RIFFStrip is a simple utility for removing the RIFF-WAVE header from,
for ex., a .MP3 file contained in a WAV file. It process all the chunks
chain on the WAV file, and should work correctly with any type of audio
stream: MP3, AC3, etc.
If the WAV file is a normal WAV-PCM, the output file will be a RAW-PCM.
Usage is very simple. Just supply the file name of a WAV file, to obtain
a corresponding file with the added extension ".stripped".
F:\t>riffstrip test.wav
RIFFStrip v1.02b - (C) 2003-06 Marco Pontello
WAVE header found!
Found chunk: [fmt ]
Found chunk: [fact]
Found chunk: [data]
Stripped file: test.wav.stripped
Stripping completed!