Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
S | Digital Micrograph Script | 11 | |
S | Nitpicker flow | 565 | |
S00 | MEKA savestate | 5 | |
S01 | Expert Witness compression Format SMART disk image | 15 | |
S01 | WordPerfect compressed install archive (DOS) | 14 | |
S01 | WordPerfect compressed install archive (Win) | 16 | |
S10W | S10 WebAlbums project | 7 | |
S1M | Yamaha EX5 waveforms format | 3 | |
S1V | Yamaha EX5 voices format | 3 | |
S2 | Stranded II Mapfile | 13 | Josef Schneider |
S20 | S20 RAM snapshot format | 2 | |
S24 | Studio 24 Song | 5 | |
S2A/XDL | SEAL 2 Application/Library | 31 | |
S2K | Sasami Script subtitles | 8 | |
S2M | The Settlers 2 Map | 11 | |
S2MA | StarCraft 2 Map data | 40 | |
S2MH | StarCraft 2 Map Header | 36 | |
S2ML | StarCraft 2 Map Localization | 152 | |
S2QH | StarCraft 2 Localization Header | 10 | |
S2QL | StarCraft 2 Unit Localization | 10 | |
S3D | Cryo S3D game data | 11 | |
S3D | Micrografx Simply 3D project | 16 | |
S3D | SEAM 3D Project | 109 | |
S3D | Shadowgrounds 3D model | 19 | |
S3D | Spazio3D drawing | 72 | BrainSoftware |
S3D | Strata 3D Design | 36 | |
S3DX/S3D | Shape3d Design (generic) | 46 | |
S3DX | Shape3d Design (v9) | 32 | |
S3E | Marmalade SDK game data archive | 5 | |
S3I/SMP | Scream Tracker/Digiplayer sample | 11 | |
S3M | Scream Tracker 3 module | 25 | Dr.Ryo(TM) |
S3O | Spring Engine 3D model | 49 | |
S4MI | skinner4moto module | 9 | |
S64 | C64 Emulator Snapshot | 9 | |
S8THEME | Start8 menu Theme | 4 | |
S98 | PC88/PC9801 sound logs rip | 74 | |
SA | Sonic Arranger module (alt) | 114 | |
SA | Sonic Arranger module (v1.0) | 134 | |
SA2 | Surprise! AdLib Tracker 2.0 module | 36 | |
SAA | System Audio Manager Aware info | 4 | |
SAB | Just Cause game data archive | 2 | |
SAB | Sage Binary | 644 | |
SAB | Standard ACIS Binary | 6 | |
SAB | StarAm Plan Spreadsheet | 7 | |
SAC | Adobe Shared Asset Catalog | 4 | |
SAC | Sac lossless compressed audio (v1 stream) | 11 | |
SAC | Sac lossless compressed audio (v2 stream) | 81 | |
SACRED2SAVE | Sacred 2 save game | 2 | |
SAD | Black and White sounds data | 4 | |
SAD | SAm Disk image | 2 | |
SAF | File Slicer Archive | 4 | |
SAF | Helix Stronghold Encrypted file | 4 | |
SAF | Sprout game data archive | 5 | |
SAF | Stac Electronics Archive Format | 6 | |
SAF | Standard Archive Format | 13 | |
SAFETENSORS | Stable Diffusion model | 12 | |
SAH | GFA Raytrace compressed Animation (hi-res) | 2 | |
SAH | SETI@Home Classic results | 2 | |
SAH | SETI@Home Classic work unit | 6 | |
SAH | SETI@Home results | 6 | |
SAH | SETI@Home working unit data | 14 | |
SAK | Postal game data Archive | 12 | |
SAL | GFA Raytrace compressed Animation (low-res) | 2 | |
SAL | Saleale Logic 2 capture format | 5 | |
SAM | Ami Pro/Word Pro document | 101 | |
SAM | Ami Pro/Word Pro encrypted document | 6 | |
SAM | STOS Sample | 46 | |
SAM | Sampbox 3 deluxe Sample | 18 | |
SAM | Sampbox 4 Macro | 4 | |
SAM | Samurize package | 6 | |
SAM | Sequence Alignment/Map format (gen) | 19 | |
SAM | Sequence Alignment/Map format (with header) | 18 | |
SAM | TriloTracker Sample | 15 | |
SAMI/SMI | SAMI captions | 15 | |
SAP | Avatar Studio SAP | 341 | |
SAP | CHAOS Attractor Parameters | 10 | |
SAP | SAP Thomson disk image | 2 | |
SAP | Serif AlbumPlus album | 2 | |
SAP | Slight Atari Player module | 109 | |
SAR | SAPCAR CAR compressed archive | 4 | |
SAR | SAPCAR SAR compressed archive (v2.x) | 6 | |
SAR | Squeak package | 6 | |
SAR | Streamline compressed archive | 6 | |
SAS7BDAT | SAS v7+ Data set | 42 | |
SAT | SAdT music composer module/song | 8 | |
SAT | SatHawk data file | 11 | |
SAT | Standard ACIS Text | 43 | |
SAV | AGON: The Lost Sword of Toledo save game | 38 | |
SAV | AGON: The Mysterious Codex save game | 37 | |
SAV/SPV | American's McGee's Alice Saved Game File | 26 | .Cryorb |
SAV | Amnesia: The Dark Descent save game | 102 | |
SAV | Anacreon savegame | 4 | |
SAV | Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021 Saved game (v1.x) | 4 | |
SAV | Ankh save game | 80 | |
SAV | Arx Fatalis Saved Game | 4 | .Cryorb |
SAV | Assassins Creed Syndicate save game | 10 | |
SAV | Assassins Creed Unity save game | 26 | |
SAV | Avatar Studio Save | 39 | |
SAV | Beyond Atlantis I/II save game | 37 | |
SAV | Birth of The Empire / Federation savegame | 3 | |
SAV | Black Mirror II save game | 51 | |
SAV | Borderlands save game | 13 | |
SAV | CT Special Forces: Fire for effect Saved game | 2 | |
SAV | Chaser Savegame | 134 | dr Angelo Amoruso |
SAV | Command and Conquer: Renegade save game | 25 | |
SAV | DOSBox-X Save state | 4 | |
SAV | Daemon Tools Pro disk image | 2 | |
SAV | Datel Max Drive (for GameCube) save state | 2 | |
SAV | Delaware St John serie save game | 89 | |
SAV | Denise Amiga Saved state (generic) | 2 | |
SAV | Denise Amiga Saved state (v2.x) | 3 | |
SAV | Denise C64 Saved state (generic) | 2 | |
SAV | Denise C64 Saved state (v2.x) | 3 | |
SAV | Diggles Saved Game File | 24 | .Cryorb |
SAV | Disney Duck Tales: Remastered save game | 8 | |
SAV | Dreamfall: The Longest Journey save game | 215 | |
SAV | Excelsior Phase Two saved game | 3 | |
SAV | FDM downloads data | 4 | |
SAV | Fable save game | 16 | |
SAV | Faery Tale Adventure 2 save game | 2 | |
SAV | FarCry (demo) saved game | 3 | |
SAV | GTKWave Saved session (deprecated) | 12 | |
SAV | Golden Land 2 Saved Game File | 8 | .Cryorb |
SAV | HPL Engine save game (generic) | 326 | |
SAV | Half-Life serie save game (generic) | 134 | |
SAV | Heretic II save game | 388 | |
SAV | Hitman: Codename 47 save game | 3 | |
SAV | Hope Springs Eternal save game | 24 | |
SAV | I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream save game | 2 | |
SAV | IDL binary format save file | 24 | |
SAV | Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos save game | 86 | |
SAV | Infinity Engine Save game (v1.0) | 292 | Sam. |
SAV | Lego Loco save game | 8 | |
SAV | Majesty 2 saved game | 2 | |
SAV | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault save game | 95 | |
SAV | MegaZeux Save (v1.0x) | 2 | |
SAV | Milo and the Christmas Gift save game | 5 | |
SAV | Milo and the Magpies save game | 8 | |
SAV | Moria Saved game | 7 | |
SAV | Mount and Blade save game | 13 | |
SAV | Music Box music | 6 | |
SAV | NTRQ module | 2 | |
SAV | Nomad Save game | 3 | |
SAV | OPTune Saved recovery info | 2 | |
SAV | OpenTTD savegame | 10 | |
SAV | PASW Statistics Data | 8 | |
SAV | Pacific Drive save game | 13 | |
SAV | Penumbra: Black Plague save game | 64 | |
SAV | Penumbra: Overture save game | 45 | |
SAV | Penumbra: Requiem save game | 242 | |
SAV | Planescape Torment: Enhanced Ed. saved game | 370 | |
SAV | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time save game | 70 | |
SAV | Prince of Persia: Warrior Within save game | 173 | |
SAV | Quake II RTX save game | 110 | |
SAV | Quake II save game | 239 | |
SAV/QUZ/QTZ | Quetzal Z-machine Save format | 3 | |
SAV | Redneck Rampage serie save game | 88 | |
SAV | Remedy save game | 16 | |
SAV | Return To The Roots save game | 2 | |
SAV | Rogue: The Adventure Game Saved game (PC) | 7 | |
SAV | SPSS for Windows Data | 70 | |
SAV | SPSS for Windows Data (IBM) | 12 | |
SAV | Sanity: Aiken's Artifact Saved Game | 14 | .Cryorb |
SAV | Secrets Can Kill saved game | 4 | |
SAV | Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection savegame | 8 | |
SAV | SpellForce 2 save game | 110 | fenixproductions |
SAV | Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy save game | 66 | |
SAV | Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast save game | 50 | |
SAV | Strand Games save game | 3 | |
SAV | The Catacomb Abyss saved game | 10 | |
SAV | The Great Escape save game | 221 | |
SAV | The Haunted Island: A Frog Detective Game save game | 8 | |
SAV | The Hunt for Red October Saved game | 4 | |
SAV | The Surge saved game | 9 | |
SAV | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game save | 2 | |
SAV | Thorgal: Odin's Curse save game | 35 | |
SAV | Time Stand Still save game | 23 | |
SAV | TradeWinds 2 savegame | 2 | |
SAV | Unreal Engine 4 save game | 10 | |
SAV | Wataroo Save state | 2 | |
SAV/POW | Windows NT Registry Hive (SAV/POW) | 4 | |
SAV | Wings of Glory save game | 3 | |
SAV | Wolfenstein save game (full) | 8 | |
SAV | Wolfenstein save game (partial) | 41 | |
SAV | World Class Soccer Saved game | 2 | |
SAV | Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters World Championship savegame | 3 | |
SAV | no$gba Nintendo Gameboy Advance emulator backup | 2 | |
SAV | zBoy Saved state | 4 | |
SAVE | Assassin's Creed II save game | 214 | |
SAVE | Disturbed save game | 21 | |
SAVE | Doom 3 Savegame | 18 | |
SAVE | Doom 3: BFG Edition save game | 46 | |
SAVE | Into The Radius save game | 11 | |
SAVE | Prey save game | 95 | fenixproductions |
SAVE | Quake 4 save game | 71 | |
SAVE | The Room save game | 11 | |
SAVE | Unity binary serialization | 18 | |
SAVE | id Software Doom 3 savegame | 4 | |
SAVEGAME | Tyranny save game | 71 | |
SAVF | IBM System i transfer format | 18 | |
SAZ | Fiddler Session Archive Zip | 9 | |
SB | Frostbite SuperBundle | 14 | |
SB | SBX SpinnerBaker eXtractor compressed archive | 3 | |
SB | Scratch project | 17 | |
SB2 | Scratch 2.0 project | 27 | |
SB2 | SerialBox serials numbers package | 6 | |
SB3 | Scratch 3.0 project | 10 | |
SBANIM | SBAnimation | 4 | |
SBC | SBC compressed archive | 7 | |
SBC/SBW | SMARTBook book (compressed, v4) | 4 | |
SBC | Space Engineers Blueprint | 299 | |
SBC | Space Engineers Blueprint (UTF-16 LE) | 3 | |
SBC | Space Engineers Blueprint (UTF-8) | 23 | |
SBCB5/SBCB1/SBCB2/SBCB3 | Space Engineers Compressed Blueprint | 669 | |
SBD | DNASTAR SeqBuilder Project | 23 | |
SBD | MGI VideoWave Storyboard (v2.0) | 15 | |
SBF | SBF game data container | 2 | |
SBGF | Grapher Graph | 4 | |
SBI | Sound Blaster Instrument audio | 2 | |
SBI | Spybot-S&D "malware" informations | 9 | |
SBJ | Micrografx clipart index | 527 | |
SBJ | Superbase Project | 24 | |
SBK/SMP | Coresong / Unique Development SampleBanK | 8 | |
SBK | SCC Blaffer NT Instrument Kit | 2 | |
SBK | SoundFont 1.0 | 21 | |
SBL | Limbo Symbol table | 9 | |
SBL | Yamaha Midimonitor/BULK Manager Symbols | 3 | |
SBM | SCC Blaffer NT Music | 2 | |
SBMI | Space Engineers ModInfo | 7 | |
SBOX | sBOX meta-file format | 2 | |
SBP | SCC Blaffer NT PSG Instrument | 2 | |
SBP | Superbase Program (var 1) | 31 | |
SBP | Superbase Program (var 2) | 221 | |
SBP | Superbase Program (var 3) | 3 | |
SBPF | Small Business Publisher document | 5 | |
SBQ | Superbase Query definition | 4 | |
SBS | Die Total Verruckte Rallye game data | 93 | |
SBS | SCC Blaffer NT SCC Instrument | 2 | |
SBS | Substance Designer project Source | 8 | |
SBSASM | Adobe Substance SBSASM | 6 | |
SBT | Duxbury Scrub Table | 48 | |
SBV | Superbase form | 36 | |
SBV | Superbase form definition | 38 | |
SBW | SMARTBook book (v4) | 4 | |
SBW | Savings Bonds Wizard data | 17 | |
SBX | SeqBox container (gen) | 6 | |
SBX | SeqBox container (v1) | 24 | |
SBZ | ShowBiZ project | 4 | |
SC | SuperCollider Class | 14 | |
SC | Supercell game data | 18 | |
SC | sc Spreadsheet Calculator spreadsheet | 6 | |
SC0/SC1/SC2 | Paintworks bitmap | 10 | |
SC2 | SimCity 2000 save game/map data | 57 | |
SC2REPLAY | StarCraft 2 game replay | 35 | |
SC4 | Creative Nomad voice audio | 3 | |
SC4 | RollerCoaster Tycoon Scenario | 21 | |
SC4 | SimCity 4 Saved game | 4 | |
SC5 | Chris Sawyer's Locomotion Scenario | 3 | |
SC6 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 scenario | 41 | |
SC68 | sc68 soundchip music | 109 | |
SC7/SC8/SCC | MSX BASIC Graphics bitmap (screen 7-8-12) | 3 | |
SCAL | Sure Cuts A Lot project | 19 | |
SCALPAT | Sure Cuts A Lot Pattern | 7 | |
SCAP | Secure Capsule firmware update | 16 | |
SCATT-BASIC | SCATT Basic data | 20 | |
SCATT-EXPERT | SCATT Expert data | 16 | |
SCC | Scenarist Closed Caption data | 11 | |
SCC | Visual SourceSafe control file (var 1) | 8 | |
SCC | Visual SourceSafe control file (var 2) | 8 | |
SCC | Visual SourceSafe control file (var 3) | 31 | |
SCD | BinkleyTerm Schedule data | 4 | |
SCD | SCD Square Enix Sound Container File | 2 | |
SCDOC | SpaceClaim Document | 7 | |
SCE | Opticks Scene | 35 | |
SCE | Virtual Fire Scene | 39 | |
SCEL | Sogou Pinyin IME cell dictionary | 2343 | YFdyh000 |
SCEN | Caligari TrueSpace Scene (v2.x) | 5 | |
SCENE | 3D Master Scene | 7 | |
SCENE | Sculpt 3D Scene | 90 | |
SCF | Altera Synopsys Constraints Format | 5 | |
SCF | ChemWindow Standard Chemistry File | 9 | |
SCF | DNA Sequence Chromatogram | 134 | |
SCF | Double Commander Shortcuts | 4 | |
SCF | VIA setup configuration file | 4 | |
SCF | Windows Explorer Command Shell File | 9 | |
SCF | Windows Explorer Command Shell File (alt) | 5 | |
SCG | Scidb game moves info | 2 | |
SCH | DProtel for Windows schematic | 12 | |
SCH | EAGLE File Format schematic (v6+) | 27 | |
SCH | EAGLE schematic | 26 | Renan (aka Wizard) |
SCH | ExpressSCH schematic | 8 | |
SCH | GFA Raytrace Compressed image (hi-res) bitmap | 2 | |
SCH | KiCad Schematics | 27 | |
SCH | MicroSim PSpice schematic | 36 | |
SCH | OrCAD SDT schematic | 4 | |
SCH | P-CAD schematic | 13 | |
SCH | Personal CAD PC-CAPS Database | 6 | |
SCH | Proton language Schema | 13 | |
SCH | Qucs schematic | 198 | Eduardo |
SCH | Spider Syntax Script | 45 | |
SCHDOC | Protel for Windows schematic capture (binary) | 55 | |
SCHEME | Programmer's Notepad Scheme | 33 | |
SCHEME | Programmer's Notepad Scheme (UTF-8) | 5 | |
SCHLIB | Protel Schematic Library editor binary v1.2-2.0 | 461 | fengdaolong |
SCHREPX | DevExpress Scheduler Report layout | 22 | |
SCI | Scidb game data | 2 | |
SCL | FrontDesigner Scale setting | 8 | |
SCL | GFA Raytrace Compressed image (low-res) bitmap | 2 | |
SCL | Sinclair TR-DOS disk image | 6 | |
SCL | WinDIG Scale data | 4 | |
SCLL | Spectral Collection data format | 7 | |
SCM | DosStart color scheme | 2 | |
SCM | GIMP Script-Fu Script | 22 | |
SCM | Samsung TV channels list | 8 | |
SCM | ScreenCam video | 7 | |
SCM/SCX | StarCraft Map | 101 | Kyosuke Aoki |
SCN | Age of Empires Scenario | 7 | |
SCN | Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021 Scenery (v1.x) | 12 | |
SCN | Caligari TrueSpace Scene | 86 | |
SCN | Children of the Nile Scenario | 16 | |
SCN | Dark Reign Scenario | 107 | |
SCN | Empire Scenario | 11 | |
SCN | FMS Scenery | 52 | |
SCN | Microsoft Test Screen | 3 | |
SCN | Microsoft tutorial Screens | 10 | |
SCN | Motocross Madness Scene | 41 | |
SCN | Motocross Madness Scene (walls) | 9 | |
SCN | Orbiter scenario | 45 | |
SCN | Orda: Severnyi Veter Scenary | 12 | |
SCN | Pinnacle Studio Scene | 11 | |
SCN | Psion Archive Screen | 3 | |
SCN | RIO Scene | 4 | |
SCN | Savara Scenario | 9 | |
SCN | Scidb player/event/site/annotator data | 2 | |
SCN | Sean Connolly module | 3 | |
SCN | Silent Hunter Scenery data | 121 | |
SCN | Softimage Scene | 79 | |
SCN | The Perfect General Scenario | 16 | |
SCN0 | Wii Texture Animation | 2 | |
SCNTOC | Softimage Scene TOC | 80 | |
SCO | A'dam Music Composer Score | 5 | |
SCO | EZ-Score Score | 3 | |
SCO | Private Wars 3D Object | 67 | |
SCO | SCI Companion compiled Object (SCI0) | 134 | |
SCO | SCI Companion compiled Object (SCI1.1) | 170 | |
SCO | Sibelius Scorch | 2 | |
SCODL/SCD | SCODL image | 32 | |
SCORE | Music Craft Score | 37 | |
SCP | Adorage Script | 115 | |
SCP | Alpha Four Script | 10 | |
SCP/STP | RIO driver | 7 | |
SCP | SuperCard Pro flux image | 2 | |
SCPT | Compiled AppleScript script | 12 | |
SCPT | Fetch Script | 4 | |
SCR | 32-Bit Sequencer Script (v1.2) | 12 | |
SCR | A'dam Music Composer Script | 5 | |
SCR | A'dam Music Composer Script (with rem) | 5 | |
SCR/STR | Ani ST Script | 7 | |
SCR | CA-Compete! Script | 7 | |
SCR | DESIGN 3D Script | 13 | |
SCR | Dynamix Screen data container | 20 | |
SCR | LocoScript Screen font | 5 | |
SCR | Makkoya Scenery | 172 | |
SCR | Microsoft Mail Server for PC Script | 72 | |
SCR | Movie Magic ScriptThing document (v2.x) | 5 | |
SCR | Movie Magic ScriptThing document (v2.x, OLD) | 4 | |
SCR | Movie Master Script (v3.05) | 2 | |
SCR | Movie Master Script (v3.09) | 6 | |
SCR | Movie Master Script (v4.00) | 2 | |
SCR | Movie Master Script (v4.04) | 2 | |
SCR | Movie Master Script (v5.0) | 7 | |
SCR | Scribble Synth data | 3 | |
SCR | Sean Conran module | 23 | |
SCR | Sierra patch | 140 | |
SCR | Silver Scene | 3 | |
SCR | TAG Screen/video driver | 14 | |
SCR | TMM Screen (v1.x) | 34 | |
SCR | Turbo Silver v3 Script | 6 | |
SCR | Vista Script | 21 | |
SCR | XXBUG encoded data (no header, v2.x) | 6 | |
SCR | XXBUG encoded data (no header, v3.x) | 6 | |
SCR | XXBUG encoded data (v2.x) | 6 | |
SCR | XXBUG encoded data (v3.x) | 8 | |
SCR | dBASE IV Screen | 8 | |
SCREEM | SCREEM project | 8 | |
SCREENS | ArtPro Screening | 8 | |
SCRFORMAT | Scrivener Compile Format | 8 | |
SCRIPT | Aegis Animator Script | 14 | |
SCRIPT | Aegis VideoSEG Script | 4 | |
SCRIPT/NPCS | ArdenScrypt | 23 | |
SCRIPT | AutoIt script | 13 | |
SCRIPT | DemoManiac Script | 19 | |
SCRIPT | PageRender3D Script | 44 | |
SCRIPT | STFax Script | 3 | |
SCRIPT | Scala Multimedia Script (generic) | 37 | |
SCRIPT | Scala Multimedia Script (v1.0) | 6 | |
SCRIPT | Scala Multimedia Script (v2.0) | 13 | |
SCRIPT | Scala Multimedia Script (v3.0) | 30 | |
SCRIPT | TV-SHOW Script | 12 | |
SCRIPT | VideoFX2 Script | 4 | |
SCRIPT | Vista camera Script | 20 | |
SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY | AppleScript Terminology | 6 | |
SCRIVTEMPLATE | Scrivener Template | 9 | |
SCRIVX | Scrivener project | 27 | |
SCRPT | Genesis - The Third Day Script | 11 | |
SCS | ASCD snapshot (unGZipped) | 2 | |
SCS | Euro Truck Simulator game data | 7 | |
SCS | Euro Truck Simulator game data (alt) | 15 | |
SCS | Lotus ScreenCam Caption Script | 2 | |
SCS/SKS | SkyChart Settings (generic) | 63 | |
SCS | StarCalc State | 3 | |
SCT | Form Memo MS Visual FoxPro 7 | 556 | Nicola Marangon |
SCUT | Easy Cut Studio project | 12 | |
SCW | Movie Magic Screenwriter document (v2.x) | 6 | |
SCW | Movie Magic Screenwriter document (v3.x) | 57 | |
SCW | Movie Magic Screenwriter document (v4.x) | 2 | |
SCX | Form MS Visual FoxPro 7 | 554 | Nicola Marangon |
SCX | Term95 Script | 3 | |
SCZ | Wingz Script | 24 | |
SD | ESPS Sampled Data | 2 | |
SD | Train Simulator Shape Definition | 6001 | |
SD2 | Sound Designer II audio | 3 | |
SDA | Self-Dissolving compressed Archive (var.1) | 22 | |
SDA | Self-Dissolving compressed Archive (var.2) | 15 | |
SDAT | Nintendo DS Sound Data | 8 | |
SDATA | MusicMaker Song Data | 21 | |
SDB | Celestron's TheSky Data Base | 27 | |
SDB | Pegasus SPS encoded audio | 12 | |
SDB | SAP2000 DataBase | 284 | LKO |
SDB | Sadtler Spectral Database | 6 | |
SDB | SkyMap log Data Base | 2 | |
SDB | SkyMap notes Data Base | 2 | |
SDB | SuperMap World - AvisMap GIS Data Base | 10 | Kieran O'Donnell |
SDB | Windows Shim Database (v2) | 68 | |
SDB | Windows Shim Database (v3) | 25 | |
SDBX | KnowItAll/Sadtler Spectral Database | 4 | |
SDC | ArcGIS geospatial and attribute data | 13 | |
SDC | Dominion Scenario | 105 | |
SDC | StarOffice StarCalc spreadsheet | 55 | |
SDD | CBM .prg Studio Screen Designer Data | 4 | |
SDD | StarOffice StarImpress presentation | 35 | |
SDEF | Scripting Definition | 6 | |
SDF | Altium Simulation Data File | 58 | |
SDF | Ground Control II: Operation Exodus game data archive | 2 | |
SDF | Ground Control map | 20 | |
SDF/SDO | IEEE DASC Standard Delay Format | 30 | |
SDF/SDO | IEEE DASC Standard Delay Format (with rem) | 31 | |
SDF | Kawai music score | 17 | |
SDF | Microsoft Speech Definitions File | 4 | |
SDF | PlayStation Sprite Editor project File | 4 | |
SDF | SQL Server CE Edition database | 4 | |
SDF | SQL Server Compact Edition 4 database | 22 | Bryan DeBois |
SDF | Simple Data Format | 2 | |
SDF | Simulation Description Format | 72 | |
SDF | Starlink Data Format | 2037 | |
SDF | Starlink Data Format (new) | 22 | |
SDF | Super Data Format | 4 | |
SDF | Zulu effects chain | 2 | |
SDFDATA | Snowdrop game data archive | 2 | |
SDFTOC | Snowdrop game data archive | 2 | |
SDG | StarOffice Gallery thumbnails | 50 | Joerg Jenderek |
SDI | ArcGIS spatial and attribute indexes | 9 | |
SDI | System Deployment Image | 3 | |
SDIF | Sound Description Interchange Format | 8 | |
SDIF | Sound Description Interchange Format (text) | 5 | |
SDINSTALL | Speckie Dictionary Installation | 5 | |
SDL | Dominion Scenario Description Language | 10 | |
SDLPPX | SDL Trados Studio Project Package | 8 | |
SDLPROJ | SDL Trados Studio Project | 11 | |
SDLXLIFF | SDL Trados XLIFF Localization data | 19 | |
SDML | Spatial Data Modelling Language (v1.0) | 4 | |
SDN | SDN Project format (PAK) | 23 | |
SDO | DB/TextWorks Database Deferred Update Directory | 7 | |
SDOCX | Samsung Notes note | 4 | |
SDP | Session Description Protocol | 4 | |
SDP | Session Description Protocol (with rem) | 4 | |
SDR | Dell System Information | 12 | |
SDR | Lotus Agenda Screen Driver | 8 | |
SDR | Lotus Metro Screen Driver | 5 | |
SDR | SmartDraw Drawing (v1.x) | 16 | |
SDR | SmartDraw document | 13 | |
SDRX | GNSS SDR metadata | 16 | |
SDS | MIDI Sample Dump | 4 | |
SDS | StarOffice chart | 4 | |
SDT | MSX SCMD music | 13 | |
SDT | Siemens mobile theme | 4 | |
SDT | SmartDraw template | 2049 | |
SDTID | SecurID Soft Token | 9 | |
SDU | SAB Diskette Utility disk image | 6 | |
SDV | StarOffice Gallery view (big) | 22 | Joerg Jenderek |
SDV | StarOffice Gallery view (small) | 102 | Joerg Jenderek |
SDW | AmiDraw Drawing | 172 | |
SDW | AmiDraw Drawing (variant) | 2 | |
SDW | StarOffice StarWriter document | 77 | |
SDW | StarWriter 2.x Document | 30 | |
SDX | CaptiveWorks satellite channel database | 4 | |
SDX | Sample DUMP Exchange audio | 7 | |
SDX | SatcoDX channel list | 4 | |
SDXML | SimpleDiagrams diagram | 29 | |
SDY | Smart Address Diary (v3) | 2 | |
SDZ | Spring Engine Zipped mod | 7 | |
SE1 | Swiss Ephemeris data | 1180 | |
SEA | DDA2 Self-Extracting-Archive | 2 | |
SEA | Mac StuffIt Self-Extracting Archive | 14 | |
SEARCH-MS | Microsoft Vista Saved Search | 5 | |
SEARCHCONNECTOR-MS | Windows Search Connector | 5 | |
SEC | LithTech engine sound Section | 379 | |
SEC | Norton Diskreet encrypted data | 4 | |
SEC | RAPCON Sector info | 4 | |
SEC | Tracon Sector info (v2) | 7 | |
SECO | Exodus wallet | 4 | |
SECO | Secure Container (generic) | 6 | |
SECTION | SuperJAM! Section | 64 | |
SEE | Sound Effect Editor for PSG (original) | 2 | |
SEE | Sound Effect Editor for PSG (truncated) | 2 | |
SEE | Sound Effect Editor format (v3) | 2 | |
SEEXPL | Spec Explorer results | 10 | |
SEG | Orda: Severnyi Veter game data | 11 | |
SEG | Playmation sculpture/model | 146 | |
SEG | PolyPlot Segments data (v3.0) | 16 | |
SEG | SEG-2 data | 4 | |
SEM | Hitachi SEM data | 8 | |
SEM | SEM Snapshot | 2 | |
SEN/BA | Scifer Archiver compressed Binary Archive | 3 | |
SEP | ChemSep project | 32 | |
SEQ | Accent DemoMaker Sequence | 55 | |
SEQ | Atari Midi Sequencer song | 20 | |
SEQ | CinemaScope Sequence | 4 | |
SEQ | Cyber Paint Sequence animation | 8 | |
SEQ | Cyber Paint Sequence animation (variant) | 4 | |
SEQ | GEOS Convert archive (SEQ) | 7 | |
SEQ | Guillemot MaxiSound Sequence | 12 | |
SEQ | Hadoop SequenceFile format | 2 | |
SEQ | Music-X Sequence | 8 | |
SEQ | PlayStation Sequence data format | 2 | |
SEQ | Sequence/Show | 41 | |
SEQ | Sequencer Sequence | 3 | |
SEQ | VideoFX2 Sequence | 4 | |
SEQ | Vizastar spreadsheet | 2 | |
SER | FEI Tecnai imaging and analysis (S)TEM data | 2 | |
SER | Framework IV Serial number | 2 | |
SER | SER format video | 6 | |
SERIES | ENVI Series | 6 | |
SES | Cool Edit / Audition Session | 7 | |
SES | Vista Makepath Session (v1.0) | 3 | |
SESSION | Serato Scratch Live Session | 4 | |
SESSION | Session Manager Firefox Backup | 11 | Stef |
SESSION | Wildfire Session (v7) | 47 | |
SESX | Adobe Audition Session | 4 | |
SET | Aegis Videoscape 3D Set | 8 | |
SET | Alpha Four record Set | 7 | |
SET | ArcMaster color Set | 2 | |
SET | CPBackup backup Settings (v7.x) | 4 | |
SET | CPBackup backup Settings (v8.x) | 5 | |
SET | E-Z FM Synthesizer sound Settings | 94 | |
SET | Fontrix Font Set | 12 | |
SET | Hitec Aurora 9 saved model | 12 | |
SET | Movie Setter Set | 65 | |
SET | NeoBook for DOS Settings | 2 | |
SET | NeoPaint Settings | 4 | |
SET | Panorama Settings | 8 | |
SET | Papyrus X report XML | 3 | |
SET | Personal Font Maker Settings | 3 | |
SET | Quartet samples set | 2 | |
SET | StupenDOS external Settings | 3 | |
SET | Vocal-Eyes Set | 45 | |
SETS | Amiga Money Settings (v1) | 2 | |
SETTINGS | F1GP-Ed cockpit settings | 6 | |
SETTINGS | Visual Studio Settings | 10 | |
SETUP | PageRender3D Setup | 32 | |
SEV | SevenUp bitmap | 2 | |
SEW | Janome (New Home) Sewing Machine stitch | 22 | |
SEX | SExtractor configuration | 24 | |
SEX/RPT | Scheduling Export File | 5 | |
SF | IRCAM Sound Format audio (MIPS DECstation) | 2 | |
SF | IRCAM Sound Format audio (MIPS SGI) | 2 | |
SF | IRCAM Sound Format audio (NeXT) | 2 | |
SF | IRCAM Sound Format audio (SUN le) | 2 | |
SF | IRCAM Sound Format audio (SUN native) | 2 | |
SF | IRCAM Sound Format audio (VAX be) | 2 | |
SF | IRCAM Sound Format audio (VAX native) | 4 | |
SF | JAR Signatures File | 5 | |
SF1 | SuperFlow diagram (v1.00) | 7 | |
SF2 | SoundFont 2.0 | 32 | |
SFARK | sfArk compressed SoundFont | 31 | |
SFARR | SynthFont project | 25 | |
SFB | PlayStation 3 Disc data | 4 | |
SFC | GEMPACK data management info | 4 | |
SFD | Amiga Symbolizer Function Definition | 8 | |
SFD | MagicScore Maestro Song | 48 | |
SFD | Mozilla Spam Filter Definition | 8 | |
SFD | Sofdec video | 6 | |
SFD | Spline Font Database | 24 | |
SFF | Elecbyte M.U.G.E.N. sprites | 4 | |
SFF | Standard Flowgram Format | 5 | |
SFF | Structured Fax Format bitmap | 13 | |
SFI | Sonic Foundry Impulse | 4 | |
SFK | Sound Forge Peak Data File | 2 | |
SFL | Agon game data archive | 2 | |
SFL/SFP/SFT | LaserJet Soft Font | 19 | |
SFL | MADE Sound File | 107 | |
SFN | EA SFN Font | 4 | |
SFN | EA SFN Font (var.2) | 2 | |
SFPACK | SFPack compressed SoundFont | 32 | |
SFPRESET | Sony Vegas Pro Preset | 8 | |
SFR | Sonic Foundry Sample Resource | 3 | |
SFS | Maddox Games data archive | 6 | |
SFS | Single File System container | 7 | |
SFS | Sonic Factory Song | 6 | |
SFS/SQUASHFS | SquashSF image file (big endian) | 3 | |
SFS/SQUASHFS | SquashSF image file (little endian) | 8 | |
SFS | sfxr Sample | 4 | |
SFT | ChiWriter Screen Font | 14 | |
SFT | Microsoft App-V Sequencer SFT | 3 | |
SFT | X-CAD SoftFont | 2 | |
SFV | CruZer's SFV Checker checksum | 6 | |
SFV | DF CrcSfv checksum | 4 | |
SFV | Easy SFV Creator checksum (v2.x) | 4 | |
SFV | FireSFV checksum | 3 | |
SFV | FlashSFV checksum | 4 | |
SFV | GwildorSFV checksum (v1.x) | 3 | |
SFV | QuickSFV checksum (v2.x) | 5 | |
SFV | SFV32nix checksum (v1.x) | 4 | |
SFV | SFVGold checksum (v1.x) | 3 | |
SFV | SFVManager checksum (v1.x) | 4 | |
SFV | SFVit checksum (v1.x) | 4 | |
SFV | SOURmp3 CheckSFV checksum | 4 | |
SFV | Sour SFV checksum (v1.x) | 4 | |
SFV | WIN-SFV32 checksum (v1.x) | 8 | |
SFV | cksfv checksum (v1.x) | 9 | |
SFVIDCAP | Sony Foundry Video Capture project | 15 | |
SFW | Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photo (SFW93) | 25 | Richard H. Jones |
SFW | Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photo (SFW94) (generic) | 519 | Richard H. Jones |
SFW | Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photo (SFW98) | 1426 | Richard H. Jones |
SFW | Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photo (Uncompressed SFW94) | 5 | Richard H. Jones |
SFW | Sound Forge Workspace (v4.0) | 5 | |
SFX | EngineX Sound effects | 2 | |
SFX | Karl Morton Sound format | 14 | |
SFX | Outcast Sound effects | 2 | |
SFX | Red Comrades: Save The Galaxy game data archive | 2 | |
SFX | Self-Extracting LHA Archive | 13 | |
SFX | Sound library / container | 4 | |
SFX | SoundFX module | 37 | |
SFX2 | SoundFX 2 module | 44 | |
SFZ | SFZ Sample definition | 7 | |
SFZ | SFZ Sample definition (with rem) | 7 | |
SFZ | SFzip SoundFont compressod archive | 5 | |
SG | ABC SnapGraphix Graph | 71 | |
SG | DIE signature | 30 | |
SG | DIE signature (with rem) | 1153 | |
SG | Student Writing Center Sign | 2 | |
SG0 | Descent Game Save | 3 | |
SG1/SG9/SGA/SGZ | Band-in-a-Box Song | 54 | |
SG1 | Stanford Graphics presentation (v2) | 4 | |
SG2 | Caesar III graphics info | 16 | |
SG4/SG3 | Scid game moves info | 2 | |
SGA | SGA game data archive | 19 | |
SGBPACK | Smile Game Builder game data archive | 2 | |
SGBPACK | Smile Game Builder game data archive (old) | 2 | |
SGC | Sega Master System/Game Gear/Coleco Music Format (v1.0) | 18 | |
SGF | Smart Game Format | 21 | |
SGF | Smart Game Format (var.2) | 4 | |
SGF | Somera Graphic Format | 7 | |
SGF | Sonique skin | 31 | |
SGI | Silicon Graphics 24bit compressed bitmap | 21 | |
SGI/BW/RGB/RGBA | Silicon Graphics bitmap | 14 | Joerg Jenderek |
SGM/SGML | EAD - Encoded Archival Description | 19 | |
SGO | SGML Object | 4 | |
SGO | Silicon Graphics Object | 2 | |
SGP | ABC SnapGraphics Palette | 27 | |
SGPBPRJ | SGP Baltie Project | 14 | |
SGPG | SGP Model Group | 7 | |
SGR | Sonnet Graph | 116 | |
SGRIDDLER | SGriddler Paint-by-Number puzzle | 154 | |
SGT | Microsoft DirectMusic Segments Type | 29 | |
SGT | SPSS Graphic Template | 47 | |
SGW | ABC SnapGraphix Workspace | 5 | |
SGX | SGX Graphics bitmap | 3 | |
SGX | Stanford Graphics presentation (v3) | 3 | |
SGZ | Seekable GZIP disk image format | 3 | |
SH/SH~ | IBM Storyboard Story | 31 | |
SH | Linux/UNIX shell script | 11 | |
SH | Shift Help info | 7 | |
SH3 | Harvard Graphics presentation (v3.x) | 11 | |
SH3D | Sweet Home 3D Design (generic) | 53 | Joerg Jenderek |
SH3F | Sweet Home 3D Furniture library | 7 | |
SH3T | Sweet Home 3D Textures library | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
SHADER | Godot Shader | 11 | |
SHAPE | Butcher Shape | 23 | |
SHAPE | Dia shape | 257 | |
SHAPE | MilkDrop Shape | 16 | |
SHAPE | Vivado Design Checkpoint new Shape DB | 16 | | NEW! |
SHARC | Simple Highspeed Archiver compressed archive | 2 | |
SHARE | AmiAtlas Share data | 3 | |
SHB | CorelSHOW Background (v5) | 2 | |
SHD | ArtCAM Shader settings | 27 | |
SHD | VersaCAD Shade (MS-DOS) | 49 | |
SHD | Windows Shadow spooler (2000/XP) | 3 | |
SHD | Windows Shadow spooler (2003) | 3 | |
SHD | Windows Shadow spooler (98) | 2 | |
SHD | Windows Shadow spooler (NT) | 2 | |
SHE | Medusa 2D CAD drawing (generic) | 255 | |
SHEET | Dia sheet | 12 | |
SHEET | FinalCalc spreadsheet | 11 | |
SHFB | Sandcastle Help File Builder project | 14 | |
SHFBPROJ | Sandcastle Help File Builder Project | 20 | |
SHG | Segmented Hypergraphics bitmap | 74 | |
SHIPSECTION | Swords of the Stars Ship | 4 | |
SHK | NuFX archive | 20 | |
SHL/ABS/CAT | Softdisk Help Library format | 46 | |
SHM | SQLite write-ahead-log Index Shared Memory | 37 | Joerg Jenderek |
SHM | Word Perfect Shell Macro | 47 | |
SHN | Shorten lossless compressed audio | 15 | |
SHO | Demo Generator Show screen | 9 | |
SHO | Pool Champion shot | 26 | |
SHO | ShroomPlayer module | 26 | |
SHORTCUTS | Krita Shorcuts | 18 | |
SHORTCUTS | blueMSX Shortcuts | 3 | |
SHOWCASE/SC | IRIS Showcase drawing / presentation (v3) | 23 | |
SHP | 3D Studio Shape | 24 | |
SHP | ArcView Shape | 82 | |
SHP | Darwinia Shape | 34 | |
SHP | Printmaster Shape bitmap | 5 | |
SHP | SigmaNEST Shape | 222 | |
SHP | Steel Panthers Shapes data | 574 | |
SHPROJ | Visual Studio Shared Code project | 9 | |
SHPROJ | Visual Studio Shared Code project (UTF-8) | 16 | |
SHPRST | LuSH-101 global Preset | 57 | |
SHR | CorelSHOW player data (v5) | 2 | |
SHR | PC-Shrink compressed archive (new) | 3 | |
SHR | PC-Shrink compressed archive (old) | 8 | |
SHR | Shrink compressed archive | 6 | |
SHR/SHAR/SHA | shar SHell self-extracting aRchive | 8 | |
SHR/SHAR/SHA | shar SHell self-extracting aRchive (var.2) | 6 | |
SHR/SHAR/SHA | shar SHell self-extracting aRchive (var.3) | 4 | |
SHS | Shell Scrap object | 68 | |
SHSH | iOS SHSH Blob | 35 | |
SHT | Analyze! Spreadsheet | 13 | |
SHT | DT3V D.U.N.E. engine game data (v3) | 2 | |
SHT | DTV Shot | 805 | |
SHT | EagleCalc SpreadSheet (v1.x) | 3 | |
SHT | EagleCalc SpreadSheet (v2.x) | 6 | |
SHTMBR | LuSH-101 Timbre preset | 209 | |
SHV | Maxon Cinema 4D 2D Shader | 7 | |
SHV | Maxon Cinema 4D 3D Shader | 6 | |
SHV | Viking Designer 1 embroidery file | 6 | FILExt |
SHV | Viking embroidery data disk | 2 | |
SHW | CorelSHOW presentation (v4) | 4 | |
SHW | CorelSHOW presentation (v5) | 13 | |
SHW | ETC Show | 3 | |
SHW | Harvard Graphics presentation (v2.x) | 15 | |
SHW/SBK | MagicQ Show | 12 | |
SHW | Stanford Graphics slide Show (v2) | 3 | |
SHW | Stanford Graphics slide Show (v3) | 3 | |
SHW | WordPerfect Presentations (v2) | 70 | Tyler Thorsted |
SHW | WordPerfect Slide Show | 17 | |
SHW | WordPerfect/Corel Presentations (v3) | 30 | Tyler Thorsted |
SHX | ArcView DataBase Index | 82 | |
SHX | AutoCAD Compiled Shape (Bigfont) v1.0 | 8 | ptweasel |
SHX | AutoCAD Compiled Shape (Unifont) | 6 | ptweasel |
SHX | AutoCAD Shape | 6 | |
SHX | Motorola Flash Superfile | 6 | |
SH~ | IBM PC Storyboard Story | 6 | |
SI4/SI3 | Scid game data | 2 | |
SIA | Silo 3D model (ascii) | 8 | |
SIAG | Siag spreadsheet | 30 | |
SIAG | Siag spreadsheet (with rem) | 59 | |
SIARD | SIARD format | 31 | |
SIB | ShipInBottle compressed file | 4 | |
SIB/SI7 | Sibelius Music / Score | 19 | |
SIB | Silo 3D model (binary) | 55 | |
SIB | TsiLang binary translation data | 7 | |
SID | LizardTech MrSID photo | 16 | |
SID | Real C64 SID tune | 16 | |
SID | SIDPLAY Info | 5 | |
SID | Sonnet Input Data | 362 | |
SID2 | Sidmon II module | 57 | |
SIF | ANDOR SIF | 4 | |
SIF | Adobe Setup Installation File | 5 | |
SIF | NXEngine Sprite Image Format | 2 | |
SIF | Shareware Information File | 9 | |
SIF | Singularity Image Format (generic) | 11 | |
SIF | Singularity Image Format (v1.0) | 11 | |
SIF | SkyOS Installation File | 15 | |
SIF | Sprite Image Format (v2.0) | 2 | |
SIF | Swift Interchange File V2 | 3 | |
SIF | Swift Interchange File V2 (UTF-8) | 6 | |
SIF | Synfig project | 229 | |
SIG | Adobe Application Manager Package Signature | 18 | |
SIG | IDA Signatures | 14 | |
SIG | Panda Signature file system | 2 | |
SIG | SpyBot-Search-and-Destroy 1.2 Signature File | 79 | Roberto 'rbnet' Bolli |
SIG | ThunderByte Antivirus Signature | 4 | |
SIG | a-squared Anti-Malware signature | 126 | Scrapie |
SIG | rdiff signature | 3 | |
SIGNAL | Butcher Signal | 5 | |
SIL | TsiLang translation data | 22 | |
SILK | PCLO CAD Silkscreen | 3 | |
SILO | Silo scientific data exchange (HDF5) | 373 | |
SILO | Silo scientific data exchange (PDB) | 290 | |
SIM | ITI-SIM Model | 88 | TBeu |
SIM | SAP Itutor tutorial | 5 | |
SIM | SimStructure project (v3.00) | 13 | |
SIM | Tracon Simulation data | 10 | |
SIMMESHDB | Fusion 360 Simulation Mesh DB | 8 | |
SIMP | Software Ideas Modeler Project | 5 | |
SIMP | Software Ideas Modeler Project (encrypted) | 2 | |
SIMS2PACK | The Sims Compacted Resource file | 20 | |
SIMS3PACK | The Sims 3 game package | 8 | |
SIMSS | Software Ideas Modeler Style Set | 9 | |
SIMT | Software Ideas Modeler Template | 22 | |
SIRENSKIN | Siren Jukebox Skin | 18 | |
SIS | ASEAM 2 System Input Screen/Data | 14 | |
SIS | EPOC Installation package (rel. 2,3,5) | 27 | |
SIS | EPOC Installation package (rel. 6) | 6 | |
SIS | Surface Imaging Systems SPM data | 2 | |
SISX | Symbian Series 3 Installation file | 12 | |
SIT | StuffIt compressed archive | 13 | |
SIT | StuffIt compressed archive (var. ST46) | 2 | |
SIT | StuffIt compressed archive (var. ST50) | 2 | |
SIT | StuffIt compressed archive (var. ST60) | 2 | |
SIT | StuffIt compressed archive (var. ST65) | 2 | |
SIT | StuffIt compressed archive (var. STi2) | 2 | |
SIT | StuffIt compressed archive (var. STi3) | 2 | |
SIT | StuffIt compressed archive (var. STi4) | 2 | |
SIT | StuffIt compressed archive (var. STin) | 2 | |
SIT | StuffIt compressed archive (var.2) | 9 | |
SIT | StuffIt compressed archive (with MacBinary header) | 30 | |
SITE | GoLive Website project | 4 | |
SITX | StuffIt X compressed archive | 17 | |
SIVA | Siva archive (generic) | 4 | |
SIVA | Siva archive (v1) | 2 | |
SIX | DEC SIXEL Graphic bitmap | 6 | |
SIX | GAP Help System Six format (GapDoc) | 9 | |
SIX | GAP Help System Six format (generic) | 11 | |
SJAM | SuperJAM! song | 7 | |
SJS | JinSheet 97 Spreadsheet | 12 | |
SK | Skencil drawing | 31 | |
SK1 | sK1 vector graphic | 9 | |
SK2 | sK1 vector graphic (v2) | 6 | |
SKC | ISIS sketch | 10 | |
SKCHR | SketchChair document | 18 | |
SKD | AutoSketch Drawing | 17 | |
SKD | SkyChart data (III/2000) | 11920 | |
SKE | SolidWorks Sketch | 38 | |
SKEIN | Skein replay data | 5 | |
SKEL | World of Warcraft model Skeleton | 49 | Wayne Woods |
SKETCH | Bohemian Coding Sketch drawing (JSON based) | 8 | |
SKETCH | Bohemian Coding Sketch drawing (SQLite based) | 9 | |
SKETCH | Open Brush 3D Sketch | 66 | |
SKF | AutoSketch drawing (v4.x) | 36 | |
SKF | skincrafter skin | 16 | |
SKI | Motorola phone skin info | 9 | |
SKIN | Classic/Open-Shell Windows style skin | 54 | Joerg Jenderek |
SKIN | World of Warcraft model Skin | 78343 | Wayne Woods |
SKIN7 | Classic/Open-Shell Windows 7 style skin | 29 | Joerg Jenderek |
SKINX | Artisan Skin | 6 | |
SKL | BioForge Skeleton | 22 | |
SKL | Hondata S-Manager calibration | 18 | |
SKL | League Of Legends Skeleton | 2 | |
SKL | WinLIFT skin | 15 | |
SKM | STarKos tune | 16 | |
SKM | Skale Tracker module | 20 | |
SKN | BioForge Skin | 25 | |
SKN | Blaze Media Pro Skin | 13 | |
SKN | DevExpress dxSkin Skin | 10 | |
SKN | Eternity Engine Skin | 2 | |
SKN | MoonShell2 skin | 2 | |
SKN | Photono-Software Stealther Skin | 5 | |
SKN/FHS | RoboHelp / FlashHelp skin | 6 | |
SKN | Silverpoint Skin | 8 | |
SKN | Silverpoint Skin (with rem) | 5 | |
SKN | StormFront skin | 14 | |
SKN | TiEmu Skin (v2.00) | 7 | |
SKN | Virtual TI v2.x emulator skin | 7 | |
SKP | SketchUp model | 67 | |
SKP | sK1 Palette | 6 | |
SKR/GPG/PGP | Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Private/Secret Keyring | 7 | |
SKR/GPG/PGP | Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Private/Secret Keyring (v2) | 7 | |
SKR/GPG/PGP | Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Private/Secret Keyring (v3) | 7 | |
SKR/GPG/PGP | Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Private/Secret Keyring (v4) | 7 | |
SKR | Reflections/Monzoom script | 28 | |
SKS | Expression Strokes | 535 | |
SKS | STarKos song | 45 | |
SKS | Show.kit template | 9 | |
SKS | SkyChart Settings (v3.5) | 25 | |
SKY | Celestron's TheSky project | 24 | |
SKY | DESIGN 3D Sky | 7 | |
SKY | SKY compressed archive | 3 | |
SKYT | SKYT/Drifters Packer song | 5 | |
SL | Light-Flowcharter Serial number | 2 | |
SL1 | Prusa SL1 sliced model archive | 14 | |
SL1S | Prusa SL1S sliced model archive | 6 | |
SLA | Scribus document | 24 | |
SLAC | SLAC lossless compressed audio | 3 | |
SLAVE | WHDLoad Slave | 28 | |
SLB | AutoCAD Slide Library | 28 | |
SLB | Drafix Symbol Library | 206 | |
SLB | Flexi Swatch Library | 16 | |
SLB | MicroHelp Library | 3 | |
SLB | Moebius Sound Library | 2 | |
SLC | CHITUBOX SLiCe format | 6 | |
SLC | SLiCe format | 6 | |
SLC | Telix Compiled Script | 5 | |
SLD | Aegis Impact! Slideshow | 6 | |
SLD | AutoCAD Slide | 5 | |
SLD | Konica Picture Show Slideshow | 4 | |
SLD | Slide saved game (v1.x) | 10 | |
SLD | Styled Layer Descriptor | 153 | |
SLD | XnView Slideshow Data | 5 | |
SLDASM | SolidWorks Assembly | 26 | Alessandro Cappelletti |
SLDDRT | SolidWorks Sheet | 27 | |
SLDDRW | SolidWorks Drawing (OLE) | 27 | |
SLDLFP | SolidWorks Library Feature Part | 458 | |
SLDMAT | SolidWorks Material data base | 13 | |
SLDPRT | SolidWorks 2001 Component | 21 | Alessandro Cappelletti |
SLDPRT | SolidWorks Part (OLE, generic) | 71 | |
SLE | Surfplan kite project | 14 | |
SLF | SL9821 Floppy disk image | 2 | |
SLH | SL9821 Hard disk image | 2 | |
SLK/SYLK | SYLK - SYmbolic LinK data | 11 | |
SLL | Visual Smalltalk Enterprise objects Library | 6 | |
SLN | Alpha Four Search List | 2 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution (generic) | 53 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution (generic, UTF-8) | 180 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution (generic, UTF-8, CRLF) | 2681 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution (generic, UTF-8, LF) | 21 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v10.00/2008 (CRLF) | 5 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v11.00/2010 (CRLF) | 677 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v12.00/2012 (CRLF) | 991 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v12.00/2012 (UTF-8) | 40 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v12.00/2012 (UTF-8, CRLF) | 1988 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v7.00 | 157 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v8.00 | 38 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v9.00 | 8 | |
SLN | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v9.00/2005 (UTF-8, CRLF) | 5 | |
SLO | Renderman compiled Shader object | 22 | |
SLOB | Slob data store | 6 | |
SLOGO | StarLogo project | 110 | |
SLP | Age of Empires Graphics | 2 | |
SLP | slippi replay | 9 | |
SLT | Motocross Madness model | 34 | |
SLTNG | StarLogo TNG Project | 12 | |
SLTX | MATLAB Simulink model Template | 18 | |
SLX | MATLAB Simulink model | 36 | |
SLXC | Simulink Cache | 9 | |
SLZ | SLZ compressed data | 2 | |
SM | SMath Studio document | 24 | |
SM | SMath Studio document (old) | 60 | |
SM | Samna Word document | 108 | |
SM | StepMania step file | 11 | |
SM3 | Sound Master II module (v3) | 19 | |
SM7 | WinSMC snapshot | 4 | |
SMA | SMAC compressed data | 5 | |
SMALI | Smali assembly source | 347 | Dave Dugal |
SMB/SMBH | Autodesk ShapeManager 3D model | 72 | |
SMB | MagicScore Maestro Symbol | 60 | |
SMB | MagicScore Symbol | 62 | |
SMBP | SoMachine Basic Project | 70 | |
SMBP | SoMachine Basic Project (crypted) | 4 | |
SMC | Super Nintendo game - ROM Image | 4 | |
SMD | MicroMap map data | 18 | |
SMD | Sega Genesis / Megadrive Rom Image | 21 | Piwi |
SMD | Spring Map Definition | 12 | |
SMD | Valve Studiomdl Data | 12 | |
SMD | Valve Studiomdl Data (with rem) | 9 | |
SMDEVICE | ShowMaker Device | 8 | |
SMDLPROJ | SQL Server Report Model Project | 6 | |
SME | Samsung Kies Messages backup | 4 | |
SMENT | StarMade Entity | 18 | |
SMESH | Meshmixer SMESH model | 6 | |
SMF | 3D World Studio mesh | 74 | |
SMF | Scrull Music File | 2 | |
SMF | Serif MetaFile | 62 | |
SMF | SkinMagic Skin | 10 | |
SMF | SmartCAM manufacture data | 23 | |
SMF | Spring Engine Map | 16 | |
SMF | StarMath Forumla (v2.0) | 12 | |
SMF | StarOffice StarMath formula (v3) | 12 | |
SMG | 3DVIA Composer model | 4 | |
SMGSCE | 3DVIA Composer Sceneario/animation | 4 | |
SMGVIEW | 3DVIA Composer View definitions | 8 | |
SMGXML | 3DVIA Composer model (XML) | 14 | |
SMI | Lotus Smart Icon | 20 | |
SMI/SMO | Siemens archived SMS messages | 4 | |
SMI/SMIL | Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language | 16 | |
SMK | Smacker movie/video (newer) | 2 | |
SMK | Smacker movie/video (original) | 40 | Alex Martin |
SML | SARscape XML Header | 8 | |
SML | Smile data interchange format | 4 | |
SMM | Smart Install Maker project | 4 | |
SMMX/XML | SimpleMind Mind Map | 46 | |
SMMX | SimpleMind Mind Map (zipped container) | 21 | |
SMOD | Future Composer v1.0-v1.3 module | 123 | |
SMOL | Spartan molecule data | 55 | |
SMP | Audiocube encrypted audio Sample | 8 | |
SMP | Dirk Bialluch TPU samples | 3 | |
SMP | Dr. Track Sample | 2 | |
SMP | Magic of Endoria Sound Sample | 206 | |
SMP | Novastorm Media audio | 3 | |
SMP | Sampbox 4 Sample | 4 | |
SMP | SmartMusic Performance | 7 | |
SMP | Turtle Beach Sample Vision audio sample | 18 | |
SMP | Ulead Gallery | 2 | |
SMP | Ulead Photo Impact Presets | 9 | |
SMP | Watcom Profiler Sampling data | 3 | |
SMPD | Sc2gears Mouse Print Data | 2 | |
SMPRO | Sound Master II module (v1) | 9 | |
SMS | Train Simulator Sound Management System | 114 | |
SMT | Memo File Apollo Database Engine | 54 | Knuth Konrad |
SMT | Spring Engine Tile | 16 | |
SMUFI | Picatune soundtrack | 20 | |
SMUS/SONG | SMUS IFF Simple Musical Score | 46 | |
SMV | SigmaTel Motion Video | 10 | |
SMV | Snes9x movie capture | 5 | |
SMW | SIMPL Windows source | 63 | |
SMW | SuperMap World - AvisMap GIS data | 8 | Kieran O'Donnell |
SMX | SysMetrix skin | 11 | |
SMZIP | StepMania music package | 18 | |
SN | Sound Club module | 26 | |
SN1 | Drive SnapShot Disk Image (additional parts) | 3 | |
SN2 | Sound Club 2 module | 28 | |
SN4/SN3 | Scid player/event/site/round data | 2 | |
SNA | Drive SnapShot Disk Image | 2 | |
SNA | JavaCPC Snapshot | 5 | |
SNA | Oricutron Snapshot | 6 | |
SNA | WinAPE Snapshot (generic) | 6 | |
SNA | WinAPE Snapshot (v1) | 2 | |
SNA | WinAPE Snapshot (v2) | 2 | |
SNA | WinAPE Snapshot (v3) | 2 | |
SNAG | SnagIt capture | 16 | |
SNAGPROF | Snagit Profile | 11 | |
SNAPPY | Snzip compressed (comment-43 format) | 15 | |
SNAPPY | Snzip compressed (snappy-in-java format) | 15 | |
SNAPPY | Snzip compressed (snappy-java format) | 15 | |
SNB | S-Note document | 16 | |
SNB | Shanda Bambook eBook | 5 | |
SNC | Sonarc compressed RAW PCM audio | 6 | |
SND | Dalet Sound format audio (old) | 4 | |
SND | DataShow sounds/music | 3 | |
SND | DeskMate Sound | 8 | |
SND | Doom Eternal Sound | 15 | Masamune3210 |
SND/BLK | Dynamix Sound data container | 2 | |
SND | Elecbyte M.U.G.E.N. sound | 3 | |
SND | Fine Artist Sound | 10 | |
SND | Knowledge Adventure Sound | 44 | |
SND | MMFW Sounds | 2 | |
SND | Magnetic Sound | 2 | |
SND | Sound Play digitized audio | 3 | |
SND | SoundTool audio | 2 | |
SND | The Music Studio Sound (Atari ST) | 4 | |
SND | The Music Studio Sound (PC) | 10 | |
SNDH | Atari SoundHeader music | 2 | |
SNDT | SndTool sound/audio | 14 | |
SNF/TRC | Sniffer capture | 6 | |
SNF | Starry Night Document | 25 | |
SNF | X11 Server Natural Format font (LSB) | 751 | |
SNG | Alchimie Jr Song/module | 2 | |
SNG | CometSong Song | 4 | |
SNG/UDS | Coresong / Unique Development module | 34 | |
SNG | DeskMate song | 86 | |
SNG | Faust Music Creator module | 7 | |
SNG | GoatTracker chiptune | 27 | |
SNG | GoatTracker chiptune (v2) | 41 | |
SNG | JITT64 song (un-gzipped) | 6 | |
SNG | Korg Song file | 3 | |
SNG | MAGIX music studio Song | 37 | |
SNG | MS 2.5 module | 23 | |
SNG | Roland EASE Song (v1.0) | 8 | |
SNG | Roland Midi Music Recorder song | 5 | |
SNG | SPISPOPD Song | 9 | |
SNG | Scriptable Network Graphics | 7 | |
SNG | Sweet Sixteen Song | 7 | |
SNG | Synder SNG-Player module | 66 | |
SNG | Synder Tracker module | 17 | |
SNG | The Music Studio Song (Atari ST) | 12 | |
SNG | The Musical Enlightment Song | 4 | |
SNG | Voyetra Sequencer Plus Gold Song | 7 | |
SNG | WinSong Composer Song | 6 | |
SNK | Strong Name Key | 17 | |
SNL | EGrid32 form snippet | 2 | Elias Montoya |
SNM | Netscape Mail Message | 12 | |
SNM | Smush Animation format (new) | 11 | |
SNM | SnevenTracker Module | 4 | |
SNOOP | snoop verbose trace | 29 | |
SNP | ADAMEm Snapshot | 3 | |
SNP | B-EM Snapshot | 3 | |
SNP | Colour Emu Snapshot | 5 | |
SNP | Elkulator Snapshot | 2 | |
SNP | JS Mocha Snapshot | 13 | |
SNP | Microsoft Access report Snapshot | 27 | |
SNP | Mocha Snapshot | 9 | |
SNP | Snippit patch | 25 | |
SNP | WinAPE recorded session (simple) | 2 | |
SNP/SNAP | XRoar Snapshot | 2 | |
SNPDF | SNAP Processed Data File | 2 | |
SNR | WinAPE recorded session (full) | 2 | |
SNS | SNS-HDR project | 8 | |
SNSF/SNSFLIB | SNSF Super Nintendo Sound Format rip | 7 | |
SNSX | SNS-HDR 2.x project | 11 | |
SNT | Amnesia: T.D.D. sound entity | 10 | |
SNT | Fade to Black objects indexes | 13 | |
SNX | Aegis Sonix music | 71 | |
SNX/SNAPSHOT | Mirage Microdriver snapshot (no screen) | 2 | |
SNX/SNAPSHOT | Mirage Microdriver snapshot (with screen) | 2 | |
SNX | SNX Snapshot | 2 | |
SNX | Sonix video | 9 | |
SNX | StarCraft Single Player Save | 6 | |
SNZ | Snzip compressed (snzip format) | 6 | |
SOB | Microsoft tutorial data | 9 | |
SOBJ | Caligari TrueSpace 3D object (v2.x) | 17 | |
SOC | StarOffice Colors | 4 | |
SOF | Quartus II Project | 12 | |
SOF | RESOF compressed archive (old) | 2 | |
SOF | RESOF compressed archive (v2.x) | 7 | |
SOFT | Simple Omnibus in Text Format | 22 | |
SOG | Hippel ST module | 3 | |
SOK | Koustracker module | 34 | |
SOK/SLC | Sokoban XML | 15 | |
SOL | Flash Shared Object file | 5 | |
SOL | Sierra On-Line King Quest 8 audio | 4 | |
SOL | Sierra On-Line audio | 4 | |
SOL | SkyMap Pro Overlay | 5 | |
SOLITAIRESAVE-MS | Microsoft Solitaire Saved game | 6 | |
SON | Beam Software SIFF sound | 6 | |
SON | Notator Song | 10 | |
SON | SBStudio II song | 4 | |
SON | Score Perfect Professional Song | 16 | |
SON | Sonnet Project | 135 | |
SON | Spruce DVDMaestro subtitles | 8 | |
SONG | AudioSauna Song | 6 | |
SONG | Bars and Pipes Professional song | 12 | |
SONG | Presonus Studio One Song | 5 | |
SONG | The Music Studio Song (Amiga) | 28 | |
SOP | Note Song | 376 | |
SOR | Paradox sort definition | 3 | |
SOR | SOR OTDR data | 16 | |
SOR | SOR OTDR data (var 2) | 7 | |
SOR | Shot Online Resource | 3 | |
SOS | Adventure SOS compiled walkthrough | 13 | |
SOS | SOSI map data | 21 | |
SOS | SOSI map data (UTF8) | 5 | |
SOU | Lucasfilm Games VOC Sound | 3 | |
SOU | SBStudio II sounds | 15 | |
SOU | SCUMM digitized Sounds (v5-6) | 4 | |
SOUND | The Music Studio Sound (Amiga) | 5 | |
SOX | SoX native uncompressed PCM audio | 3 | |
SP | PEPE 2D constant interval DataSet | 34 | |
SP | Playmation Spine | 3 | |
SP | Saxon Publisher document | 11 | |
SP | SignPlot traffic sign data | 2 | |
SP | Spectrum emulator snapshot | 3 | |
SP3 | NGS orbital format SP3 (positions only) | 3 | |
SP3 | NGS orbital format SP3 (with velocity) | 2 | |
SPA | Anritsu Spectral Analyzer data | 11 | |
SPA | Spectral Data | 115 | |
SPARC | Skype Extra | 18 | |
SPARSEIMAGE | Apple Sparse disk image | 3 | |
SPB | SoftProjector Bible | 8 | |
SPBM | Samsung Smart Switch contact backup | 5 | |
SPC | Crimson Editor language specification file | 11 | |
SPC | Datalink SoundScape | 9 | |
SPC | SpchComp encoded speech/audio | 11 | |
SPC/SPS | Spectrum 512 compressed/smooshed bitmap | 5 | |
SPC | Super Famicon/Super NES audio dump | 243 | |
SPD | Bitstream Speedo font | 36 | |
SPD | K-Spreadsheet (v2) | 3 | |
SPD | K-Spreadsheet (v3/4) | 5 | |
SPD | Microsoft Speech Data | 5 | |
SPD | Samsung Pen Document | 53 | |
SPD | Sorted Pulse Data | 8 | |
SPD | Sprite Pad Data (v2.0) | 13 | |
SPDIF | SPDIF raw audio | 2 | |
SPE | Princeton Instruments WinView CCD image format | 6 | |
SPE | SIMPSON binary format | 4 | |
SPE | SPSS Extension | 7 | |
SPEC | AmiAtlas Way data | 4 | |
SPEC | AmigaKonto Specification | 2 | |
SPEC | PyInstaller Spec | 13 | |
SPECCY | Speccy snapshot | 5 | Ryan Jones |
SPEECH | FL Studio Speech Preset | 61 | |
SPF | Jose SciEditor Project | 2 | |
SPF | Score Perfect Professional Font | 4 | |
SPF | StorageCraft ShadowProtect backup image | 3 | |
SPF | StruCad 3D model | 6 | |
SPFX | Sorenson Squeeze Preset | 160 | |
SPG | Spectrum Prog snapshot | 15 | |
SPH/NIST | NIST Sphere waveform audio | 8 | |
SPH/SPP | Shimadzu SPM File Format (binary) | 2 | |
SPI1D | Imageworks 1D LUT format | 182 | |
SPI3D | Imageworks 3D LUT format | 117 | |
SPIDERSOLITAIRESAVE-MS | Microsoft Spider Solitaire Saved game | 10 | |
SPIF | Streaming Progressive Image Format bitmap | 4 | |
SPIFF/SPF | SPIFF Still Picture Interchange File Format bitmap | 7 | |
SPINPUT | Spartan spinput format | 6 | |
SPJ | BeepFX Sound Effects Project | 2 | |
SPJ | BeepFX Sound Effects Project (v2) | 2 | |
SPJ | DigiTrax Sound Project | 4 | |
SPJ | Microsoft ICE Stitch Project | 8 | |
SPJ | Microsoft ICE Stitch Project (v2) | 4 | |
SPJ | PhotoStage Slideshow project | 17 | |
SPJ | Site Publisher Project | 6 | |
SPK/ARC | Acorn Spark Archive | 10 | |
SPK | KiXtart SPK notation format | 12 | |
SPK | Monkey Forest spectrum data | 12 | |
SPK | Sparkup book | 5 | |
SPK | Synology Package | 23 | |
SPK | VSO language data | 40 | |
SPL | Digitrakker Sample | 2 | |
SPL | Infinity Engine spell (v1) | 2 | |
SPL | Infinity Engine spell (v2.0) | 788 | Sam. |
SPL | Raw print data | 2 | |
SPL | SOPROL Sound Programming Language module | 9 | |
SPL | Skencil / sK1 text color Palette | 3 | |
SPL | SpelTool Supplemental Dictionary (v1.0) | 2 | |
SPL | Splint compressed data | 7 | |
SPL | sPlan schematic (generic) | 3 | |
SPL7 | sPlan 7.0 schematic | 12 | |
SPM | ISO 28600:2011 SPM data transfer format | 3 | |
SPM | Spektrum DX serie transmitter settings | 24 | |
SPM | Spritemate | 4 | |
SPM | StoneTracker Module | 30 | |
SPM | Veeco Nanoscope II SPM data | 3 | |
SPM | Veeco Nanoscope III SPM data (binary) | 7 | |
SPM | Veeco Nanoscope III SPM data (text) | 2 | |
SPM | Veeco Nanoscope III SPM force data (binary) | 2 | |
SPMO | SpeedView Meta Objects | 9 | |
SPMOD | SimplePlanes compressed Mod | 4 | |
SPO | SPSS Output Document | 40 | |
SPO | Spore saved game | 32 | |
SPP | Serif PhotoPlus Picture (OLE) | 18 | fenixproductions |
SPP | Serif PhotoPlus Picture (XML-ZIP) | 5 | Tyler Thorsted |
SPP | Superplan spreadsheet (v2.x) | 2 | |
SPP | Superplan spreadsheet (v3.x) | 13 | |
SPR | Assault Wing Sprite | 84 | |
SPR | Brother PowerNote spreadsheet | 13 | |
SPR | Cavewars sprite | 33 | |
SPR | Cosmigo Pro Motion SPRites sequence/animation | 2 | |
SPR | DataShow Sprite/icon | 4 | |
SPR | Fallout Tactics Sprite | 4 | |
SPR | Flashback Sprite | 5 | |
SPR | ID Software Sprite format | 9 | |
SPR | Live for Speed data | 7 | |
SPR | Magic and Mayhem sprites | 2 | |
SPR | Mini Office Professional Spreadsheet (Atari) | 9 | |
SPR | Mini Office Spreadsheet (Amiga) | 6 | |
SPR | Psion SH3 Spreadsheet | 3 | |
SPR/SPT | STNG 'A Final Unity' Sprites | 675 | |
SPR | Sakura Wars game data archive | 2 | |
SPR | Sangduck Sprite | 2 | |
SPR | SprEd Sprite | 3 | |
SPR | Sprint document | 6 | |
SPR | Sprite Artist Sprite | 5 | |
SPR | Star Trek: Armada Sprite table | 15 | |
SPR | The Civil War Sprite library | 7 | |
SPR | WGT Sprite | 25 | |
SPRITE | BASIC8 Sprite | 5 | |
SPRITE | SuperTux Sprite | 160 | |
SPRITEFONT | DirectX Tool Kit SpriteFont | 3 | |
SPS | Autem PLC/SPS Analyzer Pro data store | 8 | |
SPS | SharkPort file | 8 | |
SPS | Spectrum 512 Anispec animation | 2 | |
SPS | StoneTracker Samples | 30 | |
SPS | Winamp Signal Processing Studio DSP-Effect | 4 | |
SPT | Dynamix SPT game data container | 2 | |
SPT | InfoSpotter Template | 2 | |
SPT | SpeedTree format | 16 | |
SPU | SPU Playstation log rip | 31 | |
SPUI | Spore User Interface layout | 4 | |
SPV | SPSS output document | 80 | |
SPV | SpacEyes3D Viewer project | 3 | |
SPVCHAIN | Multibit Bitcoin blockchain | 4 | |
SPX | Spectrum 512 Extended bitmap | 2 | |
SPX | Speex encoded audio | 11 | |
SQ | Mobil 1 Rally Championship level data | 48 | |
SQ | Mobil 1 Rally Championship map data | 36 | |
SQF | FreeMotion Flash movie | 5 | |
SQL | MySQL dump | 12 | |
SQL | PostgreSQL database dump (Mac) | 3 | |
SQL | PostgreSQL database dump (Unix) | 3 | |
SQL | PostgreSQL database dump (Win) | 16 | |
SQL | phpMyAdmin SQL dump | 5 | |
SQLAR | SQLite Archive compressed | 8 | |
SQLITE | ElectrumSV wallet | 6 | |
SQLITE/SQLITE2 | SQLite 2.x database | 6 | |
SQLITE/SQLITE3 | SQLite 3.x database | 7 | |
SQLITE | SQLite Zipvfs compressed database | 2 | |
SQLITE-WAL/DB-WAL | SQLite Write-Ahead Log (little endian) | 32 | Joerg Jenderek |
SQLPLAN | Microsoft SQL Server execution Plan | 10 | |
SQLPROJ | Visual Studio SQL Server Project | 13 | |
SQM | Operation Flashpoint mission | 8 | |
SQM | Squirrel Module | 2 | |
SQM | Windows Live Messenger Log file | 53 | |
SQR | SQR script | 14 | |
SQT | SQ Tracker chiptune | 29 | |
SQX | SQX compressed archive | 14 | |
SQZ | FOXSQZ compressed archive | 5 | |
SQZ | SQWEZ compressed archive | 3 | |
SQZ | Squeeze It compressed archive | 16 | |
SQZ | Squeeze project | 7 | |
SR | PulseView sigrok dump | 929 | |
SR | srank compressed data | 3 | |
SR2 | sr2 compressed data | 17 | Label |
SR5 | Graph Saurus bitmap (5) | 2 | |
SR7/SR8/SRS | Graph Saurus bitmap (7/8/S) | 3 | |
SRC | Crimson Fields level | 22 | |
SRC | Crimson Fields level (with rem) | 8 | |
SREP | SuperREP compressed data | 3 | |
SRF | FileLocator Pro Search Criteria (gen) | 25 | |
SRF | FileLocator Pro Search Criteria (v3.1) | 14 | Meigel |
SRF | FileLocator Pro Search Criteria (v6.5-7.5) | 24 | |
SRF | FileLocator Pro Search Criteria (v8.0) | 10 | |
SRF | Garmin vehicle image | 10 | |
SRF | LightWave Surface | 178 | |
SRF | Opticks Surface | 111 | |
SRF | SRF map | 12 | |
SRF | Steinberg Resource File (generic) | 15 | |
SRF | Steinberg Resource File (v3) | 12 | |
SRF | Terragen Surface Map | 2 | |
SRF | YSFlight Surface | 170 | |
SRF | You Don't Know Jack game data archive | 2 | |
SRL | Strelok Scope Reticle | 5 | |
SRP | Greenstreet Publisher snippet | 62 | |
SRR | Scene Release Reconstruction data | 16 | |
SRS | Outlook Send-Receive Settings | 9 | |
SRSA | Koei Tecmo Audio | 2 | |
SRST | Koei Tecmo Audio | 2 | |
SRT | SubRip subtitles | 28 | |
SRT | SubRip subtitles (UTF-16) | 22 | |
SRT | SubRip subtitles (UTF-8) | 17 | |
SRV | Train Simulator Service definition | 26 | |
SRW | Samsung Raw image | 20 | |
SS | First Choice SpreadSheet | 6 | |
SS | PHAST Sufficient Statistics | 4 | |
SS | Slicks 'n' Slide track data | 21 | |
SS | Slim Show project | 2 | |
SS | Speedy System module | 5 | |
SS/ST | Telepaint canvas/stamp bitmap | 26 | |
SS1 | MSX Home Office Spreadsheet | 4 | |
SS1 | Mini Office II SpreadSheet | 13 | |
SS2 | 20/20 SlideShow | 4 | |
SSA | Children of the Nile campaign | 6 | |
SSA/ANIM | ClariSSA Super Smooth Animation | 17 | |
SSA | Empire Earth 1 game data | 32 | Josef Schneider |
SSA | MetaEdit Structured Systems Analysis | 6 | |
SSAEDIT/SSAEDITION/EDITION | ClariSSA internal edit format | 38 | |
SSC | StepMania Song | 7 | |
SSC | StepMania Song (with rem) | 3 | |
SSD | Musitek SmartScore X^2 Style | 104 | |
SSDL | ADO.NET Store Schema Definition Language | 9 | |
SSF | Circuit Maker chart | 18 | |
SSF | Enable SpreadSheet | 9 | |
SSF | Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance game data archive (GC) | 2 | |
SSF | Mortal Kombat serie game data archive | 2 | |
SSF | Quartus Simulator Setting File | 20 | |
SSF/SSFLIB | SSF Saturn Sound Format rip | 41 | |
SSF | STL Stream Format | 3 | |
SSF | Trimble Standard Storage File GPS data | 10 | |
SSF | TurboCALC SpreadSheet | 4 | |
SSH | Strata 3D Shape | 17 | |
SSK | Fractal Design Painter Session | 11 | |
SSL | Corel Flow Smart Library | 6 | |
SSL | Jing Tao pic format bitmap | 20 | |
SSML | Speech Synthesis Markup Language | 12 | |
SSMSASPROJ | Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Project | 4 | |
SSMSMOBILEPROJ | SQL server Management Studio Mobile Project | 6 | |
SSMSMOBILEPROJ | SQL server Management Studio Mobile Project (UTF-8) | 5 | |
SSP | Axialis Professional Screensaver Producer project | 2 | |
SSP | ScreenSwift Screen Saver Project | 4 | |
SSP | SmartSniff Saved Packets | 15 | Scrapie |
SSP | Solitaire Setty Project | 2 | |
SSS | Coda Style Sheet | 9 | |
SSS | Skyland's Star saved game | 4 | |
SSS | Tools Media Corp. material | 1883 | |
SSS | Tools Media Corp. material (with rem) | 75 | |
SSS | Trilobyte SVGA FLICK/Groovie Player Script | 2 | |
SST | AVHRR satellite bitmap | 30 | |
SST | Microsoft Serialized certificate Store | 2 | Kevin Gut |
SST | Softdesk Spreadsheet (generic) | 6 | |
SST | Softdesk Spreadsheet (v11.1) | 3 | |
SST | Sonic Scenarist SubTitles | 16 | |
SST | Stream SubText Player subtitles | 8 | |
SST | Yamaha Session Style | 68 | |
SSTS | Stream SubText Script subtitles | 5 | |
SSV | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault save game | 95 | |
SSW/CRY | SETool encrypted firmware | 14 | |
SSWP/SSWPR | SaalDesign Project | 12 | |
SSX | Kega Fusion Save State | 3 | |
ST | Bandai SuFami Turbo cartridge | 13 | |
ST/XFS | Eldos Solid File System | 2 | |
ST | STAT compressed | 2 | |
ST | SawTeeth module | 13 | |
ST | SawTeeth module (text format) | 2 | |
ST | ShakeTracker Module | 5 | |
ST* | GetDataBack Scan trace | 4 | |
ST0 | VirtuaNES savestate | 8 | |
ST11 | Spectrum Sound Tracker 1.1 chiptune | 59 | |
ST13 | Spectrum Sound Tracker 1.3 chiptune | 3 | |
ST1H/MEM | Fanuc parameters file | 5 | |
ST2 | RCA Studio 2 binary dump cartridge | 82 | |
ST2 | SoundTrakker128 tune | 279 | |
ST26 | Soundtracker module (v2.6) | 2 | |
ST3 | Star 3 MIDI Karaoke file | 12 | |
ST6 | ST-6 astrocamera bitmap | 3 | |
ST6 | ST-6 compressed astrocamera bitmap | 13 | |
STA | BrMSX savestate | 3 | |
STA | Complete Statistica(l) System spreadsheet (v5) | 66 | |
STA | ENVI Statistics | 10 | |
STA | MAME Save State | 6 | |
STA | PokeMini saved State | 4 | |
STA | Project Master Statistic data | 5 | |
STA | blueMSX save State | 8 | |
STA | fMSX emulation state (ungzipped) | 8 | |
STAGE | 2D Fighter Maker 2nd stage data | 10 | |
STAPL | Standard Test and Programming Language | 20 | |
STARPAK | Respawn Entertainment game data archive | 342 | That1MiningGuy |
STARTLET | Start++ script | 3 | |
STAT | Weather data summary report | 98 | |
STATE | BlastEm snapshot | 2 | |
STATE | atari++ state | 6 | |
STATES | Phoenix save state (3DO) | 6 | |
STATES | Phoenix save state (generic) | 9 | |
STB | AutoCAD Plot Style Table (name based) | 8 | Peter Glasl |
STC | StarOffice Calc template | 2 | Joerg Jenderek |
STC | StoneCracker S401 compressed | 2 | |
STC | StoneCracker S403 compressed | 2 | |
STC | StoneCracker S404 compressed | 73 | |
STD | 3M Printscape document (v1.x) | 2 | |
STD | Atari Works Database | 2 | |
STD | PROMT document | 6 | kif aka AC |
STD | STAAD.Pro project data | 11 | |
STD | StarOffice Drawing Template | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
STD | SureThing CD Labeler document | 35 | |
STD/SUM/TXT | wi-scan log | 7 | |
STE | Xerox Rooms Suite (v1.0) | 6 | |
STEEMBPB | Steem BPB disk info | 4 | |
STENCIL | EGS-SpectraPaint Stencil | 2 | |
STENCYL | Stencyl game data | 9 | |
STEX | Godot bitmaps container | 5 | |
STF | 3D World Studio material | 14 | |
STF | Lotus Agenda Structured Text File | 6 | |
STF | STuetzerbach Format | 9 | |
STF | SuperTux Font | 12 | |
STF | Windows Setup Table File | 30 | |
STG | STG SNMP Traffic Grapher settings | 4 | |
STH/STW | Breakdown game data archive | 2 | |
STH | Sisthema Personal System | 4 | |
STJ | STJ Stereoscopic bitmap | 6 | |
STJ | STMicroelectronics STJ video | 3 | |
STK | HyperStudio Stack (Mac) | 20 | |
STK/TIF/TIFF | MetaMorph Stack | 7 | |
STK | Stockholm format | 8 | |
STK | Ubiquiti EdgeSwitch firmware | 16 | |
STL | 3D Slash STereoLithography (binary) | 5 | |
STL | 3D Systems STereoLithography | 5 | |
STL | 3DSMax STereoLithography (binary) | 5 | |
STL | 3shape STereoLithography (binary) | 33 | |
STL | ADMesh processed STereoLithography (binary) | 4 | |
STL | ATF STereoLithography (binary) | 15 | |
STL | Alibre Design STereoLithography (binary) | 4 | |
STL | ArtCAM STereoLithography (binary) | 10 | |
STL | AutoCAD STereoLithography (binary) | 3 | |
STL | Autodesk STereoLithography (SLA-1 triangle, binary) | 6 | |
STL | Blender STereoLithography (binary) | 5 | |
STL | Blender exported STereoLithography (binary) | 12 | |
STL | BobCAD-CAM STereoLithography (binary) | 6 | |
STL | CHITUBOX exported STereoLithography | 5 | |
STL | Caligari trueSpace STereoLithography (binary) | 3 | |
STL | Certificate Trust List (DER encoded) | 9 | Joerg Jenderek |
STL | Cheetah3D STereoLithography (ASCII) | 7 | |
STL | CloudCompare STereoLithography (binary) | 9 | |
STL | Cura STereoLithography (binary) | 7 | |
STL | Digitized Shape Editor/CATIA STereoLithography (binary) | 5 | |
STL | EBU Subtitling data exchange format | 2 | |
STL | FabConvert.com STereoLithography (binary) | 2 | |
STL | Fast-Quadric-Mesh-Simplified STereoLithography | 5 | |
STL | FlashForge STereoLithography (binary) | 4 | |
STL | FreeCAD STereoLithography (binary) | 7 | |
STL | Geomagic Studio STereoLithography (binary) | 2 | |
STL | Gwyddion STereoLithography (binary) | 6 | |
STL | HueForge STereoLithography (binary) | 4 | |
STL | ImageToStl.com STereoLithography (binary) | 4 | |
STL | InnovMetric STereoLithography (binary) | 3 | |
STL | Inventor STereoLithography (binary) | 5 | |
STL | KISSSlicer STereoLithography (v1.x) (binary) | 4 | |
STL | KISSSlicer STereoLithography (v2.x) (binary) | 4 | |
STL | LOMSlice STereoLithography | 2 | |
STL | MagicScore Style | 3 | |
STL | MakerWorld STereoLithography (binary) | 10 | |
STL | Materialise Coloured STereoLithography (binary) | 2 | |
STL | MeshLab STereoLithography (binary) | 4 | |
STL | Meshmixer STereoLithography (binary) | 5 | |
STL | MoI STereoLithography (binary) | 7 | |
STL | NetFabb STereoLithography (binary) | 8 | |
STL | Open Asset Import Library exported STereoLithography (binary) | 6 | |
STL | Open CASCADE STereoLithography (binary) | 6 | |
STL | OpenSCAD STereoLithography (ASCII) | 13 | |
STL | OpenSCAD STereoLithography (binary) | 5 | |
STL | Primos Sound format audio | 6 | |
STL | Rhinoceros STereoLithography (binary) | 6 | |
STL | SICAT STereoLithography (binary) | 2 | |
STL | SMLib STereoLithography | 4 | |
STL | STereoLithography (ASCII) | 32 | |
STL | STereoLithography (binary) (alt2) (gen) | 8 | |
STL | STereoLithography (binary) (alt3) (gen) | 36 | |
STL | STereoLithography (binary) (alt4) (gen) | 5 | |
STL | STereoLithography (binary) (gen) | 12 | |
STL | Shapr3D STereoLithography (binary) | 6 | |
STL | Simplify3D STereoLithography (binary) | 8 | |
STL | SketchUp STereoLithography (binary) | 9 | |
STL | SkyOS Style | 3 | |
STL | Solid Edge STereoLithography (binary) | 8 | |
STL | Spin 3D STereoLithography (binary) | 3 | |
STL | Spruce subtitles | 2 | |
STL | Spruce subtitles (with rem) | 2 | |
STL | Stratasys STereoLithography (binary) | 5 | |
STL | SuperTux Level | 209 | |
STL | SuperTux Level (with rem) | 28 | |
STL | T-FLEX CAD STereoLithography (binary) | 2 | |
STL | TurboCAD Pro STereoLithography | 6 | |
STL | Uranium STLWriter STereoLithography (binary) | 6 | |
STL | VCGLib STereoLithography (binary) | 4 | |
STL | Visualization Toolkit STereoLithography (binary) | 2 | |
STL | Wolfram Language STereoLithography (binary) | 2 | |
STL | drububu.com STereoLithography (binary) | 4 | |
STL | ideaMaker STereoLithography (binary) | 14 | |
STL | libthing STereoLithography (binary) | 4 | |
STL | stlbn STereoLithography (binary) | 3 | |
STLE | Video Music Box Style | 4 | |
STM | Extensible Storage Engine STreaMing | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
STM | GNU TeXmacs Scheme | 5 | |
STM | Grand Prix Circuit Saved slot | 12 | |
STM | Scream Tracker 2 song/module | 27 | |
STM | Scream Tracker 2 song/module (BMOD2STM) | 3 | |
STM | Scream Tracker 2 song/module (SWavePro) | 3 | |
STM | Scream Tracker 2 song/module (Scrvrt) | 3 | |
STM | Scream Tracker 2 song/module (WUZAMOD) | 3 | |
STM/STX | Scream Tracker module | 16 | |
STM/DTM | Smart Software Time Manager Data | 2 | |
STM | State Transition Diagram model (Prosa) | 20 | |
STM | WinSTM data | 2 | |
STM | mtronix Stream | 2 | |
STMX | XMILE Model | 30 | |
STN | AutoSketch wizard Stencil | 13 | |
STN | AutoSketch wizard Stencil (with rem) | 12 | |
STN | Genuine Fractals STING image | 2 | |
STN | Schiratti Commander Situation | 21 | |
STO | Infinity Engine Store (v1.0) | 255 | Sam. |
STO | Infinity Engine Store (v1.1) | 8 | |
STO | Infinity Engine Store (v9.0) | 226 | Sam. |
STO | PRO100 Furniture design project | 632 | Stas Resenchuk |
STO | WinStorm Storm info | 11 | |
STOO | AWE Productions game data | 2 | |
STORMREPLAY | Heroes of the Storm replay | 6 | |
STORY | Storyist project | 13 | |
STORY | VIVA Story | 5 | |
STORYBOARD | Interface Builder Storyboard document | 29 | |
STP | Dynamic Publisher Stamp | 21 | |
STP/STEP | ISO-10303 STEP model data | 329 | |
STP | Molecular Imaging STP SPM data | 6 | |
STP | SignalTap II capture | 13 | |
STP | Spectrum Sound Tracker Pro 2 chiptune | 5 | |
STP | Steem Patch | 15 | |
STP | SuperFlow Template (v1.00) | 9 | |
STP | Verity Collection Stop List | 4 | |
STPROJ | Sapphire Project | 22 | |
STR | DataPerfect Structure (v2.x) | 27 | |
STR | InfoPal Structure | 9 | |
STR | LibreOffice Gallery translations | 14 | Joerg Jenderek |
STRC | AY STRC chiptune | 4 | |
STREAM | Shockwave Stream | 6 | |
STREAMDB | Doom Eternal Resource Archives | 7 | Masamune3210 |
STREAMDECKPROFILE | Stream Deck Profile | 7 | |
STRM | Nintendo DS audio Stream | 138 | |
STROKES | AKVIS Strokes | 10 | |
STS | Atari Works Spreadsheet | 5 | |
STS | DRIFT2000 Status | 4 | |
STS | Datamat database structure | 3 | |
STS | Microsoft C/C++ project Status info | 7 | |
STS | Microsoft Programmer's Workbench Status | 11 | |
STS | Steem Snapshot | 4 | |
STSG | SuperTux Saved Game | 10 | |
STT | STT disk image | 2 | |
STTPL | Samsung bada OS Theme Designer Template | 55 | |
STTPL | Samsung bada OS Theme Designer Template (TouchWiz) | 39 | |
STU | Pinnacle Studio Video Project | 8 | |
STUDIO3 | Silhouette Studio data | 4 | |
STUDYBOX/STUDY | Fukutake Publishing's Studybox tape image | 13 | |
STUFF | EVE Online Game Contents archive | 3 | |
STUFF | Neophyte game data archive | 5 | |
STV | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault save game | 95 | |
STW | Atari Works Wordprocessor document | 3 | |
STW | STATISTICA Workbook | 8 | |
STW | STW disk image | 2 | |
STW | StarOffice Web template | 2 | Joerg Jenderek |
STW | StarOffice Writer template | 2 | Joerg Jenderek |
STW | Stare-EO Workshop drawing | 3 | |
STWM | SuperTux World Map | 20 | |
STWM | SuperTux World Map File (with rem) | 15 | |
STX | EditPlus Syntax file | 13 | |
STX | PASTI disk image | 2 | |
STX | StockChartX data | 2 | |
STY | Beyond Words Composer Style | 8 | |
STY | Comic Book Creator Story | 3 | |
STY | Grand Theft Auto 2 Style data | 9 | |
STY | Korg Style | 10 | |
STY | Labeler (v2.0) / Labels Unlimited (v1.0) Style | 2 | |
STY | Labeler (v3.0) / Labels Unlimited (v2.0) Style | 2 | |
STY | Lattice Diamond Strategy | 10 | |
STY | Legend Style | 11 | |
STY | LithTech engine sound Style | 93 | |
STY | MAGIX music studio Style | 62 | |
STY | Microsoft DirectMusic Style | 65 | |
STY/STX | Microsoft Word for DOS Style sheet | 32 | |
STY | Quattro Pro Style | 6 | |
STY | Stanford Graphics Style Master (v3) | 42 | |
STY | Stanford Graphics Style master (v2) | 42 | |
STY | Urban Chaos Story Script | 4 | |
STY | Ventura Publisher Style Sheet | 104 | |
STY | Ventura Publisher Style sheet (GEM) | 77 | |
STY | WINDEV control Styles | 3 | |
STY | Yamaha General Style | 1611 | |
STYLE | SuperJAM! Style | 74 | |
STZ | stz compressed data | 4 | |
SU2 | SU2 mesh | 10 | |
SUA | Tim Newport-Peace's Special Use Airspace Format | 13 | |
SUB | CloneCD CDImage (subchannel-data) | 20 | THE LoW |
SUB | DVD Subtitles | 5 | |
SUB | DVDSubtitle subtitles | 5 | |
SUB | Flipper SubGhz Key data | 292 | |
SUB | Flipper SubGhz RAW data | 8498 | |
SUB | MPSub subtitles | 7 | |
SUB | Philips SVCD Designer subtitles | 5 | |
SUB | SubViewer 1.0 subtitles | 9 | |
SUB | SubViewer 2.0 subtitles | 21 | |
SUBLIME-COLOR-SCHEME | Sublime Text Color Scheme | 10 | |
SUBLIME-KEYMAP | Sublime Text Keymap | 23 | |
SUBLIME-MENU | Sublime Text Menu | 5 | |
SUBLIME-MOUSEMAP | Sublime Text Mouse settings | 8 | |
SUBLIME-PACKAGE | Sublime Text Package (generic) | 52 | |
SUBLIME-PROJECT | Sublime Text Project | 9 | |
SUBLIME-SNIPPET | Sublime Text Snippets | 1057 | |
SUBLIME-SYNTAX | Sublime Text Syntax | 44 | |
SUBLIME-WORKSPACE | Sublime Text Workspace | 13 | |
SUH | GFA Raytrace Uncompressed image (hi-res) bitmap | 2 | |
SUI | Mac font | 8 | |
SUI | Simple User Interface Toolkit library | 6 | |
SUITE | Theme Manager / WinStyles theme | 18 | |
SUL | GFA Raytrace Uncompressed image (low-res) bitmap | 2 | |
SUN | SUNTronic module | 13 | |
SUNSYNTH | SunVox Synthesizer | 59 | |
SUNVOX | SunVox module | 142 | |
SUO | Microsoft VisualStudio Solution User Options | 153 | |
SUP | SMS Super File | 2 | |
SUR | Playmation Surface | 3 | |
SUR | Surf SPM data | 2 | |
SURF | 3D-XplorMath Surface format | 4 | |
SURVEY | Spectra Precision Survey data | 3 | |
SV2I | Symantec LiveState recovery image | 7 | |
SV4 | RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved game | 11 | |
SV6 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Saved game | 18 | |
SVAR | SVArTracker module | 3 | |
SVC | SVGAVESA configuration | 21 | |
SVC | SupervisionCam Camera Settings | 23 | Scrapie |
SVCINFO | Saved WCF Configuration Information | 23 | |
SVCINFO | WCF Configuration Snapshot | 10 | |
SVD | CMSIS System View Description format | 25 | |
SVD | Roland Fantom audio | 2 | |
SVD | Semi-Virtual Diskette disk image (v1.5.x) | 14 | |
SVD | Semi-Virtual Diskette disk image (v2.0.x) | 35 | |
SVE | Task Force 1942 save game | 9 | |
SVF | EnVision Publisher DTP Font | 3 | |
SVF | Serial Vector Format | 9 | |
SVF | Serial Vector Format (with rem) | 14 | |
SVF | Simple Vector Format (generic) | 19 | |
SVF | Simple Vector Format (v1.10) | 11 | |
SVF | Simple Vector Format (v2.00) | 3 | |
SVF | SmartVersion File archive | 5 | |
SVG | 3D Draw SVG image | 3 | |
SVG | Call of Duty save game | 402 | |
SVG | Call of Duty: United Offensive save game | 225 | |
SVG | Empire Deluxe Saved Game (DOS) | 2 | |
SVG | Empire Deluxe Saved Game (Win) | 2 | |
SVG | Empire II: The Art of War Saved Game | 3 | |
SVG | Empire Save game | 4 | |
SVG | Return to Castle Wolfenstein save game | 54 | |
SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics (var.1) | 525 | |
SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics (var.2) | 7 | |
SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics (var.3) | 604 | |
SVG | SuperView Graphics bitmap | 9 | |
SVGX | SVGX slicer format | 12 | |
SVH | Solace Virtual Helios disk image | 2 | |
SVL | Red Faction save game | 114 | |
SVM | Sequential Vibes Music | 3 | |
SVM | StarView Metafile | 5 | |
SVM | StarView Metafile (old) | 9 | |
SVN | Solace Virtual Northstar disk image | 4 | |
SVP | Celestron's TheSky View Preferences | 9 | |
SVP | SvarDOS Package | 36 | |
SVQ | Roland MC-80 music sequence | 6 | |
SVQ | Roland XP-50 music sequence | 8 | |
SVQ | Roland music sequence (generic) | 7 | |
SVR | GoDot C64 Image Processing - Saver | 8 | |
SVS | Aperio ScanScope Virtual Slide | 3 | |
SVT | Solace Virtual Tape format 1 | 4 | |
SVW | Gemsylk graph | 7 | |
SW2 | SoftWrap license data | 10 | |
SWA | ShockWave Audio | 12 | |
SWAV | Nintendo DS Sound Wave | 7 | |
SWC | Flash Component distribution archive | 6 | |
SWD | Flash file with debug info | 9 | |
SWD/WLD | Settlers II map | 5 | |
SWD/STS | Storybook Weaver Deluxe for Windows Story (v2.00) | 76 | |
SWE | Sweet32 Executable binary | 6 | |
SWF | Macromedia Flash Player Compressed Movie | 16 | Alex Paven |
SWF | Macromedia Flash Player Movie | 41 | .Cryorb |
SWF | Macromedia Flash Player Movie (LZMA compressed) | 8 | |
SWF/SWFMOVIE | Macromedia Flash SWF/Scaleform GFX Video (uncompressed) | 2 | |
SWG | SWAG packet | 138 | |
SWI | HP Switch firmware | 6 | |
SWI | SID-Wizard Instrument | 324 | |
SWI | SWiSH Movie | 26 | |
SWI | SWiSHMax 3 movie | 117 | |
SWI | SWiSHMax 4 movie | 68 | |
SWI | SWiSHMax movie (generic) | 517 | |
SWIDTAG | SWID Tag | 9 | |
SWISH | Swish-e index | 38 | |
SWITCH | Switch secure package | 3 | |
SWM | SID-Wizard Module | 31 | |
SWM | SMIRT file | 12 | |
SWM | SupportWorks ESP Message | 11 | Dino Costa |
SWP | Vim swap data | 6 | |
SWS | PowerDesigner WorkSpace | 6 | |
SWS | SID-Wizard workfile (2SID) | 3 | |
SWS | ScreenWeaver Project | 7 | Alex Paven |
SWT | SID-Wizard workfile (3SID) | 4 | |
SWT | SelectWare Technologies archive | 2 | |
SX | Statistix data | 48 | |
SX2 | Propellerhead Reason NN-XT Patch | 6 | |
SXC | OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet | 20 | |
SXC | StarOffice Calc spreadsheet | 13 | |
SXD | StarOffice Drawing | 19 | Ryan Jones |
SXE | ProfiCAD drawing | 28 | |
SXE | ProfiCAD drawing (v4) | 5 | |
SXF | Saxon Publisher Font | 31 | |
SXG | Softdisk Crossword | 3 | |
SXG | Speccy eXtended Graphics bitmap | 3 | |
SXG | StarOffice Master document | 2 | Joerg Jenderek |
SXI | OpenOffice Impress presentation | 14 | |
SXI | StarOffice Impress presentation | 14 | |
SXIE | ShareX Image Effect | 25 | |
SXM | Nanonis SXM data | 2 | |
SXM | StarOffice Math document | 6 | |
SXW | OpenOffice Writer document | 30 | |
SXW | StarOffice Writer document | 16 | |
SXZ | Sxz hybrid vector/raster image | 8 | |
SY1 | Lotus SmartPic library | 5 | |
SYF | Artline Symbol File | 10 | |
SYL | GammaCAD Symbol Library | 11 | |
SYM | CADVANCE 2D symbol | 4 | |
SYM | CODESYS Symbols | 10 | |
SYM | CodeView 4 Symbolic debug information | 4 | |
SYM | DeLorme vector Symbol data | 2 | |
SYM | DeltaCad Symbol | 6 | |
SYM | FastFont Symbol Set | 28 | |
SYM | Harvard Graphics Symbols (v2.x) | 6 | |
SYM | Logitech Modula-2 Loadable Symbols (v1.x,2.x) | 70 | |
SYM | Logitech Modula-2 Loadable Symbols (v3.x) | 64 | |
SYM | Medusa/M4 2D CAD Symbol | 117 | |
SYM | Oberon V3 Symbol data | 115 | |
SYM | Oberon V4 Symbol data | 57 | Romiras |
SYM | PolyPlot Symbol | 17 | |
SYM | Quartus Symbols data | 518 | |
SYM | ST-CAD Symbol | 4 | |
SYM | SuperMap - AvisMap GIS SYMbol library | 9 | Kieran O'Donnell |
SYM | TMT Pascal for DOS Symbols | 14 | |
SYM | Turbo Modula-2 Symbol data | 85 | |
SYM | gEDA Symbol | 111 | |
SYMCACHE | Windows Symbol Cache | 31 | Stef |
SYMMOD | Symphonie Module | 13 | |
SYN | FL Studio SimSynth Preset | 343 | |
SYN | Sound Chip Synth patch | 10 | |
SYN | Synthesis module | 37 | |
SYN/SYNU | Synu bitmap | 2 | |
SYNCTEX | SyncTeX synchronization data (v1) | 19 | |
SYNMOD | SynTracker module | 16 | |
SYNW-COLORS | SynWrite Colors | 11 | |
SYNW-OUTPRESET | SynWrite Output Preset | 25 | |
SYNW-PROJ | SynWrite Project | 10 | |
SYNW-SESSION | SynWrite Session | 5 | |
SYNW-SNIPPET | SynWrite Snippet | 172 | |
SYP | Musicbox Sound | 31 | |
SYS | CyberAIDS infected Apple 2 executable | 2 | |
SYS | FreeDOS KEYBoard layout collection | 10 | Joerg Jenderek |
SYS | OS/2 device driver (LX) | 5 | Joerg Jenderek |
SYS | PS2 Icon | 2 | |
SYS | Punto 13 System | 2 | |
SYS | SPI scanner driver | 4 | |
SYS | SYSPACK compressed DOS SYS driver | 20 | |
SYS | ZSoft scanner driver | 12 | |
SYX | Korg SysEx preset command | 656 | |
SYX | MIDI Emulator Project SysEx preset command | 7 | |
SYX | Yamaha SysEx preset command | 228 | |
SZ | Snzip compressed (framing format) | 4 | |
SZ | Snzip compressed (framing2 format) | 4 | |
SZ | Sunzip compressed data | 4 | |
SZI | Smart Zoom Image format | 12 | |
SZIP | szip compressed data | 7 | |
SZP | Luigi's Mansion game data | 3 | |
SZT | Super ZZT Game Creation System data format | 11 | |
SZX | zx-state snapshot | 10 | |