Marco Pontello's Home Page
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(Last updated: 23/03/25)



Here's a list of programs, tools and utilities developed in the years.
Some are recent and lively projects, some others have been stopped some times ago.

This page works as a quick summary and download links. See the individuals page for the details.

Name                Version       Platform/OS       Last update       Download      
 TrID  2.24  Win32  04/04/16  47KB ZIP - (PGP sig)
 TrID  2.24  Linux/x86  04/04/16  357KB ZIP - (PGP sig)
 TrID  2.24  Linux/x86-64  04/04/16  421KB ZIP - (PGP sig)
 TrIDUpdate  1.10  multiplatform  03/03/2017  1KB ZIP
 TrID defs pack  23/03/25  2289KB ZIP
 TrID.NET  1.95  .NET  26/01/16  32KB ZIP - (PGP sig)
 SendMex  1.10b  .NET  03/05/03  3KB ZIP
 PEDu  1.40b  Win32  10/07/07  19KB ZIP
 BDllScan  1.03  Win32  30/03/04  14KB ZIP
 MiniDumper  1.07  Win32  16/05/08  17KB ZIP
 Twin  1.50  DOS  14/09/04  44KB ZIP
 LeakOut  1.03  Win32  03/01/05  10KB ZIP
 PFCEx  1.10  Win32  30/01/08  15KB ZIP
 BitmapRip  1.08  Win32  20/02/07  24KB ZIP
 BitmapRip  1.07b  Linux/x86  09/05/06  28KB ZIP
 BubbleRand  1.12  multiplatform  18/05/20  2KB ZIP
 mpcABX  1.00  multiplatform  11/05/13  1KB ZIP
 HdRen  1.02  multiplatform  23/02/14  1KB ZIP
 SeqBox  1.0.1  multiplatform  16/04/17  31KB ZIP

Name                Version       Platform/OS       Last update       Download      
 JFLua  0.86  Win32  02/03/04  28KB ZIP
 EPScan  0.51b  Win32  28/11/04  17KB ZIP
 TBClamWin  1.03  Win32  11/08/07  14KB ZIP
 DogLua  0.61b  Win32  22/09/05  196KB ZIP
 tBDW  1.02  Win32  29/03/07  13KB ZIP

Programming tools
Name                Version       Platform/OS       Last update       Download      
 PBTracer  0.35b  Win32  01/11/04 Soon!

Audio related
Name                Version       Platform/OS       Last update       Download      
 RIFFStrip  1.02b  Win32  24/05/06  12KB ZIP
 RIFFStrip  1.02b  Linux/x86  24/05/06  19KB ZIP
 MPCBitsGUI  0.36b  .NET  30/12/03  9KB ZIP

Core Wars
Name                Version       Platform/OS       Last update       Download      
 XRK  1.50.1  DOS  23/04/12  291KB ZIP
 XRK/32  N/A  Win32  27/05/03  73KB ZIP
 XRK (storica!)  1.36  DOS  21/11/01  318KB ZIP


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by ChangeDetect

The .NET software require Win 98/ME/NT/2K/XP and the .NET Framework installed, or Mono in one of the various supported platforms.