Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
T0* | TaxCut Tax Return file | 5 | |
T0AST | The 0ok Amazing Synth Tracker module | 8 | |
T2 | U.S. Navy Fighters Theater game data | 10 | |
T2FLOW | Taverna Workbench workflow definition | 9 | |
T2G | TommySoftware CAD/Draw drawing (v2) | 2 | |
T2K | Teach2000 document | 10 | |
T2L | TommySoftware CAD/Draw Library (v2) | 5 | |
T3 | TADS 3 Game | 4 | |
T3D | Swift 3D 3D Graphic | 4 | |
T3G | TommySoftware CAD/Draw drawing (v3) | 2 | |
T3L | TommySoftware CAD/Draw Library (v3) | 4 | |
T3X | Compressed TYPO3 extension | 338 | Eric |
T4G | TommySoftware CAD/Draw drawing (v4) | 49 | |
T4G | TommySoftware CAD/Draw drawing (v4, compressed) | 6 | |
T4L | TommySoftware CAD/Draw Library (v4) | 10 | |
T64 | Commodore 64 Tape container | 4192 | |
T65 | Adobe PageMaker Template (v6.5) | 337 | |
T77 | XM7 Tape image | 5 | |
T81 | T81 EightyOne tape image | 7 | |
T88 | PC-88 Tape image | 2 | |
T8C | SDLTRS Configuration | 4 | |
T8S | SDLTRS State Save | 3 | |
T@0 | Timeline schedule (v2.0) | 11 | |
TAAC/SUNIFF/VFF | Sun TAAC bitmap | 3 | |
TAB | Asmodeus Table | 2 | |
TAB | Asmodeus audio/sound Table | 2 | |
TAB | Asmodeus monsters Table | 2 | |
TAB | Asmodeus speech Table | 2 | |
TAB | Asmodeus weapons Table | 2 | |
TAB | Common Instrument File Format Type 1 (text) | 2 | |
TAB | Common Instrument File Format Type 2 (text) | 2 | |
TAB | Double Commander Tabs list | 6 | |
TAB | Klasik Table/spreadsheet | 4 | |
TAB | MapInfo MapBasic initial data Table | 298 | Rizla99 |
TAB | TASM instructions definition Table | 12 | |
TAB | Total Commander Tabs configuration | 7 | |
TAB | UCTAB spreadsheet (v3.x) | 4 | |
TABLECONTENT | SMART Table Activity Pack | 14 | |
TAC | Tanuki Soft visual novel archive (v1.x) | 4 | |
TAF | ADRIFT Text Adventure File | 6 | |
TAF | Raima Data Manager lock | 6 | |
TAG | CADTAG data | 4 | |
TAG | Cache Directory Tagging Standard | 2 | |
TAG | MNI Tag point | 6 | |
TAG | TAG document (generic) | 10 | |
TAG | TAG document (v1.x) | 3 | |
TAG | TAG document (v2.x) | 4 | |
TAG | TAG document (v3.x) | 8 | |
TAG | TagInfo data | 9 | |
TAH | Turbo Assembler Help | 4 | |
TAK | TAK lossless compressed audio | 6 | |
TAKE | Sculpt 3D Take | 3 | |
TAML | Torque GUI control (XML) | 4 | |
TAML | Torque animation asset (XML) | 55 | |
TAML | Torque audio asset (XML) | 20 | |
TAML | Torque font asset (XML) | 12 | |
TAML | Torque image asset (XML) | 197 | |
TAML | Torque module definition (XML) | 38 | |
TAML | Torque particle asset (XML) | 8 | |
TAML | Torque skeleton asset (XML) | 4 | |
TAML | Torque sprite asset (XML) | 8 | |
TAP/RAW | C16 Tape image format | 3 | |
TAP/RAW | C64 Tape image format (v0-original) | 8 | |
TAP/RAW | C64 Tape image format (v1-updated) | 4 | |
TAP | EP128Emu tape image | 3 | |
TAP | Jupiter Ace Tape image | 23 | |
TAP | KC85 Tape image | 42 | |
TAP | MAME TACO tape image | 2 | |
TAP | Microbee tape image | 2 | |
TAP | Orao Tape image | 45 | |
TAP/DAT | Oric Tape image | 20 | |
TAP | REAL Numbers Tape | 8 | |
TAP | TAP (Tencent) bitmap | 2 | |
TAP | TePee Animator Project (v1.0) | 4 | |
TAP | Warajevo Tape image format | 31 | |
TAP | ZX Spectrum Tape image | 92 | |
TAP | uBee512 DGOS tape image | 2 | |
TAP | uBee512 KCS tape image | 2 | |
TAR | BagIt package (TAR) | 18 | |
TAR | Conda TAR package (unbzip2ed) | 22 | |
TAR/000/001 | QNX TaRx archive | 85 | |
TAR/GTAR | TAR - Tape ARchive (GNU) | 16 | Joerg Jenderek |
TAR/USTAR | TAR - Tape ARchive (POSIX) | 47 | Joerg Jenderek |
TAR | TAR - Tape ARchive (directory) | 59 | Joerg Jenderek |
TAR | TAR - Tape ARchive (file) | 59 | Joerg Jenderek |
TAR | TAR - Tape ARchive (hard link) | 59 | Joerg Jenderek |
TAR/GTAR | TAR - Tape ARchive (longname) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
TAR/GTAR | TAR - Tape ARchive (multi volume) | 4 | Joerg Jenderek |
TAR | TAR - Tape ARchive (symlink) | 59 | Joerg Jenderek |
TAR/GTAR | TAR - Tape ARchive (volume) | 5 | Joerg Jenderek |
TAR | Unity Package (ungzipped) | 35 | |
TARC | Peria Chronicles game data archive | 2 | |
TARGETS | MSBuild Targets | 5 | |
TARGETS | MSBuild Targets (UTF-8) | 5 | |
TASPROJ | BizHawk TAStudio Project | 11 | |
TAX | TurboTax return file | 3 | |
TB | Turbo BASIC configuration | 2 | |
TB1/PPP | Paintpro bitmap (v5.0) | 2 | |
TBA | DB/TextWorks Database Primary Textbase Definition | 7 | |
TBASICCX | thinBasic Console scripts (obfuscated) | 6 | Eros Olmi |
TBASICX | thinBasic GUI scripts (obfuscated) | 15 | Eros Olmi |
TBB | The Bat! Message Base | 9 | |
TBC | Turbo Basic compiled Chain module | 11 | |
TBD | Xcode Text Based Definition | 9 | |
TBG | TeamBG Infinity Engine data format (v3) | 2 | |
TBG | TeamBG Infinity Engine data format (v4) | 2 | |
TBGN | TeamBG New Infinity Engine data format (v1) | 2 | |
TBH | Turbo BASIC Help | 2 | |
TBI | Image for Windows Disk Image | 2 | |
TBI | The Bat! Message Base Index | 30 | |
TBK/SBK | Asymetrix ToolBook (generic) | 27 | |
TBK | Asymetrix ToolBook application | 19 | |
TBL | AM-Notebook Spreadsheet/Table | 5 | |
TBL | Aegis Impact! Table | 6 | |
TBL | Binary Unicode conversion Table | 23 | Joerg Jenderek |
TBL | Comic Book Creator shape Table | 19 | |
TBL | Corum VIP Table data | 21 | |
TBL | Duxbury conversion Table | 16 | |
TBL | PageMaker Table | 3 | |
TBL | ST-6 color Table | 3 | |
TBM | DB/TextWorks Database Menu Screen | 3 | |
TBMAT | Marmoset Toolbag Material | 22 | |
TBP | The Bat! plugin | 6 | |
TBP | Toon Boom Studio animation | 3 | |
TBP | TurboBase DB | 25 | |
TBR | Mesa 2 ToolBar | 4 | |
TBS | Chess Tablebase | 165 | |
TBS | TuneUp Style Boot Screen | 86 | |
TBSCENE | Marmoset Toolbag Scene | 26 | |
TBU | ZX Spectrum Next Update | 2 | |
TBV | 3D Ultra Cool data file | 2 | |
TBX | ArcGIS Toolbox (legacy) | 9 | |
TBX | TermBase eXchange Format | 30 | |
TBX | TermBase eXchange Format (UTF-8) | 17 | |
TBX | Turbo Cross design | 29 | |
TC | SlideWrite Plus Chart | 69 | |
TC/IMG | TransCopy disk image (1 side) | 0 | Joerg Jenderek |
TC/IMG | TransCopy disk image (2 sides) | 19 | |
TC | Turbo C Configuration | 2 | |
TCA | The Complete Animator Film video | 18 | |
TCAX | TestComplete Project events | 10 | |
TCB | TCB Tracker module | 23 | |
TCC | TCruise codes and parameters | 4 | |
TCD | TCruise Document | 18 | |
TCD | TurboCalc Document | 125 | |
TCDUT | TwinCAT PLC Data Type | 33 | |
TCGIL | Tools Media Corp. Texture | 3212 | |
TCGTLO | TwinCAT PLC Global Texts List | 6 | |
TCGVL | TwinCAT PLC Global Variable List | 14 | |
TCH | Turbo C Help | 2 | |
TCLIB | TurboCalc Library | 6 | |
TCLRS | TwinCAT License info | 4 | |
TCN | Techne Model | 11 | |
TCP | Rembrandt True Color Picture bitmap | 4 | |
TCP | TeXnicCenter Project | 27 | |
TCPOU | TwinCAT PLC Program Organization Unit | 230 | |
TCR | Psion TCR eBook | 2 | |
TCS | ThermoVision Thermal Camera Setup | 21 | |
TCTTO | TwinCAT PLC Task Object | 10 | |
TCVIS | TwinCAT PLC Visualization | 16 | |
TCVMO | TwinCAT PLC Visualization Manager | 6 | |
TCW | TurboCAD drawing (v1 Win) | 8 | |
TCW | TurboCAD drawing (v3 Win) | 33 | |
TCX | Garmin Training Center Database XML (V2) | 20 | |
TD | TheDraw design (gen) | 6 | |
TD | TheDraw design (v3.x) | 3 | |
TD | TheDraw design (v4.x) | 3 | |
TD0 | Chess Assistant DB (v4.0) - Data Pro Tree (v1.1) | 2 | |
TD0 | Teledisk Disk compressed image (advanced mode) | 26 | |
TD0 | Teledisk Disk compressed image (normal mode) | 25 | |
TD2/TDW | Turbo Debugger configuration | 3 | |
TDA | Three Dimensional Laboratory Animation | 3 | |
TDB | Abacus Time and Date data (v1.0) | 2 | |
TDB | SlamDB Database (generic) | 2 | Kevin G. Peel |
TDB | SlamDB Database v1.0 | 2 | Kevin G. Peel |
TDB/MCL | TUMMY Data Base | 4 | |
TDB | Textual Data Base (v2.x) | 2 | |
TDB | The DataMaster Data Base | 3 | |
TDB | ToDo data (v2.x) | 3 | |
TDB | Trivial Data Base | 4 | |
TDD/OBJ/IOB | 3D Data Description object | 52 | |
TDD | Three Dimensional Laboratory Data | 4 | |
TDE | Tableau Data Extract | 5 | |
TDF | Binary Tiled Data File | 12 | |
TDF | InterBase Table Definition (v1.0) | 8 | |
TDF | Speedo font Typeface Definition File | 9 | |
TDF | Speedo font Typeface Definition File (var.2) | 11 | |
TDF | TheDraw Fonts | 2 | |
TDF | TinyDisk Meta File | 8 | |
TDL | TheDraw Library | 2 | |
TDL | ToDoList Tasklist | 6 | |
TDM | TDM header | 8 | |
TDM | TDM header (UTF-16 LE) | 6 | |
TDMS | TDM Streaming format | 10 | |
TDO | Three Dimensional Laboratory Object | 7 | |
TDR | KLH10 RAW tape image directory | 2 | |
TDR | KLH10 RAW tape image directory (with rem) | 4 | |
TDR | Top Draw Drawing (v3.x) | 8 | |
TDR | Treebit Decision Roulette data | 6 | |
TDS | Tableau Data Source | 23 | |
TDS | Top Draw Shapes (v1.x) | 12 | |
TDS | Top Draw Shapes (v3.x) | 4 | |
TDS | Turbo Debugger Symbols table | 3 | |
TDT | CodeWarrior Target Data (Big Endian) | 8 | |
TDT | CodeWarrior Target Data (Little Endian) | 7 | |
TDUMP | Java HotSpot Thread Dump | 30 | |
TDX | MyDataBase index | 12 | |
TE | Framework Terminal type | 11 | |
TE1 | UltraEdit Template | 12 | |
TEC | TECkit compiled mapping | 36 | |
TEC | ThermoVision Calibration data | 21 | |
TEM | Designworks Template (v3.5) | 15 | |
TEM | MultiFax Template | 2 | |
TEMPLATE | Jigdo Template | 13 | |
TEMPLATE | PowerTablet Driver Template | 12 | |
TEO | NeoDraw drawing | 19 | |
TER | Black and White 2 Terrain data | 12 | |
TER | YS FLIGHT terrain data | 19 | |
TERRAIN/TER | Terragen terrain | 2 | |
TERX | Softree Terrain | 6 | |
TET | Tetra Color Palette format (v1.0) | 8 | |
TEX | Corel 10 Texture | 341 | Alex Paven |
TEX | Croteam texture file | 8 | |
TEX | Grigon texture | 2 | |
TEX | LaTeX 2e document | 7 | |
TEX | LaTeX 2e document (with rem) | 30 | |
TEX | Nascar game texture | 4 | |
TEX | Wallpaper engine Texture | 14 | |
TEX | WiziTeX equation | 12 | |
TEXI/TEXINFO | Texinfo source | 30 | |
TEXTCLIPPING | Mac textClipping | 20 | |
TEXTGRID | TextGrid annotation | 89 | |
TEXTGRID | TextGrid annotation (UTF-16 BE) | 20 | |
TF | Follin Player II module | 14 | |
TF | SPICE Text FK | 15 | |
TFA | Turbo Profiler Areas data | 4 | |
TFAI | Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura saved game | 274 | |
TFC | TurboFM Compiler chiptune | 6 | |
TFE | TFM Music Maker music (V2) | 30 | |
TFI/TIFILE/TIFILES | TI-99 TIFILES file image | 6 | |
TFI | Tascam DM-3200 firmware | 6 | |
TFI | Tascam DM-4800 firmware | 16 | |
TFLITE | TensorFlow Lite format | 152 | |
TFM | TeX Font Metric (0x11) | 170 | Joerg Jenderek |
TFM | TeX Font Metric (0x12) | 647 | Joerg Jenderek |
TFM | TeX Font Metric (0x15) | 69 | Joerg Jenderek |
TFM | TeX Font Metric (0x78) | 27 | Joerg Jenderek |
TFM | TopLevel Form | 59 | |
TFM | Transform compressed | 3 | |
TFP | Epic TFP format | 6 | |
TFS | TSF Video Recorder format | 2 | |
TFW | ArcView World File | 14 | |
TG | TuxGuitar Tablature | 20 | |
TG1 | COKE format bitmap | 3 | |
TGA | Truevision TGA/TARGA bitmap (RLE encoded, RGB image) | 47 | |
TGA | Truevision TGA/TARGA bitmap (RLE encoded, RGB image, palette) | 4 | |
TGA | Truevision TGA/TARGA bitmap (image id field, no palette) | 8 | |
TGA | Truevision TGA/TARGA bitmap (image id field, palette) | 2 | |
TGA | Truevision TGA/TARGA bitmap (uncompressed, B/W) | 24 | |
TGA | Truevision TGA/TARGA bitmap (uncompressed, RGB image) | 32 | |
TGA | Truevision TGA/TARGA bitmap (uncompressed, color-mapped) | 66 | |
TGC | Terragen Clip | 17 | |
TGD | Terragen project | 11 | |
TGF | MDL Transportable Graphics Format | 13 | |
TGF | MDL Transportable Graphics Format (DOS/Win) | 26 | |
TGF | TGF chemical test (UNIX) | 5 | |
TGF | Tree Generator 3D tree | 10 | |
TGO | Terragen Object geometry | 19 | |
TGQ | Electronic Arts TGQ video | 4 | |
TGS | Telegram animated sticker (ungzipped) | 8 | |
TGS | Telegram animated sticker (ungzipped) (UTF-8) | 9 | |
TGT | Watcom C/C++ Target | 12 | |
TGV | Electronic Arts TGV video | 2 | |
TGW | Terragen World | 23 | Kyosuke Aoki |
THD | Dolby TrueHD audio | 11 | Doc MaKS |
THEME | Icon Theme index | 5 | |
THEME | Windows 8-10 Desktop Theme | 9 | |
THEME | Windows 8-10 Desktop Theme (with CRLF) | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
THEME | Windows 8-10 Desktop Theme (with rem) | 20 | |
THEME/THE | Windows 98-7 Desktop Theme | 8 | |
THEME/THE | Windows 98-7 Desktop Theme (with CRLF) | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
THEME/THE | Windows 98-7 Desktop Theme (with rem) | 20 | |
THEME/THE | Windows Desktop Theme | 10 | |
THEME/THE | Windows Desktop Theme (with CRLF) | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
THEME/THE | Windows Desktop Theme (with rem) | 20 | |
THING | MakerBot Thing | 16 | |
THM | Costa Theme | 25 | |
THM | Program Manager Eternity Theme | 6 | |
THM | QuickCrt Theme | 11 | |
THM | Sony Ericsson Theme (for mobile phones) | 34 | |
THM | StarOffice Gallery theme | 40 | Joerg Jenderek |
THM | Thumbnail File from Digital Camera Canon G3 | 148 | Roberto 'rbnet' Bolli |
THMX | Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 theme / template | 12 | |
THN | Graphics Workshop for Windows Thumbnail | 51 | |
THN | The Holy Noise module | 9 | |
THP | GameCube THP video | 4 | |
THR | THOR compressed data | 19 | Label |
TI | SPICE Text IK | 8 | |
TIB | Acronis True Image | 39 | Ildar Ibatullin |
TIB | Acronis True Image (v13) | 6 | Joerg Jenderek |
TIBKP | Titanium Backup Easy Backup saved data | 6 | |
TICART | Win994a cartdrige image | 200 | |
TICR | Kindle app book info | 12 | |
TID | AVCHD Thumbnail Index | 5 | |
TIE | CrossTie profile | 12 | |
TIE | Tierra genome (ASCII, generic) | 44 | |
TIE | Tierra genome (ASCII, v2) | 16 | |
TIE | Tierra genome (ASCII, v3) | 28 | |
TIENCR/SENC | TIENCR format | 3 | |
TIF | Applied Precision CellWorX TIFF | 21 | |
TIF/TIFF | BigTIFF bitmap | 4 | |
TIF | Macintosh TIFF bitmap (MacBinary) | 1 | |
TIF/TIFF | OME-TIFF bitmap | 129 | |
TIF/TIFF | OME-TIFF bitmap (big endian) | 27 | |
TIF/TIFF | Tagged Image File Format Bitmap (big endian) | 5 | |
TIF/TIFF | Tagged Image File Format Bitmap (little endian) | 17 | |
TIGER | Crystal Dynamics game data archive | 3 | |
TIGER | Rise of the Tomb Raider game data | 3 | |
TIGER | Tomb Raider (2013) game data | 8 | |
TII | TI Interactive Workbook | 5 | |
TIL | FOnline Engine Tile set | 6 | |
TIL | IDA Type Information List | 7 | |
TIL | Tilez texture | 27 | |
TILE | Eclipse TILE bitmap | 2 | |
TILESKINZIP | Stardock Tiles Skin | 8 | |
TILT | Open Brush 3D | 49 | |
TIM/SND | AdLib Timbre Bank Format | 5 | |
TIM | PSX TIM 16bpp bitmap | 4 | |
TIM | PSX TIM 24bpp bitmap | 6 | |
TIM | PSX TIM 4bpp (no CLUT) bitmap | 5 | |
TIM | PSX TIM 4bpp bitmap | 14 | |
TIM | PSX TIM 8bpp (no CLUT) bitmap | 3 | |
TIM | PSX TIM 8bpp bitmap | 12 | |
TIM | RPC III file | 7 | |
TIM | The Incredible Machine puzzle (0x00) | 2 | |
TIM/GCK | The Incredible Machine puzzle (0x02) | 2 | |
TIM/GCK | The Incredible Machine puzzle (0x05) | 2 | |
TIM/GCK | The Incredible Machine puzzle (0x06) | 2 | |
TIM/GCK | The Incredible Machine puzzle (0x11) | 2 | |
TIM/GCK | The Incredible Machine puzzle (0x12) | 2 | |
TIM/GCK | The Incredible Machine puzzle (0x13) | 2 | |
TIM/GCK | The Incredible Machine puzzle (0x14) | 2 | |
TIM | Vixen 3 Timed sequence | 26 | |
TIMBER | Timberborn map | 18 | |
TIN | SMS Triangulated Irregular Networks | 7 | |
TINYFNT | .NET Micro Framework TinyFont | 19 | |
TIP | Taquart Interlace Picture bitmap | 6 | |
TIP | TuneUp Styler Icon pack | 15 | Stef |
TIS | Infinity Engine tileset (v1) | 3 | |
TIS | MJWIN/VGA Mahjongg TileSet | 27 | |
TITAPE | Win994a tape image | 29 | |
TIVO | TiVoToGo video | 2 | |
TIZ | Infinity Engine compressed Tileset | 8 | Sam. |
TIZIP | TwinCAT Compile Info container | 9 | |
TJA | Taikojiro Song Map | 7 | |
TJN | Taijin Media Net karaoke song | 4 | |
TJP | TilePic bitmap | 2 | |
TJS | Trackjoy GUS Tracker song | 2 | |
TJSN | tCam Thermal image (JSON) | 7 | |
TK | TK Solver module (v1) | 97 | |
TK1 | Wintec Tools GPS log | 2 | |
TK3 | Tk3 eBook | 15 | |
TK4 | FM Towns TK4 graphic | 23 | |
TKB4/TKB | Ferrari Formula One track data | 34 | |
TKC | tKC Cracking Tutorial File | 13 | .Cryorb |
TKE | Stunt Island Take | 8 | |
TKN | Libery BASIC tokenized source | 6 | |
TKP | FL Studio Touch Keyboard Form | 6 | |
TKU | TKUY map format | 42 | |
TL2 | Dominion game data | 7 | |
TL5 | TimeLiner 5.x data | 12 | |
TLA | TuneUp Styler Logo Animation | 20 | Stef |
TLB | Character Table Library | 3 | |
TLB | Moebius Tile Library | 28 | |
TLB | SPSS Type Library | 4 | |
TLB | Type Library (Type1) | 5 | |
TLB | Type Library (Type2) | 66 | |
TLD | Tag Library Descriptor | 7 | |
TLDR | tldraw Drawing | 7 | |
TLG | KiriKiri TLG bitmap | 11 | |
TLG | KiriKiri TLG5 bitmap | 5 | |
TLG | KiriKiri TLG6 bitmap | 6 | |
TLH | Dominion game data | 6 | |
TLK | BioWare Talk table | 4 | |
TLK | Infinity Engine Talk Table (v1) | 7 | Sam. |
TLL | LG Teach-To-TV configuration | 16 | |
TLM | Timeline Maker diagram | 25 | |
TLM | Timeline Maker diagram (alt) | 2 | |
TLM3 | Timeline Maker diagram (v3) | 4 | |
TLM4 | Timeline Maker diagram (v4) | 4 | |
TLMZ | Timeline Maker packaged diagram (v3) | 4 | |
TLMZ | Timeline Maker packaged diagram (v4) | 5 | |
TLO | SPSS Table Look | 52 | |
TLOG | MSBuild file Tracker Log | 11 | Joerg Jenderek |
TLP | Tulip graph format | 10 | |
TLP | Tunnelier profile | 8 | |
TLS | SPICE Text LSK | 6 | |
TLV | OpenToonz raster level (v1.x) | 4 | |
TLX | Dominion game data | 2 | |
TLX | Sentry Spelling-Checker user dictionary | 17 | |
TLZ/LZMA | LZMA compressed Tape ARchive | 51 | |
TM | GNU TeXmacs document | 8 | |
TM | SPICE Text Meta-kernel | 9 | |
TM2/TIM/TIM2 | TIM2 PlayStation2 bitmap | 10 | |
TMC | Thrustmaster TARGET script | 5 | |
TMC | TwinCAT Module Class | 9 | |
TMC | TwinCAT Module Class (UTF-8) | 55 | |
TMC600 | Telmac 600 program | 3 | |
TMCOMMAND | TextMate Command | 146 | |
TMD | Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Model | 4 | |
TMD | PSX TMD 3d Model | 24 | |
TMD | TextMaker document | 12 | |
TMD | WorldMachine document | 18 | Chris Malady |
TMDX/TMVX | SoftMaker TextMaker text Document | 31 | |
TMF | TMF module | 6 | |
TMF | Test Drive: Off-Road graphics | 93 | |
TMJSN | tCam Thermal Movie (JSON) | 6 | |
TML | Apache Tapestry Markup Language document | 9 | |
TML | Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Material Library | 5 | |
TMLANGUAGE | TextMate Language grammar | 16 | |
TMMACRO | TextMate Macro | 3 | |
TMN | ThaiMenu configuration | 5 | |
TMOD | Terraria Mod | 4 | |
TMP | AZZ Cardfile data (RTF) | 2 | |
TMP | AZZ Cardfile data (Text) | 2 | |
TMP | Image Maker Annotation | 2 | |
TMP | NeroAudio Peak file | 2 | |
TMPL | eMule Web Interface template | 12 | |
TMPREFERENCES | TextMate Preferences | 28 | |
TMPROJ | TextMate Project | 9 | |
TMR | Artman Level Background | 5 | |
TMS | Tableau Map Source | 6 | |
TMS | Tableau Map Source (UTF-8) | 3 | |
TMS | Telemate compiled script | 3 | |
TMS | Twisted Metal (PC) models textures container | 12 | |
TMSNIPPET | TextMate Snippet | 320 | |
TMT | TimeCult workspace | 9 | |
TMTHEME | TextMate Theme | 11 | |
TMU | Trilo Tracker chiptune | 13 | |
TMV | 8088 Corruption TMV video | 2 | |
TMV | SoftMaker TextMaker template | 33 | |
TMX | Lightworks audio mix | 14 | |
TMX | Tiled Tiles Map XML | 38 | |
TMX | Translation Memory Exchange | 5 | |
TNC | SuperJPG ThumbNail Cache | 22 | |
TNC | TI-Nspire CAS OS image | 4 | |
TND | TUNDRA text-mode graphics | 2 | |
TNEF/DAT | Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format | 17 | |
TNFO | Spybot Search'n'Destroy process data | 4 | |
TNGZ | Immaginaria TNG 3D scene | 7 | Kieran O'Donnell |
TNK | Tank Battle Tank data | 7 | |
TNO | TI-Nspire OS image | 5 | |
TNS | TI-Nspire document | 27 | |
TNSP | TI-Nspire PublishView document | 11 | |
TNY/TN6 | Tiny Stuff format bitmap (hi-res anim) | 2 | |
TNY/TN3 | Tiny Stuff format bitmap (hi-res) | 3 | |
TNY/TN4 | Tiny Stuff format bitmap (low-res anim) | 2 | |
TNY/TN1 | Tiny Stuff format bitmap (low-res) | 6 | |
TNY/TN5 | Tiny Stuff format bitmap (med-res anim) | 2 | |
TNY/TN2 | Tiny Stuff format bitmap (med-res) | 2 | |
TNZ | OpenToonz scene | 8 | |
TO4/T4 | Top 4 compressed data | 17 | Label |
TOAST | Toast disk image (old) | 3 | |
TOC | Buzzwords On-Line Manual Program TOC | 2 | |
TOC | CDRDAO CD layout | 8 | |
TOC | LaTeX table of contents | 8 | |
TOC | SACD 2 channel TOC | 3 | |
TOC | SACD multi-channel TOC | 2 | |
TOC | World of Warcraft TOC file | 15 | |
TOE | TouchDesigner Environment/project | 9 | |
TOM/STP/TOP | WSxM SPM data | 9 | |
TOML | Cargo manifest | 19 | |
TOOT | SuperJAM! Toot | 5 | |
TOP | Evasive Action scenery Topography | 4 | |
TOP | TopSolid Design Document | 4 | |
TOP | Waltop digital ink-pad graphic | 6 | Josef Schneider |
TOPDICPKG | TopSolid Dictionary Package | 16 | |
TOPOJSON | TopoJSON format | 15 | |
TOPOPNPKG | TopSolid Open Package | 4 | |
TOPPKG | TopSolid Package | 19 | |
TOPPRJ | TopSolid Project | 4 | |
TOR/MAT | Tornado 3D model/Material | 38 | |
TORO | TORO 2D logfile | 6 | |
TORO | TORO 3D logfile | 4 | |
TORRENT | Torrent | 49 | |
TORRENT | Torrent (trackerless) | 17 | |
TORSION | Torsion project | 6 | |
TOS | Atari ST TOS executable | 16 | |
TOS | Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual save game | 31 | |
TOWN | AmiAtlas Towns data | 3 | |
TOX | Typed Voxel format | 5 | |
TOY | CHAOS Toy Universe data | 7 | |
TOY | TOY lossy compressed audio | 5 | |
TP | Pokemon Online team | 11 | |
TP | Teapot XDR spreadsheet | 4 | |
TP | TecPlot ascii file format | 6 | |
TP | TinkerPlots document | 107 | |
TP | Turbo Pascal configuration | 9 | |
TP3 | Trackerpacker 3 Music | 9 | |
TP4 | Kaleidescape Touch Panel Variations | 12 | |
TP4 | RollerCoaster Tycoon Track Picture/screenshot | 30 | |
TPA | TruePaint Animation | 2 | |
TPA | TwinCAT Addresses data | 6 | |
TPAC | Mount and Blade II game data archive | 3 | |
TPC | RTFGEN Topic data | 8 | |
TPC | SPICE Text PcK | 8 | |
TPC | Twisted Metal (PC) 3D models container | 40 | |
TPD | WinGroove soundbank | 2 | |
TPF | FromSoftware game data archive | 2 | |
TPF | HiJaak PCL soft font | 8 | |
TPF | TexMod package File | 7 | |
TPG | Tektronix Pattern | 4 | |
TPH | Turbo Pascal Help | 4 | |
TPI | TTrak Instrument | 17 | |
TPK | Tiny Thor Package game data archive | 3 | |
TPK | Tizen Package | 7 | |
TPK | Tms Install Package | 2 | |
TPK | Tochal Package | 2 | |
TPL | Action! Template (v2.5) | 156 | |
TPL | Action! Template (v3.0) | 31 | |
TPL | ArtCAM Toolpath Template | 47 | |
TPL | ArtCAM Toolpath Template (old) | 3 | |
TPL | Asymetrix Compel Template | 14 | |
TPL | Better Working Eight-In-One spreadsheet | 3 | |
TPL | Easy Working: The Planner spreadsheet (v2.10) | 8 | |
TPL | Harvard Graphics Template (v2.x) | 3 | |
TPL | Labeler (v2.0) / Labels Unlimited (v1.0) Template | 16 | |
TPL | Mini Office database Template | 2 | |
TPL | OpenToonz Palette | 5 | |
TPL | Ulead iPhoto Template | 342 | Joerg Jenderek |
TPL | Wii TPL images container | 6 | |
TPL/TXT | WinHex data structure template | 29 | |
TPM | TTrak Module | 4 | |
TPM | Turbo Pascal Map (v4.x) | 5 | |
TPM | TurboPrint color profile (old, binary) | 137 | |
TPM | Turboprint color info (v4) | 35 | |
TPP | Teleport Pro (generic) Project | 16 | |
TPP | Teleport Pro 1.29.1921 Project | 5 | Alex Paven |
TPP | Teleport Pro 1.29.1972 Project File | 7 | Roberto 'rbnet' Bolli |
TPP | Turboprint Printer Description | 66 | |
TPP | Turboprint Printer Description (with LF) | 447 | |
TPP | Turboprint driver (v4) | 179 | |
TPP | TypePlus / FontWorks document | 18 | |
TPS | Clarion Topspeed Data file | 24 | |
TPS | MeshCAM Tool Path Settings | 14 | |
TPU | Borland Turbo Pascal 4.0 compiled Unit | 2 | |
TPU | Borland Turbo Pascal 5.0 compiled Unit | 2 | |
TPU | Borland Turbo Pascal 5.5 compiled Unit | 16 | |
TPU | Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0 compiled Unit | 11 | |
TPU | Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0 compiled Unit | 25 | |
TPU | Borland Turbo Pascal compiled Unit (generic) | 41 | |
TPU | Dirk Bialluch TPU module | 3 | |
TPX | Oracle TPX Template | 201 | |
TPX | Ulead Photo Express Template | 100 | |
TPY | TwinCAT 2 PLC description | 23 | |
TQ | STK Torque format | 4 | |
TQ5 | TQSLCert request | 9 | |
TR | TomeRaider e-book/document | 7 | |
TR1 | Novell LANalyzer capture (v1.5) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
TR2 | Borland Turbo Debugger session-state settings | 2 | |
TR3 | TomeRaider 3 eBook | 6 | |
TRA | Adventure Game Studio Translation data | 3 | |
TRA | Infinity Engine Translation | 54 | |
TRA | Infinity Engine Translation (with rem) | 10 | |
TRA | Vallen Transient Recorder data | 2 | |
TRACE | Traces scene | 11 | |
TRACE | Traces scene (old) | 2 | |
TRACK | TechnoSound Turbo II Track | 2 | |
TRACK | Ultimate Stunts Track | 2 | |
TRAK | Traktor pak | 18 | |
TRASHINFO | Android Trash storage metadata | 3 | |
TRB | MegaPaint printer driver | 2 | |
TRB | Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots game data | 4 | |
TRC/VWR | MICROMED Brain-Quick EEG Trace | 7 | |
TRC | TRCZip compressed data | 92 | |
TRC | Track Row Column markers data format | 15 | |
TRC | True BASIC compiled code | 13 | |
TRC | WinScope Trace | 4 | |
TRC/PNT/SHD | X Motor Racing textures | 4 | |
TRC | a-squared Anti-Malware checksum for signatures files | 38 | Scrapie |
TRC0/TRC1 | HP-UX nettl capture (v10.x-11.x) | 6 | Joerg Jenderek |
TRD | Elite Dangerous Trade Routes Data | 21 | |
TRD | TR Assist Dictionary | 2 | |
TRD | TrID defs package | 13 | |
TRDP | Telerik Report | 67 | |
TRDX | Telerik Report (legacy XML) | 18 | |
TRE | Central Point Software directory Tree info | 4 | |
TRE | Jane's Longbow 2 game data archive | 2 | |
TRE | My Family Tree data | 4 | |
TRE | Run length encoded True Colour Picture bitmap | 2 | |
TRE | SequoiaView directory Tree | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
TRE | Star Wars Galaxies TRE archive | 5 | |
TREC | Camtasia Studio recorded session | 14 | |
TREEDB | TreeDBNotes document | 9 | |
TRELBY | Trelby document | 6 | |
TRES | Godot Engine Text Resource | 7 | |
TRF | LANdecoder Token-Ring data | 2 | |
TRF | LFToolkit Transformation Rules File | 4 | |
TRF | Train Simulator Traffic definition | 7 | |
TRI | FaceGen base mesh | 71 | |
TRI | TRIOS results data | 23 | |
TRI | TriSound module | 8 | |
TRIG | TriG RDF serialization format | 8 | |
TRIZBORT | Trizbort map | 141 | |
TRK | DCS Track | 28 | |
TRK | Dynamix Track data container | 10 | |
TRK | Fugawi Tracklog file | 5 | |
TRK | GPS track log | 8 | |
TRK | Garmin PCX5 track file | 32 | |
TRK | GeneRally track | 17 | Davide "Airex" Airaghi |
TRK | Lombard RAC Rally Track | 16 | |
TRK/WPT | Magellan MapSend | 7 | |
TRK | Need For Speed 2 Track data | 7 | |
TRK | RamTracker module | 10 | |
TRK | Road Wars Track data | 20 | |
TRK | Tracker data | 6 | |
TRK | Train Simulator Track | 8 | |
TRM | ForTheRecord court recording audio chunk (v5.x) | 10 | |
TRM | Injector Trim data | 6 | |
TRM | Oracle Trace Metadata | 4 | |
TRM | Windows Terminal Configuration Settings (v3.3) | 5 | |
TRN | MagicScore Transport | 3 | |
TRN | Motocross Madness Terrain | 35 | |
TRN | Verity Collection Index Pending Transaction | 13 | |
TRP | EggPaint bitmap | 26 | |
TRP | Ports of Call savegame | 6 | |
TRP | Ports of Call savegame (v2.0/PC) | 10 | |
TRP | T-RackS Preset | 59 | |
TRP | True Colour Picture bitmap | 10 | |
TRS | ForTheRecord recording Session (v5.x) | 7 | |
TRS/PACK | TERSE compressed data (PACK, U) | 2 | |
TRS/PACK | TERSE compressed data (PACK, V) | 2 | |
TRS/SPACK | TERSE compressed data (SPACK, U) | 2 | |
TRS/SPACK | TERSE compressed data (SPACK, V) | 5 | |
TRS | TERSE compressed data (native, 01) | 2 | |
TRS | TERSE compressed data (native, 07) | 2 | |
TRS | TrIDNet serialized definitions package | 17 | |
TRS | True Colour Sprites bitmap | 15 | |
TRSE | Turbo Rascal Syntax Error project (var 1) | 66 | |
TRSE | Turbo Rascal Syntax Error project (var 2) | 5 | |
TRSE | Turbo Rascal Syntax Error project (var 3) | 3 | |
TRT | GeoTortue project | 4 | |
TRT | Turbo Rascal Syntax Error Tracker module | 8 | |
TRU | IndyPaint bitmap | 2 | |
TRV | Track Record Viewer TRV/TRVX definition | 19 | |
TRV | Traverse PC Desktop Survey Data | 2 | |
TRX | Track Record Viewer TRV/TRVX Index | 16 | |
TRX | Visual Studio Test Results | 10 | |
TS | MPEG-2 Transport Stream | 4 | |
TS | Qt Translation Source | 37 | |
TS | Qt Translation Source (UTF-8) | 7 | |
TS1 | THE SPREADSHEET worksheet | 3 | |
TS3_ADDON | TeamSpeak 3 Addon | 5 | |
TS3_PLUGIN | TeamSpeak 3 Plugin | 4 | |
TS3_SOUNDPACK | TeamSpeak 3 Soundpack | 8 | |
TS3_STYLE | TeamSpeak 3 Style | 10 | |
TSAC | TSAC compressed audio | 3 | |
TSC | Caligari TrueSpace Configuration | 16 | |
TSC | SPICE Text SCLK | 5 | |
TSC/SCH | TINA Schematic | 8 | |
TSCN | Godot Engine Text Scene | 19 | |
TSCPROJ | TechSmith Camtasia Project | 17 | |
TSD | T'SoundSystem Data | 2 | |
TSD | TSD encrypted data | 8 | |
TSD | Time Stamped Data | 12 | |
TSD | Trivia Shell Data | 5 | |
TSI | TRSI Sound Monitor Instrument | 24 | |
TSI | Traktor Settings | 7 | |
TSI | Trivia Shell Index | 5 | |
TSK | Skin / Theme for Pocket PC PDAs | 21 | |
TSK | TTPod Skin | 44 | |
TSK | Trend Micro Internet Security Tasks | 16 | |
TSM | T-Spline Mesh | 7 | |
TSM | TRSI Sound Monitor song | 2 | |
TSM | TwZ SCC-BLAFFER music | 6 | |
TSMAP | TerreSculptor height-Map | 17 | |
TSP | Caligari TrueSpace Project | 19 | |
TSPROJ | TwinCAT Project | 30 | |
TSR | MSX Software Team TSR | 9 | |
TSR | Time Stamp Response | 7 | |
TSS | T'SoundSystem Source | 12 | |
TSS | T'SoundSystem Source (with rem) | 12 | |
TSSPROJ | 3 Step Studio Project | 8 | |
TST | ExamView Test | 29 | |
TST | K+K Research TAC compressed audio | 42 | |
TST | PL/SQL Developer Test script (v2.0) | 4 | |
TST | TestGen data | 13 | |
TST | WinToets key | 14 | |
TSV | Time Shift Video | 29 | Joerg Jenderek |
TSWORLD | TerreSculptor project | 13 | |
TSX | CyberLink TalkingShow Project | 3 | |
TSX | MSX Tape image | 56 | |
TSX | Tiled Tiles Set XML | 13 | |
TSZIP | TwinCAT project archive | 29 | |
TT | The Riddle of Master Lu game data archive | 2 | |
TT | Tiny Tafel format | 4 | |
TTA | TTA True Audio lossless compressed audio | 34 | |
TTB | Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions game data | 2 | |
TTB | Klasik Translation Table | 2 | |
TTB | MegaPaint keyboard layout | 3 | |
TTC/OTC | OpenType Font Collection (v2) | 24 | Joerg Jenderek |
TTC | TrueType Font Collection (v1) | 21 | Joerg Jenderek |
TTC | TrueType Font Collection (v2) | 47 | Joerg Jenderek |
TTC/OTC | TrueType/OpenType Font Collection (generic) | 25 | |
TTF | TrueType Font | 550 | |
TTF | TrueType Font (true var.) | 14 | Joerg Jenderek |
TTKGP | TatukGIS Project | 6 | |
TTM | Dynamix scripting Macros | 2 | |
TTML | Timed Text Markup Language | 14 | |
TTML | Timed Text Markup Language (UTF-8) | 7 | |
TTS | 7DTD prefabs | 505 | |
TTS | Turbo Titler Subtitles | 3 | |
TTT/MICRO | TeslaCrypt-3.0 ransomware encrypted data | 16 | |
TTX | Cebra Teletext page | 2 | |
TTX | TRADOStag XML | 14 | |
TTX | ttx font format | 193 | |
TUB | Zicky Zick's Milkcaps game data | 4 | |
TUD/DAT | ThumbsPlus DB | 5 | |
TUN | Enterprise Music Box tune | 98 | |
TUN | Lego Racers Tune/music data | 50 | |
TUNX/TURX/TUTX | Swiss-Manager Tournament | 16 | |
TUP | Tupi project | 10 | |
TUT | Eclipse Tutorial | 2 | |
TUT | JuggleKrazy Tutorial | 5 | |
TUT | Xoom Tutor tutorial | 16 | |
TUT | Xoom Tutor tutorial (with title) | 91 | |
TUX/IDX | ThumbsPlus Index | 5 | |
TV | Enigma2 TV list | 31 | |
TV | Paradox Table View | 2 | |
TV1 | trsvid TV1 video | 5 | |
TV3 | trsvid TV3 video | 5 | |
TV4 | TValue project | 2 | |
TV6 | trsvid TV6 video | 5 | |
TVC | NK - BMP/TV lossless compressed bitmap | 11 | |
TVC | TeamViewer Configuration | 3 | |
TVG | TinyVG (binary) (v1) | 6 | |
TVG | Toon Boom Vector Graphics | 130 | |
TVGSKIN | TVgenial Skin | 2 | |
TVGT | TinyVG (text) (v1) | 7 | |
TVL | TommySoftware CAD/Draw Library (v1) | 3 | |
TVM | Truevision3D Model | 2 | |
TVPP/DEEP | TVPaint Project | 2 | |
TVS | TeamViewer Session | 3 | |
TVS | TriSound Voice Set | 12 | |
TVS | TuneUp Visual Style | 6 | |
TVS | WinTVC Snapshot | 3 | |
TVSCONFIG | RAD Studio modeling Configuration | 6 | |
TW | That's Write document | 7 | |
TWB | Tableau Workbook | 24 | |
TWBX | Tableau Packaged Workbook | 9 | |
TWD | MindMapper Map | 8 | |
TWD | Tempus Word Document (old) | 4 | |
TWD | Tempus Word NG Document (generic) | 26 | |
TWD | Tempus Word NG Document (v5) | 39 | |
TWF | PCsync for Windows | 6 | D@rkPhoenix |
TWF | TabWorks book | 9 | |
TWINPROJ | twinBASIC Project | 22 | |
TWL | GPS track | 14 | |
TWOWORLDSSAVE | Two Worlds save game | 19 | |
TWR | Timing Wizard Report | 33 | |
TWW | Tagwrite Template | 16 | |
TWX | Timing Wizard report (XML) | 32 | |
TXBN | Nintendo Modern Arcade games Text Binary | 3 | |
TXD | PolyPlot Text Definition | 10 | |
TXD | Renderware TeXture Dictionary | 32 | |
TXF | Tax Exchange Format (v03x) | 3 | |
TXF | Tax Exchange Format (v04x) | 6 | |
TXF | TexFont | 47 | |
TXF | XEDT music | 12 | |
TXK | Klasik Text document | 14 | |
TXL | Aladdin 4D TXList | 4 | |
TXL | Texel spreadsheet (v2) | 15 | |
TXM | TrakAx Mixer Configuration data | 4 | |
TXP | Text Plus document (v3.0) | 5 | |
TXT | Adobe InDesign printing instructions report | 6 | |
TXT | Adobe Tagged Text (ASCII) | 5 | |
TXT | Auto3DEM output summary | 3 | |
TXT | Avid machine template | 18 | |
TXT | Avid machine template (with rem) | 5 | |
TXT | BSD disklabel | 7 | |
TXT | Base64 encoded JSON object | 4 | |
TXT | BitStore Metadata | 12 | |
TXT | BlackBox StdCoded archive | 24 | Romiras |
TXT | Boost text_oarchive serialization | 4 | |
TXT | Buzzwords On-Line Manual Program Text/topic | 5 | |
TXT | CPC 600 subtitles | 6 | |
TXT | CS1er debugger exported data | 3 | |
TXT | CUETools settings | 6 | |
TXT | Captions Inc. subtitles | 5 | |
TXT | ClamWin quarantined file location text | 5 | Joerg Jenderek |
TXT | Code91 encoded data | 3 | |
TXT | DDP Image checksums | 4 | |
TXT | DVD Junior subtitles | 6 | |
TXT | Darwinia level map data | 12 | |
TXT | Darwinia level mission data | 12 | |
TXT | Dear Esther: Landmark Edition save game | 6 | |
TXT | DemoManiac Text | 4 | |
TXT | Dillo bookmark | 3 | |
TXT | Dynamic Publisher Text | 7 | |
TXT | E:D Shipyard ship loadout | 5 | |
TXT | Easy Reading Electronic Book format content | 251 | |
TXT | EdgeRouter startup configuration | 9 | |
TXT | Edit Decision List / Xanadoc | 5 | |
TXT | Edit Decision List / Xanadoc (with rem) | 6 | |
TXT | FireFly menu definition | 4 | |
TXT | G64 textual representation disk image | 19 | |
TXT | GDSII stream format layout (text format) | 12 | |
TXT | Gaussian Cube volumetric data | 3 | |
TXT | GrandMA1 fixture | 15 | |
TXT | HTTP cookies (generic) | 6 | |
TXT | HTTrack Website Copier cookies | 3 | |
TXT | HotHelp Text | 5 | |
TXT | IT8.7/1 target descriptor | 9 | |
TXT | IndyCar Racing II drivers info | 2 | |
TXT | IndyCar Racing II drivers info (with rem) | 4 | |
TXT | IndyCar Racing II track info | 16 | |
TXT | IndyCar Racing II track record info | 15 | |
TXT | IndyCar Racing drivers info | 3 | |
TXT | IndyCar Racing track info | 16 | |
TXT | Lifeless Planet save game | 18 | |
TXT | Lix gadget trigger area | 21 | |
TXT | Lix level | 1815 | |
TXT | MSPLOT Plotter PCD source file format | 12 | |
TXT | MSPLOT Plotter PCD source file format (with rem) | 32 | |
TXT | Macintosh plain text (MacBinary) | 1 | |
TXT | Mesen Game Database | 4 | |
TXT | MilkShape 3D model (ASCII) | 6 | |
TXT | Multipaint 2020 preferences | 2 | |
TXT | Netscape cookies | 2 | |
TXT/ASC | PADS Layout ASCII Format | 24 | |
TXT | PSFTools human-readable textual font format | 8 | |
TXT | PageStream characters set | 37 | |
TXT | Picture It! brush definition | 78 | |
TXT | Plan-80 spreadsheet | 9 | |
TXT | Plan-80 spreadsheet (rules) | 2 | |
TXT | Plan-80 spreadsheet (with options) | 2 | |
TXT | QuickTime Text subtitles | 11 | |
TXT | Raven Pro Selection | 4 | |
TXT | RealCADD script | 9 | |
TXT | RealStorm Engine object | 6 | |
TXT | Rippex wallet backup | 5 | |
TXT | SEC EDGAR document | 12 | |
TXT | SEC EDGAR document (signed) | 26 | |
TXT | ST Writer document | 5 | |
TXT | Samourai Bitcoin wallet auto backup | 4 | |
TXT | Shimadzu SPM File Format (ASCII) | 2 | |
TXT | Skyland's Star game data | 149 | |
TXT | StarWriter for MS-DOS document (generic) | 6 | |
TXT | StarWriter for MS-DOS document (v6) | 3 | |
TXT | Structured Titles subtitles | 10 | |
TXT | Structured Titles subtitles (UTF-8) | 4 | |
TXT | TDI Format data | 13 | |
TXT | Tamagotchi TamaPix sound | 58 | |
TXT | Text - BOCU-1 encoded | 3 | |
TXT | Text - SCSU encoded | 1 | |
TXT | Text - UTF-16 (BE) encoded | 1 | |
TXT | Text - UTF-16 (LE) encoded | 1 | |
TXT | Text - UTF-32 (BE) encoded | 1 | |
TXT | Text - UTF-32 (LE) encoded | 1 | |
TXT | Text - UTF-7 encoded | 1 | |
TXT | Text - UTF-8 encoded | 1 | |
TXT | Text - UTF-EBCDIC encoded | 1 | |
TXT | ThinkTank Template | 31 | |
TXT | Ulead subtitles | 6 | |
TXT | Vegas EDL format | 4 | |
TXT | Void package template | 10 | |
TXT | Vortex Tracker II workspace | 9 | |
TXT | XVision Keymap | 43 | |
TXT | Xara resources index | 124 | |
TXT | iFLIGHT Nazgul5 board settings dump | 33 | |
TXT | iOS crash report | 7 | |
TXTDT | DVD TEXT data file | 3 | |
TXTZ | TXTZ eBook | 2 | |
TXVACTIVITYDIAGRAM20 | Together Activity Diagram (UML 2.0) | 6 | |
TXVCLASSDIAGRAM20 | Together Class Diagram (UML 2.0) | 17 | |
TXVPCK | Together Class Diagram (UML 1.4) | 25 | |
TXW | Yamaha TX-16W samples audio | 3 | |
TY | Team Yankee scenario | 7 | |
TY | TiVo video | 5 | |
TYPE/LIB | Intellifont font | 227 | |
TYPELIB | GObject introspection Type Libray data | 4 | |
TZ | TimeZone data | 5 | |
TZ/TZIP | tzip compressed file | 3 | |
TZF | The Software Toolworks installation compressed archive | 18 | |
TZI | TEDzakker Instrument | 12 | |
TZW | TEDzakker tune | 6 | |
TZX/CDT | ZX Spectrum Tape image | 134 | |