Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
M | E module/library | 5 | |
M | Maple Common Binary (Amiga) | 191 | |
M | Maple Common Binary file (generic) | 15 | |
M | PC9801 rip | 35 | |
M | Twist Mailmerge script | 7 | |
M01/P01/R01/S01 | MicroStation Modification resource file | 8 | |
M1 | Tales Runner Model Mesh (v1) | 2 | |
M15 | thinEdge model | 4 | |
M2 | Mesa 2 spreadsheet | 12 | |
M2 | PC-98 Music | 20 | |
M2 | World of Warcraft Model | 2666 | Wayne Woods |
M2I | MMC2IEC mapping/container format | 40 | |
M2S | Maxthon skin (MX2) | 16 | |
M2TS/MTS | MPEG-2 Transport Stream video | 50 | Yamahapsr200 |
M3 | Midget 3 song | 3 | |
M32 | MT32 Tracker module | 11 | |
M3D | Kompas-3D (v15-,ZIP) | 19 | |
M3D | Kompas-3D Model | 16 | |
M3D | Model 3D | 9 | |
M3G | Mobile 3D Graphics | 8 | |
M3S | Myst III: Exile saved game | 98 | |
M3U | Extended M3U playlist | 10 | .Cryorb |
M3U8/M3U | Extended M3U playlist (UTF-8) | 6 | |
M4 | m4 preprocessor / macro source | 9 | |
M4A/MP4 | AAC Audio in MP4 container | 14 | |
M4A | Apple Lossless Audio Codec | 32 | |
M4B | iTunes Audio Book | 6 | |
M4P | Protected iTunes Music Store audio track | 8 | |
M4S | DASH video Segment | 8 | |
M4S | Myst IV: Revelation saved game | 37 | |
M4V | iTunes Apple TV Video | 11 | |
M4V | iTunes Apple iPhone Video | 14 | |
M4V | iTunes Video | 21 | |
M5P | Motus MachFive Preset | 26 | |
M64 | mupen64 movie capture | 2 | |
M65 | Microtan 65 dump (extended) | 6 | |
M65 | Microtan 65 dump (low 8K) | 13 | |
M8M | 8mam8 model | 7 | |
M99 | M99 compressed data | 19 | Label |
MA | Mathematica for Windows notebook (v2.0) | 14 | |
MA | Maya ASCII Scene | 19 | |
MA | Music Assembler module | 9 | |
MA | Trilo Tracker Macro | 39 | |
MAB | Mozilla Address Book | 24 | |
MAC | Cabri 3D Macro | 19 | |
MAC | Cakewalk Macro (DOS) | 2 | |
MAC | DeScribe Macro | 51 | |
MAC | Emu48 Macro | 3 | |
MAC | Footprint/IBM Works Macro | 3 | |
MAC | MegaCAD Macro | 6 | |
MAC | Metalink iceMaster Macro | 3 | |
MAC | NUTS Macro | 14 | |
MAC | PC-Type Macro | 2 | |
MAC | Platinen Layout Programm Macro | 2 | |
MAC | Scooter-PCB Macro | 391 | |
MAC | StarWriter keyboard Macro | 3 | |
MAC | SuperKey Macro | 11 | |
MAC | Venus Macro | 2 | |
MACRO | EdWord Macro | 9 | |
MACROFAB | NESFab Macro | 15 | |
MACROS | MovieShop Macros | 3 | |
MAD | Electronic Arts MAD video (inter-frame) | 2 | |
MAD | Electronic Arts MAD video (intra-frame) | 10 | |
MAD | Electronic Arts MAD video (low-quality-inter-frame) | 2 | |
MAD | Mlat Ad Lib Tracker module | 6 | |
MAD | PlayerPro module | 9 | |
MAE | Maestro molecular model | 19 | |
MAESTRO | Maestro audio | 5 | |
MAF | Multiple Alignment Format | 24 | |
MAF | Mutation Annotation Format | 13 | |
MAF | Mutation Annotation Format (with rem) | 15 | |
MAFF/ZIP | Mozilla Archive Format (Firefox) | 7 | |
MAFF | Mozilla Archive Format (gen) | 14 | |
MAG | Black Magic hypertext document | 25 | |
MAG/MAX | MAG v2 bitmap | 122 | |
MAG | Magnetic Game | 10 | |
MAK | Borland C++ Builder Makefile (generic) | 71 | |
MAK | Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE | 4 | |
MAK | Visual Basic project (v1.x) | 6 | |
MAKERBOT | MakerBot print instructions | 8 | |
MAKI | Compiled Winamp Maki script | 51 | Josef Schneider |
MAL | MadAppLauncher configuration | 6 | |
MAN | Man page | 12 | |
MAN | MandelBlitz IFF Mandelbrot bitmap | 10 | |
MANI | Mine-imator Project | 4 | |
MANIFEST | Unity asset bundles Manifest | 8 | |
MANIFEST | Windows Manifest - Visual Stylesheet XML file | 19 | |
MANIFEST | Windows Manifest - Visual Stylesheet XML file (UTF) | 5 | |
MANIFEST | Windows application Manifest (generic) | 38 | |
MAP | 3by5 Index | 4 | |
MAP | 7DTD player Map | 2 | |
MAP | ACT! contact Map (v3.0) | 10 | |
MAP | ANIMagic DVE Map | 7 | |
MAP | ANIMagic Map | 19 | |
MAP | Advanced Strategic Command Map | 125 | |
MAP | Alien Trilogy Map | 18 | |
MAP | Amulets and Armor Map | 30 | |
MAP | Ardour Midi Map/bindings | 39 | |
MAP | BASIC8 Map | 3 | |
MAP | Bochs keymap | 15 | |
MAP | DIV Games Studio Map | 5 | |
MAP | Dark Reign Map | 105 | |
MAP | DeathTrack Map | 10 | |
MAP | Empire Deluxe Map | 4 | |
MAP | Furcadia Map | 28 | |
MAP | Gen Surf map | 6 | |
MAP | Hex Workshop Char Map File | 6 | .Cryorb |
MAP | Leges Motus Map | 9 | |
MAP | MapInfo MapBasic map data | 48 | Rizla99 |
MAP | MapVue profilometry data (intensity) | 2 | |
MAP | MapVue profilometry data (phase) | 2 | |
MAP | Mapsforge Binary Map | 2 | |
MAP | Microchip MPLAB XC8 Compiler Map | 8 | |
MAP | Navigon map | 15 | |
MAP | Neophyte: The Spirit Master Map data | 75 | |
MAP | Nihilistic Map | 180 | |
MAP | NoX Map | 840 | |
MAP | Orda: Severnyi Veter Map | 12 | |
MAP | OziExplorer Map data | 30 | |
MAP/CSF | PCRaster map | 47 | |
MAP | Papyrus X chars Mapping | 27 | |
MAP | The Saboteur Map | 4 | |
MAP | TiEmu keys Maping | 5 | |
MAP | Transland Map | 5 | |
MAP | Ulead color Map | 75 | |
MAP | Wreckin Crew level Map | 4 | |
MAP2VIDEO | Great Valley Products EGS settings | 7 | |
MAPFAB | MapFab Map | 5 | |
MAPLE | Maple Workbook | 51 | Joerg Jenderek |
MAPS | Digital Reality Software Maps data | 51 | |
MAQ | Expert 4D model | 37 | |
MAR | MAR archive | 2 | |
MAR | MAr compressed archive | 5 | |
MAR | Micrognosis compressed archive | 19 | Label |
MAR | Microsoft(/MSN) MARC archive | 7 | |
MAR | Mozilla ARchive | 12 | |
MAS | Freelance Graphics Smartmaster | 150 | |
MAS/GTL/GTR/BMW | ISI gMotor MAS type 0 game data archive | 3 | |
MAS | ISI gMotor MAS type 1 game data archive | 2 | |
MAS | NASCAR SimRacing game data archive | 5 | |
MASSEFFECTSAVE | Mass Effect save game | 190 | |
MAT | 3D Studio Max Material Library | 39 | Alex Paven |
MAT | Chasys Draw IES convolution Matrix | 21 | |
MAT | CorelCAD Material | 5 | |
MAT | Crystal TOPAS Material | 34 | |
MAT | GNU Octave Matrix data (text) | 3 | |
MAT | MATLAB audio data | 4 | |
MAT | Matlab Level 4 MAT-File (big-endian) | 10 | Joerg Jenderek |
MAT | Matlab Level 5 MAT-File | 10 | |
MAT | Matlab Level 7 MAT-File | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
MAT | Matlab Level 7.3 MAT-File | 4 | |
MAT | Matlab MAT-File (generic) | 17 | |
MAT | PlayStation RSD Material (gen) | 4 | |
MAT | PlayStation RSD Material (v3.0) | 2 | |
MAT | Private Wars Material script | 4 | |
MAT | Reflections Material | 7 | |
MAT | SEAM 3D Materials | 8 | |
MAT/MATERIALS | SMS Material | 2 | |
MAT | Spectre VR Matrix | 4 | |
MAT | V-Ray Material | 28 | |
MATAMX | Materialise AM Exchange | 8 | |
MATERIAL | OGRE Material | 12 | |
MATERIAL | Plotter3D Material | 5 | |
MATH | MathStudio document (Win) | 4 | |
MATHML | Mathematical Markup Language | 11 | Ryan Jones |
MAUD/IFF | IFF MacroSystem Audio | 4 | |
MAX | 3D Studio Max Scene | 965 | Alex Paven |
MAX | Creative Witer document | 24 | |
MAX | PS2 PowerSave | 6 | |
MAX | PaperPort scanned document/image (generic) | 10 | |
MAX | PaperPort scanned document/image (v2) | 2 | |
MAX | PaperPort scanned document/image (v3-4) | 2 | |
MAX | PaperPort scanned document/image (v5-7) | 2 | |
MAX | PaperPort scanned document/image (v8-12) | 2 | |
MAX/XLP | XL-Paint MAX bitmap | 2 | |
MAXC | MaxCrypt encrypted | 2048 | occasus |
MAXPAT | Max Patch | 268 | |
MAXPROJ | Max Project | 8 | |
MAZ | Hover! maze data | 4 | |
MB | Maya Binary Scene (32bit) | 56 | |
MB | Maya Binary Scene (64bit) | 8 | |
MB | Moonbase game data | 9 | |
MB1/MBD | BS-DOS MB-01 disk image | 5 | |
MB2/MBD | BS-DOS MB-02 disk image | 6 | |
MBC | ModBus Configuration | 4 | |
MBCFG | METRO 2033 benchmark config | 2 | |
MBD | Multimedia Builder Data | 13 | |
MBDX | iOS backup manifest index | 3 | |
MBF | Microsoft Money Backup file | 5 | |
MBI | MBAL program | 6 | |
MBI | MBasic source | 4 | |
MBK | STOS Memory Bank (generic) | 2 | |
MBLOCK | mBlock 5 project | 18 | |
MBM | EPOC/Symbian MultiBitMap | 43 | |
MBM | EPOC/Symbian exported MultiBitMap | 6 | |
MBM | MaxBulk Mailer settings | 19 | |
MBOX | Standard Unix Mailbox | 42 | |
MBP | Mobipocket eBook Auxiliary data | 10 | |
MBPV2 | Amazon Kindle ebook metadata | 5 | |
MBR | Menubar toolbar config | 16 | |
MBR | Microsoft Media Browser config | 4 | |
MBS | Moonbase Saved game | 8 | |
MBSA | Microsoft Baseline Security Analyser report | 12 | |
MBTILES | MBTiles tileset | 10 | Joerg Jenderek |
MBTILES | MBTiles tileset (MPBX) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
MBX | MapInfo MapBasic application eXtension (generic) | 42 | Kieran O'Donnell |
MBXML | LEGO Mindstorms EV3 MyBlock | 69 | |
MBZ | Moodle Backup | 10 | |
MC | Macrocell format | 41 | |
MC | Mark Cooksey module | 8 | |
MC | Microsoft Chart data (v1.x) | 3 | |
MC | Microsoft Chart data (v2.x) | 3 | |
MC | Microsoft Chart data (v3.x) | 5 | |
MC2 | MaxonCAD 2 drawing | 3 | |
MC2 | Mednafen/PCEjin/VBjin movie capture | 10 | |
MC3/MC1/MC2 | Macadam Bumper pinball | 14 | |
MC6 | Poser Material Collection File | 35 | |
MC9 | Mastercam 9 geometry | 6 | |
MCADDON | Minecraft Add-on | 8 | |
MCAM | Mastercam Model | 13 | |
MCB | Midas Civil Binary project | 35 | LKO |
MCC | MacCaption closed caption (v1.0) | 2 | |
MCC | MacCaption closed caption (v2.0) | 2 | |
MCD | Mathcad document | 16 | |
MCD | MiniCAD Drawing | 67 | |
MCD | Monu-Cad Drawing | 36 | |
MCD/MCR | Playstation Memory Card savestate | 11 | |
MCD | PowerDesigner Model | 12 | |
MCD | Spider MacroCode Data | 12 | |
MCDB | Adobe Media Cache Database | 166 | |
MCDX | Mathcad Prime Document | 7 | |
MCE | Magic Camera Effect | 2 | |
MCF | MMS Composer File | 3 | |
MCF | MasterCook Cookbook File | 4 | |
MCF | MathCAD Font | 9 | |
MCF | Media Container Format stream | 2 | |
MCF | Motocross Madness Motions | 3 | |
MCF | My CEWE Photobook project | 8 | |
MCF | TMPEGEnc config file | 14 | |
MCF | blueMSX Cheats Format | 789 | |
MCFONT | MaxonCAD Font | 3 | |
MCGIL | Tools Media Corp. Texture | 2015 | |
MCH | Macromedia Xtra Cache | 4 | |
MCHA | OMP Model | 5 | |
MCL | MCell Cellular Automata format | 41 | |
MCL | MECC data Container | 2 | |
MCL | Windows Media Center application link | 8 | |
MCLIB | MaxonCAD Library | 4 | |
MCM | Mednafen movie capture | 3 | |
MCM | mcm compressed archive | 3 | |
MCMD | MCMD module | 4 | |
MCMETA | Minecraft Resource Pack info | 13 | |
MCML | Media Center Markup Language | 7 | |
MCO | MSN Messenger Wink | 197 | Stef |
MCP | CodeWarrior Project (Big Endian) | 26 | |
MCP | CodeWarrior Project (Little Endian) | 26 | |
MCP | MPLAB IDE Project | 12 | |
MCP | MUSICompress encoded audio | 19 | |
MCP | MathCAD Printer settings | 3 | |
MCP | WaveZIP lossless compressed audio | 16 | |
MCPACK | Minecraft resources Package | 7 | |
MCR | Circuit Designer Macro | 30 | |
MCR | Compass and Ruler Macro | 18 | |
MCR | Musicator Delta song/music | 6 | |
MCR | Personal Font Maker Macro | 10 | |
MCR | Tecplot Macro | 7 | |
MCS | Playstation 1 Single save format | 3 | |
MCS | Turbo Pascal MicroCalc Spreadsheet | 2 | |
MCTEMPLATE | MineCraft World Template | 4 | |
MCW | MPLAB IDE Workspace | 11 | |
MCW | MacWrite II document | 5 | |
MCW | MacWrite document (v5.0) | 5 | |
MCW | Word for the Macintosh document (v3.0) | 2 | |
MCW | Word for the Macintosh document (v4.0) | 16 | |
MCW | Word for the Macintosh document (v5.0) | 3 | |
MCW/DOC | Word for the Macintosh/Write for Atari ST document (v1.0) | 4 | |
MCWORLD | Minecraft World | 10 | |
MD/CD | MDCD compressed archive (v1.0) | 11 | |
MD | Mayura Draw document | 18 | |
MD | Mike Davies module | 18 | |
MD0 | Photoshop Thumbnail Cache | 2 | |
MD2 | Quake 2 model | 22 | |
MD3 | Quake III Arena model | 6 | |
MD4 | Quake 3 Model (newer) | 4 | |
MD5ANIM | Doom 3 MD5 Animation | 50 | |
MD5MESH | Doom 3 MD5 Mesh | 19 | |
MD5MESH | Doom 3 MD5 Mesh (with rem) | 5 | |
MD6 | Norton pcAnywhere Modem list | 2 | |
MD8 | MOD 8-bit module | 20 | |
MD8 | Medi8or Project (v2) | 2 | |
MD8 | Medi8or Project (v3) | 2 | |
MD8 | Medi8or Project (v4-) | 9 | |
MDA | EPICS sscan/saveData format | 5 | |
MDA | MicroDesign Area bitmap (AREA2) | 6 | |
MDA | MicroDesign Area bitmap (AREA3) | 2 | |
MDA | Micrografx Archive (generic) | 5 | |
MDA | Micrografx Archive (v1.1) | 13 | |
MDA | Micrografx Archive (v2.0) | 14 | |
MDA | Rays Media data | 2 | |
MDAT | Rising Eagle game data archive | 2 | |
MDAT | Room EQ Wizard Measures | 20 | |
MDAT | The Final Musicsystem eXtended module (pattern) | 393 | |
MDB | Microsoft Jet DB | 52 | |
MDB | Microsoft Jet DB (old) | 33 | |
MDB | Microsoft Professional ISAM database | 5 | |
MDC | MDC Compressed 3D Model (v2) | 2 | |
MDC | Marc's Disk Cruncher compressed disk image | 2 | |
MDC | Marc's Disk Cruncher compressed disk image (old) | 2 | |
MDC | Merkaartor Document | 6 | |
MDC | MidiCo Karaoke | 4 | |
MDD | MDict resource | 4 | |
MDD | MacDraft drawing | 11 | |
MDF | AUMenu script (with rem) | 14 | |
MDF | MDIFF patch (v1.x) | 22 | |
MDF | MapLinx Data File (generic) | 11 | |
MDF | Microsoft SQL Server database (generic) | 19 | Andreas |
MDF | SDL Trados Translation Memory Data Find | 20 | |
MDF | SNAP Main Data File | 2 | |
MDF | WINDEV internal analysis | 9 | |
MDI | Audio Interface Library 3 Music/MIDI driver | 22 | |
MDI | Microsoft Document Imaging format | 11 | |
MDJ | StarUML Model | 15 | |
MDL | 3-D Helicopter Simulator Model | 8 | |
MDL | CA-Compete! Model (v4.0) | 14 | |
MDL | CAB Module | 7 | |
MDL | Digitrakker module | 12 | Dr.Ryo(TM) |
MDL | Half-life Model | 10 | |
MDL | Javelin Model | 7 | |
MDL | Javelin Plus Model (v3.x) | 3 | |
MDL | KeyCAD Deluxe 3D Model | 135 | |
MDL | Luigi's Mansion 3D model | 2 | |
MDL | MDL3 3D GameStudio Model | 3 | |
MDL | MDL4 3D GameStudio Model | 2 | |
MDL | MDL5 3D GameStudio Model | 4 | |
MDL | MDL7 3D GameStudio Model | 5 | |
MDL | Microsoft Flight Simulator 3D model (generic) | 23 | |
MDL | Mighty Draw DOS library | 67 | |
MDL | MoRay 3D Model | 28 | |
MDL | Simulink Model | 27 | |
MDL | Simulink libray | 26 | |
MDM | AOL Modem parameters | 265 | |
MDM | Dos Navigator Modem/communications settings | 2 | |
MDM | Magic Cap for Windows Modem config | 34 | |
MDP | MDP (FireAlpaca) drawing | 8 | |
MDP | MicroDesign Page | 3 | |
MDP | Microsoft Developer Studio Project | 19 | |
MDR | MSX MoonDriver song | 7 | |
MDR | MagicDraw UML project | 8 | |
MDR | ZX Microdrive cartridge image | 2 | |
MDS | MIDI Stream | 4 | |
MDS/MDX | Media Descriptor | 9 | |
MDSP | MinGW Developer Studio Project | 5 | |
MDSX | MonoDevelop Solution | 10 | |
MDT | NT-MDT SPM data | 2 | |
MDT | The Perfect General Map Data | 14 | |
MDU | D-Flow FM Model Data | 7 | |
MDV | MediaView document | 10 | |
MDV | Q-emuLator Microdrive image | 5 | |
MDV | QLAY MDV image | 5 | |
MDW | Microsoft Jet DB Workgroup Information | 6 | |
MDX | Blizzard 3D Model (binary) | 2 | |
MDX | FoxBase Multiple index | 53 | Joerg Jenderek |
MDX | MDict dictionary | 30 | |
MDX | dBASE 5.0 Multiple index | 7 | |
MDX | dBASE IV Multiple index | 30 | |
MDXML | Magic Draw UML model | 13 | |
MDZ | Microsoft Access Wizard template | 22 | |
ME/MEW | Multi Edit configuration | 5 | |
ME1 | MagicEngine FX snapshot | 6 | |
ME1 | MagicEngine savestate | 4 | |
ME1 | MagicEngine snapshot | 4 | |
ME2HEADMORPH | Mass Effect 2 Head Morph | 4 | |
ME3 | Arcsoft MultiMedia Email 3.0 message | 9 | |
ME3HEADMORPH | Mass Effect 3 Head Morph | 3 | |
MEB | Open eBook | 7 | |
MED | OctaMED Soundstudio compressed module | 3 | |
MED4 | OctaMED Music Editor module (v2.10) | 83 | |
MEF | CA Visual Objects Module Export File (v1.x) | 22 | |
MEF | MAIET Encrypted File System | 2 | |
MEF | Mirror II Emulation File | 12 | |
MEG | MEGA data format | 7 | |
MEGA | Splash Damage Megatexture format | 12 | |
MEGAPACK/KILOPACK | The Saboteur game data | 10 | |
MEI | Music Encoding Initiative format | 154 | |
MEI | Music Encoding Initiative format (UTF-8) | 44 | |
MEL | Maya workspace / project definition | 10 | |
MELLEL/MELL | Mellel document | 42 | |
MELMOD | Melon Playground Mod | 57 | |
MELSAVE | Melon Playground Saved game | 45 | |
MEM | Mnemosyne database | 9 | |
MEMO | Samsung Memo App memo | 12 | |
MEPB | Movavi Video Editor Plus Project | 6 | |
MER | Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram | 12 | |
MER | Meridian song | 12 | |
MERLIN2 | Merlin Project | 9 | |
MESH | Godot Mesh | 13 | |
MESH | Meshwork model (v1.0) | 2 | |
MESH | Meshwork model (v1.1) | 2 | |
MESH | OGRE Mesh (binary) | 3 | |
MESH | Sky: Children of the Light compiled mesh | 265 | longbyte1 |
MESH | Visionaire Mesh | 8 | |
MESHES | Sky: Children of the Light level data (baked meshes) | 23 | longbyte1 |
MESHLIB | Godot Mesh Library | 4 | |
MET | HEC-HMS Metereologic model configuration | 5 | |
MET | OmniPage document (old) | 2 | |
MET | eMule *.part.met data/info | 8 | |
META | Unity asset Meta data | 1747 | |
META4 | Metalink (v4) | 12 | |
METALINK | Metalink (v3/old) | 44 | |
METALLIB | Metal shader Library | 13 | |
MEX | Macro Express Macro | 10 | |
MEXA64 | MATLAB Linux 64bit compiled function | 56 | |
MEXMACI64 | MATLAB Mac 64bit compiled function | 48 | |
MEXW32 | MATLAB Windows 32bit compiled function | 15 | |
MEXW64 | MATLAB Windows 64bit compiled function | 48 | |
MF | Java Manifest | 35 | |
MF | OVA Manifest | 7 | |
MFA | MultiMedia Fusion 2 Application | 29 | |
MFCRIBBON-MS | MFC Ribbon definition | 6 | |
MFF | MicroFiche Filer data base | 26 | |
MFG | ArtiosCAD Manufacturing data | 7 | |
MFG | CHAOS Magnets Layout | 8 | |
MFI | MESS Floppy Image | 3 | |
MFIL | Blzzard Manifest | 11 | |
MFL | Masterfile PC data base | 4 | |
MFL | Masterfile PC data base (encrypted) | 4 | |
MFL | Mozilla XUL FastLoad File | 13 | |
MFLOPPY | MEMU Floppy image | 3 | |
MFM | HxC Floppy Emulator MFM disk image | 4 | |
MFM | Statistica MFM data | 20 | |
MFN | EA games font (old) | 2 | |
MFN | MDFourier profile | 7 | |
MFS | MENG game data archive (v4) | 2 | |
MFT | 10tons Font | 16 | |
MFT | Battlefield Bad Company package manifest | 6 | |
MFV | InfoFile View | 3 | |
MG | Meshroom Graphs | 8 | |
MG1/MG2/MG4/MG8 | MultiArtist bitmap | 4 | |
MGB | Paragon 5 Gameboy Tracker module | 25 | |
MGC | magic compiled data (BE) | 3 | |
MGC | magic compiled data (LE) | 5 | |
MGF | L3DT Map Group File | 4 | |
MGF | MalieGF bitmap | 2 | |
MGF | Mascot Generic Format | 11 | |
MGF | Mascot Generic Format (with COM) | 6 | |
MGF | Mascot Generic Format (with rem) | 4 | |
MGF | Meyer/Glass Interactive game data Format | 4 | |
MGF | Micrografx Font | 12 | |
MGF | Monarch Graphic File | 4 | |
MGL | MiSTer Game Launcher | 12 | |
MGOURMET3 | MacGourmet 3 document | 9 | |
MGP | Magic Painter bitmap | 2 | |
MGR | MGR bitmap (modern, 8bit aligned) | 164 | |
MGR | MGR bitmap (modern, squeezed) | 2 | |
MGR | MGR bitmap (old, 1-bit, 16-bit aligned) | 2 | |
MGR | MGR bitmap (old, 1-bit, 32-bit aligned) | 2 | |
MGR | MGR bitmap (old, 8-bit, 16-bit aligned) | 2 | |
MGR | MGR bitmap (old, 8-bit, 16-bit aligned, alt) | 2 | |
MGR | The Perfect General Map Graphics | 16 | |
MGS | MDDClone game save | 4 | |
MGS | MSX Gigamix MGSDRV3 music | 35 | |
MGT | Megatracker module | 6 | |
MGT | Midget song (v1.x) | 3 | |
MHD | MetaImage MetaHeader | 8 | |
MHK | Broderbund Mohawk game data archive | 4 | |
MHM | Microsoft Hardware Macro | 6 | |
MHT | MIME HTML archive format | 116 | Dr.Ryo(TM) |
MHT/MHTML | MIME HTML archive format (var 2) | 16 | |
MHTML | MHTML archive (Chrome) | 84 | |
MI | HP ME10 database (ASCII) | 10 | |
MI | HP ME10 database (ASCII) (with rem) | 8 | |
MI | Molecular Imaging MI image SPM data | 3 | |
MI | Molecular Imaging MI spectroscopy SPM data | 2 | |
MIA | MusicIndiaOnline Trident Player Music file | 2 | |
MIC | Microsoft Image Composer graphics | 742 | |
MID | MIDI Music | 74 | |
MID | Real-Time Sound Processor II MIDI | 3 | |
MIDNAM | MIDI patch Name | 476 | |
MIF | Bethesda game Map | 23 | |
MIF | Danish Micro Engineering MIF SPM data | 2 | |
MIF/MIFF | ImageMagick Machine independent File Format bitmap | 10 | |
MIF/MIFF | ImageMagick Machine independent File Format bitmap (with rem) | 6 | |
MIF | MIF disk image | 3 | |
MIF | Maker Interchange Format | 39 | |
MIF | Maker Interchange Format Book | 2 | |
MIF | Management Information Format (LCase) | 7 | Joerg Jenderek |
MIF | Management Information Format (UCase) | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
MIF | MapInfo Interchange Format | 12 | |
MIF | Quartus Memory Initialization File | 10 | |
MIF | Quartus Memory Initialization File (with rem) | 4 | |
MIF | Symbian Machine-readable File graphics | 5 | |
MIF | WebArt Designer graphics | 79 | |
MIG | MSX compressed Image bitmap | 38 | |
MIG | Mighty Draw drawing | 10 | |
MIG | Windows Easy Transfer migration data | 2 | |
MII | Mark II Soundsystem song | 7 | |
MIL | InterBase Environment (v1.0) | 7 | |
MILK | MilkDrop preset | 303 | |
MILK | MilkDrop preset (v2) | 720 | |
MILK | MilkDrop preset (v3) | 108 | |
MILK2 | MilkDrop double-preset (v3) | 267 | |
MIMODEL | Mine-imator Model | 98 | |
MIN | MultiExpress Data and Fax cover Miniature | 4 | |
MIN | Okuma CNC program | 2 | |
MINI2SF | 2SF Nintendo DS Sound Format rip (Mini) | 19 | |
MINIBANK | Mini V preset | 18 | |
MININCSF | NCSF Nitro Composer Sound Format rip (Mini) | 290 | |
MINIPSF | PSF1 Playstation Sound Format rip (Mini) | 21 | |
MINIPSF2 | PSF2 Playstation 2 Sound Format rip (Mini) | 498 | |
MINIQSF | QSF Capcom QSound Format rip (Mini) | 249 | |
MINISNSF | SNSF Super Nintendo Sound Format rip (mini) | 46 | |
MINISSF | SSF Saturn Sound Format rip (mini) | 64 | |
MINIUSF | USF Ultra64 Sound Format rip (mini) | 456 | |
MIO | MIO compressed audio | 7 | |
MIO | MSX Itinerant Orchestra music format | 6 | |
MIO | MioMotion movie | 6 | |
MIO | MyInfo Topic | 8 | |
MIOBJECT | Mine-imator Object | 35 | |
MIPROJECT | Mine-imator Project | 6 | |
MIS | ASEAM 2 Main Menu Screen/Data | 14 | |
MIS | Digital Integration mission info | 252 | |
MIS/TRK | Flanker 2.0 Mission data | 352 | |
MIS | McGrath Information Solution metadata | 7 | |
MIS | Midget 3 Instruments | 2 | |
MIS | StarSiege Mission | 51 | |
MIS | Su-27 Flanker Mission | 33 | |
MIS | Tornado Mission info | 127 | |
MIS | Waterworld Mission | 22 | |
MIS | Wolfpack Mission | 13 | |
MIS | Wolfpack Mission (from CD) | 58 | |
MITSU | Mitsubishi S340-10 bitmap | 40 | |
MIX | Atari Digi-Mix module | 11 | |
MIX | Earth And Beyond game data archive | 2 | |
MIX | Meshmixer scene | 20 | |
MIX | Microsoft PhotoDraw drawing | 987 | |
MIX | Microsoft Picture It! (generic) | 2432 | |
MIX | Microsoft Picture It! (v1) | 1273 | |
MIX | Microsoft Picture It! (v2) | 581 | |
MIX | Microsoft Picture It! (v3) | 9 | |
MIX | Microsoft Picture It! (v4) | 13 | |
MIX | Project Dogwaffle mixing palette (type 2) | 15 | |
MIZ | DCS Mission | 87 | |
MIZ | Mizar article | 11 | |
MIZ | Mizar article (with rem) | 11 | |
MJ2/MJP2 | Motion JPEG 2000 video | 8 | |
MJI | Amazing Mahjongg 3D skin | 3 | |
MJL | Amazing Mahjongg 3D Layout | 62 | |
MJP | J.River Media Center plugin | 22 | |
MJP | VTech MJP video | 6 | |
MJPG | SMJPEG Video | 2 | |
MJT | Amazing Mahjongg 3D Tile set | 5 | |
MJT | Kadex print job | 8 | |
MK2/MKII | Mark II Sound-System module | 33 | |
MKB | Marmalade SDK project | 7 | |
MKB | OpenMPT Key Binding | 35 | |
MKD | CAD6 Drawing | 42 | |
MKF | KaraBox Karaoke song | 5483 | occasus |
MKI | MAKI v1-a bitmap | 2 | |
MKI | MAKI v1-b bitmap | 2 | |
MKJ | MK-Jamz Ad Lib module | 5 | |
MKL | CAD6 Library | 15 | |
MKV/MKA | Extensible Binary Meta Language / Matroska stream | 30 | |
MKV | Matroska Video stream | 34 | |
MKW | mkwACT lossless compressed audio | 19 | |
MKW | mkwACT lossless compressed audio (v1) | 2 | |
MKW | mkwACT lossless compressed audio (v2) | 2 | |
MKW | mkwACT lossless compressed audio (v3) | 2 | |
MKW | mkwACT lossless compressed audio (v4) | 4 | |
ML | Musicline module | 63 | |
ML | MyLifeOrganized data | 4 | |
ML | VideoMaxe Mask List | 4 | |
ML1 | Mapletown Network bitmap | 2 | |
MLAPP | MATLAB App Designer App | 12 | |
MLAPPINSTALL | MATLAB app installer | 20 | |
MLB | MyLittleBase database | 9 | |
MLD | IFF MLDF bitmap | 26 | |
MLEV | Marvin's Marvellous Adventure Map | 6 | |
MLF | Package Download Profile | 3 | |
MLI | AutoDesk 3D-Studio Material-Library | 3 | |
MLL | Maya plug-in (generic) | 46 | |
MLM | Groupwise Mail Message | 6 | |
MLM | MolMeccano molecule | 14 | |
MLP | Meridian Lossless Packing audio | 5 | |
MLP | MeshLab Project | 14 | |
MLP | Postal MultiAlpha | 26 | |
MLPKGINSTALL | MATLAB support package | 21 | |
MLR | MK Jogo Replay | 11 | |
MLS | Netware 4.x Server license | 2 | |
MLS | Skype localization data | 4 | |
MLT | 3DReshaper Report | 8 | |
MLT | MLT XML document | 3 | |
MLT | Shotcut project | 16 | |
MLV | Magic Lantern raw Video format v2.0 | 4 | |
MLX | MATLAB Live Code format | 45 | |
MLX | MeshLab filter script | 8 | |
MLX | RetCam MLX data format | 4 | |
MM | American Laser Games MM video | 10 | |
MM | FreeMind mind map | 24 | |
MM | Freeplane MindMap | 13 | |
MM | Lucid 3-D Macro | 13 | |
MM | MatrixMarket matrix data | 10 | |
MM | Melody Maker song (v3.x) | 32 | |
MM | Money Matters data (v3) | 6 | |
MM | Money Matters data (v4) | 6 | |
MM | NeXtMidas Macro | 6 | |
MM | NeXtMidas Macro (with rem) | 7 | |
MM3D | Misfit Model 3D model | 3 | |
MM8 | MusicMaker v8 module | 19 | |
MMA | Micro Magic Forms in Flight Animation | 6 | |
MMAP | MindManager Brainstorm and Process Control Map | 4 | |
MMB | MMFW Blobs | 2 | |
MMB/MMP/MMS | MMFW data (generic) | 6 | |
MMD | Cumulate Draw's editable MMD format | 8 | |
MMD | Madonna Model | 4 | |
MMD0/MED | OctaMED MMD0 module | 4 | |
MMD1/MED | OctaMED MMD1 module | 4 | |
MMD2/MED | OctaMED MMD2 module | 3 | |
MMD3/MED | OctaMED MMD3 module | 3 | |
MMDB | GeoLite2 IP geolocation database | 9 | |
MMDC/MED | OctaMED MMDC module | 4 | |
MMF | MathMagic equation File | 10 | |
MMF | Meal-Master Format recipe | 10 | |
MMF | Yamaha SMAF Synthetic music Mobile Application Format | 22 | |
MML | Aleph One Marathon Markup Language | 11 | |
MML | FrameMaker Maker Markup Language | 4 | Joerg Jenderek |
MML | Music Macro Language | 9 | |
MMM | Adobe Type Manager Multiple Master Metrics | 18 | |
MMM | MP3 to EXE multi-part (v2.x) | 23 | |
MMM | MultiMedia Movie format video | 202 | |
MMMACRO | Mini Mouse Macro | 2 | |
MMMACRO | Mini Mouse Macro (with rem) | 4 | |
MMMS | MetaMind Machine Sequence | 8 | |
MMO | Memory-Map Navigator Overlay | 40 | |
MMO | Mesen Movie | 8 | |
MMO | Micro Magic Forms in Flight Objects | 6 | |
MMO | RapidFile Memo | 7 | |
MMO | WINDEV HFSQL memo | 148 | |
MMP | Grand Theft Auto 2 Multiplayer Map Metadata | 30 | |
MMP | LMMS Project | 15 | |
MMP | MMFW Pictures | 4 | |
MMP | Meal-Master Printer definition | 12 | |
MMP | Mindjet MindManager Map | 18 | |
MMP | MovieMator Project | 6 | |
MMPZ | LMMS Project Zipped | 17 | |
MMR/ED | Xerox EDMICS-MMR bitmap | 2 | |
MMS | MMFW Scripts (v3) | 2 | |
MMS | MultiMedia Sound module | 43 | |
MMSW/SCW | Movie Magic Screenwriter document (generic) | 7 | |
MMSW | Movie Magic Screenwriter document (v6.x) | 3 | |
MMV | Dega Movie capture | 3 | |
MMW | AceMoney data | 7 | |
MMZ | MiraMon compressed data | 9 | |
MN | MuPAD Notebook | 13 | |
MNA/MNC/MND | PC Tools Menu | 6 | |
MNC | MINC1 Medical Imaging format | 10 | |
MNC | MINC2 Medical Imaging format | 48 | |
MND | Fractal Forge 2.x fractal parameters | 30 | |
MNF | Hydroman manifold | 4 | |
MNG | Multiple-image Network Graphics bitmap/anim | 5 | |
MNL | UpShot Manual | 2 | |
MNPUB | Mnova Publications File Format | 8 | |
MNU | AudoCAD Menu | 10 | |
MNU | BatMenu configuration | 3 | |
MNU | JOC Menu data | 2 | |
MNU | MarxMenu script (with rem) | 19 | |
MNU | QuickMenu Menu (v1.x) | 3 | |
MNU | QuickMenu Menu (v3.x) | 6 | |
MNU | Telepaint Menu | 2 | |
MNU/IN1/MB0/MB1/PB0/PB1 | UltraEdit Menu | 46 | |
MNU | Who Framed Roger Rabbit Menu | 2 | |
MNX | AutoCAD compiled Menu | 2 | |
MNX | MNX Music Notation | 33 | |
MNY | Microsoft Money auto saved data | 3 | |
MNY | Microsoft Money data | 8 | |
MNY | Personal Finance Manager Plus data | 2 | |
MO3 | MO3 module | 10 | |
MOBI/PRC | Mobipocket - PRC Palm e-Book | 31 | |
MOBIRISE | Mobirise project | 33 | |
MOC | Live2D Cubism Model data | 163 | |
MOC3 | Live2D Cubism 3 Model data | 51 | |
MOCZIP | MyOwnCookbook recipes | 2 | |
MOD | Black Viper packed music | 2 | |
MOD | Digital Tracker 4-channel module | 4 | |
MOD | Digital Tracker 6-channel module | 4 | |
MOD | Digital Tracker 8-channel module | 4 | |
MOD | DosCapture video card Modes info | 8 | |
MOD | Fasttracker 2-channel Amiga Module | 2 | |
MOD | Fasttracker 6-channel Amiga Module | 2 | |
MOD | Fasttracker 8-channel Amiga Module | 7 | |
MOD | GoDot C64 Image Processing - Module | 31 | |
MOD/EMP | KiCad Module library | 63 | |
MOD | Medusa 3D CAD model (generic) | 7 | |
MOD | MegaPaint plug-in Module | 5 | |
MOD | Monarch Model | 5 | |
MOD | Monarch for Windows Model | 15 | |
MOD | Multiplan for Xenix spreadsheet (v2.x) | 5 | |
MOD | Multiplan spreadsheet (v1.0x) | 10 | |
MOD | Multiplan spreadsheet (v1.x) | 6 | |
MOD | Multiplan spreadsheet (v2.x) | 8 | |
MOD | Multiplan spreadsheet (v3.x) | 4 | |
MOD | Multiplan spreadsheet (v4.0x) | 14 | |
MOD | Multiplan spreadsheet (v4.20) | 14 | |
MOD | Nonpareil Module | 4 | |
MOD/TEXT/TOOL | Oberon System 3 text document | 72 | Romiras |
MOD | Octalyser 6-channel STe/Falcon Module | 2 | |
MOD | Octalyser 8-channel STe/Falcon Module | 2 | |
MOD | Oracle Module | 4 | |
MOD | PHAST model | 30 | |
MOD | Polly Tracker module | 5 | |
MOD | SoundFX module (v1.3) | 7 | |
MOD | Standard 4-channel Amiga module | 65 | |
MOD | StarTrekker 4-channel module | 41 | |
MOD | StarTrekker 8-channel module | 19 | |
MODD | Picture Motion Browser data | 4 | |
MODE1V3 | Xcode project data | 20 | |
MODE2V3 | Xcode project data | 27 | |
MODEL | 3MF 3D Model | 38 | |
MODEL | CATIA model | 17 | |
MODEL | Custom Maid 3D 2 Model | 5 | |
MODEL | ENVI Modeler Model | 22 | |
MODEL | LEGO model data | 43 | |
MODEL | PlantWALK model | 3 | |
MODFEM | Femap Model | 5 | |
MODULE/AIBB | AIBB load Module | 18 | |
MODULE | Directory Opus module (Amiga) | 45 | |
MOF | MetaEdit Method definition | 6 | |
MOFLEX | Mobiclip for Nintendo CTR | 71 | Patrick Martin |
MOGG | Rock Band multi track music | 23 | FROG33R |
MOGRT | Adobe Motion Graphics Template | 4 | |
MOL | MOdule (play)List | 2 | |
MOL2 | Tripos Mol2 | 6 | |
MOLDEN/MOLD | Molden Format | 28 | |
MOM | Xcode data model | 22 | |
MON | M.O.N New module | 41 | |
MON | M.O.N Old / Jeroen Tel module | 12 | |
MON | Monotone Tracker chiptune | 4 | |
MON | WaveLab Montage | 6 | |
MONOPIC | Monodraw diagram | 6 | |
MONSTER | Neophyte Monster | 80 | |
MOOF | Macintosh floppy disk image | 12 | |
MOP | MOP report | 10 | |
MOP | NS/Elite Display 3.12 Macro Object Path File | 28 | Roberto 'rbnet' Bolli |
MOPKG | OMP Packge | 3 | |
MOR | My Own Stories Story (Read Only) | 3 | |
MOS | ENVI Mosaic template | 4 | |
MOS | Infinity Engine compressed graphic (v1) | 845 | Sam. |
MOS | Infinity Engine graphic (v1) | 1062 | Sam. |
MOS | Leaf/Aptus/Mamiya MOS raw image | 9 | |
MOT | Aegis ProMotion Motion | 6 | |
MOT | Aegis Videoscape 3D Motion | 7 | |
MOT | LightWave Motion data | 3 | |
MOT | PlayStation RSD animation (gen) | 4 | |
MOT | PlayStation RSD animation (v3.0) | 2 | |
MOTIF | MacStitch/WinStitch Motif | 275 | |
MOTIONGEN | MotionGen project | 6 | |
MOTIVI | PI Image Patterns | 5 | |
MOTN | Apple Motion | 18 | |
MOU | WinMount archive | 6 | Ryan Jones |
MOV | FM Towns Movie video | 31 | |
MOV | Intelligent Games Video/cutscene | 3 | |
MOV | Knowledge Adventure MoVie video | 5 | |
MOV/QT | QuickTime Movie | 13 | |
MOV/QT | QuickTime Movie (ISO) | 46 | |
MOV | QuickTime Movie (old) | 1473 | |
MOVE | Move animation | 26 | |
MOZLZ4/JSONLZ4 | Mozilla mozLz4 compressed data (generic) | 42 | |
MOZLZ4 | Mozilla search engines info | 48 | |
MP2S | Max Payne 2 saved game | 15 | |
MP3 | AlbumWrap archive | 3 | |
MP3 | AlbumWrap archive | 4 | |
MP3 | GoGo encoded MP3 audio | 17 | |
MP3 | GoGo encoded MP3 audio (ID3 v1.x tag) | 8 | |
MP3 | GoGo encoded MP3 audio (ID3 v2.x tag) | 14 | |
MP3 | Helix encoded MP3 audio (with LAME tag) | 20 | |
MP3 | LAME encoded MP3 audio | 7 | |
MP3 | LAME encoded MP3 audio (ID3 v1.x tag) | 7 | |
MP3 | LAME encoded MP3 audio (ID3 v2.x tag) | 9 | |
MP3 | MP3 Album Maker MP3 container | 8 | |
MP3 | MP3 Xing Encoder | 28 | |
MP3 | MP3 audio | 34 | |
MP3 | MP3 audio (ID3 v1.x tag) | 21 | |
MP3 | MP3 audio (ID3 v2.x tag) | 20 | |
MP3 | MP3 audio (RIFF container) | 4 | |
MP3 | MPC compressed archive | 5 | |
MP3 | Mp3Wrap MP3 container | 11 | |
MP3 | Plugger encoded MP3 audio | 12 | |
MP3 | Wrapster archive (v1.0) | 6 | |
MP3 | Xing encoded MP3 audio | 16 | |
MP3 | mp3HD audio | 12 | |
MP4 | Hikvision DVR video | 2 | |
MP4 | ISO base media container | 72 | |
MP4 | MP4 Base Media v1 container video | 2 | |
MP4 | MP4 Base Media v2 container video | 2 | |
MP4 | MP4 v1 container video | 2 | |
MP4 | MP4 v2 container video | 2 | |
MP4 | MP4 with MPEG-7 metadata container video | 2 | |
MP4/STEM | Native Instruments Stems audio | 97 | |
MPA | Palm Memo Pad Archive | 4 | |
MPAK | MPAK game data archive | 4 | |
MPB | MegaPaint Bitmap | 2 | |
MPB | MyPhoneExplorer Backup | 4 | |
MPC | Electronic Arts MPC video | 4 | |
MPC/CACHE | Magick Persistent Cache bitmap | 3 | |
MPC | Musepack encoded audio (SV7.0) | 69 | |
MPC | Musepack encoded audio (SV8) | 13 | |
MPC | Musepack encoded audio (generic) | 117 | |
MPCATALOG | Media Pro Catalog | 2 | |
MPCPL | MediaPlayer Classic Playlist | 5 | |
MPCPL | MediaPlayer Classic Playlist (UTF-8) | 19 | Ryan Jones |
MPD | DASH Media Presentation Description | 75 | |
MPD | File List Creator list | 2 | |
MPD | Manhattan Printer Description | 120 | |
MPD | MapDraw chemical sequence map | 13 | |
MPD | PowerDesigner Physical Data Model | 13 | |
MPDCAT | MixPad Categories | 3 | |
MPDLIB | MixPad patterns Library | 4 | |
MPDP | MixPad Project | 9 | |
MPEX/TXT | Mass Properties Exchange data | 10 | |
MPF | MainActor project | 17 | |
MPG/MPEG | MPEG video | 51 | |
MPG | MPEG2 Video File recorded by ProgDVB | 8 | THE LoW |
MPG | TommySoftware CAD/Draw drawing (v1) | 13 | |
MPHBIN | COMSOL Multiphysics mesh (bin) | 66 | |
MPHTXT | COMSOL Multiphysics mesh (txt) | 12 | |
MPI | InstallJammer Project | 16 | |
MPI | TommySoftware CAD/Draw settings (v1) | 4 | |
MPJ | MessiahStudio Project | 2 | |
MPJ | Minitab project | 20 | |
MPJ | Video Edit Magic project | 30 | |
MPK | MSX Music Player K-kaz song | 41 | |
MPK | Mendix Project Package | 13 | |
MPK | Project64 Memory Pack | 7 | |
MPK | SciADV MPK game data Package | 2 | |
MPK | The Terminator: Dawn of Fate game data archive | 3 | |
MPK/SPK | Wolfenstein game data | 812 | |
MPL | AVCHD Playlist | 6 | |
MPL | CrystalOffice Maple database | 13 | |
MPL | mTropolis archive | 2 | |
MPLOG | Wireshark Micropross mplog | 7 | |
MPLS | Blu-ray Movie Playlist Information | 3 | |
MPM | Quarterdeck Modem dialer Parameters | 9 | |
MPN | MacPhun Noiseless image | 3 | |
MPN | Mophun game | 14 | |
MPP | Microsoft Project | 245 | |
MPP | Microsoft Project Project (v1.0) | 33 | |
MPP | Microsoft Project Project (v3.0) | 20 | |
MPP | Multi Palette Picture bitmap | 12 | |
MPPZ | MagicPlot Project | 4 | |
MPQ | MPQ Archive - Blizzard game data | 2 | |
MPR | ACT! Macro (v3.0) | 8 | |
MPS | Garmin MapSource data | 34 | |
MPS | Mathematical Programming System format | 25 | |
MPS | Max Payne 1 Savegame | 13 | dr. Angelo Amoruso |
MPS | Microsoft Pocket Streets v8.0 (2004) Map | 16 | ptweasel |
MPS | Segment Map | 5 | |
MPS | Wolf RPG Editor Map | 28 | |
MPTM | OpenMPT module | 26 | |
MPV | Microsoft Project View (v1.0) | 17 | |
MPV | Microsoft Project View (v3.0) | 28 | |
MPW | Microsoft Project Workspace (v1.0) | 8 | |
MPW | Microsoft Project Workspace (v3.0) | 5 | |
MPW/MPF | MosASCII Project Workspace | 3 | |
MPW | WordPerfect Executive Spreadsheet | 13 | |
MPX | Management Pack Fragment | 4 | |
MPX | Management Pack Fragment (UTF-8) | 28 | |
MPX | Microsoft Project exported data | 15 | |
MPZ | Moove Resource Description | 2 | |
MPZ | SoundSlimmer compressed audio | 6 | |
MQ4 | MetaQuote / MetaTrader indicator | 13 | |
MQB | Metasequoia Brush | 2 | |
MQL | MetaTrader indicator | 6 | |
MQO | Metasequoia 3D scene | 29 | |
MQP | Metasequoia Palette | 2 | |
MQV | Sony / Mobile Quicktime Video | 38 | |
MQW | Mannequin Designer for Windows project | 6 | |
MRA | MiSTer Arcade ROM description | 930 | |
MRB | Multiple Resolution Bitmap | 13 | |
MRF | Meta Raster Format XML metadata | 11 | |
MRF | Monochrome Recursive Format bitmap | 2 | |
MRF | MultiEx Commander Resource File | 2 | |
MRF | WinMorph project | 6 | |
MRG/MZP | PS2 generic game data container | 4 | |
MRK | CSI MaRKup drawing | 2 | |
MRK | Informative Graphics Markup | 16 | |
MRK | RAD Task Force MARC data | 101 | |
MRP | Mythroad Platform application | 12 | |
MRT | Stimulsoft Reports report | 26 | |
MRT | Stimulsoft Reports report (JSON) | 12 | |
MRW | Minolta Dimage RAW image | 10 | |
MRX | DCAlice snapshot | 7 | |
MRX | DCMOTO snapshot | 4 | |
MRX | DCVG5K snapshot | 6 | |
MS | MegaStation module | 2 | |
MS1 | VirtualBus Map | 12 | |
MS3 | MS3 music | 8 | |
MS3 | MS3 music (v2) | 2 | |
MS3D | MilkShape 3D model | 10 | |
MS8/MS9/MS10 | MultiSim Design (generic) | 8 | |
MSA | Atari MSA Disk Image | 18 | |
MSA | EMSA/MAS Spectral Data | 39 | |
MSC | Microsoft Management Console Snap-in control file | 18 | |
MSCX | MuseScore music score | 18 | |
MSCZ | MuseScore compressed music score | 323 | |
MSD | MuSiCa text music format | 57 | |
MSD | MuSiCa text music format (with rem) | 34 | |
MSDVD | Windows DVD Maker project | 15 | |
MSE | BWSB Music and Sound Engine driver | 6 | |
MSE-INSTALLER | Magic Set Editor Installer | 18 | |
MSE-SET | Magic Set Editor Set | 8 | |
MSF | Mozilla Mail Summary file | 35 | |
MSF | Multiple Sequence File (amino acid) | 6 | |
MSF | Multiple Sequence File (nucleic acid) | 6 | |
MSG | Adventure Game Toolkit Messages | 6 | |
MSG | Byline Messages | 2 | |
MSG | Dynamic Message System (v1.x) | 4 | |
MSG | Inno Setup Messages | 24 | Joerg Jenderek |
MSG | Logistix Messages | 3 | |
MSG | NetWare Message | 3 | |
MSG | Norton Commander module message (ENG) | 16 | Joerg Jenderek |
MSG | Novell DOS Client Message | 19 | Joerg Jenderek |
MSG | OS/2 help Message (generic) | 31 | Joerg Jenderek |
MSG | OS/2 help Message (v0) | 15 | Joerg Jenderek |
MSG | OS/2 help Message (v2) | 19 | Joerg Jenderek |
MSG | Outlook Message | 35 | |
MSG | PC Tools Desktop Messages/help (v7) | 2 | |
MSG | Yamaha BULK Manager Messages | 2 | |
MSG | Yamaha Midimonitor Messages | 2 | |
MSH | Fluent mesh | 7 | |
MSH | Gmsh Mesh | 18 | |
MSH | MASH script | 6 | |
MSH | Orbiter mesh | 33 | |
MSH | PlayStation RSD Mesh (gen) | 4 | |
MSH | PlayStation RSD Mesh (v3.0) | 2 | |
MSI | Microsoft Windows Installer | 638 | |
MSIX | MSIX Windows app package | 13 | |
MSIXBUNDLE | Windows 10 App Bundle | 12 | |
MSK | Databench form | 6 | |
MSK | Datamat mask/form | 3 | |
MSKIN | Maxthon skin (MX1) | 12 | |
MSL | Mapping Specification Language (ASCII) | 6 | |
MSL | Mapping Specification Language (UTF-8) | 17 | |
MSM | MegaStation MIDI module | 5 | |
MSM | Windows Installer Merge Module | 19 | |
MSM | Windows Installer Merge Module (CAB) | 10 | Joerg Jenderek |
MSN | Descent Mission | 61 | |
MSN | Fighter Bomber Mission (DOS) | 18 | |
MSN | Project: Space Station saved Mission | 4 | |
MSO | ActiveMime object | 9 | |
MSO | MedleySound module | 8 | |
MSP | Microsoft Paint bitmap (V1) | 2 | |
MSP | Microsoft Paint bitmap (V2) | 2 | |
MSP | Windows Installer Patch | 102 | |
MSPM | Nanoeducator SPM data | 2 | |
MSQ | Mario Sequencer song | 26 | |
MSRCINCIDENT | Remote Assistance Request | 5 | |
MSS | Advanced Mario Sequencer Song | 4 | |
MSS | Scribe Markup | 28 | |
MSS | The Music Studio Song (PC) | 16 | |
MST | M project | 7 | |
MST | Mesen Save State | 8 | |
MST | Room Arranger design | 12 | |
MST | Windows SDK Setup Transform script | 104 | |
MSTG | OMP Stage | 5 | |
MSU | Windows Update Package | 13 | |
MSV | WebLab Viewer Molecule | 13 | |
MSWMM | Windows Movie Maker project | 12 | |
MT2 | MadTracker 2 module | 14 | |
MT2 | S2 Engine Material | 834 | |
MT5 | Poser Material (V5) | 37 | |
MTB | Mastercam ToolBar configuration | 4 | |
MTC | MTC chiptune | 8 | |
MTC | Make The Cut! project | 11 | |
MTD | Digital Sheet Music | 2 | |
MTD | Digital Sheet Music (Big Endian) | 4 | |
MTD/EMP | Stardock Entertainment game data archive | 10 | |
MTE | TargetExpress target | 598 | Hunter |
MTF | Mediatek Font | 14 | |
MTH | GameCube video | 2 | |
MTK | MPU-401 trakker module | 3 | |
MTL | Alias|Wavefront material | 10 | |
MTL | Alias|Wavefront material library | 9 | |
MTL | Caligari TrueSpace Material Library | 18 | |
MTL | Crytek XML Material | 9 | |
MTL | MegaCAD Library | 21 | |
MTL | PTC Creo Material | 5 | |
MTL | PTC Creo Material (with BOM) | 5 | |
MTM | MultiTracker module | 76 | |
MTM | Spider-Man Cartoon Maker movie | 11 | |
MTN | BioForge Motion | 32 | |
MTN | Live2D Cubism Motion data | 1312 | |
MTN | Live2D Cubism Motion data (UTF-8) | 18 | |
MTN | Musik-Trainer Notation | 7 | |
MTN | Scorched Earth Mountain range data | 10 | |
MTP | EasyBuilder8000 project | 12 | |
MTP | Master Tracks Pro Preferences (v3) | 3 | |
MTP | Minitab Portable Worksheet | 9 | |
MTP | Power Translator document | 10 | |
MTR | Aladdin 4D MTR | 48 | |
MTR | MIDITracker music | 52 | |
MTR | Master Tracker module | 12 | |
MTRX | Omicron MATRIX SPM image data | 2 | |
MTRX | Omicron MATRIX SPM parameter data | 2 | |
MTS | AVCHD video clips - MPEG Transport Stream | 6 | |
MTS | JVC - Everio MPEG-2 Transprot Stream | 80 | boby |
MTS | Master Tracks Pro Score (old) | 22 | |
MTS | Math Studio (generic) | 8 | |
MTS | Math Studio (v1.2) | 2 | |
MTS | Math Studio (v1.5) | 6 | |
MTS | MetaStream 3D object | 24 | |
MTS | TraX Music Track | 29 | |
MTS | mIRC Theme | 53 | |
MTS | mIRC Theme (UTF-8) | 185 | |
MTS | mIRC Theme (with rem) | 13 | |
MTV | MTV video | 9 | |
MTW | Minitab Worksheet | 93 | |
MTW | Minitab Worksheet (V12 1998) | 375 | |
MTX | Matrix spreadsheet | 17 | |
MTX | Slayer engine Texture | 2 | |
MTX | Viewpoint MetaStream scene | 7 | |
MTZ | MIUI Theme | 24 | |
MUBU | Mubu container | 23 | |
MUG | Digital Mugician 2 module | 5 | |
MUIB | MUI Builder project | 34 | |
MUK | Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40K game data archive | 2 | |
MUK | Holistic Design game data archive (generic) | 5 | |
MUK | Mall Tycoon game data archive | 2 | |
MUK | Multak Mini 8162 encoded Karaoke audio | 10 | |
MULIB | Muse Library | 7 | |
MULTISAMPLE | Bitwig Studio multisample | 5 | |
MUM | Windows Update Package | 1009 | |
MUM | Windows Update Package (UTF-16 LE) | 8 | |
MUN | Windows system resource library | 210 | Joerg Jenderek |
MUP | MindMup Mindmap | 6 | |
MUP | Music Publisher Score | 8 | |
MUS | Advanced Layouter model | 20 | |
MUS | Doom/Heretic music | 9 | |
MUS | Dynamix Music data container | 5 | |
MUS | Electronic Arts Music format | 27 | |
MUS | FAC Soundtracker module | 66 | |
MUS | Finale (generic binary format) | 22 | |
MUS/ETF | Finale ETF Enigma Tansportable File | 12 | |
MUS | Finale Guitar | 5 | |
MUS | Finale NotePad | 8 | |
MUS | Finale PrintMusic | 6 | |
MUS | Finale music score | 10 | |
MUS | Gateway Music | 5 | |
MUS | Karl Morton Music format | 11 | |
MUS | MASI 16-bit protected mode Music driver | 10 | |
MUS | MASI 16-bit real mode Music driver | 6 | |
MUS | MVSTracker Music module | 3 | |
MUS | MusicTime score (v3.x) | 13 | |
MUS/MYR | Myriad Harmony / Melody assistant music | 24 | |
MUS | S.O.T.E. module | 13 | |
MUS | Virtual Home Space Builder 3D Space | 16 | |
MUS | Virtual Home Space Builder 3D Space (with rem) | 147 | |
MUSE | Emacs Muse project | 6 | |
MUSIC | SuperTux Music | 11 | |
MUSICXML/XML | MusicXML | 139 | |
MUSINK | Musink music score | 10 | |
MUSX | Finale Music notation | 24 | |
MUSX | MusX Archimedes Tracker module | 34 | |
MUTSU | Mutsu profile | 4 | |
MUX | MUX video | 7 | |
MUX | Sapiens Music (DOS) | 2 | |
MV | Miva Script | 18 | |
MV/MOVIE/SGI | SGI video | 16 | |
MV3 | AUPEC encoded audio | 18 | |
MVA | Setup Program Archive | 22 | |
MVB | Multimedia Viewer Book | 48 | |
MVC | Collectorz.com Movie Collector data | 4 | |
MVC | Miva Compiled script | 2 | |
MVC | MovieCart video | 10 | |
MVCMD | Myriad 2 firmware container | 5 | |
MVD | Magix Movie Edit video | 3 | |
MVDX | MindView Windows Document | 5 | |
MVE | Fantavision Movie (v1.00 MS-DOS) | 27 | |
MVE | Fujitsu Movie format video | 13 | |
MVE | Interplay MVE video | 5 | |
MVE | Wing Commander III MVE movie | 2 | |
MVE | muvee autoProducer Project | 6 | |
MVEX | Muvee autoProducer 6 project | 4 | |
MVG | Magick Vector Graphics | 12 | |
MVI | MovieCD MVI1 Video | 5 | |
MVM | MVX Module | 12 | |
MVP | MAGIX Video Project | 6 | Tyler Thorsted |
MVP | MoviePlus Project | 4 | Tyler Thorsted |
MVPL | Microsoft Visual Programming Language project | 9 | |
MVS | MusicMatch JukeBox Visualization (v1.0) | 11 | |
MVS | REBEL book Moves format | 2 | |
MW | Maple XML Worksheet | 83 | |
MW2 | MechWarrior 2 demo data | 36 | |
MW2 | MicroWorlds LOGO Activity | 112 | |
MW4 | MechWarrior 4 game data | 5 | |
MWB | MySQL Workbench model archive | 8 | |
MWD | Mariner Write Document | 7 | |
MWDECK | Magic Workstation Deck | 10 | |
MWL | Mighty Draw Windows library | 3 | |
MWM/MFM/MWK/MWV | MoonBlaster for MoonSound song | 82 | |
MWM | Space Engineers Model | 72 | |
MWP | STEP7-Micro WIN PLC Program | 4 | |
MWPROJ | MapWindow Project (v5) | 8 | |
MWS | Maple Classic Worksheet | 180 | |
MWSYMB | MapWindow Symbols | 7 | |
MWZ | Maple compressed Worksheet | 43 | |
MX1 | Mapletown Network bitmap (7bit encoded) | 22 | |
MX2 | MasterCook recipe | 24 | |
MXD | ArcGIS Map project | 131 | |
MXD | MX series Remote Control configuration (generic) | 6 | |
MXD | MX-850 Remote Control configuration | 4 | |
MXF | Material Exchange Format | 11 | |
MXF | Maxis SimCity Font | 2 | |
MXF | Picasa movie project | 10 | |
MXG | MxDraw drawing | 3 | |
MXGRP | Native Instruments Maschine Group (v2) | 6 | |
MXL | Moxcel spreadsheet | 3 | |
MXL | MusicXML (compressed) | 19 | |
MXM | Cubic Tiny XM module | 3 | |
MXM | MAGIX library | 2 | |
MXMF/XMF | eXtensible Music File Format (v1) | 17 | |
MXMF/XMF | eXtensible Music File Format (v2) | 8 | |
MXML | xmlman manpage generation language | 12 | |
MXP | Macromedia Extension Package | 137 | Alex Paven |
MXP | MxPro QPCR experiment | 5 | |
MXPRJ | Native Instruments Maschine Project (v2) | 4 | |
MXPROJECT | STM32CubeMX parameters | 20 | |
MXR | MatrixREDUCE 2.0 PSAM XML format | 5 | |
MXS | Maxwell Render Scene | 10 | |
MXSND | Native Instruments Maschine Sound (v2) | 32 | |
MXTX | MaxTrax module | 77 | |
MXV | Caiman Video data | 6 | |
MXV | MAGIX Video | 233 | Tyler Thorsted |
MYAPP | VisualStudio MyApp | 11 | |
MYI | MySQL MyISAM tables index | 104 | |
MYI | maxYMiser Instrument | 36 | |
MYO | MYOB data | 4 | |
MYS | Myst saved game | 65 | |
MYS | Mystic BBS install package | 6 | |
MYS | maxYMiser Song/module | 2 | |
MYV | maxYMiser Voice | 2 | |
MZ | MOZART Music Document | 43 | |
MZ | MOZART tune | 11 | |
MZ2 | MasterCook recipe (zipped) | 13 | |
MZE | MIDI-MAZE II Maze | 6 | |
MZF | MediaZip compressed archive | 10 | |
MZM | MegaZeux MZM2 image | 2 | |
MZM | MegaZeux MZMX image | 3 | |
MZML | MzML mass spectrometer output data | 137 | |
MZP | MOZART Percussion map | 5 | |
MZP | Muzip audio (v1) | 3 | |
MZP | Muzip audio (v4) | 4 | |
MZP | WinArchiver Mountable compressed Archive | 4 | |
MZTAB | mzTab format | 12 | |
MZTAB | mzTab format (with comment) | 21 | |
MZX | MegaZeux game | 42 | flarn2006 |
MZX | MegaZeux world data (generic) | 2 | |
MZX | MegaZeux world data (v1.0x) | 2 | |
MZX | PS2 compressed data stream | 2 | |
MZXML | MzXML mass spectrometer output data | 14 | |
M_U | Mace Utilities RXBAK info | 3 | |