Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
B | Applause II Batch (v2.0) | 2 | |
B | BundleFile | 3 | |
B | GTA San Andreas save game | 77 | |
B | GTA: San Andreas save game (v1 PS2) | 1 | |
B | GTA: San Andreas save game (v1.00 PC mod) | 1 | |
B | GTA: San Andreas save game (v1.00 PC) | 1 | |
B | GTA: San Andreas save game (v1.01 PC mod) | 1 | |
B | GTA: San Andreas save game (v1.01 PC) | 1 | |
B | GTA: San Andreas save game (v2 PS2) | 1 | |
B | GTA: San Andreas save game (v2.00 PC German) | 1 | |
B | GTA: San Andreas save game (v2.00 PC) | 1 | |
B00 | Electone Registrations | 2 | |
B1 | B1 compressed archive | 7 | |
B16 | PCO bitmap | 2 | |
B1N | Flymaster B1 Nav firmware | 3 | |
B2S | BushTracker 2 Song | 5 | |
B2Z | Division dVS 3d model | 104 | |
B3D | Blitz3d object | 2 | |
B3D | Hard Truck 3D models | 13 | |
B3K | BWTC32Key encoded data | 6 | |
B3S | Breach 3 campaign data | 10 | |
B4A | B4A Application | 26 | |
B4J | B4J source code | 61 | YFdyh000 |
B4S | Winamp 3 Playlist | 14 | |
B5T/B6T | BlindWrite TOC | 3 | |
B6Z | B6Zip compressed archive | 4 | |
B8 | Cubicomp PictureMaker blue channel image data | 15 | |
BA2 | Bethesda game data Archive 2 (generic) | 7 | |
BA2 | Bethesda game data Archive 2 (v1) | 6 | |
BA2 | Bethesda game data Archive 2 (v2) | 2 | |
BA2 | Bethesda game data Archive 2 (v3) | 2 | |
BAB | Babble! text data | 17 | |
BAC | Ami-Back Backup | 2 | |
BAC | Luxor ABC80 tokenized BASIC source | 17 | |
BACKUP | MicroTik RouterOS backup | 20 | |
BAD | Brutus Application Definition | 18 | |
BADONGO | BaDonGo file info | 3 | |
BAG | AOL Instant Messenger buddy list | 14 | |
BAG | Bag archive | 6 | |
BAG | Bathymetric Attributed Grid | 12 | |
BAG | ROS Bag (generic) | 26 | |
BAG | ROS Bag (v1.1) | 2 | |
BAG | ROS Bag (v1.2) | 2 | |
BAG | ROS Bag (v2.0) | 24 | |
BAG | Westwood game data Archive | 2 | |
BAI | BAM Index | 2 | |
BAK | MIUI Backup data | 6 | |
BAK | Microsoft SQL Server Backup (compressed) | 2 | Axel Bender |
BAK | Microsoft SQL Server backup | 30 | |
BAKA | Crypt Killer audio data | 4 | |
BAL | B4A Layout | 41 | |
BAL | Baldies animation | 5 | |
BAL | Red Sector Demo-Maker vector-ball object | 10 | |
BAL | Skullcaps level | 49 | |
BALZ | BALZ compressed data | 6 | |
BAM | BOYAN Action Module | 11 | |
BAM | Bob's AdLib Music module | 7 | |
BAM | Infinity Engine Animation (v1) | 12910 | Sam. |
BAM | Infinity Engine Animation (v2) | 2 | |
BAM | Infinity Engine Compressed Animation (v1) | 27684 | Sam. |
BAM | Panda3D Bam container | 3 | |
BAM | Sequence Alignment/Map format (binary) | 12 | |
BAN | PrintPartner Banner | 3 | |
BAND | SuperJAM! Band | 18 | |
BANK/FSB | FMOD Sample Bank (RIFF format) | 8 | |
BAR/DFW | BAR game data archive | 70 | |
BAR | FileStar/2 toolBar | 4 | |
BAR | Total Commander button Bar config | 3 | |
BAS | AmigaBASIC source | 9 | |
BAS | AmigaBASIC source (protected) | 5 | |
BAS | Amstrad CPC Locomotive BASIC tokenized source | 18 | |
BAS | Amstrad CPC Locomotive BASIC tokenized source (protected) | 7 | |
BAS | B4X BASIC source code | 218 | YFdyh000 |
BAS | BAS VBDOS Pro 1.0 Source | 22 | |
BAS | CHDK UBASIC script | 12 | |
BAS | CHDK UBASIC script (with rem) | 14 | |
BAS | Cambridge Z88 BASIC tokenized source | 7 | |
BAS | GFA-BASIC Atari v1.00-2.02 tokenized source | 6 | |
BAS | GFA-BASIC Atari v1.00-2.02 tokenized source (protected) | 3 | |
BAS | GW-BASIC protected source | 3 | |
BAS | HBasic source code | 24 | |
BAS | IS-BASIC source | 44 | |
BAS | MSX BASIC tokenized source | 66 | |
BAS | Mallard BASIC tokenized source (new) | 2 | |
BAS | Mallard BASIC tokenized source (protected) (new) | 2 | |
BAS | Mallard BASIC tokenized source (protected) (v1.11) | 2 | |
BAS | Mallard BASIC tokenized source (v1.11) | 2 | |
BAS | Memotech MTX BASIC source | 46 | |
BAS | Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.0 tokenized source | 29 | |
BAS | Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5 tokenized source | 90 | Dario Messina |
BAS | PyBasic source | 8 | |
BAS | QuickBASIC Extended v7.1 Source | 46 | |
BAS | Robotron HC/KC serie BASIC source | 37 | |
BAS | STOS source | 4 | |
BAS | TRS-80 Level II BASIC tokenized source | 4 | |
BAS | Visual Basic 2 source (tokenized) | 11 | |
BAS | Visual Basic 3 source (tokenized) | 14 | |
BAS | ZBasic DOS source code | 25 | |
BAS | ZX spectrum +3 DOS BASIC source | 22 | |
BASIN | HEC-HMS Basin model settings | 3 | |
BASIS | Basis Universal Supercompressed GPU Texture | 25 | |
BATCH | Switchball game data archive | 3 | |
BATTLE | Robocode Battle | 4 | |
BAU | Apache OpenOffice AutoText configuration | 4 | |
BAV | The Bat! Antivirus plugin | 18 | |
BAW | BrainLED AlfaWave session | 4 | |
BB | Artlantis BillBoard | 12 | |
BB | Artlantis Billboard | 13 | |
BB/BIGBED | bigBed Track Format | 8 | |
BB6 | BassBox speaker design (v6) | 11 | |
BBA | Blue Byte Archive Format | 5 | |
BBAS | BobCAD Art Surface | 4 | |
BBB | BlackBerry Backup package | 5 | |
BBCD | BobCAD-CAM drawing | 103 | |
BBF | ScriptBasic Binary File Format (32bit) | 2 | |
BBF | ScriptBasic Binary File Format (64bit) | 2 | |
BBKEYMAP | Blockbench Keymap | 5 | |
BBL | BibTeX Generated Bibliography | 16 | |
BBL | Blackbox flight data recorder Log | 8 | |
BBLIB | BootX BootBlocks Library | 3 | |
BBMODEL | Blockbench 3D Model | 5 | |
BBSONG | Beepola chiptune | 78 | |
BBT | BackBit Tool format | 5 | |
BBTHEME | Blockbench Theme | 3 | |
BBX | BrainBox neural net | 15 | |
BC | Big Crunch compressed file | 4 | |
BC | LLVM Bitcode (generic) | 13 | |
BC | LLVM Bytecode | 2 | |
BC | LLVM Bytecode (compressed) | 2 | |
BC | LLVM IR Bitcode | 9 | |
BC/TB0 | Photoshop Thumbnail Cache | 2 | |
BC | SPICE Binary CK | 20 | |
BCA | Jetico BCArchive encrypted archive | 2 | |
BCD | Windows NT Registry Hive (Boot Configuration Data) | 82 | Joerg Jenderek |
BCD | Windows NT Registry Hive (Boot Configuration Data, empty) | 6 | Joerg Jenderek |
BCF | Belltech Business Card Designer Pro | 2 | |
BCF | Binary Color Format (v1.0) | 12 | |
BCF | Binary Color Format (v2.0) | 3 | |
BCF | Binary Color Format (v2.1) | 3 | |
BCF | Pearl Abyss game data | 12 | |
BCF | Qualitas BIOS Compression Feature info | 124 | |
BCF | Variant Call Format (binary) (v1) | 2 | |
BCF | Variant Call Format (binary) (v2.1) | 2 | |
BCFNT | Nintendo 3DS Bitmap Font Format | 2 | |
BCFNU | Nintendo 3DS Bitmap Font Format | 2 | |
BCIF | BCIF bitmap | 7 | |
BCK | BackupExpress Pro | 71 | Christian Wolkersdorfer |
BCK | Comic Book Creator Background | 7 | |
BCK | TNC Packed Backup | 4 | |
BCM | BCM compressed archive | 4 | |
BCMAP | Adobe Binary CMaps | 168 | |
BCO | Bitstream Compressed Outline font | 14 | |
BCP | Warrior Kings game data | 2 | |
BCPKG | Beyond Compare Settings Package | 6 | |
BCR | BCR-STM SPM data (16bit int) | 2 | |
BCR | BCR-STM SPM data (16bit int, UTF-16) | 2 | |
BCRF | BCR-STM SPM data (32bit FP) | 3 | |
BCRF | BCR-STM SPM data (32bit FP, UTF-16) | 2 | |
BCS | Ablex game data | 95 | |
BCS | BCS Video | 3 | |
BCS | Infinity Engine Compiled Script | 9356 | Sam. |
BCS | Yamaha Basic Style | 98 | |
BCSTM | BCSTM audio | 8 | |
BCT | Adobe Bridge cache | 14 | |
BCT/TB0 | Photoshop Thumbnail Cache | 2 | |
BCW | BusinessCards MX project | 14 | |
BD | Ben Daglish game music | 44 | |
BD | Brief Deluxe II project | 5 | |
BD/HD | PlayStation 2 BD/HD Audio | 7 | |
BDBX | Blaise Data Base | 5 | |
BDC | Babylon Dictionary | 29 | r0bb3r.xXx |
BDC | West Point Bridge Designer project | 3 | |
BDD | BRender Device Driver | 18 | |
BDF | Brother Embroidery File | 4 | |
BDF | Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format font | 37 | |
BDF | Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format font (with rem) | 5 | |
BDF | Quartus Block Design File | 9 | |
BDF | Supreme Commander map | 3 | |
BDF | bCAD Drawing | 13 | |
BDIC | Google Chrome dictionary | 2 | |
BDIX | Blaise Data | 3 | |
BDL | EGO Engine game data container | 56 | |
BDL | Grid 2 Bundle | 12 | |
BDL | Nintendo GameCube/Wii 3D Model (ASCII) | 4 | |
BDM/BDMV | Blu-ray Disc Movie Information | 5 | |
BDOC/ASICE | Binary Document container | 9 | |
BDR | Microsoft Border art | 15 | |
BDR | PrintPartner Borders | 4 | |
BDS | Benn Daglish SID chiptune | 3 | |
BDS | SPICE Binary DSK | 4 | |
BDSPROJ | Borland Developer Studio Project | 16 | |
BDSPROJ | Borland Developer Studio Project (UTF-8) | 20 | |
BDY | Chess Assistant comments Bodies | 5 | |
BEA | Bezel Archive game data | 6 | |
BEAM | Compiled Erlang code | 10 | |
BEAM | Compiled Erlang code (old) | 2 | |
BEC | Gladius game data archive (PS2) | 2 | |
BED | UCSC BED Annotation Track | 12 | |
BEE | Beetris high scores | 2 | |
BEE | The Bee Archiver compressed archive | 6 | |
BENE | FontoBene font | 4 | |
BENE | FontoBene font (with rem) | 4 | |
BES | SPICE Binary Sequence Component EK | 9 | |
BF/OLI | Cryo Interactive game data (UBIK) | 6 | |
BF | Cryo Interactive gamedata | 2 | |
BF2 | Bradford Font (v2) | 41 | |
BFA/TMP | BigFix File Archive | 145 | jgstew |
BFA | Blowfish Advanced CS encrypted | 10 | |
BFD | Symbolics Lisp Font | 241 | |
BFE | Bcrypt Encrypted data | 5 | |
BFF | AIX Backup File Format | 159 | |
BFFNT | Nintendo 3DS Bitmap Font Format | 16 | |
BFI | Brute Force and Ignorance video | 3 | |
BFI | Chess Assistant Database File | 5 | |
BFL | Colin McRae Rally 2 game data archive | 2 | |
BFLI | Big Flexible Line Interpretation bitmap | 22 | |
BFLY | Linwood Butterfly note | 9 | |
BFN | Brother Embroidery System Font | 2 | |
BFONT | FrameMaker Bitmapped screen Font | 211 | |
BFS | Flatout game data archive | 2 | |
BFS | Halls of Montezuma Scenario | 8 | |
BFSAR | Nintendo Binary File Sound ARchive | 5 | |
BFSTM | BFSTM audio | 13 | |
BFWAV | Binary caFe WAVe audio | 5 | |
BFX | Bitware BitFax page(s) | 22 | |
BG | 2D Fighter Maker 95 BG data | 4 | |
BGA | Binary GPU Attribute | 6 | |
BGA | OS/2 Bitmap Graphics Array (generic) | 42 | |
BGB | Microsoft Chat Background Graphic | 40 | |
BGCODE | Binary G-code (v1) | 4 | |
BGDB | Global Virtual Accademy e-learning file | 7 | |
BGH | BubbleGEM Help | 8 | |
BGI | Borland Graphics Interface characters mapping | 3 | |
BGI | Borland Graphics Interface driver (v2.x) | 20 | |
BGI | Borland Graphics Interface driver (v3.x) | 6 | |
BGI | Borland Graphics printer driver (v2.x) | 4 | |
BGL | Babylon Glossary (BE) | 3 | |
BGL | Babylon Glossary (LE) | 43 | r0bb3r_xXx |
BGP | Bugbiter APAC239i bitmap | 2 | |
BH | BlackHole compressed archive | 5 | |
BHF | PCAnywhere32 Data | 3 | |
BHL | BlockHashLoc recovery info | 12 | |
BHO | Behold Organize data | 6 | |
BHW | Blophome published project | 40 | |
BIB/BIBTEX/TXT | BibTeX references | 24 | |
BIB | Platinen Layout Programm Bibliotheken/library | 30 | |
BIC/BID/BIM/BIS | Chess Assistant Dataset | 20 | |
BIC | Civilization III BIC save game | 2 | |
BIDULE | Bidule layout | 8 | |
BIF | BIF bitmap ASCII info | 6 | |
BIF | Infinity Engine archive (v1) | 550 | Sam. |
BIF | Infinity Engine compressed archive (v1.0) | 193 | Sam. |
BIF | Roku Base Index Frames container | 3 | |
BIF | TomTom Go info | 3 | |
BIF | TomTom Navigator info | 3 | |
BIF | TomTom info (generic) | 6 | |
BIF | byLight Image Format bitmap | 10 | |
BIG/VIV | BIGH Electronic Arts game data archive | 2 | |
BIG | SGA archive - Home World 2 game data | 4 | |
BIG/VIV | VIV/BIGF Electronic Arts Game Archive | 33 | voodooattack |
BIK | Bink video | 13 | |
BIK/BIK2/BK2 | Bink2 video | 3 | |
BIM | BIM format (v1.0.0) | 25 | |
BIMX | BIMx 3D scene | 12 | |
BIN | 7th Level game data | 99 | |
BIN | 7th Level game data archive | 2 | |
BIN | ATIS DVR/dashcam firmware | 16 | |
BIN | AVG update package | 5 | |
BIN | Adrenaline Rush Hour game data | 2 | |
BIN | Agilent Binary waveform (v1.0) | 6 | |
BIN | Agon MOS executable | 16 | |
BIN | Amazfit GTR 2 watchface | 7 | |
BIN | Amazfit GTR watchface (var.1) | 14 | |
BIN | Amazfit GTR watchface (var.2) | 18 | |
BIN | Amazon Kindle Update Package | 2 | |
BIN | Amerzone save game | 43 | |
BIN | Android battery usage data | 4 | Elad Karako |
BIN | Anjoy Vision IP camera firmware | 5 | |
BIN | Atari Jaguar CD image | 5 | |
BIN | Atari Jaguar CD image (byte-swapped) | 14 | |
BIN | Autel EVO drone firmware | 13 | |
BIN | Bandai Tamagochi CD-ROM game data | 51 | |
BIN | Botanicula save game | 28 | |
BIN | CASIO WinCE PDA backup | 4 | |
BIN | CD-I disk image | 54 | |
BIN | Casio Loopy ROM | 11 | |
BIN | Cat Daddy Games game data archive | 2 | |
BIN | Chasm BIN archive | 2 | |
BIN | Chasys Draw IES metadata | 13 | |
BIN | Cisco ASA firmware | 14 | Chris Clemson |
BIN | Cisco IOS XE firmware (v2.0) | 4 | |
BIN | Cisco IOS mzip compressed data | 3 | |
BIN | Cisco SPA112 firmware | 6 | |
BIN | CloudCompare BIN V2 format | 2 | |
BIN | CoolCV snapshot | 4 | |
BIN | Dracula: The Last Sanctuary save game | 51 | |
BIN | Dracula: The Resurrection save game | 24 | |
BIN | ESP8266 device firmware (generic) | 13 | |
BIN | Eastshade save game | 18 | |
BIN | Escu:de Engine resource data | 2 | |
BIN/APP-BIN | Espressif ESP32 IDF application image | 139 | Joerg Jenderek |
BIN | FairyGUI game data archive | 2 | |
BIN | Framemeister profile (v1.x) | 220 | |
BIN | Framemeister profile (v2.x) | 28 | |
BIN | Free42 state | 2 | |
BIN | GPS Tracklog (MTK Chipset) | 4 | Josef Schneider |
BIN | Gamate game ROM | 69 | |
BIN | Gemtek router firmware | 3 | |
BIN | Gemtek router firmware (variant) | 3 | |
BIN | GoDEX character translation table | 27 | |
BIN | HackRF firmware | 6 | |
BIN/DAT | Inno Setup data | 3 | |
BIN | JetFighter 2015 savegame | 68 | |
BIN | LMMC encoded router config | 3 | |
BIN | Leapster cartridge image | 94 | |
BIN | Linksys RT31P2-NA firmware | 6 | |
BIN/B | Linux kernel/bootloader/tools x86 bootable (v1) | 5 | Joerg Jenderek |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac AIFF audio (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Acrobat data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Adobe Photoshop native format (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac After Effects project (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Aldus FreeHand drawing (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac AppleWorks word processor document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac AutoCAD drawing (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Avid Pro Tools 5 project (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac BMP bitmap (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Claris CAD drawing (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Claris Draw drawing (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Compact Pro compressed archive (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Compress compressed archive (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Defender scores (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Desk Accessory suitcase (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Director 5 project (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Director 8.5 project (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Disk Doubler data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Display font (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Eudora ToC (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Excel 1 spreadsheet (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Excel 2.2 spreadsheet (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Excel 3 spreadsheet (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Excel 4 spreadsheet (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Extensis Portfolio images data base (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac FileMaker 1 data base (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac FileMaker Pro data base (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Finder data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Flash editor data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Flash player data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac FreeHand 3 document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac FreeHand 5 document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Function key (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac GNU gzip compressed data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac HyperCard stack (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac InDesign Document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac JPEG 2000 bitmap (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Library (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Library (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac LiveCode stack (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac MIDI music (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac MP3 audio (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac MP3 audio (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac MP3 audio (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac MPEG encoded data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac MPEG2 video (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Mac Word 6 document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Mac Word 8 document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac MacDraw drawing (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac MacPaint bitmap (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac MacWrite II document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac MacWrite II template (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac MacWrite Pro 1.5 document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Microsoft BASIC source (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Microsoft Excel (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Microsoft Word dictionary (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Microsoft Word document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Microsoft Word document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Microsoft Word glossary (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Microsoft Word help (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Microsoft Word print data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Microsoft Word template (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Microsoft Works data base (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Microsoft Works spreadsheet (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac OpenType font (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac PNG bitmap (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac PageMaker 3 document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac PageMaker 3 template (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac PageMaker 4 document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac PageMaker 5 document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac PageMaker 6 document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac PageMill's GIF bitmap (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Pagemaker 6.5 (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Portable Document Format (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac PowerPoint 3 presentation (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac PowerPoint 8 presentation (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Pre-System 7 system data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Preferences (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac QuarkXPress document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac QuarkXPress template (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac QuickTime video (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac RTF document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac RagTime 2 text document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac RagTime Classic document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac RagTime Classic text document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac RealPlayer MP3 audio (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Scitex data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Scrapbook (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac SimpleText read-only (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Startup screen (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac StuffIt segment (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac SuperPaint data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac System data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac System extension (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac THINK C project (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac THINK Pascal project (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Text clippings (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Toast 3 CD image (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Toast 3 Project (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac True Type font (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Type 1 Font (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac U-LAW audio (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Universal Disk image (DMG) (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Unix tar archive (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Wave audio (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Wave sound (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac WordPerfect 4 PC document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac WordPerfect 4.2 PC document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac WordPerfect 5.1 PC document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac WordPerfect 5.1 PC document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Wordperfect 1 text document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Wordperfect 2 text document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Wordperfect 3 text document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac WriteNow 2 document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac WriteNow 3 document (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac WriteNow dictionary (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac Zip compressed archive (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac control panel data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac resource data (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac shared library (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Mac simulated circuit (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | MacBinary 1 | 11 | Joerg Jenderek |
BIN/MACBIN | MacBinary 2 | 7 | Joerg Jenderek |
BIN/MACBIN | MacBinary 3 | 4 | Joerg Jenderek |
BIN/MACBIN | MacDraw drawing (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Macintosh StuffIt Deluxe archive (MacBinary) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
BIN/MACBIN | Macintosh font suitcase (MacBinary) | 2 | Joerg Jenderek |
BIN | Marvel appfw firmware | 5 | |
BIN | Mass Effect 3 Coalesced data | 4 | |
BIN | MediaTek combined download agent package | 4 | |
BIN | Mozilla script cache (generic) | 3 | |
BIN | Mozilla script cache (v1) | 2 | |
BIN | Mozilla script cache (v2) | 2 | |
BIN | Mozilla script cache (v3) | 2 | |
BIN | Multipaint image (C64 hi-res) | 3 | |
BIN | Multipaint image (C64 multicolor) | 3 | |
BIN | Multipaint image (CPC mode 0) | 3 | |
BIN | Multipaint image (MSX mode 2) | 3 | |
BIN | Multipaint image (Plus4 hi-res) | 3 | |
BIN | Multipaint image (Plus4 multicolor) | 3 | |
BIN | Multipaint image (QL mode 0) | 2 | |
BIN | Multipaint image (ZX ULAPLUS) | 4 | |
BIN | Multipaint image (ZX) | 3 | |
BIN | Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness save game | 44 | |
BIN | Nintendo Switch Atmosphere firmware fatal error log (var 0) | 2 | |
BIN | Nintendo Switch Atmosphere firmware fatal error log (var 1) | 2 | |
BIN | Nintendo Switch Atmosphere firmware fatal error log (var 2) | 16 | |
BIN | Nullsoft Install data | 6 | |
BIN/MODEL/MTL | PES game data (generic) | 9 | |
BIN/DAT | PSP PGD encrypted | 4 | |
BIN | Pac-in-Time game data | 181 | |
BIN | Pascal Script binary | 5 | |
BIN | Pebble application Binary | 13 | |
BIN | QubIDE disk image | 5 | |
BIN | RDP Bitmap Cache | 2 | |
BIN | Rasberry Pi EEPROM | 60 | Joerg Jenderek |
BIN | Ready 2 Rumble Boxing game data archive | 2 | |
BIN/DAT | Realtek router configuration | 7 | |
BIN/DAT | Realtek router default configuration | 2 | |
BIN | RetroTINK-4K firmware | 6 | |
BIN | Rigol Binary waveform (generic) | 4 | |
BIN | Saleale Logic 2 analog binary data | 4 | |
BIN | Saleale Logic 2 digital binary data | 17 | |
BIN/MD | Sega Genesis / Megadrive / 32x ROM image | 17 | Piwi |
BIN | Sky: Children of the Light level data (blob prefabs) | 46 | longbyte1 |
BIN | Sky: Children of the Light level data (objects) | 23 | longbyte1 |
BIN | Sony PS3 Silk Web Browser container format | 6 | Masamune3210 |
BIN/SELF/SPRX | Sony SELF - SPRX format | 16 | |
BIN/MACBIN | Sound Designer II audio (MacBinary) | 2 | |
BIN | Sound Images DOS sound driver | 6 | |
BIN | Sound Images Gen. 2 sound driver (v1.11) | 9 | |
BIN | Sound Images sound sample | 3 | |
BIN | StarCalc data index | 2 | |
BIN | Surf's Up game data archive | 2 | |
BIN | SwissMicros DM42 DMCP firmware | 14 | |
BIN | Symantec/Norton Config (v1.0) | 4 | |
BIN | TBAFS compressed archive | 2 | |
BIN | TP-Link router firmware (v1 gzip) | 7 | Joerg Jenderek |
BIN | TP-Link router firmware (v1 gzip+lzma) | 4 | Joerg Jenderek |
BIN | TP-Link router firmware (v1) | 7 | Joerg Jenderek |
BIN | Taxman's Retro Engine v5 3D Model | 123 | Sonic-The-Hedgehog-LNK1123 |
BIN | Taxman's Retro Engine v5 Configuration | 89 | Sonic-The-Hedgehog-LNK1123 |
BIN | Taxman's Retro Engine v5 Scenario info | 214 | Sonic-The-Hedgehog-LNK1123 |
BIN | Taxman's Retro Engine v5 Sprite info | 1094 | Sonic-The-Hedgehog-LNK1123 |
BIN | Taxman's Retro Engine v5 Static object | 135 | Sonic-The-Hedgehog-LNK1123 |
BIN | Taxman's Retro Engine v5 Tile configuration | 77 | Sonic-The-Hedgehog-LNK1123 |
BIN | Tesla Wall Connector firmware | 2 | |
BIN/BLI | Thomson Speedtouch serie WLAN router firmware | 11 | |
BIN | Tiger Electronics Game.com cartridge image | 16 | |
BIN | Tiger Electronics Game.com cartridge image (var.2) | 3 | |
BIN | Tiger Electronics Game.com cartridge image (var.3) | 4 | |
BIN | Time Line Binary Symbols (v6.x) | 5 | |
BIN | TimeTop GameKing cartridge image | 40 | |
BIN | Toshiba Pasopia ROM image | 9 | |
BIN | TrueBeam trajectory log | 5 | |
BIN | Ubiquiti firmware (generic) | 52 | |
BIN | Vivaldi Music Dump format | 18 | |
BIN | Yamaha MBDF Archive firmware | 3 | |
BIN | v86 saved state | 16 | |
BIN | vDriveQL firmware | 6 | |
BIN | vDriveZX firmware | 3 | |
BINARYCOOKIES | Safari Cookies | 2 | |
BINDS | Elite: Dangerous controls bindings | 26 | |
BINVOX | BINVOX voxel file format | 6 | |
BIO | BioArk compressed archive | 6 | |
BIP | 3DS Max Character Studio Biped mocap data | 12 | |
BIP | KeyShot 3D scene | 21 | |
BIT | Bit Archiver compressed archive | 4 | |
BIT | Lotus Manuscript bitmap | 2 | |
BIT | Xilinx Bitstream | 12 | |
BITSBOARD | Bitsboard Board (zipped) | 4 | |
BIX | BIX Archiver compressed archive | 8 | |
BIX | Civilization III BIX save game | 2 | |
BIZ | Division dVS 3d model | 351 | |
BIZ | PrintMaster Gold document | 10 | |
BJ | WinJack for MS Win game variant (v1.x) | 3 | |
BJK | OpenMG BeatJam Skin | 10 | |
BJL | B4J Layout | 114 | YFdyh000 |
BK/BOOK | FrameMaker book (binary) | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
BK2 | BizHawk movie capture | 14 | |
BKD/DSK | ANDOS disk image | 4 | |
BKF | Windows NTBackup archive | 15 | |
BKG/GUL | Samsung document | 15 | |
BKI | IBM Softcopy Reader (Bookmanager) Bookshelf (and Book) index file | 3 | |
BKM | BizHawk movie capture (obsolete) | 8 | |
BKP/BACKUP | Aspen Plus simulation state backup | 36 | |
BKR | ReplaceEm fileset | 9 | |
BKRIFF | Brass preset | 6 | |
BKS | IBM BookManager BookShelf | 5 | |
BKY | App Inventor Blocks XML | 31 | |
BL7 | RUCKUS firmware | 4 | |
BLB | ACT! data base Blob (v3.0) | 4 | |
BLB | BLB font game data | 8 | |
BLB | Blob Sculptor for Windows model (v1.0) | 4 | |
BLB/BLORB/GBLORB/GLB/ZBLORB/ZLB | Blorb interactive fiction package | 19 | |
BLB | The Neverhood game data | 7 | | NEW! |
BLC/BAS | Blassic source (binary) | 5 | |
BLC | Block Breaker pattern | 6 | |
BLD | 3D Home Design Suite model | 40 | |
BLD/ARC | Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa game data archive | 2 | |
BLD | Skyscraper simulator Building script | 16 | |
BLD | Skyscraper simulator Building script (with rem) | 31 | |
BLEND | Blender 3D data | 53 | |
BLF | Windows Common Log File System data | 18 | |
BLG | Microsoft Windows Performance Monitor Binary Log | 14 | |
BLI | BLINK compressed archive | 4 | |
BLIF | Berkeley Logic Interchange Format | 6 | |
BLK | Lightscape Block | 6 | |
BLK | MADE Engine game data archive | 6 | |
BLK | Quilt block (v8) | 2 | |
BLK | Sequencer One Block | 2 | |
BLL | Borland Language Library | 5 | |
BLOB | Android Assembly Store | 14 | |
BLOB | Cosmic Blobs model | 10 | |
BLOB | Steam Registry | 8 | Jocker |
BLOCK | Encrypted Blender 3D data | 2 | |
BLP | Blizzard Picture (type 1) | 12 | |
BLP | Blizzard Picture (type 2) | 4 | |
BLSC | Blue Scan drawing | 3 | |
BLT | BOLT game data archive | 9 | |
BLT | Saved AIM Buddy List | 13 | |
BLU | Apple Binary 2 Library Utility archive | 5 | |
BLUE | EVE Online data (generic) | 4 | |
BLUEJ | BlueJ package | 12 | |
BLUT | Houdini Binary LUT (linear) | 2 | |
BLUT | Houdini Binary LUT (log) | 2 | |
BLV | Bob the Amazing Lemon Level | 51 | |
BLZ | BriefLZ compressed data | 18 | Label |
BM | Bennet Yee's face format bitmap | 2 | |
BM$/ST$/BM!/CM$/DL$/EX$/FL$/HL$/IC$/IN$/PI$/SA$/SM$/TB$/VB$/PF1/PR$/STA/TT$/TTT | TSComp compressed data (single) | 134 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMA | BMA Archiver compressed archive | 3 | |
BMD | Nintendo GameCube/Wii 3D Model | 6 | |
BMF | BMF v1.x bitmap | 92 | |
BMF | BMF v2.x bitmap | 14 | |
BMF | Binary Managed Object File | 2 | |
BMF | Binary Managed Object File (encrypted) | 2 | |
BMF | Burp extension Manifest | 3 | |
BMF | ByteMap font format | 2 | |
BMF | Corel Binary Material Format | 13 | |
BMF | FloorPlan 3D project | 6 | |
BMFC | AngelCode Bitmap Font Generator Configuration | 10 | |
BMG | Message string storage | 3 | |
BMI | Zoner BMI Bitmap | 2 | |
BMIX | Blaise Instrument | 3 | |
BMM | Bleeper Music Maker music | 4 | |
BMM | Xilinx Block Memory Map | 9 | |
BMM | Xilinx Block Memory Map (with rem) | 9 | |
BMML | Balsamiq Mockups prototype | 10 | |
BMP | Alpha Microsystems Bitmap | 4 | |
BMP/EPA | Award BIOS logo bitmap (v2) | 6 | |
BMP/BLK | Dynamix Bitmap data container | 2 | |
BMP | OS/2 Bitmap | 12 | |
BMP/RLE/DIB | Windows Bitmap (generic) | 21 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMP/OS2 | Windows Bitmap (v1) | 7 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMP | Windows Bitmap (v2) | 4 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMP | Windows Bitmap (v2-24) | 0 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMP | Windows Bitmap (v2-48) | 0 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMP | Windows Bitmap (v2a) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMP | Windows Bitmap (v2o) | 0 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMP | Windows Bitmap (v3) | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMP | Windows Bitmap (v3a) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMP | Windows Bitmap (v4) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMP | Windows Bitmap (v5) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
BMS | QuickBMS script (with XML header) | 9 | |
BMS | QuickBMS script (with rem) | 13 | |
BMS | SilkRoad mesh | 3 | |
BMSK | STK Body Mask format | 4 | |
BMTP | Bome MIDI Translator Project | 7 | |
BMTP | Bome MIDI Translator Project (signed) | 7 | |
BMU | Aurora Engine BioWare Music Unit (v1.0) | 69 | Sam. |
BMX/BMW | Jeskola Buzz song | 65 | |
BND | Alien Trilogy game data container (textures) | 13 | |
BND | DB2 Bind | 41 | Roberto 'rbnet' Bolli |
BND | DB2 Bind (old) | 34 | |
BND | Tales Of Eternia Online game data archive (v1) | 2 | |
BND | Tales Of Eternia Online game data archive (v2) | 2 | |
BNDL | Need For Speed Bundle | 3 | |
BNE | Club Rapper game data | 21 | |
BNK | ARIA samples Bank | 8 | |
BNK | Adlib instruments/sound bank | 12 | |
BNK | Avatar Studio Bank descriptor | 4 | |
BNK | Bank game data archive | 2 | |
BNK/CAT/VH | Electronic Arts audio Bank | 3 | |
BNK | ExamView Question Bank | 27 | |
BNK | Halloween Harry Bank game data container | 3 | |
BNK | Native Instruments Preset Bank | 4 | |
BNK | Sound Club 2 sound bank | 2 | |
BNK | Test Drive Unlimited game data archive | 4 | |
BNK | The Need For Speed sounds Bank | 46 | |
BNK | Wwise sound Bank | 4 | |
BNNR/LABL/LTHD/SIGN | Deluxe Print project | 29 | |
BNR | BannerMania banner | 8 | |
BNR | Nintendo Wii homebrew Banner | 72 | |
BNR2/LBL2/LHD2/SGN2 | Deluxe Print II project | 10 | |
BNSF | BNSF audio | 4 | |
BNTX | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate UI data | 276 | |
BNVIB | Binary NX Vibration data (loop and wait) | 2 | |
BNVIB | Binary NX Vibration data (loop) | 2 | |
BNVIB | Binary NX Vibration data (normal) | 2 | |
BNY/BQY | Binary ][ archive | 2 | |
BNZ | bonZai3d project | 56 | |
BOA/B** | BOA Constrictor Archiver compressed archive | 5 | |
BOD | Atomic Elbow game data archive | 3 | |
BOM | Bill Of Materials | 4 | |
BONK | Bonk compressed audio | 3 | |
BOO | Boogle Lexicon | 2 | |
BOO | IBM BookManager Book | 28 | |
BOOK | Cybiko Cybook eBook | 56 | |
BOOK | FrameMaker book | 4 | |
BOOK | ICE Book Reader eBook | 13 | .Cryorb |
BOOK | MaxiDesk Phone Book | 2 | |
BOOTBLOCKS | VirusZ III Bootblocks data | 2 | |
BOOTSKIN | BootSkin Vista theme | 6 | |
BOOTSKIN | BootSkin theme | 11 | |
BOP | Balance of Power: The 1990 Ed. saved game | 3 | |
BORDERS | AmiAtlas Borders data | 2 | |
BOT | Bucket 'o Tab tablature | 5 | |
BOT | Robot Arena 2 bot | 51 | |
BOT | Robot Arena bot | 13 | |
BOT | Soldat Bot Information | 100 | |
BOV | Brick of Values | 3 | |
BOV | Brick of Values (with rem) | 3 | |
BOX | Beasts and Bumpkins game data archive | 2 | |
BOX | Boom Box project (v1) | 9 | |
BOX | Lemmings Revolution game data archive | 2 | |
BOX | Microsoft Store download package | 2 | |
BP | BP SoundMon 2 module | 61 | |
BP3 | BP SoundMon 3 module | 35 | |
BPC | SPICE Binary PcK | 9 | |
BPD | Buero Plus NexT FlashFiler database file | 86 | Meigel |
BPD | Business Plan data | 9 | |
BPF | Binary Point File 3 | 9 | |
BPF | BrightAuthor Project | 13 | |
BPG | Better Portable Graphics bitmap | 3 | |
BPG | Borland Project Group | 11 | |
BPHYS | Blender physics external cache | 3 | |
BPL | Aufschwung Ost graphics | 59 | |
BPL | Borland Package Library | 100 | |
BPM | Bizagi Process Modeler document | 7 | |
BPP | BPP bitmap | 15 | |
BPR | C++ Builder XML Project | 37 | |
BPR | SGP Baltie Program | 12 | |
BPROJ | Blaise datamodel Project | 4 | |
BPS | Binary Patching System patch | 6 | |
BQY | BrioQuery | 13 | |
BR6 | Bryce 6 Scene | 3 | |
BRAIN | BootX learned bootblocks | 5 | |
BRAINFILE | Siegfried Antivirus Professional virus data (v1.x) | 3 | |
BRAINZIP | PersonalBrain document | 6 | |
BRAW | Blackmagic RAW video | 15 | |
BRC | BlueCielo Meridian BriefCase - File Archive Library (v1.00) | 102 | Kieran O'Donnell |
BRCTR | Wii Binary Revolution Control | 2 | |
BRD | BorderMaker project | 8 | |
BRD | EAGLE PCB (circuit board) drawing | 51 | Renan (aka Wizard) |
BRD | Eagle PCB drawing (XML) | 35 | |
BRD | KiCad pcbnew PCB layout | 17 | |
BRD | Landrex/Testlink PCB Layout | 13 | |
BRD | Softdesk AdCADD Border sheet | 14 | |
BREFF | Wii Effect controls | 2 | |
BREFT | Wii Effects Textures | 2 | |
BREP/BRP | Open Cascade Technology 3D model | 31 | |
BREP/BRP | Open Cascade Technology 3D model (variation) | 3 | |
BRFNT | Wii Binary Revolution FoNT | 4 | |
BRLAN | Wii Binary Revolution Layout Animation | 2 | |
BRLYT | Wii Binary Revolution Layout | 2 | |
BRN | BrainStorm document | 3 | |
BRN | Gabriel Knight 3 barn game data | 3 | |
BRN | Sunplus Burn firmware update | 12 | |
BRP | BRender BRP | 16 | |
BRRES | Mario Kart Wii BRRES model data | 3 | |
BRS | Whale's Voyage graphic | 349 | |
BRSAR | Wii BRSAR audio package | 2 | |
BRSEQ | Nintendo Binary Revolution SEQuence | 2 | |
BRSTM | BRSTM audio | 17 | |
BRT | BeRoTracker module | 21 | |
BRT | Bridge Tape Recorder Tape | 30 | |
BRU | Invision Brushes | 2 | |
BRW | Ray Dream data | 301 | |
BRZ | Avatar Studio BRZ | 36 | |
BS | Infinity Engine compiled character Script | 79 | Sam. |
BS2 | BSArc compressed archive | 4 | |
BS4 | Broken Sword: The Angel of Death save game | 109 | |
BS4 | Mikogo session video recording | 6 | Peter Glasl |
BSA | BSArc compressed archive | 7 | |
BSA | The Bone Shaker Architect music | 2 | |
BSB | MapInfo Sea Chart | 14 | |
BSC | BSC ZX Spectrum tape data | 4 | |
BSC | BinSCII encoded data | 8 | |
BSC | Microsoft Visual C Source Code Browser info | 25 | |
BSC | bsc compressed data | 3 | |
BSDIFF | bsdiff patch (v4) | 29 | |
BSDL | Boundary Scan Description Language | 9 | |
BSDL | Boundary Scan Description Language (with rem) | 55 | |
BSEARCH | BehaviorSearch protocol | 4 | |
BSF | Tools Media Corp. level data | 21 | |
BSG | B-17 Flying Fortress Saved Game/mission | 6 | |
BSG | Besiege machine | 6 | |
BSG | Besiege machine (XML) | 68 | |
BSI | Bethesda Image texture (BHDR) | 537 | |
BSI | Bethesda Image texture (IFHD) | 286 | |
BSI | Future Composer (BSI) module | 3 | |
BSK | Bespoke Synth savestate | 7 | |
BSN | BSA Packing program compressed archive | 7 | |
BSOL | Blaise Solution | 4 | |
BSP | BSP bitmap | 2 | |
BSP | GETIC 3D BSP | 2 | |
BSP | Half-Life map | 38 | |
BSP | Quake Map | 21 | |
BSP | Quake2 map | 23 | fenixproductions |
BSP | SPICE Binary SPK | 18 | |
BSP | SPICE Binary SPK (old) | 16 | |
BSP | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy map | 13 | |
BSP | Valve Source BSP format (generic) | 2 | |
BSP | Valve Source map | 90 | Thaimodz |
BSQ | BSQ encoded data (v1) | 2 | |
BSQ | BSQ encoded data (v2) | 6 | |
BSS | Beathoven Synthesizer module | 42 | |
BSS | Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon save game | 119 | |
BSSC | BSSC compressed data | 3 | |
BSW | Bank Street Writer dictionary | 2 | |
BSX | BrickStore XML data | 11 | |
BSZ | BSplayer Skin | 11 | |
BSZ | bsnes saved states | 6 | |
BT | BluffTitler Show | 366 | Ryan Jones |
BT | VTBuilder - Binary Terrain (generic) | 10 | |
BT | VTBuilder - Binary Terrain v1.x | 10 | |
BT2 | West Mountain Radio CBA Test (v2) | 9 | |
BT2 | West Mountain Radio CBA Test (v3) | 29 | |
BTAPP | uTorrent Application | 5 | |
BTC | BeckerTools compressed archive/backup | 6 | |
BTD | BREAKTHRU song | 5 | |
BTD | Power To-Do List Data | 5 | |
BTE | Visual Home object | 8 | |
BTG | Binary TerraGear - FlightGear scenary data | 16 | |
BTL | Flight Commander 2 Battle data | 16 | |
BTL | Link Bootable code for transputer network | 16 | |
BTL | The Civil War Battle data | 8 | |
BTM | 4DOS compressed Batch-To-Memory (v5.0) | 2 | |
BTM | 4DOS compressed Batch-To-Memory (v6.02) | 2 | |
BTM | BambooTracker Module | 21 | |
BTN | Just Buttons format | 13 | |
BTPC | BTPC encoded bitmap | 3 | |
BTR | FrontPage Binary-tree index | 14 | |
BTSEARCH | BitTorrent Search engine specificiation | 4 | |
BTW | BarTender label format | 8 | |
BTW | Starsky'n'Hutch game data archive | 6 | |
BTX | DB/TextWorks Database Term and Word Index | 16 | |
BUB | ergo!pro BubbleGEM Help | 2 | |
BUNDLE | Electronic Arts Bundle game data archive | 2 | |
BUNDLE | Krita resource Bundle | 25 | |
BUNDLE/UNITY3D | Unity UnityFS asset bundle | 17 | |
BUSSIDMOD | Bus Simulator Indonesia Mod | 31 | |
BUT | Buttons! Button definition | 3 | |
BUZ | Buzzic 1.x module | 4 | |
BUZ2 | Buzzic 2 module | 12 | |
BVA | Biovision Action data | 4 | |
BVD | BvD fileset | 2 | |
BVH | Biovision Hierarchy character animation format | 148 | Alex Paven |
BVY | Breevy text snippet | 4 | |
BW | Silicon Graphics B/W bitmap | 5 | |
BW/BIGWIG | bigWig Track Format | 12 | |
BWC | Baan Windows Client Config | 3 | |
BWD | MechWarrior 2 mission data | 147 | |
BWE | Black and White 2 Environment data | 15 | |
BWG | BrainWave Generator | 82 | kif aka AC |
BWS | Photo Enote (Enot) external photo viewer settings | 5 | |
BWW | Bagpipe notation | 9 | |
BX | BX Embrilliance font | 15 | |
BXB | BasicX compiled bytecode | 4 | |
BXL | Accelerated Designs PCB Library | 16 | |
BXON | Dragon Quest XI S BXON game data | 2 | |
BXRC | Bochs configuration | 2 | |
BXT | Balabolka Text document | 4 | |
BXU/BXT | Sony PictureGear Studio Binder document | 20 | |
BXY | NuFX archive (with Binary II header) | 18 | |
BXZ | Balabolka Text document (compressed) | 4 | |
BYC | AppGameKit Bytecode | 31 | Erik Siers |
BZ | BZIP compressed archive | 3 | |
BZ2/BZIP2 | bzip2 compressed archive | 15 | |
BZ2/BZIP2 | bzip2 compressed archive (old) | 3 | |
BZ3/BZIP3 | BZip3 compressed archive | 2 | |
BZA | BGA compressed archive (bzip2) | 7 | |
BZN | Star Trek: Armada map | 13 | |
BZO | Basic/Z Object code (CP/M, v1.11) | 18 | |
BZS | Basic/Z Source code (CP/M, v1.11) | 26 | |
B_W/B&W | ImageLab bitmap | 3 | |