Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
K01/K02/K03/KEY | Raima Data Manager Key (v3.x) | 14 | |
K25 | Kodak DC25 Digital Camera image | 11 | |
K64 | Kernal64 save state | 11 | |
K7 | DCAlice tape image | 13 | |
K7 | DCMO5 emulator tape image | 5 | |
K7 | DCMO6 emulator tape image | 20 | |
K7 | DCMOTO emulator tape image | 229 | |
K7 | DCMOTO emulator tape image (old) | 26 | |
K7 | DCVG5K tape image | 147 | |
KA | Karma Asset | 6 | |
KADF | KetabeAvval Data Format | 2 | |
KAL | Hondata K-Manager Calibration data | 9 | |
KAM | KAMAS Outline | 7 | |
KAM | Reflections camera | 4 | |
KAP | MapInfo Sea Chart | 9 | |
KAR/MID | Karaoke MIDI | 186 | |
KAR | PolyPlot card data | 17 | |
KARBON | Karbon drawing | 12 | |
KAT | Katorzer music | 2 | |
KATE-SWP | K Advanced Text Editor swap data | 7 | |
KAW | Karma Workspace | 4 | |
KB | Apricot Keyboard layout | 15 | |
KBD | QAPlus Keyboard Map | 6 | |
KBD | TAG Keyboard table | 11 | |
KBDX | 3DS MAX keyboard shortcuts (XML) | 8 | |
KBE | KbdEdit Export(ed) layout | 13 | |
KBX/KBX~/KB_ | GPG Keybox database | 11 | Joerg Jenderek |
KCF | Key Home Gourmet Cookbook | 2 | |
KCF | KeyCAD Complete drawing | 15 | |
KCF | KiSS CEL color palette | 29 | |
KCF | Sony Ericsson remote control configuration | 7 | |
KCH | K-Chess saved game | 5 | |
KCH | KChess saved match | 8 | |
KCL | KTuner Configuration/settings | 3 | |
KCM | KonyvCalc file | 4 | |
KCT | KCemu tape image | 3 | |
KCW | KeyCAD Deluxe for Windows drawing (v3.x) | 2790 | |
KCW | KeyCAD Deluxe for Windows symbol (v3.x) | 2719 | |
KCX | Kea Coloring Book page | 17 | |
KD1 | ProHance Mouse Keys Definition table | 47 | |
KDB | Doobs database | 1 | Miguel Vanhove |
KDB/KDBX | KeePass Password Safe database | 8 | |
KDB | Kinetica data | 8 | |
KDB | Kudo Data Base catalog | 62 | |
KDC | Kaspersky Anti-Virus signature bases | 2048 | xoxmodav |
KDC | Kodak Digital Camera RAW image (DC serie) | 13 | |
KDC | Kodak Digital Camera RAW image (EasyShare serie) | 24 | |
KDELNK | KDE desktop Link | 6 | |
KDENLIVE | Kdenlive project | 41 | |
KDEVPRJ | KDevelop Project | 14 | |
KDEVPRJ | KDevelop Project (with rem) | 8 | |
KDEVSES | KDevelop Session | 10 | |
KDH | KDH document | 22 | |
KDH | ProHance Mouse Keys Definition table | 27 | |
KDLG | KTuner Diagnostic Log | 2 | |
KDS | KD Player Skin | 6 | |
KDV | Comanche Video Data archive | 2 | |
KDV | Novalogic KDV Video (new) | 27 | |
KDX | Google Earth import definition | 5 | |
KDZ | LG smartphone firmware archive | 20 | |
KE1 | db_VISTA keys | 4 | |
KEA | KEA Image | 4 | |
KEGS | KEGS configuration | 3 | |
KES | Kurzweil 3000 document | 6 | |
KEXI | Kexi database | 4 | |
KEY | ASCII armored RSA Private Key | 16 | |
KEY | ED editor Keys definitions | 3 | |
KEY | H-BEDV - AVIRA product key | 6 | |
KEY | IBCards Key (v1.0.x) | 2 | |
KEY | IDA serial key | 2 | |
KEY | Infinity Engine resource directory (v1) | 10 | Sam. |
KEY | JAY MSA registration key | 2 | |
KEY | Juno client license Key | 2 | |
KEY | Kaspersky Anti-virus for DOS license Key (v3.x) | 4 | |
KEY | Kaspersky Lab Key file | 6 | |
KEY | KeyCAD drawing (v1.x) | 389 | |
KEY | Keynote presentation | 15 | |
KEY | OpenSSL PEM private key | 5 | Joerg Jenderek |
KEY | QBX (MS Basic 7.x) Editor keyboard definition | 4 | |
KEY | Quick Pascal Keyboard map | 5 | |
KEY | RAR registration data | 2 | |
KEY | SSH/SECSH Public Key File Format | 6 | |
KEY | Smp2Mp3 encryption Key | 7 | |
KEY | Suncom F-15E Eagle Keys config | 2 | |
KEY | Thunderbyte registration Key | 2 | |
KEYBOARD | SuperJAM! Keyboard | 9 | |
KEYLAYOUT | Mac OS installable Keyboard Layout | 7 | |
KEYLAYOUT | Mac OS installable Keyboard Layout (UTF-16 BE) | 3 | |
KEYRING | Gnome Keyring encrypted binary format | 2 | |
KEYSTORE | Gnome Keyring Store | 6 | |
KF | NetImmerse animation | 55 | |
KFA | Voxlap Frame Animation | 5 | |
KFG | Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine keys configuration | 11 | |
KFM | Gamebyro KFM data | 7 | |
KFN | KaraFun Karaoke Song | 23 | |
KFN | Kreed Font | 16 | |
KFP | Adobe Acrobat Preflight Profile | 14 | |
KFR | Kalles Fraktaler parameters | 43 | |
KFR/KGR/KIT/KSP/KUK | Simulmondo localized game strings | 5 | |
KFX | Amazon Kindle File Format 10 eBook | 3 | |
KFX | Kofax Group 4 bitmap | 6 | |
KGB | KGB Archiver compressed archive | 10 | Edgaras |
KGB | KGB Archiver compressed archive (old) | 2 | |
KGB | Kremlin Encrypted File | 10 | mishka |
KGM | Krita Gamut Mask | 7 | |
KI | Klystrack Instrument | 23 | |
KICAD_DRU | KiCad Design Rule | 9 | |
KICAD_MOD | KiCad Module | 505 | |
KICAD_MOD | KiCad footprint library | 12860 | |
KICAD_PCB | KiCad PCB | 52 | |
KICAD_PRL | KiCad Project Local settings (JSON) | 13 | |
KICAD_PRO | KiCad Project (JSON) | 71 | |
KICAD_SCH | KiCad Schematic | 14 | |
KICAD_SYM | KiCad Symbol library | 227 | |
KICAD_WKS | KiCad Work sheet | 12 | |
KID | Fullscreen Construction Kit bitmap (460x274) | 10 | |
KID | Kidproof settings (v1.0) | 18 | |
KID | Kidspiration document | 15 | |
KID | Kingsoft Antivirus component install info | 9 | |
KIF/KIFF | Kt Interchange File Format compressed bitmap | 14 | |
KIK | FL Studio bass drum preset | 52 | |
KIL | Fullscreen Construction Kit bitmap (456x274) | 2 | |
KIN | Kinemage protein language | 26 | |
KIT | Fullscreen Construction Kit bitmap (448x274) | 2 | |
KIT | MixPad drum Kit | 4 | |
KIT | Native Instruments Battery drumKit | 3 | |
KITSP | KIT Scenarist script | 10 | |
KK3 | Kaleidoscope Kreator 3 workspace | 7 | |
KKSRC | KDE Plasma Keyboard Shortcut Settings | 10 | |
KLA | KLARFF map-data | 6 | |
KLC | Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator source (UTF-16-BE) | 7 | |
KLC | Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator source (UTF-16-LE) | 21 | |
KLD | KbdEdit dead table | 5 | |
KLIP | KlipFolio Klip | 27 | |
KLQ | Kaspersky Anti-Virus quarantined | 60 | xoxmodav |
KMAP | BeebEm Keymap | 4 | |
KMAP | Music-X Keymap | 6 | |
KML | Emu48 keyboard configuration | 9 | Renan |
KML | Google Earth network link | 12 | |
KML | Google Earth placemark | 6 | |
KML | Google Earth placemark (Unicode) | 7 | |
KML | HP8x emulator Layout script | 6 | |
KMN | Keyman keyboard source | 129 | |
KMN | Keyman keyboard source (with rem) | 17 | |
KMP | IBM i (Client) Access Keyboard Map | 6 | |
KMP | Kandinsky Music Painter music | 11 | |
KMP | Knowledge Master Concept Map | 14 | |
KMP | Korg Trinity/Triton multisample | 516 | |
KMP | Mario Kart Wii course description | 2 | |
KMPROJECT | KineMaster Project | 18 | |
KMY | KMyMoney XML data (decompressed) | 4 | |
KMZ | Google Earth saved working session | 13 | |
KN5 | Assetto Corsa game data | 156 | |
KNT | KeyNote notes | 2 | |
KNW | Live For Speed Knowledge AI data | 2 | |
KOA | Koala Paint (C64) bitmap | 8 | |
KODU | Kodu game world | 14 | |
KOE | Koepac audio archive | 7 | |
KOE | RealLive Engine resource data | 2 | |
KOM | KOM game data archive | 2 | |
KOO | Molecule 3D Coordinates (v2.x) | 4 | |
KOTLIN_ | Kotlin info (generic) | 298 | |
KP | KeyKit Page | 4 | |
KP | WinOLS MapPack | 4 | |
KPJ | Keyman Project | 147 | |
KPJ | Keyman Project (UTF-8) | 5 | |
KPL | Kazaa Playlist | 25 | Joystick |
KPP | Kid Pix Presentation | 6 | |
KPP | Krita Paint Op Preset | 97 | |
KPR | KOffice KPresenter Presentation | 6 | |
KPS | IBM KIPS bitmap | 3 | |
KPS | Keyman developer Package Source | 56 | |
KPS | Keyman developer Package Source (UTF-8) | 3 | |
KPX | Kid Pix project | 30 | |
KQP/PIC | Pegasus PIC bitmap | 40 | |
KQP/PIC | Pegasus PIC2 bitmap | 37 | |
KR1/KRZ | Kurzweil K2-serie sample | 25 | |
KRA | HiCAD 3D Assembly Data | 8 | |
KRA | Krita document | 17 | |
KRAW | kRAW Audio Stream | 3 | |
KRC | Chinese KuGou ResourCe (KuGou Music lyric) | 608 | fengdaolong |
KRD | Autonics KRN1000 series log | 4 | |
KRIS | Kris Tracker / ChipTracker song/module | 2 | |
KRISTAL | KRISTAL Audio Engine project | 11 | |
KRK | Karaoke track info | 22 | |
KRL | SSH Key Revocation List | 2 | |
KRN | LightWave 3D convolution Kernel | 4 | |
KRO | Kolor Raw image format | 2 | |
KRO | Prisoner Of Ice game data archive | 2 | |
KRP | KRadio Preset | 945 | |
KRS | KrisCards card/template | 25 | |
KRT | klickTel Routenplanner route | 3 | |
KSC | Korg Trinity/Triton script | 3 | |
KSD | Native Instruments Massive Sound | 4 | |
KSE | Krita SeExpr script | 6 | |
KSF | KMPlayer Skin File | 9 | |
KSF | Korg Trinity/Triton sample | 3182 | |
KSG | Kingsoft Antivirus data | 13 | |
KSL | Karaoke Song List Creator song list | 3 | |
KSM | Kefrens-Sound Machine song/module | 2 | |
KSM | Ken's Adlib Music | 41 | |
KSP | KISSSlicer Project | 9 | |
KSP | KeyShot Package | 8 | |
KSS | KGen98 Save State | 2 | |
KSS | KSS music format dump | 89 | |
KSS | KSSX music format dump | 6 | |
KSV | KOLEKO Save state | 5 | |
KSV | Kheops Studio Video | 4 | |
KSY | Kaitai Struct language | 9 | |
KSY | Kaitai Struct language (with rem) | 14 | |
KT | Klystrack chiptune | 17 | |
KT3 | Battery 3 Drum Kit | 5 | |
KTF | Kundo smart card exchange Format | 2 | |
KTN | KToon project | 4 | |
KTP | Kaleidoscope Kreator 3 Template | 2 | |
KTR | Kettle Transformation | 205 | |
KTS | KT-Tech compressed audio | 4 | |
KTX | Khronos Texture (generic) | 6 | |
KTX | Khronos Texture (v1.1) | 2 | |
KTX/KTX2 | Khronos Texture (v2.0) | 5 | |
KTZ | Kahootz Project | 12 | |
KV | Kv design language | 7 | |
KV6 | Voxlap voxel sprite | 163 | |
KVA | KVIrc Addon | 4 | |
KVK | Keyman Virtual Keyboard | 83 | |
KVT | KVIrc Theme | 48 | |
KVTML | KWordQuiz learning file | 13 | |
KW3 | KanjiWORD document | 6 | |
KWC/KWZ | Nintendo 3DS Flipnote Studio 3D video | 3 | |
KWD | 3D Construction Kit 2 World Data (Amiga) | 3 | |
KWD | KWord document | 11 | |
KWK | KwikDraw drawing (v1.x) | 8 | |
KWK | KwikDraw drawing (v2.x) | 7 | |
KWK | KwikDraw drawing (v3.x) | 6 | |
KWL | Krita Window Layouts | 6 | |
KWO | KeyWallet Object - encrypted data | 8 | |
KWS | KeyWallet Skin | 4 | |
KWS | Krita Workspace | 11 | |
KX | KiXtart tokenized script | 17 | |
KX | KiXtart tokenized script (with password) | 18 | |
KXF | Koda Form Designer Form | 22 | |
KXR | Cyberstep game data format | 2 | |
KXS | Kexis lossless compressed audio | 2 | |
KYG | KYG bitmap | 12 | |
KZ | KuaiZip compressed archive | 14 | fengdaolong |