Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
G | Applause Graph/Chart | 13 | |
G | BRL-CAD geometry | 9 | |
G | GadToolsBox Gadget (v1.0) | 6 | |
G | MicroPlanet Gravity news database | 34 | Renan (aka "Wizard") |
G01/G02/G99 | HEC-RAS Geometry file | 22 | |
G1A | Casio Model 9860 add-in | 10 | |
G2F | Graph2Font bitmap (zlib compressed) | 8 | |
G2O | G2O 2D SLAM | 37 | |
G2O | G2O 3D SLAM | 6 | |
G2W | GeoplanW data | 14 | |
G3 | raw Group 3 FAX bitmap | 5 | Joerg Jenderek |
G3A | Casio Prizm add-in | 4 | |
G3D | GOM 3D data | 7 | |
G3D | GenDesigner Data base (v3.x) | 4 | |
G3D | Glest 3D model | 3 | |
G3DB | LibGDX Binary 3d model | 166 | |
G3DJ | LibGDX 3d model | 33 | |
G3DREM | Dremel toolpath data | 6 | |
G3W | GeospaceW data | 14 | |
G64 | G64 1541 raw disk image | 7 | |
G64 | Genetec Video Archive | 2 | |
G8 | Cubicomp PictureMaker green channel image data | 15 | |
G9B | G9B graphics format bitmap | 6 | |
GA/PG | STK Great Arc Propagator format | 4 | |
GA3 | Graphical Analysis 3 document | 8 | |
GAB | WinDev Controls' Styles description | 70 | |
GADGET | Microsoft Vista Sidebar Gadget (CAB - Obsolete) | 8 | |
GADGET | Microsoft Vista Sidebar Gadget (Zip) | 7 | |
GAF | Generic Animation Format | 10 | |
GAI | Adobe SING Glyphlet | 5525 | |
GAL | Alchemy Mindworks Image Gallery | 18 | |
GAL | Corel Gallery | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
GAL | DeluxePaint Gallery | 3 | |
GAL | EasyPhoto Gallery | 8 | |
GAL | GenePix Array List | 12 | |
GAM | Cyberboard Game | 5 | |
GAM | Death Drome 3D model | 87 | |
GAM | Infinity Engine save Game (generic) | 141 | Sam. |
GAM | Infinity Engine save Game (v1.1) | 151 | Sam. |
GAM | Infinity Engine save Game (v2.0) | 2 | |
GAM | Infinity Engine save Game (v2.2) | 2 | |
GAM | Jinxter game save (PC) | 4 | |
GAM | Kasparov's Gambit saved Game | 6 | |
GAM | Klik'n'Play game | 19 | |
GAM | Mind Games - 4 in a Line saved game | 2 | |
GAM | Mind Games - Checkers saved game | 2 | |
GAM | Mind Games - Chess saved game | 2 | |
GAM | Mind Games - Chinese Chess saved game | 2 | |
GAM | Mind Games - Gomoku saved game | 2 | |
GAM | Mind Games - Othello saved game | 2 | |
GAM | Mind Games - Renju saved game | 2 | |
GAM | Planescape Torment: Enhanced Ed. saved game | 371 | |
GAM | Span-It! saved Game | 3 | |
GAM | Star Saga: One saved Game | 2 | |
GAM | Star Saga: Two saved Game | 2 | |
GAM | TADS 2 Game | 14 | |
GAM | Tasc Chess CD II saved game | 4 | |
GAM | The Games Factory Game (G) | 4 | |
GAM | The Games Factory Game (P) | 4 | |
GAM | The Guild of Thieves saved Game (DOS) | 2 | |
GAM/VEC | Vectrex game ROM | 196 | |
GAMBAS | Gambas application (v2) | 16 | |
GAN | GanttProject project | 12 | |
GAP | GAPFile (v1.0) | 5 | |
GAR | Garc archive (v1.x) | 5 | |
GAR | Ghidra Archived project | 4 | |
GAU | MS Flight Simulator Gauge | 229 | |
GAX | MS Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion v1.0 Saved Game | 7 | |
GB/GENBANK/GP/GBK | GenBank sequence record | 31 | |
GBA | Game Boy Advance ROM | 10 | |
GBAP | GLBasic Project (XML) | 91 | |
GBAP | GLBasic Project (XML) (UTF-8) | 4 | |
GBAP | GLBasic project (binary) (generic) | 45 | |
GBC | GameBoy Color ROM File | 576 | Troy Lundin |
GBD | Graphtec Binary Data | 8 | |
GBI | gBurner Image | 4 | |
GBM | Grayscale BitMap | 2 | |
GBP | gBurner Project | 8 | |
GBR | GIMP Brush | 38 | |
GBR | GameBoy Sound System GBR dump | 31 | |
GBR | Gerber format | 31 | |
GBR | Gerber format (with rem) | 13 | |
GBRJOB | Gerber Job data | 8 | |
GBS | GameBoy Sound System dump | 30 | |
GBS | OtterUI Binary Scene | 13 | |
GBSPROJ | GB Studio Project | 19 | |
GBT | GFI Backup Task | 6 | |
GBX | Cyberboard Gamebox | 9 | |
GBX | GameBox game data package (generic) | 42 | |
GBX | GameBox game data package (v3) | 8 | |
GBX | GameBox game data package (v4) | 2 | |
GBX | GameBox game data package (v5) | 690 | |
GBX | GameBox game data package (v6) | 102 | |
GBX | TrackMania track | 17 | |
GC | Gui4CLI script | 7 | |
GC | MathScript QuickCode script | 7 | |
GC1/SYM | GammaCAD drawing/symbol | 19 | |
GCA | G Compression Archiver | 8 | |
GCAT | GUI Design Studio Catalogue | 4 | |
GCD | Garmin firmware update | 12 | |
GCD | General Content Descriptor file | 9 | |
GCD | Generic CADD drawing | 26 | |
GCF | ArcSoft Greeting Card Creator project | 6 | |
GCF | Graphing Calculator | 126 | |
GCF | OptionSoft WindowsXCompressor archive | 5 | |
GCG | GCG Sequence Chemical file | 9 | |
GCG | Logic Gate Simulator Circuit | 3 | |
GCHONE | Bars and Pipes Guitar Player Chord | 12 | |
GCHORD | Bars and Pipes Guitar Player Chords bank | 2 | |
GCL | DISGCL script | 19 | |
GCL | Gigatron Compiled Low-Level Language (experimental) | 8 | |
GCL | Gigatron Compiled Low-Level Language (experimental, with rem) | 11 | |
GCL | Gigatron Compiled Low-Level Language (v1) | 3 | |
GCL | Gigatron Compiled Low-Level Language (v1, with rem) | 3 | |
GCL | Gigatron Compiled Low-Level Language (v2) | 3 | |
GCL | Gigatron Compiled Low-Level Language (v2, with rem) | 3 | |
GCO | Genbox Family History chart options | 2 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by AnkerMake) | 13 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by ArcWelder) | 16 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by Cura) | 19 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by FFSlicer) | 4 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by KISSlicer) | 32 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by Kiri:Moto) | 13 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by Meshy) | 8 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by OrcaSlicer) | 12 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by PrusaSlicer) | 10 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by Simplify3D) | 12 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by Skeinforge) | 14 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by Slic3r) | 11 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by SuperSlicer) | 9 | |
GCODE | G-code (generated by ideaMaker) | 6 | |
GCS | GameShark SharkSave for GameCube | 2 | |
GCT | GameCube Texture / GCT image | 2 | |
GCT | GenePattern GCT format | 8 | |
GCW | Microsoft Math worksheet | 11 | Eduardo |
GCZ | GameCubeZip image | 8 | |
GD | STK database update information | 4 | |
GD2 | GDLib Image | 2 | |
GDACTREQUEST | GetData Activation Request | 4 | |
GDB | GVA/GVA2000 Author lecture | 14 | |
GDB | MapSource GPS Waypoint Database | 27 | |
GDBINDEXES | Geodatabase Indexes | 24 | |
GDBTABLE | ArcGIS GeoDB Table | 9 | |
GDC | GDC compressed disk image | 2 | |
GDC | Godot Engine Compiled script | 5 | |
GDF | Altera Graphic Design File | 410 | |
GDF | Danish Micro Engineering General Data Exchange Format | 2 | |
GDF | General Data Format for biosignals | 5 | |
GDF | Granite Devices Firmware (generic) | 4 | |
GDF | Granite Devices Firmware (v300) | 2 | |
GDF | Granite Devices Firmware (v310) | 2 | |
GDF | Smart Software Graph Definition | 3 | |
GDFMAKERPROJECT | Game Definition File Editor project | 4 | |
GDG | GDevelop Game project | 9 | |
GDIFF | GDIFF format | 3 | |
GDL | Game Description Language | 6 | |
GDL | Game Description Language (with rem) | 4 | |
GDM | General Digital Music / MegaZeux module | 16 | |
GDOC | Google Drive Document link | 63 | |
GDP | GUI Design Studio Project | 4 | |
GDRAW | Google Drive Drawing link | 3 | |
GDS | GDSII stream format layout (binary) | 479 | |
GDT | Genbox Family History dictionary | 2 | |
GDT | gretl Data | 151 | |
GDTB | gretl Binary Data | 4 | |
GDV | Gremlin Digital Video | 2 | |
GDWS | GUI Design Studio WordSpace | 3 | |
GDX | GAMS Data eXchange | 12 | |
GDYN | GIMP Dynamics | 19 | |
GDZ | GEDCOM 7 GEDZIP | 3 | Tyler Thorsted |
GEAENDERT/GREAT | Greatkartei data base (v2.0) | 4 | |
GEANY | Geany project | 9 | |
GED | Arts and Letters Graphics (old) | 55 | |
GED | Arts and Letters Graphics file | 4 | |
GED | Atari GED bitmap | 7 | |
GED | GEDCOM Family History | 35 | |
GED | GEDCOM Family History (UTF-16BE with BOM) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
GED | GEDCOM Family History (UTF-16BE without BOM) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
GED | GEDCOM Family History (UTF-16LE without BOM) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
GED | GEDCOM Family History (UTF-16LE) | 6 | |
GED | GEDCOM Family History (UTF-8) | 7 | |
GED | Simply 3D Geometry | 611 | |
GEIN | StarAm Plan graph data | 17 | |
GEL | Opticks Gel | 4 | |
GEM | GEM metafile | 44 | |
GEM | McAfee AV Pattern update (newer engine) | 5 | |
GEM | Ruby Gem package (var 1) | 15 | |
GEM | Ruby Gem package (var 2) | 38 | |
GEMSPEC | Ruby Gem::Specification | 8 | |
GENERICTEST | Visual Studio Generic Test | 6 | |
GENERICTEST | Visual Studio Generic Test (UTF-8) | 5 | |
GENH | Generic Header audio stream | 10 | |
GENOZIP | Genozip compressed | 2 | |
GEO | Aegis ProMotion Geometry | 5 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS FAX driver | 4 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS SLIP driver | 2 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS URL driver | 2 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS application | 31 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS binary data (generic) | 31 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS data (generic) | 388 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS executable (generic) | 28 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS file system driver | 9 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS keyboard driver | 28 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS memory driver | 4 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS mouse driver | 9 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS preferences | 18 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS printer driver | 44 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS screen saver | 12 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS socket driver | 5 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS sound driver | 2 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS task driver | 2 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS utility | 3 | |
GEO | GeoWorks GEOS video driver | 11 | |
GEO | NETGEN Constructive Solid Geometry format | 11 | |
GEO | NETGEN Constructive Solid Geometry format (with rem) | 12 | |
GEO | SBG Object Text | 6 | |
GEO/V3D | Videoscape GEO mesh | 7 | |
GEOJSON | GeoJSON format | 275 | |
GETVIEWPORTINFO | Google Maps API data | 5 | |
GETVIEWPORTINFO | Google Maps API data (with rem) | 9 | |
GEXF | Graph Exchange XML Format | 22 | |
GFA | GFA-BASIC Amiga tokenized source | 10 | |
GFA/BAS | GFA-BASIC Atari tokenized source (generic) | 30 | |
GFA/BAS | GFA-BASIC Atari tokenized source (protected) (generic) | 23 | |
GFA | GFA-BASIC Atari v2 tokenized source | 6 | |
GFA | GFA-BASIC Atari v2 tokenized source (protected) | 6 | |
GFA | GFA-BASIC Atari v3.07 tokenized source | 2 | |
GFA | GFA-BASIC Atari v3.07 tokenized source (protected) | 2 | |
GFA | GFA-BASIC Atari v3.5-4.x tokenized source | 2 | |
GFA | GFA-BASIC Atari v3.5-4.x tokenized source (protected) | 2 | |
GFA | GFA-BASIC MS-DOS tokenized source | 4 | |
GFA | GFA-BASIC Windows v3 tokenized source | 3 | |
GFAR | Greenfoot Archive | 17 | |
GFB | DeskPic bitmap | 2 | |
GFB | GIFBLAST bitmap (generic) | 5 | |
GFB | GIFBLAST bitmap (v1.0) | 3 | |
GFB | GIFBLAST bitmap (v1.1) | 3 | |
GFB | GIFBLAST bitmap (v2.0) | 3 | |
GFC | Patton-Patton Flow Charting 4 document | 8 | |
GFD | GeForms Document | 5 | |
GFF3 | Generic Feature Format Version 3 | 6 | |
GFG | GPU Friendly Graphics format | 2 | |
GFI/GFIE | Greenfish Icon Editor Pro | 19 | aeiou256 |
GFS | GGFileSPlit File Fragment | 5 | |
GFS | GML Feature Class List | 39 | |
GFS | Reverge Package game data | 4 | |
GFT | GSP Family Tree | 10 | |
GFT | Patton-Patton Flow Charting 4 Template | 14 | |
GFX | Explorations RPG Game Engine resource - Bitmap | 80 | |
GFX | Macromedia Flash SWF/Scaleform GFX Video (ZLIB compressed) | 6 | |
GFX | Magnetic Graphics | 6 | |
GFX | Magnetic Graphics (V2) | 4 | |
GFX | Print / Instant Artist for DOS Graphics | 24 | |
GFX | Retro64 / ArcadeLab game graphics data | 2 | |
GG | Google Gadget | 8 | |
GGB | GeoGebra Worksheet | 16 | |
GGP | GemCom Graphic bitmap | 4 | |
GGP | General Gasoline Performance ECU tuning/remapping data | 8 | |
GGP | OtterUI Project | 4 | |
GGR | GIMP Gradient | 33 | |
GGUF | GPT-Generated Unified Format | 6 | |
GGXML | Civilization Glyph Gen | 7 | |
GGZ | Garmin Zipped geocache | 9 | |
GHB | GHOUL Engine model | 16 | |
GHLAYOUT | Grasshopper custom Layout | 4 | |
GHO | Norton older Ghost image (first file) | 16 | Joerg Jenderek |
GHS/001/002/003/999 | Norton older Ghost image (split file) | 350 | Joerg Jenderek |
GHX | Grasshopper XML archive | 53 | |
GI | Sonic Global Image | 3 | |
GID | Windows Help index | 72 | Joerg Jenderek |
GIF | GIF animated bitmap | 17 | |
GIF | GIF bitmap (generic) | 56 | |
GIF | GIF bitmap (hidden by Empty Picture) | 6 | |
GIF | GIF87a bitmap | 26 | |
GIF | GIF89a bitmap | 136 | |
GIFEX | GIF Explainer project | 5 | |
GIG | GigaSampler Sound bank | 8 | |
GII | GIFTI surface data format | 47 | |
GIM | PlayStation Graphics Image Map (BE) | 4 | |
GIM | PlayStation Graphics Image Map (LE) | 7 | |
GIR | GObject Introspection information | 43 | |
GIR | Gens Plus! movie capture | 2 | |
GISE | ISE Project generated data | 15 | |
GITMODULE | git submodule properties definition | 5 | |
GIW | Graph-in-the-Box Windows presentation (v2.00) | 5 | | NEW! |
GIW | Graphic Impact presentation (v2.00) | 4 | | NEW! |
GKB | GRUB Keyboard | 7 | Joerg Jenderek |
GKH | Ensoniq disk image | 2 | |
GL | Amiga GL | 2 | |
GL | GRASP animation | 93 | |
GL2/HPG2/PLT/SPL | Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language 2 | 12 | |
GLA | Quake 3 Arena skeleton data | 5 | |
GLA | Sothink SWF Easy Project | 9 | |
GLA2 | Game Loft game data Archive 2 | 4 | |
GLADE | Glade UI design | 93 | |
GLB | GL Transmission Format Binary (v1.0) | 2 | |
GLB | GL Transmission Format Binary (v2.0) | 3 | |
GLB | GLB game data archive | 2 | |
GLB | Moebius Graphics Library | 7 | |
GLB | Raptor GLB encrypted container | 2 | |
GLB/TLB | SSI packed Library format | 34 | |
GLB | Ultimate Stunts binary 3D geometry | 2 | |
GLE | AMI BIOS Energy Star logo bitmap | 2 | |
GLF | GLF 3D Font File Format | 2 | |
GLF | Sensible Golf game save (Amiga) | 3 | |
GLFONT | GLBasic Font | 7 | |
GLI/GLJ | Airline Tycoon game data archive | 2 | |
GLIF | Glyph Interchange Format | 3465 | |
GLIFFY | Gliffy diagram (v1.x) | 25 | |
GLKSAVE | Inform 7/Glulxe Save Data | 7 | Meus Artis |
GLL | EASE GLL loudspeaker format | 208 | |
GLL | Gravis GrIP Library | 7 | |
GLM | Ghoul 2 Model | 8 | |
GLO | Opticks Global light | 5 | |
GLOX | Microsoft Office SmartArt Graphics Layout | 5 | |
GLTF | GL Transmission Format (v1.0) | 72 | |
GLTF | GL Transmission Format (v2.0) | 178 | |
GLTTH | Storage card file segments Tiger Tree Hash | 3 | |
GLUE | GlueMon module | 12 | |
GLY | ACT! Group Layout (v3.0) | 4 | |
GLY/GLX | Microsoft Word for DOS Glossary | 11 | |
GLY | XEphem gallery info | 2 | |
GM/GM2/GM4 | Autologic bitmap | 12 | |
GM | Game Music | 4 | |
GM | GameMaker archive () | 2 | |
GM2/GMF | Leadwerks Game Engine 3D model | 8 | |
GM6 | Game Maker 6 project | 24 | |
GMA | Garry's Mod Addon | 2 | |
GMANIFEST | Google Desktop Gadget manifest | 16 | |
GMAX | GMAX scene | 126 | |
GMBL | Logger Lite data | 22 | |
GMD | Lucasfilm Games MIDI music | 4 | |
GME | DexDrive memory card save game | 35 | |
GMF | Freelance Metafile (v1) | 3 | |
GMF | Gabriel Material File - Robot Arena | 73 | |
GMF | Gabriel Material File - Robot Arena 2 | 172 | |
GMF | Gabriel Material File - Robot Arena 2 (ASCII) | 19 | |
GMF | Glopus Map File | 3 | |
GMF | SubZero Game File map | 5 | |
GMI | GPS Tuner map calibration data | 4 | |
GMK | Genius Menu Maker Menu | 20 | |
GML | Geography Markup Language | 13 | |
GML | Graphlet File Format | 11 | |
GML | Graphlet File Format (alt) | 8 | |
GML | SerenityOS GUI Markup Language | 89 | |
GMO/MO | GNU Gettext Machine Object (big endian) | 24 | Joerg Jenderek |
GMO/MO | GNU Gettext Machine Object (litte endian) | 2607 | |
GMOD | GMOD format module | 2 | |
GMP | GUEmap document | 8 | |
GMP | Grand Theft Auto 2 map | 17 | |
GMS | Corel Global Macro Storage | 20 | |
GMS | Gesture and Motion Signal format | 5 | |
GMSYNTH | FL Studio GM Synth | 204 | |
GMV | Cyberboard Move | 2 | |
GMV | GMV input file | 6 | |
GMV | Gens movie capture | 3 | |
GMX | GameMaker document/object (generic) | 7 | |
GNM | Generator GNM output log / music | 2 | |
GNMAP | Nmap scan results (Grepable) | 28 | Joerg Jenderek |
GNO | GenoPro Genogram | 8 | |
GNS | Genital Save state (v1.2+) | 2 | |
GNT | Micro Focus COBOL generated code | 2 | |
GNUCASH | GnuCash data (V2, ungzipped) | 12 | |
GNUMERIC/XML | GNUMERIC spreedshet (XML, ungzipped) | 10 | |
GO | Guile Object bytecode (big endian) | 2 | |
GO | Guile Object bytecode (little endian) | 2 | |
GO/PRB | Ishi Format Go game | 9 | |
GOB | Dark Forces Game data archive | 6 | |
GOB | Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine Game data archive | 4 | |
GOB | LucasArts Game data archive (generic) | 10 | |
GOCAD | GOCAD ascii data format | 4 | |
GODOT | Godot Engine project | 21 | |
GOE | GOES Satellite bitmap | 15 | |
GOFIN | Gofin form | 14 | User |
GOLEM | Golem bank info | 3851 | |
GOOMOD | World of Good addin | 11 | |
GOR | Myth: The Fallen Lords game data archive | 2 | |
GOSSETT | Gosset Graphics object | 4 | |
GOZ | ZBrush GoZ export template | 6 | |
GP | American Conquest game data archive | 2 | |
GP | GEOS Geode Parameters | 47 | |
GP3 | GreenPAK Designer Project (v3) | 8 | |
GP3 | Guitar Pro v3 tablature | 12 | |
GP4 | GreenPAK Designer Project (v4) | 8 | |
GP4 | Guitar Pro v4 tablature | 12 | |
GP5 | GreenPAK Designer Project (v5) | 8 | |
GP5 | Guitar Pro v5 tablature | 4 | Mamo |
GP6 | GreenPAK Designer Project (v6) | 8 | |
GPATCH/GPCH | GPatch Patch (v1.4) | 2 | |
GPATCH/GPCH | GPatch Patch (v1.6) | 2 | |
GPATCH/GPCH | GPatch Patch (v2.6) | 2 | |
GPATCH/GPCH | GPatch Patch (v3.0) | 4 | |
GPD | Generic Printer Description - Unidrv minidriver | 12 | |
GPD | Xbox Game Profile Data | 40 | |
GPF | Gamos Packed File game data archive | 2 | |
GPG | GNU Privacy Guard public keyring (generic) | 10 | |
GPG | GPG encrypted data | 12 | |
GPG/PGP | Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Public Keyring (v3) | 4 | Joerg Jenderek |
GPG/PKR | Pretty Good Privacy/GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) Public Keyring (v4) | 10 | Joerg Jenderek |
GPH | Aegis Impact! Graph | 4 | |
GPH | GPH Graph data base | 7 | |
GPH | Lotus 1-2-3 Graph | 3 | |
GPH | PrintPartner Graphic bitmaps | 8 | |
GPH | PrintPartner user created Graphic bitmaps | 7 | |
GPH | Stata Graph | 18 | |
GPI | Garmin Point of Interest | 23 | |
GPJ | jGRASP Project | 11 | |
GPK | Stack Egine resource data | 2 | |
GPKG | GeoPackage (v1) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
GPKG | GeoPackage (v1.1) | 5 | |
GPKG | GeoPackage (v1.2) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
GPL | GIMP Palette | 30 | |
GPM | Crossword Puzzle | 6 | |
GPM | StarWriter for MS-DOS Graphics Printer driver | 7 | |
GPOL | Bruker binary pole figure format | 23 | |
GPR | GenePix Results | 26 | |
GPR | Ghemical Project | 5 | |
GPR | GoPro Raw bitmap | 42 | |
GPR | RHIDE Project (generic) | 12 | |
GPR | RHIDE Project (v1.5) | 9 | |
GPS | Gifpress compressed GIF bitmap | 21 | |
GPS | MicroImages GPS Log (v1) | 4 | |
GPX | GPS eXchange format | 37 | |
GPX | Guitar Pro 6 tablature (compressed) | 6 | |
GPX | Guitar Pro 6 tablature (non compressed) | 3 | |
GQ | QLFC compressed archive | 7 | |
GR | Graphmatica Graph | 28 | |
GR | Graphmatica Graph (UTF-8) | 5 | |
GR2 | Granny 3D model | 3 | |
GRA | Chasys Draw IES Gradient | 5 | |
GRA | First Choice Graph | 3 | |
GRA | IBM Graphing Assistant Graph | 6 | |
GRA | Mini Office Graph data | 2 | |
GRA | Teeny Weeny Games Graphics data | 128 | |
GRAFFLE | OmniGraffle Drawing | 31 | |
GRAMMAR | Synalyze It! Grammar | 21 | |
GRAPE | Nakalyne Grape script | 2 | |
GRAPH | ChiLL Graph | 8 | |
GRAPHML | GraphML graph | 10 | |
GRAPHML | GraphML graph (UTF-8) | 4 | |
GRB/GRIB/GRIB1 | Gridded Binary data | 47 | |
GRB/GRIB/GRIB2 | Gridded Binary data 2 | 9 | |
GRB/GRO/ASC | HP ASII GROB bitmap | 27 | |
GRB/GRO/ASC | HP ASII GROB bitmap (embedded) | 35 | |
GRB/GRO | HP-48 Graphic Object Bitmap | 253 | |
GRB/GRO | HP-49 Graphic Object Bitmap | 18 | |
GRC | Dinamic Multimedia GFX Resource | 2 | |
GRC | GNU Radio Companion flow graph | 59 | |
GRD | Adobe Photoshop gradient | 23 | |
GRD | ENVI Grid parameters | 12 | |
GRD | ElmerGrid input data (var 1) | 20 | |
GRD | ElmerGrid input data (var 2) | 25 | |
GRD | Fractal Design Painter Gradation Lib | 4 | |
GRD | Geoff Hamilton's Garden Designer project | 31 | |
GRD | Surfer Grid | 7 | |
GRD | Symantec Guard Header | 20 | |
GREENFOOT | Greenfoot Project | 10 | |
GREENSHOT | Greenshot screenshot bitmap | 6 | |
GRF | Byline Graphic configuration | 8 | |
GRF | ExpressGraph Graph | 18 | |
GRF | GEM Graph (v1.0) | 4 | |
GRF | GS Draw drawing | 2 | |
GRF | GraphEdit Filter Graph | 10 | |
GRF/GPF | Gravity Resource/Patch File | 3 | |
GRF | Stanford Graphics Gallery (v1) | 122 | |
GRF | Stanford Graphics Gallery (v2) | 47 | |
GRF | Stanford Graphics Gallery (v3) | 182 | |
GRF | WinGraph Graph | 5 | |
GRFX | AMI BIOS logo/splash bitmap | 2 | |
GRID | GridMove grid template | 8 | |
GRINDX | Juice Grinder recipe | 7 | |
GRLE | Farming Simulator terrein data | 15 | |
GRO | Allegro MIDI music | 10 | |
GRO | Genbox Family History report options | 5 | |
GROUPPROJ | Borland Group Project | 22 | |
GRP | Build Engine GRP container | 2 | |
GRP | DESQview/X Group | 10 | |
GRP | Dagor Engine game data archive | 3 | |
GRP | EASIGRAF Graph Parameters | 8 | |
GRP | MSX BASIC Graphics bitmap (generic) | 14 | |
GRP/SC2 | MSX BASIC Graphics bitmap (screen 2) | 3 | |
GRP | PlayStation RSD 3D Group (gen) | 4 | |
GRP | PlayStation RSD 3D Group (v3.0) | 2 | |
GRP | UCDOS UCShell Group | 6 | |
GRP | Windows Program Manager Group | 12 | |
GRS | GetRight Skin | 45 | |
GRV | Cakewalk Groove | 25 | |
GRV | Groove World | 5 | |
GRX | GetRight File List | 4 | |
GRXML | XML Grammar | 9 | |
GRZ | GRZip compressed archive | 5 | |
GRZ | GRZipII compressed archive | 6 | |
GS0 | Genecyst save state | 3 | |
GSA | NTv2 Standard ASCII Grid Shift | 8 | |
GSB | GS-Base data base (v3.x) | 3 | | NEW! |
GSB | GS-Base data base (v5.x) | 3 | | NEW! |
GSB | Golden Software Boundary data | 2 | |
GSB | Grisbi XML | 21 | |
GSB | NTv2 Standard Binary Grid Shift | 27 | |
GSC | American Conquest 2 game data archvie | 2 | |
GSC | GEM-Setup Configuration | 7 | |
GSC | GS-Calc spreadsheet (v3.x) | 3 | | NEW! |
GSC | GS-Calc spreadsheet (v5.x) | 6 | | NEW! |
GSC | GS-Calc spreadsheet (v6.x) | 2 | | NEW! |
GSC | GS-Calc workbook | 8 | |
GSC | GSplit Configuration/profile | 5 | |
GSC | OtterUI Scene (XML) | 8 | |
GSD | Graphtec vector data / drawing | 3 | |
GSF/GSFLIB/MINIGSF | Gameboy Sound Format | 146 | |
GSF | Grand Smeta data | 92 | |
GSF | Gwyddion Simple Field (v1.0) | 6 | |
GSF | MicroImages GeoFormula | 52 | |
GSHEET | Google Drive Spreadsheet link | 12 | |
GSI | GPS Tuner map slices calibration data | 4 | |
GSK | PLBM Games Sprite index | 10 | |
GSLIDES | Google Drive Presentation link | 8 | |
GSM | ArchiCAD Library Object | 23 | |
GSM | US Robotics GSM (with header) audio | 10 | |
GSN | Cyberboard Scenario | 4 | |
GSO | GoldenSection Organizer database | 4 | |
GSP | Geometer's Sketchpad Document | 23 | |
GSR | Gens Sound Record music | 2 | |
GSR | Gens Sound Record music (LZMA compressed) | 26 | |
GSR | Golfstar Resource data | 3 | |
GSRT/BIN | Grandstream ring-tone | 10 | |
GSS | Geometer's Sketchpad Script | 7 | |
GT2 | Graoumf Tracker 2 module | 60 | |
GTA | Generic Tagged Arrays format (v1) | 4 | |
GTH | Genstat Theme | 13 | |
GTHR | Microsoft Exchange Server Gather log | 2 | |
GTK | Beaver Sweeper module | 4 | |
GTK | Graoumf Tracker module | 53 | |
GTKW | GTKWave Saved session | 9 | |
GTM | GPS TrackMaker map | 5 | |
GTMID | Gigatron GCL MIDI stream | 10 | |
GTP | GIMP Tool Preset | 32 | |
GTP | Guitar Pro Tablature (v1.x) | 31 | |
GTP | Guitar Pro Tablature (v2.x) | 3 | |
GTR | MagicScore Guitar | 17 | |
GTR | Spectrum Global Tracker chiptune | 38 | |
GTX | Genetica 1.0 Texture | 212 | Alex Paven |
GTX | PlayStation Vita/Portable textures | 2 | |
GUI | GUI Design Studio design | 151 | |
GUI/GTR | GadToolsBox UI data (v2) | 2 | |
GUI/GTR | GadToolsBox UI data (v3) | 2 | |
GUI | Postal GUI element | 40 | |
GUI | Tools Media Corp. GUI elements | 8 | |
GUIDE | Amigaguide hypertext document | 23 | |
GUIDE | Amigaguide hypertext document (var.2) | 2 | |
GUIKIT | Shapeshifter theme | 43 | |
GVI | Google Video | 11 | |
GVL | GEM-View Load module | 13 | |
GVP | GEM-View Print module | 4 | |
GVP | Google Video pointer | 12 | |
GVR | GEM-View pRocess module | 6 | |
GVS | GEM-View Save module | 4 | |
GW | GeneWeb genealogy data | 14 | |
GW | GeneWeb genealogy data (with enc) | 6 | |
GW1/GW2/GW3 | HomeBrew File Folder game data archive | 16 | |
GWB | Genstat Book | 11 | |
GWB | InterWrite Reader document | 7 | |
GWI | Novell Groupwise File link | 19 | |
GWP | GoodWay Flight Planner flight plan | 6 | |
GWS | GateWay Settings | 11 | |
GWY | Gwyddion Container | 4 | |
GX | FlashPrint XG-Code | 5 | |
GX1 | GX1 bitmap | 26 | |
GX2 | GX2 bitmap | 2 | |
GXA | XCar Graphics | 4 | |
GXD | General CADD Pro (generic) | 18 | |
GXF | General eXchange Format video | 12 | |
GXF | Grid Exchange Format - ASCII | 11 | |
GXK | Galaxkey encrypted data | 2 | |
GXL/GX | Genus Graphics Library archive | 35 | |
GXR | GeneXus Report Viewer | 8 | |
GXT | GIMS Graphical Text data | 16 | |
GXT | Grand Theft Auto 2 Text data | 6 | |
GXT | Grand Theft Auto 3 Text data | 24 | Joerg Jenderek |
GXT | Grand Theft Auto 4 Text data | 9 | Joerg Jenderek |
GXYZF | Gwyddion XYZ field SPM data (v1.0) | 3 | |
GYM | Sega Genesis/Mega Drive sound/music data | 256 | |
GZ/GZIP | GZipped data | 179 | Davide "Airex" Airaghi |
GZ | beddit compressed data (v1.0) | 2 | |
GZA | BGA compressed archive (Gzip) | 9 | |