Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
Q | Callahans Crosstime Saloon video/animation | 2 | |
Q | Mission Critical video/animation | 37 | |
Q/PAK | Quantum compressed archive | 15 | |
Q | Shannara video/animation | 118 | |
Q3C | Quick 3D Cover project | 4 | |
Q3O | Quick3D Object | 44 | |
Q3S | Quick3D Scene | 2 | |
Q4 | XLD4 bitmap | 31 | |
Q4D | XLD4 Graphic Data Document bitmap | 5 | |
QAR | Quartus II Archive | 3 | |
QAT | Office Quick Access Toolbar info | 5 | |
QBB | Intuit QuickBooks Backup | 6 | |
QBE | dBASE 5.0 Query | 4 | |
QBE | dBASE IV Query | 3 | |
QBO | dBASE compiled Query | 4 | |
QBTHEME | qBittorrent Theme | 18 | |
QBW | Intuit QuickBooks for Windows | 9 | |
QCF | Q-emulator Configuration | 12 | |
QCF | Quickbasic Coordinates File | 2 | |
QCL | QuarkXPress Color Library | 12 | |
QCMP | QuickCompression compressed data (BE) | 2 | |
QCOW/IMG | QCOW disk image (gen) | 5 | |
QCOW/IMG | QCOW1 disk image | 4 | |
QCOW2/IMG | QCOW2 disk image | 7 | |
QCOW3/IMG | QCOW3 disk image | 2 | |
QCP | QualComm PureVoice | 20 | |
QD | FlashFloppy Quick Disk image | 2 | |
QD | HxC Floppy Emulator QuickDisk image | 4 | |
QDA | Akuji the Demon game data archive | 4 | |
QDA | Pendulumania game data | 4 | |
QDA | Quadruple D Archiver compressed archive | 4 | |
QDAT | QuickTime installer cache | 4 | |
QDB | Quick Database | 5 | |
QDC | Garmin Quickdraw Contours data | 3 | |
QDF | Quicken data | 3 | |
QDIM | PointCab QDIM elevation map | 30 | |
QDS | Genstat QTL Data Space | 4 | |
QDTP | Tourenplaner data | 10 | |
QE | QuickEntry form (v1.1) | 3 | |
QED | QEMU Enhanced Disk Image | 2 | |
QEF | Qubicle Exchange Format | 2 | |
QF | Ovi Maps info | 9 | |
QFC | QuickFileCollection archive | 6 | |
QFC | QuickFileCollection archive (v3) | 7 | |
QFILTER | Apple Quartz Filter | 6 | |
QFX | QuickLink II Fax bitmap (new) | 3 | |
QFX | QuickLink II Fax bitmap (old) | 6 | |
QFX | Quicken Transfer file | 7 | |
QGS | QGIS project | 124 | |
QGZ | QGIS Zipped project | 6 | |
QHCP | Qt Help Collection Project | 10 | |
QHP | Qt Help Project | 9 | |
QIC | Windows 98 MSBackup backup set | 5 | |
QIF | Quality Information Framework document | 66 | |
QIF | Quicken Interchange Format | 9 | |
QIP | Altera Quartus IP | 12 | |
QIP | Quarterdeck Installation Package (v1) | 2 | |
QIP | Quarterdeck Installation Package (v2) | 17 | |
QIX | GeoTools shapefile spatial index | 4 | |
QLB | Microsoft Basic Quick library | 86 | |
QLB | Microsoft VBDOS Quick library | 11 | |
QLI | Statler Stitcher | 6 | |
QLL | Quattro Pro add-in functions library | 2 | |
QLPAK | Q-emuLator Package | 9 | |
QLR | QGIS Layer | 10 | |
QM | Qt Message | 55 | |
QMBL | LabQuest results | 21 | |
QMC | MST Quintus Macro | 2 | |
QMD | QGIS MetaData | 13 | |
QMG | Qmage encoded data | 7 | |
QML | QGIS style | 66 | |
QMLC | QML Cached document | 1150 | |
QMV | QMovie Video | 3 | |
QOA | Quite OK Audio | 3 | |
QOI | Quite OK Image Format bitmap | 7 | |
QOIR | QOIR bitmap | 13 | |
QOP | 3ds Quad colors | 18 | |
QP03 | qpress compressed archive | 18 | Label |
QPE | Qualitas Program Information | 2 | |
QPL | Quoter Plan project | 6 | |
QPM | QNX Package Manifest | 206 | |
QPT | QGIS Composer Template | 26 | |
QPU | Microsoft QuickPascal Unit | 7 | |
QPW | Quattro Pro for Windows spreadsheet | 21 | |
QPX | QVox external plugins configuration | 6 | |
QR2 | Delphi QuickReport | 20 | |
QRC | Qt Resource Collection | 24 | |
QRM | Allen Communications Quest Released Module (v5) | 15 | Kieran O'Donnell |
QRM | QNX Repository Manifest | 6 | |
QRM | RM/Quest module | 60 | |
QRP | Gupta ReportWindows Report | 9 | |
QRP | QuickReport Report | 8 | |
QRS | SlickRun MagicWord Pack | 6 | |
QRT | QR-Tekst document | 6 | |
QRT | QRT Ray Tracer scene description (with rem) | 12 | |
QRY | ACT! Win Query | 7 | |
QSD | Quicken Win Data | 14 | |
QSF | Micrografx QuickSilver graphic plugin | 3 | |
QSF | Quartus Setting File (by Terasic System Builder) | 6 | |
QSF | Quartus Setting File (generic, with rem) | 19 | |
QSF | Quintessential Player Family Skin | 16 | |
QSFLIB | QSF Capcom QSound Format rip | 8 | |
QSK | Quintessential Player Kid Skin | 10 | |
QSQ | QSEQ project | 4 | |
QSS | File Express Quick Scan | 4 | |
QST | HeroQuest Quest | 18 | Kristopher Neidecker |
QST | Zelda Classic Quest | 2 | |
QSU | Zelda Classic Quest (Unencoded) | 2 | |
QSYS | Altera Qsys System | 20 | |
QTCH | Quicktime Cached data | 4 | |
QTIF/QIF | QuickTime Image Format bitmap | 6 | |
QTIF/QIF | QuickTime Image Format bitmap (alternate) | 3 | |
QTL | QuickTime Media Link | 7 | |
QTP | QuickTime Preferences | 7 | |
QTR | Qtractor session | 6 | |
QTT | Qtracker Theme | 6 | |
QTX | Datacolor QTX format (batch) | 14 | |
QTX | Datacolor QTX format (standard) | 25 | |
QTZ | Quartz Composer data | 31 | |
QUA | Avira AntiVir Quarantined | 3 | |
QUA | Avira AntiVir Quarantined (var.) | 27 | Joerg Jenderek |
QUA | FileMedic Antivirus Quarantined | 5 | |
QUAKEML | QuakeML seismological data | 8 | |
QUANTIZED | BASIC8 Quantized image | 5 | |
QUERY | Microsoft PCHealth query | 6 | |
QUEST | Quest adventure (v5) | 57 | |
QUEST-SAVE | Quest 5 game Save | 25 | Meus Artis |
QUOX/QUIZ | Question Object File Format | 8 | |
QVM | Project IGI: I'm Going In save game | 4 | |
QVW | QlikView document | 57 | roentgen |
QW | QandA Write for Windows document (v3.0) | 16 | |
QWC | QuickBooks Web Connector configuration | 8 | |
QWK | QWK offline mail packet (ZIP compressed) | 17 | |
QWS | Quartus Workspace | 12 | |
QX | Quexal sourcecode | 9 | |
QXCF | Q Light Controller+ Color Filters | 4 | |
QXD/QXP | QuarkXPress Document/Project (generic) | 12 | |
QXF | Q Light Controller+ Fixture definition | 937 | |
QXI | Q Light Controller+ Input profile | 25 | |
QXM | Q Light Controller+ Midi template | 8 | |
QXM | Quexal macro | 12 | |
QXMT | Q Light Controller+ Modifier Template | 14 | |
QXW | Q Light Controller+ Workspace | 10 | |
QZ | Create A Quiz file | 2 | |
QZD/QZE/QZS | QuizPro quiz data | 9 | |