms Template | 3 | |
LTN | LinkTreeNote document | 5 | |
LTP | LTP Nuclear ZX tape image | 3 | |
LTR | PC-File mail-merge Letter | 4 | |
LTR | WinWay Letter (v4.0) | 10 | |
LTW | Incredimail Letter creator project | 8 | |
LUA | Ardour Lua plugin | 132 | |
LUA | Ardour Lua plugin (with rem) | 7 | |
LUACODEC | Reason Remote Lua Codec | 5 | |
LUAR | UltraDefrag Lua Report | 3 | |
LUT | Houdini LUT | 73 | |
LUT | LUT (LUTCalc) | 15 | |
LUT | MSS LUT | 12 | |
LUT | Olympus OIF LUT | 7 | |
LVA | Logitech Video Effects Avatar | 6 | |
LVDD | LabVIEW Data Dashboard | 15 | |
LVF | Lightweight Video Format video | 5 | |
LVF | Logitech Video Effects Face Accessory | 10 | |
LVF | Logo Report View File | 2 | |
LVF | Lotus Vector Font | 13 | |
LVI | Lazesoft disk image | 5 | |
LVL/SPE | Abuse Level | 157 | |
LVL | Microtime Animal level data | 2 | |
LVL | Pharaoh's Ascent Level data | 13 | |
LVL | Star Wars Battlefront game data archive | 2 | |
LVLIB | LabVIEW project Library | 5 | |
LVLIB | LabVIEW project Library (UTF-8) | 10 | |
LVLPS | LabVIEW Local Project Settings | 16 | | NEW! |
LVLX | PGE Extendable Level | 4 | |
LVM | LabVIEW Measurement | 8 | |
LVM | LiveSwif Movie (ungzipped) | 6 | |
LVPROJ | LabVIEW Project | 24 | | NEW! |
LVW | Livewire Document | 8 | |
LW | LiteWave compressed audio | 48 | |
LWC/LWE/LWH/LWM | LinkWay data | 44 | |
LWD | MyWay / WipNav (RNEG) speed cameras data | 12 | |
LWF | LuraWave Format bitmap | 27 | |
LWG | Ludwig project | 13 | |
LWI | LightWork Image bitmap | 7 | |
LWLAYOUT | Lightworks Layout | 20 | |
LWO/LW/LIGHTWAVE | LightWave 3D Object | 79 | |
LWO | LightWave 3D Object (LWO2) | 40 | |
LWO | LightWave 3D Object (LWOB) | 5 | |
LWP | Footprint/IBM Works Document | 19 | |
LWP | IBM Works for OS/2 word processor document | 2 | |
LWP | Lotus Word Pro document (generic) | 10 | |
LWP | Lotus Word Pro document (v7) | 35 | |
LWR | Logo Writer page (v2.0) | 85 | |
LWS/SCN | LightWave 3D Scene | 224 | |
LWTP | LimeWire theme | 13 | |
LX01 | EnCase Lx01 Logical format | 3 | |
LXF | LEGO Exchange Format - Digital Designer | 19 | |
LXF | Leitch Native Stream Format video | 2 | |
LXF | SPLASH - Lenex compressed data | 7 | |
LXFML | LEGO Digital Designer XML data | 14 | |
LXO | Luxology 3D scene | 4 | |
LXT | interLaced eXtensible Trace (v1) | 0 | Joerg Jenderek |
LXXPLOT | LXBeams Light Plot | 10 | |
LY/ILY | LilyPond music score | 860 | |
LY | Softdesk AdCADD layer default | 7 | |
LYAP | Lyapunov Space Generator parameters | 10 | |
LYNXSNAPSHOT | Jynx Snapshot | 6 | |
LYR | ArcGIS Layer | 44 | |
LYR | ImageEn Layer | 4 | |
LYR | Project Dogwaffle layered bitmap | 7 | |
LYRX | ArcGIS Pro Layer | 16 | |
LYS | Lychee Slicer Scene | 39 | |
LYT | DESQview/X Layout | 3 | |
LYT | Newton Toolkit Layout settings | 3 | |
LYT | PCB Layout | 7 | |
LYT | Prima PrintMagic Layout | 309 | |
LYX | LyX document | 15 | |
LYZ | LaserDRW drawing | 2 | |
LZ | LZIP compressed archive | 6 | |
LZ1 | LZBW1 compressed data | 3 | |
LZ4 | LZ4 compressed stream | 2 | |
LZ4 | LZ4 compressed stream (Mozilla) | 10 | Joerg Jenderek |
LZ4 | LZ4 compressed stream (old) | 2 | |
LZ4 | LZ4 compressed stream (v1) | 0 | Joerg Jenderek |
LZ5 | LZ5 compressed stream | 4 | |
LZA | LZA animation/video | 3 | |
LZA | LZA compressed archive | 3 | |
LZC | Need for Speed game data | 7 | |
LZD | LDIFF Differences Data (v1.0) | 6 | |
LZD | LDIFF Differences Data (v2.0) | 2 | |
LZH/LHA | LHARC/LZARK compressed archive (generic) | 32 | |
LZH | LHARK compressed archive | 5 | |
LZH | X-Finder theme | 15 | |
LZHAM | LZHAM compressed data | 3 | |
LZMA | LZMA compressed archive | 70 | selepo |
LZO | lzop compressed | 5 | |
LZP | LazPaint bitmap | 2 | |
LZRC | Sony PS3 LZRC compressed data | 4 | Masamune3210 |
LZS | LArc compressed archive | 12 | |
LZS | LZS/Stac compressed data | 2 | |
LZS | SkyRoads bitmap | 17 | |
LZT | LZGT compressed data | 5 | |
LZT | LzTurbo compressed | 6 | |
LZU | LZUF compressed data | 3 | |
LZX | LZX Amiga compressed archive | 83 | Lukasz Jakubowski |
LZZ | LZA compressed data | 4 | |