Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
V/VIPS | VIPS bitmap | 5 | |
V | Verilog source code | 7 | |
V | Verilog source code (with pre) | 7 | |
V | Verilog source code (with rem 1) | 7 | |
V | Verilog source code (with rem 2) | 7 | |
V | Vicon animation data | 12 | |
V | Vista data format | 12 | |
V00 | Krez 3D ultrasound image | 6 | |
V12 | V12 Data Base Engine DB | 15 | |
V2D | Virtual ][ disk image | 2 | |
V3D | Vectric Cut3D model | 9 | |
V3D | Vissim 3D Vehicle model | 15 | |
V3D | Visualizer 3D project | 2 | |
V3M | Vector Art 3D Machinist model | 8 | |
V3O | Emergency 3D model | 33 | |
V4P | VVVV Patchlet | 763 | |
V4S | VistaPro Digital Elevation Map (v4) | 77 | |
V5D | Vis5D dataset object | 3 | |
V64 | Doctor V64 ROM dump | 4 | |
VA3 | GITADORA / Jubeat sounds archive | 37 | |
VAB | PlayStation Sound Source Data | 3 | |
VAD | VideoArchiv Data base (v3.0) | 7 | |
VAG | PlayStation single waveform data format (generic) | 6 | |
VAG | PlayStation single waveform data format (v3) | 2 | |
VAG | PlayStation single waveform data format (v6) | 2 | |
VAL | PV3D Value data | 4 | |
VAM | D-Link IP Camera video | 2 | |
VAN | VGAPaint 386 Animation | 4 | |
VAN | VGAPaint 386 Animation (with audio) | 2 | |
VAN | Video Animation file format | 2 | |
VAO-PATCH | Assetto Corsa Visual Patch | 16 | |
VAP | Annotated Speech audio | 13 | |
VAP | VoiceAttack Profile | 12 | |
VAR | Byline Variables | 2 | |
VAR | CanDo Variables/data container (v1) | 5 | |
VAR | Infinity Engine Variables | 2 | |
VAR | STOS Var data | 3 | |
VAULT | mSIGNA Vault | 10 | |
VAXL | Optonica Videostream VAXL video | 16 | |
VB | Beam Software SIFF video (VBV) | 8 | |
VBC | Beam Software SIFF video (FCP) | 4 | |
VBE | VBScript Encoded script | 19 | |
VBE | VBScript Encoded script (with rem) | 12 | |
VBF | Var Bitmap Font (generic) | 9 | |
VBF | Var Bitmap Font (v1) | 6 | |
VBF | Var Bitmap Font (v2) | 3 | |
VBF | Volvo Binary Format (v2.x) | 10 | |
VBIN | VBIN container | 2 | |
VBL | Virtual CD v4 log | 8 | kif aka AC |
VBM/BM | VDC BitMap (v2) | 3 | |
VBM/BM | VDC BitMap (v3) | 3 | |
VBM | Veeam Backup Metadata | 4 | |
VBM | Visual Boy Advance movie capture | 3 | |
VBM | WAP Bookmark info | 5 | |
VBO | VBOX data | 14 | |
VBOX/VBOX-PREV | VirtualBox machine definition | 60 | Ryan Jones |
VBP | VisualBasic Project (ActiveX DLL) | 10 | |
VBP | VisualBasic Project (Control) | 7 | |
VBP | VisualBasic Project (EXE) | 29 | |
VBP | VisualBasic Project (generic) | 18 | |
VBP | VisualBasic Project (v4.x) | 20 | |
VBP | VisualBasic Project (v4.x) (variant) | 7 | |
VBPROJ | Visual Studio Visual Basic Project | 16 | Ryan Jones |
VBR | GIMP parametric Brush | 35 | |
VBR | MSHeli Vbar data | 15 | |
VBX | Visual Basic eXtension/Custom Control | 80 | |
VC | Sonarc compressed VOC audio | 6 | |
VC | VisiCalc spreadsheet | 5 | |
VC | VisiCalc spreadsheet (alt) | 4 | |
VC3 | VSampler 3 soundbank | 3 | |
VC4 | Virtual CD v4 and older | 11 | kif aka AC |
VC6 | Ashlar-Vellum Part | 10 | |
VCA | Superscape Do 3D object | 1092 | |
VCD | Value Change Dump | 10 | |
VCD | Valve Choreography Data format | 40 | |
VCD | Visual CADD Drawing (v1.x) | 9 | |
VCD | Volkov Commander Directory tree info | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
VCDIFF | VCDIFF format | 10 | |
VCE | Homeworld: Cataclysm game data archive | 2 | |
VCE/V00 | MODiMOD Voice | 61 | |
VCE | Visual CertExam Simulator Exam | 13 | |
VCE | Yamaha Voice | 51 | |
VCEX | Visual CertExam Simulator Exam | 25 | |
VCF | Variant Call Format (txt) | 18 | |
VCF/VCARD | vCard - Business Card | 122 | Dr.Ryo(TM) |
VCF | vCard - Business Card (v2) | 35 | Joerg Jenderek |
VCF | vCard - Business Card (v3) | 487 | Joerg Jenderek |
VCF | vCard - Business Card (v4) | 2 | Joerg Jenderek |
VCG | VCG graph | 7 | |
VCL | Trimble project link | 9 | |
VCL | VeriCold data log | 3 | |
VCM | Interwise Participant Recorded WebCast | 20 | |
VCP | Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools Project | 10 | |
VCPROJ | Visual Studio .NET Visual C Project | 10 | |
VCPROJ | Visual Studio .NET Visual C Project (UTF-8) | 4 | |
VCR | Sports Car GT saved replay | 16 | |
VCR | VideoMaxe VCR | 3 | |
VCS | Visual CADD Symbol | 288 | |
VCT | Installer VISE Mac package (old) | 13 | |
VCW | Microsoft Visual C++ Workspace | 19 | |
VCW | Microsoft Visual C++ Workspace (with blank line) | 8 | |
VCW | Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools Workspace File (v3.00) | 6 | |
VCW | Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools Workspace File (v4.00) | 8 | |
VCXPROJ | Visual Studio Visual C++ Project | 4 | |
VCXPROJ | Visual Studio Visual C++ Project (UTF-8) | 405 | Ryan Jones |
VD | PLC Data | 5 | |
VD | STK Vector format | 6 | |
VD | Visual Designer project | 20 | |
VDA | VDA-FS CAD data exchange format | 27 | |
VDATA | Vaulty obscured | 4 | |
VDB | Dr.Web Anti-Virus Database | 18 | |
VDB | OpenVDB Volumetric Data | 16 | |
VDB | PC AntiVirus Virus DB update | 17 | |
VDB | VESA Display Identification File | 12 | |
VDB | VistaDB database | 4 | |
VDCL | VectorDraw Compressed VDML | 40 | |
VDEX | Validated Dalvik Executable | 15 | |
VDF | Avira AntiVir Virus Database | 8 | |
VDF | Steam install script | 7 | |
VDF | VirtualDub Filter Plug-in | 60 | |
VDI | VirtualBox Disk Image (Innotek) | 7 | |
VDI | VirtualBox Disk Image (Oracle) | 16 | |
VDI | VirtualBox Disk Image (QEMU) | 5 | Joerg Jenderek |
VDI | VirtualBox Disk Image (Sun old) | 4 | Joerg Jenderek |
VDI | VirtualBox Disk Image (Sun) | 5 | |
VDI | VirtualBox Disk Image (generic) | 24 | |
VDI | VirtualDub Debug Info | 11 | |
VDJSAMPLE | VirtualDJ audio Sample | 5 | |
VDK | BlueZone VT Display Keymap | 2 | |
VDK | Dragon VDK Disk image format | 2 | |
VDK | Ragnarok Online 2 game data archive | 2 | |
VDK | Requiem: Memento Mori game data archive | 2 | |
VDM | Microsoft Windows Defender Virus Definition Module | 131 | Joerg Jenderek |
VDML | VectorDraw VDML (generic) | 58 | |
VDO | Stardock Entertainment Video | 4 | |
VDO/VD | VDO video (v1) | 10 | |
VDO/VD | VDO video (v2) | 3 | |
VDO | VIDPAK / RATVID video | 13 | |
VDO/VDS | Xilam DERF video | 10 | |
VDOC | VinylMaster Documet | 10 | |
VDPROJ | Visual Studio Setup and Deployment Project | 5 | |
VDPROJ | Visual Studio Setup and Deployment Project (UTF-8) | 15 | |
VDR | HyperReader! Videodisc player Driver | 5 | |
VDR | VUIMAGE Video Driver | 18 | |
VDR | VirtualDub signpost | 2 | |
VDV | Magician vector/plotter driver | 10 | |
VDX | Visio Drawing XML | 13 | |
VEC | ENVI Vector template | 6 | |
VEC | OPAL Vector data | 6 | |
VEC | Red Sector Demo-Maker vector object | 19 | |
VED | Visionaire Studio project | 21 | |
VEF | Infinity Engine Visual Effect | 2 | |
VEG | Sony Vegas video project | 9 | |
VEGASWINDOWLAYOUT | Vegas Window Layout | 3 | |
VEK | MegaPaint Vector format | 2 | |
VEM | MM Video E-Mail | 4 | |
VEM | Sony Virtual Expander (v1.x) | 6 | Tyler Thorsted |
VEP | AVS Video Editor Project | 23 | |
VEW | Lotus Approach View | 32 | |
VEW | WarBirds airplane art | 30 | |
VEX | VGAPaint 386 module | 9 | |
VEX | VLBI Experiment | 27 | |
VEX | VLBI Experiment (with rem) | 9 | |
VF | TeX Virtual Font | 11 | |
VF | Vegas Movie Studio Project | 14 | |
VFB | FontLab Font | 12 | |
VFD | ERC Virtual Floppy Disk image | 2 | |
VFF | V9990 font format | 117 | |
VFL | VICE Flip List (Old) | 6 | |
VFL/LST | VICE FlipList (PETSCII) | 2 | |
VFL/LST | VICE FlipList (new) | 2 | |
VFM | Ventura Font Metrics | 5 | |
VFN | VGAPaint 386 Font | 5 | |
VFPROJ | Visual Studio Intel Fortran Project | 22 | |
VFS | Cargo! game data archive | 2 | |
VFS | GnomeVFS | 2 | |
VFT | VisiForm form | 18 | |
VFX | VideoFX2 Effect | 3 | |
VFZ | Webcam Video Effects pack | 9 | |
VG2 | VGM video | 10 | |
VGA | Lure of the Temptress game data archive | 4 | |
VGC | Compressed VGM music | 4 | |
VGE | VGM Music Maker module | 7 | |
VGF | V9990 Graphic Format | 3 | |
VGL | S2 Engine Vegetation | 11 | |
VGM | Video Game Music format | 11 | |
VGR | Ventura Publisher Graphics bitmap | 3 | |
VGS | Virtual Game Station memory card save game | 6 | |
VGX | VectorWorks web view | 6 | |
VGZ | VGZ video | 4 | |
VHD | Virtual PC Virtual HD image | 9 | |
VHD | Virtual PC Virtual HD image (dynamic) | 5 | |
VHD | Xilinx IP Core source (encrypted) | 3 | |
VHDL/VHD | VHSIC Hardware Description Language (with rem) | 30 | |
VHDX | Virtual HD image eXtended | 10 | Joerg Jenderek |
VHK | Vice HotKeys | 44 | |
VHO | Xilinx instantiation template | 20 | |
VI | ArcSoft VideoImpression project | 4 | |
VI | Jovian Logic VI bitmap | 8 | |
VI | LABView Virtual Instrument | 14 | |
VI | Xerox VI Project file | 6 | |
VIB | VMware vSphere Installation Bundle package | 19 | |
VIC/IMG | PDS image bitmap | 8 | |
VIC/VICAR/IMG | VICAR JPL image bitmap | 417 | |
VIC | Yamaha PSR-9000 custom voice (v1.0) | 18 | |
VID | Access Video | 2 | |
VID | Bethesda Softworks video | 5 | |
VID | Microsoft Video Driver | 5 | |
VID | Psygnosis Video | 12 | |
VID | Soul Hunt Video/cutscenes | 2 | |
VID | SplashID vID | 3 | |
VID | Surface Tension game video | 110 | |
VID | SymbOS VID video | 4 | |
VID | Video Creator CD32 project | 14 | |
VIEW | GOM 3D single View | 3 | |
VIEWLET | Qarbon Viewlet | 39 | |
VIF/VIFF/XV | Khoros Visualization Image File Format bitmap (v1.0) | 24 | |
VIF/VIFF/XV | Khoros Visualization Image File Format bitmap (v2.0) | 31 | |
VIIVO | Viivo encrypted | 15 | |
VIM | Vim syntax | 16 | |
VIN | MegaPaint VIN | 2 | |
VIP/FST | Flight Sim Toolkit Places | 24 | |
VIP | Husqvarna Viking/Pfaff Home Embroidery Format | 9 | FILExt |
VIP | Husqvarna Viking/Pfaff Home Embroidery Format (variant) | 2 | FILExt |
VIP | Magix Samplitude Virtual Project (old ver) | 15 | |
VIP | Magix Samplitude project | 15 | |
VIP | VIP Video | 5 | |
VIS | VIS bitmap | 4 | |
VIS | Visionaire Studio compiled adventure (generic) | 15 | |
VIS | Visionaire Studio compiled adventure (v3) | 11 | |
VIS | Visionaire Studio compiled adventure (v5) | 4 | |
VIS | Visionaire project | 6 | |
VISMAT | V-Ray Material (binary) | 150 | |
VISMATZIP | Zipped V-Ray Material | 15 | |
VIT/VITEC | VITec image format bitmap | 2 | |
VIV | Vividas video | 3 | |
VIV | Vivo streaming video | 20 | |
VIX | Acu4GL/AcuCOBOL Index | 25 | |
VIX | ViX images catalog | 12 | |
VIX | Vixen 2 Timed sequence | 40 | |
VIZ | Division dVS geometry | 36 | |
VJP | Visual J++ Project | 8 | |
VJSPROJ | Visual Studio J# Project (v7) | 12 | |
VJSPROJ | Visual Studio J# Project (v8) | 8 | |
VK | VisKit 3d model | 6 | |
VK3 | Keyence VK3 profilometry data | 3 | |
VK4 | Keyence VK4 profilometry data | 3 | |
VK6 | Keyence VK6 profilometry data | 3 | |
VKM | Vice Keyboard Mapping | 102 | |
VLA | Digistar II VLA geometry | 12 | |
VLAB | VisionLab Studio Project | 6 | |
VLB | MegaPaint Vector symbols Library | 2 | |
VLCL | VMware Localization | 8 | |
VLM | Ashlar-Vellum Drawing (generic) | 27 | |
VLM | Novell Netware Virtual Loadable Module | 30 | Joerg Jenderek |
VLM | Novell Netware Virtual Loadable Module (+message file) | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
VLR | Vlare slicer format | 3 | |
VLW | Processing Font | 7 | |
VLX | Visual LISP Application | 14 | |
VM | VideoMaster data | 2 | |
VM1 | Panasonic SD Voice | 5 | |
VMA | Proxmox Virtual Machine Archive format | 4 | |
VMC | The House of the Dead textures | 2 | |
VMC | Virtual PC virtual machine configuration | 6 | |
VMCX | Virtual Machine Shell Information | 6 | |
VMD | Optical Simulation Rendering VMD format | 4 | |
VMD | Sierra Video and Music Data video | 18 | |
VMD | VocalTec Media Descriptor | 12 | |
VMD | Vocaloid Motion Data | 4 | |
VMDK | (part of a) VMware 3 Virtual Disk | 6 | THE LoW |
VMDK | VMware 4 Virtual Disk (monolitic) | 6 | THE LoW |
VMDK | VMware 4 Virtual Disk (part of a split disk) | 7 | THE LoW |
VMDK | VMware 4 Virtual Disk description (generic) | 16 | |
VMDK | VMware 4 Virtual Disk description for split disks | 9 | THE LoW |
VMF | Covox Speech Thing audio sample | 6 | |
VMF | GFX9000 Movie Format | 7 | |
VMF | Valve Map Format | 17 | |
VMF | VocalTec Media File | 10 | |
VMG | Nokia Saved SMS | 18 | |
VMG | Nokia Saved SMS (Unicode) | 14 | |
VMLF | Sony Picture Motion Browser Film roll | 13 | |
VMLT | Sony Picture Motion Browser video data | 4 | |
VMO | Emergency people animation data | 12 | |
VMP | VideoMach Project | 5 | |
VMP | VideoMaxe Preset | 2 | |
VMS | Hamamatsu Virtual Microscope Specimen | 14 | |
VMS | Sega Visual Memory System image | 60 | |
VMT | Valve Material Type | 10 | |
VMU | Hamamatsu Uncompressed Virtual Microscope Specimen | 3 | |
VMV | VirtuaNES movie capture | 3 | |
VMX | VMware configuration | 4 | |
VMX | VMware configuration (Unix like ver.) | 15 | |
VMX | VMware configuration (alternate) | 14 | |
VMXF | VMware supplemental team member configuration | 9 | |
VNT | Sony Ericsson Mobile Phone Note | 14 | |
VO | CA Visual Objects sys atom table | 3 | |
VOB | VOB video files | 6 | Joystick |
VOB | Vue D'Esprit 4 Object | 16 | Alex Paven |
VOC | Creative Voice audio | 87 | |
VOC | RCA digital voice recorder audio | 5 | |
VOI | Help Reader Voice info | 5 | |
VOICES | Music-X Voices | 6 | |
VOL | A-10 Tank Killer game data archive | 7 | |
VOL | Dalet Volume info | 3 | |
VOL | E4M encrypted volume | 3 | |
VOL | E4M encrypted volume (old) | 2 | |
VOL | EarthSiege 1/2 game data archive | 17 | |
VOL | FHWA TMAS Traffic Volume data | 103 | | NEW! |
VOL | Libvol Volume | 9 | |
VOL | NETGEN Volume format | 16 | |
VOL | Red Baron 3D game data archive | 3 | |
VOL | SFS encrypted volume | 2 | |
VOL | Starsiege Tribes game data archive | 4 | |
VOL | Starsiege game data archive | 159 | |
VOL | XtraDrive FAT | 4 | |
VOR | StarOffice template (generic) | 166 | |
VORT | Very Ordinary Raster file format bitmap | 2 | |
VOT | VOTable | 16 | |
VOX | AGS audio data | 11 | |
VOX | Dialogic VOX (telephony) encoded audio | 14 | |
VOX | MagicaVoxel file format | 23 | |
VOX | MagicaVoxel model | 585 | |
VOX | VoxWare MetaVoice encoded audio | 10 | |
VOXAL | Voxal voice effect | 4 | |
VP | VOCPACK lossless compressed audio | 26 | |
VP | VOCPACK lossless compressed audio (v2) | 2 | |
VP | Volition Package game archive data | 2 | |
VP3 | VP3 sewing machine file | 21 | |
VP4 | Husqvarna PREMIER+ embroidery format | 2 | |
VP5 | On2 TrueMotion VP5 video | 11 | |
VP6 | VP6 encoded video | 8 | Peter Cox |
VPD | Vocaloid Pose Data | 4 | |
VPDB | VIP Organizer DB | 21 | |
VPJ | SlickEdit project | 14 | |
VPJ | VideoPad project | 8 | |
VPK | PlayStation Vita Application Package | 15 | |
VPK | Valve Package (v1) | 14 | |
VPK | Valve Package (v2) | 5 | |
VPK | Vampire Engine MageSlayer game data archive | 3 | |
VPL | Marten section | 47 | |
VPL | Vice Palette | 96 | |
VPM | Garmin Voice Processing Module | 10 | |
VPM | Garmin Voice Processing Module (encrypted) | 17 | Joerg Jenderek |
VPM | Vox Proxy Macro | 3 | |
VPN | Shrew VPN configuration | 24 | |
VPO | MegaPaint VPO | 2 | |
VPP | VisionPro Job | 8 | |
VPP | Visual Paradigm Project | 9 | |
VPP | Volition Package - Red Faction game data archive | 2 | |
VPROJ | VSDC Video Editor Project | 9 | |
VPT | Visual Pinball Table | 36 | |
VPU | Avast setup-update package | 10 | |
VPX | Marten Project | 40 | |
VPX | VPX1 video | 27 | |
VQA | Vector Quantized Animation video | 5 | |
VQA | Westwood VQA multimedia format | 10 | |
VQF | TwinVQF audio | 18 | James Heinrich |
VRF | Ventrilo audio recording | 5 | |
VRMANIFEST | SteamVR Manifest | 7 | |
VRMAT | V-Ray Material (XML) | 42 | |
VRO | DVD Video Recording format | 5 | |
VRO | StatCrew Roster | 20 | |
VROMFS | War Thunder game data container | 2 | |
VRP | VX-REXX Project | 10 | |
VRS | VICE Rom Set | 17 | |
VRS | WordPerfect Video Resource | 10 | Joerg Jenderek |
VRSCENE | V-Ray Scene | 27 | |
VRT | GDAL Virtual Format (raster) | 200 | |
VRT | GDAL Virtual Format (vector) | 10 | |
VRT | Superscape Do 3D Template | 11 | |
VRY/VRW | VX-REXX windows/object info | 27 | |
VS4UFRQ | UTAU VocalShifter | 462 | |
VSB | VSampler Sound Bank | 3 | |
VSC | Daikatana game data | 84 | |
VSC | Jedor data (generic) | 5 | |
VSC | Viscosity animation/bitmap (v1.5) | 6 | |
VSCN | VSDC Video Editor Scene | 10 | |
VSCT | Visual Studio Command Table configuration (XML) | 8 | |
VSD | Microsoft Visio Drawing (generic) | 111 | |
VSD | Visio Drawing (old) | 4 | |
VSDISCO | DISCO Dynamic Discovery file | 14 | |
VSDX | Visio 2013 drawing | 8 | |
VSET | Voyager - The Dynamic Sky Simulator Settings | 40 | |
VSF | VCL Style (v2.0) | 9 | |
VSF | ViPlay Subtitle Format | 5 | |
VSF | Vice Snapshot File | 2 | |
VSF | Xenosaga Sound bank | 7 | |
VSG | Kingsoft Antivirus data | 14 | |
VSGLOG | Visual Studio Graphics Analyzer Log | 8 | |
VSHOW | Presentation Master slide Show | 18 | |
VSIX | Visual Studio Extension | 11 | |
VSIXMANIFEST | VSIX Manifest (2010) | 11 | |
VSIXMANIFEST | VSIX Manifest (2011) | 9 | |
VSIXMANIFEST | VSIX Manifest (2011) (UTF-8) | 7 | |
VSK | Vikon Skeleton template | 21 | |
VSMACROS | Microsoft Visual Studio binary macro project | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
VSMETA | Video Station Metadata (v1) | 16 | |
VSMETA | Video Station Metadata (v2) | 10 | |
VSN | Opcode Vision project | 5 | |
VSP | Neophyte VSP | 128 | |
VSP | VideoStudio Project | 12 | Tyler Thorsted |
VSP3 | OpenVSP v3 Model | 146 | |
VSPAERO | VSPAERO input data | 10 | |
VSPS | Visual Studio analyzed Performance report | 4 | |
VSPX | Visual Studio Performance report data | 5 | |
VSQ | Vocaloid Sequence | 21 | Kyosuke Aoki |
VSQX | Vocaloid 3D Project | 9 | |
VSR | Visual Sciences Resource | 3 | |
VSS | Microsoft Visio Stencil | 112 | |
VSSETTINGS | Visual Studio Settings | 10 | |
VST | Microsoft Visio Template | 76 | |
VST | Truevision Vista Graphic bitmap | 21 | |
VSTEMPLATE | Microsoft Visual Studio project template | 12 | |
VSTEMPLATE | Microsoft Visual Studio project template (Unicode) | 7 | |
VSTO | Visual Studio Tools for Office add-in | 9 | |
VSTPRESET | VST Preset | 7 | |
VSTSOUND | Steinberg VST Sound library | 116 | Joerg Jenderek |
VSZ | Visual Studio wizard | 13 | |
VT | Vic-Tracker module | 11 | |
VT2 | Vortex Tracker 2 chiptune | 86 | |
VTD | VisualTools VT Spell Dictionary | 5 | |
VTD | XVT-Draw drawing | 5 | |
VTF | Valve Texture Format | 1035 | Timse |
VTHB | VTK XML HierarchicalBoxDataSet | 6 | |
VTHOUGHT | Visual Thought diagram | 26 | Andrew Stawowczyk Long |
VTI | VTK XML Image data | 120 | |
VTK | VTK XML format (generic) | 364 | |
VTK | Visualization Toolkit format (ASCII) | 18 | |
VTK | Visualization Toolkit format (binary) | 26 | |
VTM | VTK XML MultiBlockDataSet | 4 | |
VTP | VTK XML PolyData | 208 | |
VTP | VisionTools Pro-e source | 45 | |
VTR | VT Data Storage | 5 | |
VTR | VTK XML Rectilinear grid | 5 | |
VTR | VTrucco disk image | 2 | |
VTS | VTK XML Structured grid | 42 | |
VTS | Visual Tools Spreadsheet | 8 | |
VTT | Web Video Text Tracks | 107 | |
VTU | VTK XML Unstructured grid | 96 | |
VTX | Vortex Tracker (AY) chiptune | 132 | |
VTX | Vortex Tracker (YM) chiptune | 10 | |
VUE | Vue D'Esprit 4 Scene File | 6 | Alex Paven |
VUZE | Vuze link | 7 | |
VV | virt-viewer configuration | 4 | |
VVC | Infinity Engine spell casting fx (v1.0) | 2 | |
VVD | Valve Studio Model Vertex Data | 12 | |
VVD | Z/Install forms/Dialogs | 14 | |
VVP | Icarus Verilog VVP format | 19 | |
VVP | Icarus Verilog VVP format (with Shebang) | 14 | |
VVR | Virtus VR scene | 108 | |
VVV | VVV Virtual Volume View database | 11 | LKO |
VVVVVV | VVVVVV map | 9 | |
VW2 | Lotus Magellan Viewer (v2.x) | 42 | |
VWF | CADVANCE drawing | 33 | |
VWF | Quartus Waveform simulation | 17 | |
VWF | Vioso warp/blend data | 2 | |
VWL | Vuforia Word List | 8 | |
VWP | Presto! VideoWorks Project (v6) | 4 | |
VWR | Lotus Magellan Viewer (v1.x) | 16 | |
VWX/MCD | VectorWorks Drawing (generic) | 52 | |
VWX | VectorWorks Drawing (v12.x) | 6 | |
VX | Actimagine Video | 2 | |
VX/Z3 | VX CAD/CAM model / ZW3D model (old) | 7 | |
VX2 | Space Engineers Voxel map (Cell, ungzipped) | 5 | |
VX2 | Space Engineers Voxel map (Octree, ungzipped) | 13 | |
VXD | VXD Driver | 340 | |
VXL | Voxel Animation | 5 | |
VXL | Voxlap voxel data | 2 | |
VXM | vTask Studio script | 4 | |
VXP | Maui Runtime Environment application (Zlib packed) | 56 | |
VYM | VYM Mind Map | 4 | |
VZ | VZ200/300 image (type F0) | 9 | |
VZ | VZ200/300 image (type F1) | 14 | |
VZM | Verizon Messages backup | 14 | |
VZT | Verilog/VHDL Zipped Trace | 5 | |
VZW | Vizact 2000 Wizard | 5 | |