Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
N | Neko bytecode | 3 | |
N-GAGE | N-Gage 2.0 on-device installation | 24 | Stefano Panzeri |
N2P/N2V | Nebula Program / Vector | 55 | |
N2P | Net2Plan Network design | 33 | |
N3D | NorthCAD-3D Drawing (v8) | 11 | |
N3M | Nokia 3D Map | 4 | |
N64 | 64NET container | 2 | |
NA | NoteAbilityPro music notation | 16 | |
NAB | Netscape Communicator Address Book | 15 | |
NAB | Novell Groupwise Address Book | 13 | |
NAC | NacDraw document (v2.x) | 30 | |
NAC | NetActive Container | 28 | |
NAM | FontLab Name mapping rule | 2 | |
NAM | Newsletters And More document (v3.0) | 102 | |
NAM | Novell NetWare Namespace module | 5 | |
NAN | Nanonics NAN SPM data | 4 | |
NANR | Nintendo Animation Resource | 2 | |
NAP | NAPLPS graphics | 21 | |
NAR | Nexon game archive | 2 | |
NAR | Ukagaka Ghost | 16 | |
NARC | Nintendo ARChive | 2 | |
NAS | Nastran input data | 5 | |
NAS | Studio Folio Corsage compressed palette archive | 8 | |
NATVIS | Visual Studio Natvis visualization | 13 | |
NATVIS | Visual Studio Natvis visualization (UTF-8) | 12 | |
NAV | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy bot Navigation/routes info | 3 | |
NB/NBP | Mathematica Notebook | 17 | |
NB | Mathematica Notebook (headerless) | 11 | |
NB | WordPerfect Notebook | 4 | |
NBATTRS | NetBeans project Attributes | 7 | |
NBF | NVIDIA Scene Graph binary | 17 | |
NBI | Ahead Nero BackItUp file (v1.x) | 10 | |
NBI | Legend text | 11 | |
NBIB | PubMed Bibliographic citation info | 13 | |
NBK | IBM Ink Manager Notebook | 5 | |
NBK | WaveStar Notebook | 11 | |
NBKT | Native Instruments BATTERY kit | 8 | |
NBM | NetBeans Module | 8 | |
NBS | Open Minecraft Note Block Studio Song (v4) | 19 | |
NBU | Nokia phone BackUp | 6 | |
NBZ | C64 NBZ disk image | 104 | |
NC | Drishti Processed Volume (header) | 4 | |
NC | NetCDF Network Common Data Form (v3 64-bit) | 6 | Joerg Jenderek |
NC | Snapmaker Luban laser engraving G-code | 6 | |
NC | mcrypt encrypted (v2.2) | 2 | |
NC | mcrypt encrypted (v2.5) | 2 | |
NCB | Microsoft C/C++ program database (generic) | 23 | |
NCC | NI Controller Configuration | 12 | |
NCC | Nokia PC Suite Content Copier file | 4 | |
NCD | NTI CD Image | 2 | Tyler Thorsted |
NCD | Nero CoverDesigner | 18 | Joystick |
NCD | Norton Change Directory info | 4 | |
NCER | Nintendo Cell Resource | 4 | |
NCFT | NoiseCraft project | 30 | |
NCGR | Nintendo Character Graphic Resource | 2 | |
NCLR | Nintendo Colour Resource | 2 | |
NCM | NI MASCHINE template | 25 | |
NCM2 | NI MASCHINE MK2 template | 15 | |
NCMM | NI MASCHINE MIKRO template | 4 | |
NCMM2 | NI MASCHINE MIKRO MK2 template | 7 | |
NCOR | Adobe Encore project | 4 | |
NCP | Nikon Custom Picture Control | 27 | |
NCP | RoboDemo Project (v2-3) | 6 | |
NCS | KOTOR (Knight Of The Old Republic) compiled script | 6 | |
NCSFLIB | NCSF Nitro Composer Sound Format rip | 9 | |
NCT | Ahead Nero CoverDesigner Template | 16 | |
NCW | Native Instruments Compressed Wave | 1853 | |
NCX | Navigation Control file for XML | 10 | |
ND2 | Nikon NIS-Elements ND2 image | 9 | |
NDB | SeeYou Waypoint | 5 | |
NDD | Nintendo 64 Disk Drive disk image | 30 | |
NDF | Channel Data File | 12 | |
NDF | ESET Smart Security Quarantine Data | 26 | Ryan Jones |
NDM | Enemy Territory: Quake Wars demo | 9 | |
NDO | Nendo model | 2 | |
NDPA | NanoZoomer Annotation | 5 | |
NDPI | Hamamatsu NanoZoomer Digital Pathology Image | 11 | |
NDPIS | Hamamatsu NanoZoomer Digital Pathology Images Set | 5 | |
NDR | NextDAW track | 23 | |
NDR | Rave Report | 3 | |
NDS | Nintendo DS ROM | 30 | |
NDTX | MyDraw Template | 13 | |
NDV | ENVI n-D visualizer state | 6 | |
NDX | Chess Assistant comments index | 5 | |
NDX | WINDEV HFSQL index | 202 | |
NE4P | Nord Electro 4 Program Bank | 256 | |
NE6P | Nord Electro 6 Program Bank | 250 | |
NEC | NEC JIS encoded file | 3 | |
NED | Nerdtracker II module | 55 | |
NEF | Nikon raw image format (BE) | 5 | |
NEF | Nikon raw image format (LE) | 11 | |
NEO | Atari NeoChrome bitmap | 4 | |
NEO | NEOchrome Master bitmap | 4 | |
NEO | NeoSD ROM image | 4 | |
NEON | NEONnoir game data | 1 | |
NEOP | Nord Electro 3 Organ Bank | 51 | |
NEPG | Nord Electro 3 Program Bank | 160 | |
NEPPRJ | NEPLAN Project | 8 | |
NES | Nintendo 3DS VC ROM | 5 | |
NES | Nintendo Entertainment System ROM | 12 | |
NEST | NesTracker module | 8 | |
NET | Epanet data file | 6 | |
NET | FreePCB Netlist | 6 | |
NET | Impulse Tracker Network driver | 3 | |
NET | KiCad EESchema Netlist | 31 | |
NET | KiCad Netlist output | 8 | |
NET | NetCracker Resource Inventory | 4 | |
NET | Netlab project | 11 | |
NET | SNNS network definition | 12 | |
NEU | Gambit Neutral File format | 16 | |
NEX/NXS | NEXUS format | 17 | |
NEX | ZX Spectrum Next binary format (generic) | 9 | |
NEX | ZX Spectrum Next binary format (v1.0) | 2 | |
NEX | ZX Spectrum Next binary format (v1.1) | 5 | |
NEX | ZX Spectrum Next binary format (v1.2) | 2 | |
NEXE | Google NaCl Executable (x86) | 66 | |
NF | Faase Paint-by-Numbers puzzle format | 31 | |
NFC | Flipper NFC device | 681 | |
NFC | Nokia PC Suite Content Copier file | 13 | |
NFD | T98-Next Floppy Disk image (R0) | 2 | |
NFD | T98-Next Floppy Disk image (R1) | 2 | |
NFF | Haines NFF scene | 7 | |
NFF | Haines NFF scene (with rem) | 6 | |
NFF | Neutral ASCII File Format | 7 | |
NFG | Gambit strategic N-player Game File Format | 52 | |
NFM8 | Native Instruments FM8 patch | 390 | |
NFO | Infobase (Folio) | 25 | |
NFO | Infobase (NextPage) | 10 | |
NFO | Infobase (Rocket Software) | 7 | |
NFO | Kodi info | 7 | |
NFO | Microsoft System Information | 30 | Joerg Jenderek |
NFO | SpyBot-Search-and-Destroy malware info | 9 | |
NFTR | Nintendo DS Font Type | 2 | |
NFZ | JB BAHN vehicle | 7 | |
NG | Expert Help hypertext | 2 | |
NG | Norton Guide | 40 | Joerg Jenderek |
NGB | NonoPocket nonogram | 9 | |
NGC/NGP/NPC | NeoGeo game cartridge (var 1) | 13 | |
NGC/NGP/NPC | NeoGeo game cartridge (var 2) | 5 | |
NGC/NGD/NGM | Xilinx Netlist | 16 | |
NGDAT | N-Gage Game Data | 4 | |
NGG | Nokia Group Graphics bitmap | 31 | |
NGP | Nord Grand Program Bank | 200 | |
NGRR | Native Instruments Guitar Rig 5 preset | 18 | |
NGS | NGPocket savestate | 7 | |
NHD | North Star Horizon Hard Disk image | 3 | |
NHD | T98-Next harddisk image | 5 | |
NIA | Naive Image format NIA animated bitmaps | 2 | |
NIALL | Gniall strings data | 2 | |
NIB | Apple Interface Builder NIB archive (XML) | 10 | |
NIB | Apple Interface Builder NIB archive (binary) | 20 | |
NIB | C64 NIB disk image | 12 | |
NIC | NeoDesk icon (compressed) | 7 | |
NID | Nice-Install Data | 6 | |
NIE | Naive Image format NIE bitmap | 2 | |
NIF | GameBryo file format | 3 | |
NIF | NetImmerse Format | 6 | |
NIF | Notation Interchange File Format | 28 | |
NIF | OS/2 Network Information File | 54 | |
NIF | OS/2 Network Information File (with rem) | 18 | |
NII | NIfTI-1 data format (big endian) | 36 | |
NII | NIfTI-1 data format (little endian) | 34 | |
NII | NIfTI-2 data format (big endian) | 2 | |
NII | NIfTI-2 data format (little endian) | 2 | |
NII | Naive Image format NII animated bitmaps | 2 | |
NIL | Icon library (Norton Icon Editor) | 26 | |
NIMBLE | Nimble package info | 7 | |
NIMBLE | Nimble package info (with rem) | 7 | |
NITF/NTF | NITF National Imagery Transmission Format image (generic) | 9 | |
NITF/NTF | NITF National Imagery Transmission Format image (v1.x) | 12 | |
NITF/NTF | NITF National Imagery Transmission Format image (v2.x) | 13 | |
NITRO_ARCHIVE | Nitro game data archive | 8 | |
NJ | Ninja 3D Model (unpacked) | 2 | |
NJA | Seifert ASCII pole figure format | 7 | |
NJS | Nekojiru game data | 2 | |
NK | Nuke script | 28 | |
NK2 | Outlook Nickfile | 10 | |
NKC | Elite - The New Kind saved commander/game | 3 | |
NKC | KONTAKT Cache data | 5 | |
NKI | KONTAKT Instrument | 49 | |
NKLM | Nakalyne project | 10 | |
NKM | Mario Kart DS track data | 2 | |
NKPLE | Nuke script (encrypted) | 4 | |
NKR | KONTAKT Resources | 9 | |
NKSC | Nikon Sidecar | 60 | Tyler Thorsted |
NKSN | KONTAKT Snapshot | 26 | |
NKTRL2_DATA | KORG nanoKONTROL2 Editor data | 8 | |
NKTRL_SET | KORG Kontrol Editor Settings | 15 | |
NL | Student Writing Center Newsletter | 2 | |
NL2PARK | NoLimits 2 Park | 5 | |
NL2PKG | NoLimits 2 Package | 4 | |
NL3 | Mapletown Network bitmap | 2 | |
NLB | Nevron MyDraw shapes Library (binary) | 360 | |
NLM | Netware Loadable Module | 8 | |
NLM | Nokia Logo Manager bitmap | 23 | |
NLQ | DOT_MAGIC! NLQ font | 3 | |
NLQ | Daisy-Dot NLQ font | 2 | |
NLT | Windows Transliteration | 7 | |
NLTRACK | NoLimits Track | 6 | |
NM2 | Navitel 3.1 Map | 4 | |
NM7 | Navitel 7 Map | 11 | |
NMASK | Npic Mask | 64 | |
NMC | KISS: Psycho Circus - The Nightmare Child save game | 6 | |
NMEA/NMA | NMEA GPS log data | 6 | |
NMF | Nikon Movie File | 4 | |
NMF | Normal Map | 4 | |
NMFS | Keysight Nemo Secure Measurement Format | 11 | |
NMI | Nanomagnetics SPM data (v3) | 2 | |
NMI | Nanomagnetics SPM data (v5) | 2 | |
NML | Traktor collection | 12 | |
NMS | Name Maker Studio Name | 3 | |
NMS | NuMega Symbol format | 48 | |
NMSV | Native Instruments Massive Sound | 29 | |
NMV | Nintendulator movie capture | 4 | |
NNB | LigPlot Non-Bonded contacts data | 4 | |
NNT | Eudora Address Book | 3 | |
NOA | Nancy Codec video | 4 | |
NOC | Nocturne save game | 27 | |
NOD | FMail Node configuration | 2 | |
NOD | Nihilistic Object Data | 629 | |
NOEKIN | Noesis Kinect map info | 2 | |
NOEROOMBA | Noesis Roomba map info | 2 | |
NOESIS | Noesis Scene | 10 | |
NOEVMARCH | Noesis Volume Marching configuration | 3 | |
NOEVOX | Noesis Voxelize | 3 | |
NOL | Nokia Operator Logo bitmap | 22 | |
NOP | PopNOP crunched data | 36 | |
NOT | Eclipse Notes | 2 | |
NOT | Nihilistic Object Template | 14 | |
NOT | Terminate Smartnote | 4 | |
NOTE | Handrite Note document | 2 | |
NOTE | My Handwrite Note | 4 | |
NOTE | Notability Note | 4 | |
NOTEBOOK | SMART Notebook | 10 | |
NOTECARD | Linden Notecard | 6 | |
NOV | Battery 2 quick load sample data | 26 | |
NOV | Battery 3 quick load sample data | 201 | |
NP2P | Nord Piano 2 Program Bank | 240 | |
NP3P | Nord Piano 3 Program Bank | 200 | |
NP4P | Nord Piano 4 Program Bank | 200 | |
NP5P | Nord Piano 5 Program Bank | 301 | |
NPC | Norton Desktop for DOS Printer Configuration | 9 | |
NPF | Nero SoundTrax Project File (v1.x) | 5 | |
NPK | MikroTik RouterOS Upgrade Package | 16 | |
NPK | NeoplePack format | 2 | |
NPK | NetEase Games data Package | 11 | |
NPK | Nitro+ Engine resource data (v2) | 3 | |
NPK | Nitro+ Engine resource data (v3) | 4 | |
NPL | NPS Image Editor Palette | 24 | |
NPL | Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Project | 21 | |
NPM | Corel Custom Natural Media Stroke | 23 | |
NPM | Nokia Picture Message bitmap | 2 | |
NPNO | Nord Piano Library | 6 | |
NPP | Art Explosion Publisher Pro document | 7 | |
NPPG | Nord Piano Program Bank | 120 | |
NPR | Nuendo Project | 12 | |
NPS | Natron Node Preset | 5 | |
NPS | NetBeans Profiler Snapshot | 3 | |
NPSD | NPS Image Editor Document | 6 | |
NPSS | NPS Image Editor Script | 7 | |
NPW | nPassword DataBank (w/o password) | 6 | |
NPX | NETPIC ASCII-encoded GIF | 34 | |
NPX | Neophyte: The Spirit Master game data | 413 | |
NPY | NumPy data | 25 | |
NPZ | Npic bitmap | 9 | |
NPZ | NumPy compressed data archive format | 3 | |
NQI | ESET Smart Security Quarantined file Information | 6 | Ryan Jones |
NQI | NOD32 Quarantined file Information | 4 | |
NR3 | Nero MP3 ISO Compilation | 14 | |
NRA | Nero Audio-CD Compilation | 4 | |
NRA | Nero Audio-CD Compilation (Unicode) | 5 | |
NRG | Nero Burning ROM CD Image | 5 | THE LoW |
NRG | Nero BurningROM CDImage (RAW Format) | 3 | THE LoW |
NRI | Nero ISO Compilation | 11 | |
NRI | Tricksteronline image | 2 | |
NRKT | Native Instruments Reaktor sample | 89 | |
NRM | Heath: The Unchosen Path game data archive | 2 | |
NRO | Nintendo Switch executable | 224 | |
NRRD | Nearly Raw Raster Data | 7 | |
NRV | Nero Video-CD compilation | 6 | |
NRW | Nokia RAW bitmap | 2 | |
NS1 | NetStumbler NS1 log | 5 | |
NS2P | Nord Stage 2 Program Bank | 406 | |
NS2PB | Nord Stage 2 Program Bundle | 13 | |
NS2S | Nord Stage 2 Synth Bank | 222 | |
NS3F | Nord Stage 3 Program Bank | 300 | |
NS3Y | Nord Stage 3 Synth Bank | 300 | |
NSCR | Nintendo DS title Screen | 2 | |
NSD | NSD audio | 2 | |
NSD | Nihilistic Scene Data | 104 | |
NSF | Lotus Notes Storage Facility | 26 | Massimo Nadalin |
NSF | NATO Secondary Imagery Format | 40 | |
NSF | NES Sound Format rip | 27 | |
NSFE | Extended Nintendo Sound Format chiptune | 4 | |
NSH | NetWars Shape | 4 | |
NSI | NSIS script (with rem) | 35 | |
NSI | NorthStar disk Image (NS DOS) | 9 | |
NSIS | NSIS compressed archive | 4 | |
NSK | NaShrinK compressed archive | 3 | |
NSK | reFX NEXUS Skin | 17 | |
NSL | Nokia Startup Logo Editor bitmap | 8 | |
NSLA | Nero Scalable Audio | 8 | |
NSMP | Nord User Sample | 14 | |
NSP | Computerized Speech Lab NSP audio | 6 | |
NSP | Nintendo Switch Submission Package | 75 | Masamune3210 |
NSPG | Nord Stage Classic/EX Program | 7 | |
NSS | NES Screen Tool Session (text) | 29 | |
NST | Nestopia savestate | 13 | |
NSV | Nullsoft Streaming Video | 8 | |
NSX | Index Apollo Database Engine | 5 | Knuth Konrad |
NSZ | Nintendo Switch Submission Zipped Package | 76 | Masamune3210 |
NSZ | Rumble Fighter game data archive | 2 | |
NT | NTitler show | 87 | |
NT | Startrekker 1.x module info | 45 | |
NT3 | JB BAHN layout | 24 | |
NTB | Windows for Pen Computing Notebook | 3 | |
NTF | Font descriptor | 5 | |
NTF | Lotus Note Template | 65 | |
NTF | National Transfer Format Map | 7 | |
NTH | Nokia theme | 6 | |
NTK | Newton Toolkit Project | 3 | |
NTK | NoiseTrekker v1.0 module | 3 | |
NTK | NoiseTrekker v2.0 module | 9 | |
NTM | Navitel 2.0 Map | 35 | |
NTP | NovoTrade Packer module | 15 | |
NTP | Olitext Notes | 3 | |
NTR | NETRUN ASCII-encoded COM/EXE | 15 | |
NTRX | Notator-X Score | 3 | |
NTSP | Sonic Frontiers textures | 2 | |
NTT | Neato MediaFACE label template | 14 | |
NTW | Lode Data Network | 4 | |
NTX | Project Nomads Texture | 3 | |
NTX | the Word Encrypted New Testament Text Module | 2 | |
NUANMB | Namco Universal Animation Binary | 834 | |
NUHLPB | Namco Universal Helper bone constraints Binary | 10 | |
NULL | null bytes | 12 | |
NUMATB | Namco Universal Material Binary | 379 | |
NUMBERS | Numbers spreadsheet | 13 | |
NUMDLB | Namco Universal Model Binary | 214 | |
NUMSHB | Namco Universal Mesh vetext data Binary | 219 | |
NUNIT | NUnit project | 5 | |
NUP | NOD32 Antivirus Update file | 143 | Ildar Ibatullin |
NUPKG | NuGet Package | 19 | |
NUS3AUDIO | Namco Universal Audio archive | 10 | |
NUS3BANK | Namco Universal Audio Bank | 9 | |
NUS3CONF | Namco Universal Configuration format | 4 | |
NUSKTB | Namco Universal Skeleton Binary | 173 | |
NUSPEC | NuGet Specification | 16 | |
NUSPEC | NuGet Specification (UTF-8) | 8 | |
NUT | NUT Open Container Format | 6 | |
NUT/SAN | SCUMM NUT charset format (V7-8) | 71 | |
NUT/SAN | Smush Animation format (old) | 6 | |
NUV | NuppelVideo (MythTV) video | 4 | Ariel |
NUV | NuppelVideo video | 4 | |
NV | Juno address book | 10 | |
NVB | NVIDIA Scene | 16 | |
NVC | NeroVision Express project | 3 | |
NVD | NaviPress NaviDoc Data | 20 | |
NVDL | NVDL script | 19 | |
NVF | Creative Nomad II series MP3 players Voice File audio | 12 | |
NVM | NaviPress NaviMap data | 14 | |
NVRAM | VMware BIOS state | 4 | |
NVRAM | VirtualBox saved (U)EFI BIOS settings | 13 | Joerg Jenderek |
NVRAM | VirtualBox saved (U)EFI BIOS settings (TAR) | 6 | Joerg Jenderek |
NW | CharlieCalc spreadsheet | 9 | |
NW | GraalOnline level | 2 | |
NW | NWiper show | 17 | |
NW2P | Nord Wave 2 Program Bank | 350 | |
NWC | NoteWorthy Composer song | 12 | |
NWC | NoteWorthy song (alternate format) | 18 | |
NWC | Noteworthy Composer data file | 8 | Joachim Grabinski |
NWD | NavisWorks Document | 10 | |
NWF | Nero WaveEditor Audio File | 10 | Tyler Thorsted |
NWP | Neo Content file | 11 | |
NWP | Nord Wave Program Bank | 1024 | |
NX1 | NexusDB database | 5 | |
NX4/NXS/H4/HDF/HDF4/NEXUS | NeXus HDF4 data format | 19 | |
NX5/NXS/H5/HDF/HDF5/NEXUS | NeXus HDF5 data format | 22 | |
NXL | NXL video | 111 | |
NXL | NXL2 video | 10 | |
NXS/NXZ | Nexus 3D model | 2 | |
NXV | NEXO NS-1 Venue | 398 | |
NXV | NXV video | 4 | |
NXZ | NoX map (compressed) | 727 | |
NY | Audacity Nyquits plug-in | 21 | |
NYF | myBase database | 5 | |
NZ | NanoZip compressed archive | 4 | Label |
NZ | NanoZip compressed archive (generic) | 26 | Label |
NZB | Newzbin Usenet Index | 7 | |